Fauci is no good: somehow got imposed on Trump, evidently by Jews who fund Trump


Guest Columnist
Dr. Anthony Fauci is continuing Obama’s mission to cripple America and turn it into a vaccine police state

Sunday, April 05, 2020 by: Mike Adams

Link: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-04...uing-obamas-mission-vaccine-police-state.html

[see vids at site link, above]

(Natural News) Former President Barack Obama had a mission for America: Destroy it!

And he pursued that “sleeper cell” mission for eight years, whipping up racial tensions, turning America against law enforcement, socializing the medical system and even allowing people like Joe Biden to transfer classified military secrets to China in exchange for financial kickbacks that were laundered through Ukraine.

As we’ve previously warned, Obama also allowed China to steal the Pentagon’s US military personnel records. He even allowed Iran to “capture” a US military drone and a Navy boat, all as part of a grand scheme to make sure Iran acquired US communications encryption hardware. If that weren’t enough, Obama then laundered billions of dollars through international banks to fund Iran’s nuclear weapons program, all while lying to America and claiming the “Iran nuclear deal” would block Iran’s nuclear ambitions (it did precisely the opposite, enabling the program and funding it).

See the full details of Obama’s treason in this broadcast video:

Barack Obama is a treasonous traitor who used his eight years in the White House to try to destroy America and enrich its enemies. Now, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who worked as one of the top-level operatives inside the NIH during the Obama years, is attempting to complete the work that Obama started.

The Dr. Fauci suicide pact for America

In the last few days, Dr. Fauci has demanded that the entire nation remain locked down until every last infection is snuffed out. He wants the entire population to remain in quarantine lockdowns, in other words, until no more new infections are detected across the entire country. This is an impossible standard to achieve and would likely result in the whole country being locked down for a year or more, utterly destroying what’s left of the US economy.

It should be no surprise this was always part of the plan to destroy personal health freedom and roll out a medical police state run by vaccine zealots. Dr. Fauci is a puppetmaster for the vaccine industry and claims nothing can stop the virus except a non-existent vaccine. As part of the NIH, Dr. Fauci helped funnel hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer money into the biological weapons / vaccine industry (it’s the same industry, just two different faces). He’s currently downplaying hydroxychloroquine + zinc, a combination that has so far achieved an astonishing cure rate among coronavirus patients, because he’s trying to position his buddies in the vaccine industry to reap windfall profits from whatever vaccine they come up with, which will of course be heralded as the savior of humankind.

Until the vaccine is ready, Dr. Fauci wants to keep everybody locked in their homes, perhaps for an entire year to come. As Tucker Carlson correctly observers, this is tantamount to “national suicide.”

Tucker Carlson launches attack on Tony Fauci, but also says "to be clear we are not attacking Tony Fauci" pic.twitter.com/ebmORdxVgE

— Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) April 4, 2020

Dr. Anthony Fauci is a dishonest vaccine propagandist who has previously claimed that MMR vaccines don’t cause encephalitis. This is, of course, a flat-out lie that Dr. Fauci continues to push in order to bury the truth about the dangers of vaccines. See this video clip:

Now, Dr. Fauci is spearheading the push for nationwide vaccines, infection tracking and surveillance, and seemingly endless house arrest, a form of nationwide imprisonment that will only be lifted when you are vaccinated (at gunpoint) by an authoritarian government run by the medical police state. This is the end game for the vaccine industry: Turn you into a prisoner until you submit to be jabbed with their dangerous toxins that could contain anything from heavy metals to aborted human fetal tissue.

Imprisoning Americans in their own homes is just another way to destroy America from within. While the nation might be able to recover from a 1-2 month lockdown that halts the exponential replication of the virus, it cannot survive the seemingly never-ending lockdowns that Dr. Fauci is recklessly demanding.

Dr. Fauci’s “vaccine greed” will be the destruction of America, if we are foolish enough to follow his catastrophic demands.

Dr. Fauci won’t dare mention zinc, vitamin D or anything that works, for fear the coronavirus might be stopped before the vaccine is available

Ultimately, Dr. Fauci is actively working to suppress information about lifesaving treatments and cures such as hydroxychloroquine and zinc, along with other immune-boosting nutritional solutions like vitamins C and D. Dr. Fauci doesn’t want the coronavirus to be defeated until the vaccine comes along, so low-cost treatments are being ignored or trashed. It’s all part of his narrative to shape the story line so that vaccines will be the hero and vaccine mandates will be forever enshrined in US law.

That’s the goal: Turn the United States into a Big Pharma-run medical police state, where anyone who opposes vaccines is criminalized, arrested and silenced, communist China style.

Dr. Fauci has a communist mindset. He’s a liar and a tyrant, and his ultimate goal here is to see the coronavirus inflict maximum pain, suffering and death across America so that he can engineer a “vaccine coup” and portray himself as the savior of the nation. Sadly, President Trump played right into Fauci’s hands by denying the severity of the virus for far too long, allowing it to replicate to the point where over a hundred thousand Americans might die this year alone. That plays into the contrived narrative of the vaccine zealots who see mass death as their greatest opportunity to push vaccine mandates and steamroll “anti-vaxxers” who question vaccine safety.

If we let the vaccine tyrants win, America will be lost and the people will be left to suffer and die in order to protect an industry of death and destruction (the vaccine industry).

What’s the solution? End the lockdowns with these four powerful tools:

I believe we could end the lockdowns by putting four simple things in place:

1) Everybody needs to wear a mask.

2) Everybody takes zinc + vitamin D.

3) Hydroxychloroquine must be made widely available to treat serious patients. (And possibly Ivermectin.)

4) The government must start testing asymptomatic people to identify stealth carriers.

With those four things, we could simultaneously defeat the coronavirus while ending the lockdowns, all without waiting around for a vaccine that might prove more dangerous than the epidemic itself.

Yet because of Trump’s lack of understanding, we now have pro-Trump people claiming they refuse to wear masks, because they won’t be “enslaved” like China. That’s foolish. Wearing a mask is the quickest way to help defeat the globalists by halting the coronavirus. Wearing a mask is an act of rebellion against the slavers who hope to keep the coronavirus spreading.

The globalists want America to be destroyed. They want the pandemic to spread, and they want maximum infections and deaths in the USA. To stop their agenda, we need everyone to take zinc and vitamin D while wearing masks (in public) and practicing safe social distancing. That’s how we end this as soon as possible and get America back to work and back on track.

Watch and share this important mini-documentary so that we can defeat the Obama-Fauci “death agenda” to destroy America and get this nation back on track.

Peter Navarro Explodes At Fauci In Heated Showdown Over Hydroxychloroquine

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/health/pe...aucci-heated-showdown-over-hydroxychloroquine

by Tyler Durden
Sun, 04/05/2020 - 23:25

White House economic adviser got into a massive argument with the coronavirus task force's Anthony Fauci over the doctor's ongoing resistance to the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19, despite reports of the drug's widespread efficacy.

Via Axios:

•Numerous government officials were at the table, including Fauci, coronavirus response coordinator Deborah Birx, Jared Kushner, acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf, and Commissioner of Food and Drugs Stephen Hahn.

•Behind them sat staff, including Peter Navarro, tapped by Trump to compel private companies to meet the government's coronavirus needs under the Defense Production Act.

According to the report, towards the end of the meeting Hahn began a discussion of the commonly used malaria drug hydroxychloroquine - which was recently rated the 'most effective therapy' for coronavirus according to a global survey of more than 6,000 doctors.

After Hahn gave an update on various trials and real-world use of the drug, Navarro got up and dropped a stack of folders on the table to pass around.

According to Axios's source, "the first words out of his [Navarro's] mouth are that the studies that he's seen, I believe they're mostly overseas, show 'clear therapeutic efficacy,'" adding "Those are the exact words out of his mouth.

Fauci - who's not got his own Twitter hashtag, #FireFauci - began pushing back against Navarro, repeating his oft-repeated contention that 'there's only anecdotal evidence' that the drug works against COVID-19.

Navarro exploded - after Fauci's mention of anecdotal evidence "just set Peter off." The economic adviser shot back "That's the science, not anecdote," while pointing to the stack of folders on the desk, which included the results of studies from around the world showing its efficacy.

Here's what unfolded next, via Axios:

Navarro started raising his voice, and at one point accused Fauci of objecting to Trump's travel restrictions, saying, "You were the one who early on objected to the travel restrictions with China," saying that travel restrictions don't work. (Navarro was one of the earliest to push the China travel ban.)

•Fauci looked confused, according to a source in the room. After Trump imposed the travel restrictions, Fauci has publicly praised the president's restriction on travel from China.

•Pence was trying to moderate the heated discussion. "It was pretty clear that everyone was just trying to get Peter to sit down and stop being so confrontational," said one of the sources.

•Eventually, Kushner turned to Navarro and said, "Peter, take yes for an answer," because most everyone agreed, by that time, it was important to surge the supply of the drug to hot zones.

•The principals agreed that the administration's public stance should be that the decision to use the drug is between doctors and patients.

•Trump ended up announcing at his press conference that he had 29 million doses of hydroxychloroquine in the Strategic National Stockpile.

According to a source familiar with the coronavirus task force, "There has never been a confrontation in the task force meetings like the one yesterday," adding "People speak up and there's robust debate, but there's never been a confrontation. Yesterday was the first confrontation."

Meanwhile, 37% of 6,227 doctors across 30 countries felt the drug was the "most effective therapy" out of 15 options in treating coronavirus, according to a poll reported by the Washington Times.

The drug has been prescribed in 72% of cases in Spain, 49% in Italy, 41% in Brazil, 39% in Mexico, 28% in France, and 23% in the USA. Overall, 19% of physicians have prescribed the drug for high-risk patients, and 8% for low-risk patients.

More from the Sermo poll (via the Washington Times)


Sermo CEO Peter Kirk called the polling results a “treasure trove of global insights for policy makers.”

“Physicians should have more of a voice in how we deal with this pandemic and be able to quickly share information with one another and the world,” he said. “With censorship of the media and the medical community in some countries, along with biased and poorly designed studies, solutions to the pandemic are being delayed.”

The survey also found that 63% of U.S. physicians believe restrictions should be lifted in six weeks or more, and that the epidemic’s peak is at least 3-4 weeks away.

The survey also found that 83% of global physicians anticipate a second global outbreak, including 90% of U.S. doctors but only 50% of physicians in China.

On average, U.S. coronavirus testing takes 4-5 days, while 10% of cases take longer than seven days. In China, 73% of doctors reported getting rest results back in 24 hours.

In cases of ventilator shortages, all countries but China said the top criteria should be patients with the best chance of recovery (47%), followed by patients with the highest risk of death (21%), and then first responders (15%).
Fauci Fun Facts: Dr. Fauci's AIDS Predictions Were Also WAY OFF THE MARK

2 minute

Link: http://www.hideoutnow.com/2020/04/fauci-fun-facts-dr-faucis-aids.html

Dr. Anthony Fauci, current director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at NIH, in 1984. (Science Speaks)

** Dr. Fauci claimed that AIDS might be transmissible by “routine close contact.” (May 5, 1983, issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association). (Michael Fumento, The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS, p. 237).

** Dr. Fauci claimed that ten percent of the HIV/AIDS infected would be heterosexual—more than two and half times the rate – four percent – it actually was.

** On February 15, 1987, then conservative columnist George Will said to Dr. Fauci that HIV/AIDS was principally a homosexual affliction and that it was not exploding and Fauci quickly replied, “That’s not correct. The percentage of individuals who have gotten AIDS by heterosexual transmission is about four percent now. It is projected that that number will be up in 1991 to about 10 percent.”

This ten percent claim was a standard talking point of his. “We expect 10 percent of U.S. AIDS to be heterosexually transmitted by 1991,” he said, citing, Scientific References, Group I: The Epidemiology of AIDS. HIV/AIDS in the heterosexual community has never been more than four percent.

Which brings us to today–

NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci is amassing quite a record these past three months.

** In January Dr. Anthony Fauci told Newsmax TV that the United States did not have to worry about the coronavirus.
Now, three months later, he wants to shut down every state!

** Dr. Fauci warned of an apocalyptic pandemic and later compared the coronavirus to a bad flu.

** Dr. Fauci based all of his predictions on models and then told reporters this past week, “You can’t really rely on models.”

And on March 20th Dr. Fauci “corrected” the president during a press briefing on hydroxychloroquine saying, “You got to be careful when you say ‘fairly effective.’ It was never done in a clinical trial… It was given to individuals and felt that maybe it worked.”

Aaron Rupar

· Mar 20, 2020

Replying to @atrupar

REPORTER: You said you would only invoke the Defense Production Act in a worst-case scenario, and now you're saying you're invoking it. So it's a worst-case scenario?

TRUMP: "No. It's no different, other than we need certain equipment."

Aaron Rupar


Dr. Fauci quickly corrects Trump's misstatements about hydroxychloroquine

10:05 PM - Mar 20, 2020

** Exactly two weeks later hydroxychloroquine has been deemed the most highly rated treatment for the novel coronavirus in an international poll of more than 6,000 doctors.
Dr. Anthony Fauci Plotted ‘Global Vaccine Action Plan’ with Bill Gates Before Pushing COVID Panic and Doubts About Hydroxychloroquine Treatments

Is this why Fauci has been so skeptical of hydroxychloroquine?

Link: https://bigleaguepolitics.com/dr-an...d-doubts-about-hydroxychloroquine-treatments/

Published 1 day ago on Apr 6, 2020
By Shane Trejo

Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has become a beloved doom prophet fomenting mass hysteria among the American public amidst the coronavirus pandemic, once worked with technocratic oligarch Bill Gates on his “Global Vaccine Action Plan.”

Activist reporter Mike Coudrey drew attention to this fact on his Twitter account in a post from Sunday:

Dr. Fauci served a leadership role on the “Global Vaccine Plan” through partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.

Naturally, he’ll push back against the Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin treatment and instead opt for a patented vaccine. pic.twitter.com/FCkOIAsHW2

Latest: Texas Governor Greg Abbott Debunks “Fake News” Regarding Medical Resources in Dallas

— Mike Coudrey (@MichaelCoudrey) April 6, 2020

The “Global Vaccine Action Plan” was announced in 2010 as a public-private partnership of the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

“This plan will build on the successes of current work to achieve key milestones in the discovery, development and delivery of lifesaving vaccines to the most vulnerable populations in the poorest countries over the next decade,” WHO wrote in their press release about the project.

As the NIAID director, Fauci helped guide the vaccine-pushing project as a member of its Leadership Team. He was joined by other globalist kingpins including Anthony Lake, Executive Director for UNICEF; Margaret Chan, Director General of WHO; Joy Phumaphi, Chair of the International Advisory Committee and Executive Secretary, African Leaders Malaria Alliance; and Tachi Yamada, President of Global Health at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The project was designed to assemble some of the most powerful globalist actors on the planet and encourage them to conspire on ways to peddle vaccines throughout the world.

“The Global Vaccine Action Plan will enable greater coordination across all stakeholder groups – national governments, multilateral organizations, civil society, the private sector and philanthropic organizations — and will identify critical policy, resource, and other gaps that must be addressed to realize the life- saving potential of vaccines,” WHO wrote in their press release about the scheme.

Fauci has been the primary voice in the Trump administration urging the public to be skeptical of hydroxychloroquine, a possible miracle treatment for coronavirus. Fauci has remained a critic of hydroxychloroquine despite indications that it can be effective in helping the afflicted recover from the disease.

“No. The answer is no,” Fauci said last month after he was asked about whether or not there was any evidence showing that hydroxychloroquine can be effective in treating the coronavirus.

When it became clear that hydroxychloroquine can be effective in treating the coronavirus, Fauci walked back his comments.

“Although there is some suggestion with the study that was just mentioned by Dr. Oz, granted that there is a suggestion that there is a benefit there, I think we’ve got to be careful that we don’t make that majestic leap to assume that this is a knockout drug,” Fauci said during an appearance on “FOX & Friends” last week.

Fauci may be trying to halt the use of hydroxychloroquine as part of the “Global Vaccine Action Plan” that he plotted many years ago. Gates has already talked about digital tracking implants being tagged into people’s skin for authorities to enforce their vaccination schedule. Fauci could be serving as a bureaucratic enabler of Gates’ sociopathic Big Brother ambitions.
Why Did Fauci Cheer Use Of 'Untested' Drug For Coronavirus In 2013... But Now He's Skeptical

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/health/wh...ested-drug-coronavirus-2013-now-hes-skeptical

by Tyler Durden
Tue, 04/07/2020 - 23:00

Authored by Victor Rantala via BizPacReview.com,

It’s been found that seven years ago, Dr. Anthony Fauci expressed that he was encouraged by lab tests involving a combination of drugs that included hydroxychloroquine in antiviral experiments on a SARS-like coronavirus that had emerged at the time.

Some observers are seeing that as puzzling...

Fauci, NIAID director and current Coronavirus Task Force rock star, has long been widely looked to as the nation’s ultimate authority on infectious diseases. As such, his record and history of public comments are especially subject to scrutiny and critiques at a time such as the current societal upheaval sweeping the globe.

An ongoing point of contention being amplified by the media is Fauci’s cautious present-day perspective on the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19, while so many others are eager to embrace the encouraging indicators of its potential effectiveness against today’s novel coronavirus.

"We don't have to start designing new drugs," a process that takes years, Fauci says. "The next time someone comes into an emergency room in Qatar or Saudi Arabia, you would have drugs that are readily available. And at least you would have some data."

"Even though the treatment hasn't gone through definitive trials, Fauci says, "if I were a physician in a hospital and someone were dying, rather than do nothing, you can see if these work."

Fauci, now so sour on hydroxychloroquine (+/- azithro) for covid19, despite its clinical promise, gushed in 4/2013 when a coronavirus [MERS] antiviral combo [ribavirin /interferon-alpha)] tested “only in cells in lab dishes” prevented viral replication! https://t.co/c9aN1b0nvZ pic.twitter.com/KBTLDUeIUW
— Andrew Bostom (@andrewbostom) April 4, 2020

President Trump has repeatedly expressed his hope for hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), even as Fauci has been careful to temper Trump’s enthusiasm for the drug’s prospects.

Dr. Fauci quickly corrects Trump's misstatements about hydroxychloroquine pic.twitter.com/Piim1PQSdh
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 20, 2020

FAUCI: "The president feels optimistic about something -- his feeling about it." pic.twitter.com/wNzgV7P6EF
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 20, 2020

On Friday, Fauci provided a nuanced explanation of his views on HCQ as a coronavirus treatment when he appeared on “Fox & Friends.”

Brian pushes back, saying civilians & drs in some countries are taking HCQ for coronavirus, and wondering if people already on it are getting the virus. Fauci says "we really don't care" if people *think* it works, "that's not the issue," & we should protect those already on it. pic.twitter.com/iPDDBLDhRV
— Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) April 3, 2020

The Fox News hosts directed Fauci’s attention to a recent Sermo poll of more than 6000 physicians in 30 countries in which 37 percent rated HCQ as the “most effective therapy” in treating the novel coronavirus.

“We don’t operate on how you ‘feel,'” Fauci commented, pointing out that the survey measured feelings or opinions.

“We operate on what evidence is and data is.”

“Fox & Friends” also played a clip of Dr. Mehmet Cengiz Öz directly asking for Fauci’s thoughts about HCQ’s promise as suggested in a “Chinese study from Wuhan, reflecting statistically significant improvement in recovering from fever, from cough, and from pneumonia as well.”

“That was not a very robust study,” Fauci replied. “It is still possible that there is a beneficial effect, but the study that was just quoted, on a scale of strength of evidence, that’s not overwhelmingly strong. It’s an indication, a hint of it.”

He added:

“So although there is some suggestion that there is a benefit there, I think we’ve got to be careful that we don’t make that majestic leap to assume that this is a knockout drug. We still need to do the kinds of studies that definitively prove that any intervention, not just this one, but any intervention is truly safe and effective.”

“But when you don’t have that information,” the doctor added, “it’s understandable, and I grant that … it’s understandable why people may want to take something anyway, even with the slightest hint of it being effective, and I have no problem with that.”

The 79-year-old Fauci has served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, having served under six U.S. presidents, beginning with Ronald Reagan.
It’s now clear that Fauci is trying to DEPRIVE America of a coronavirus cure

Tuesday, April 07, 2020 by: Ethan Huff

Link: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-04-07-fauci-trying-to-deprive-america-of-coronavirus-cure.html

(Natural News) Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) task force head Dr. Anthony Fauci doesn’t want Americans taking hydroxychloroquine, or chloroquine, to treat the virus, and many people are wondering why not?

One of them is White House economic advisor Peter Navarro, who reportedly exploded at Fauci the other day for trying to downplay the benefits of this extremely inexpensive generic drug for malaria, while emphasizing the alleged superiority of some future vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) that doesn’t even exist yet.

Even though hydroxychloroquine is shaping up to be the most effective weapon in the arsenal – at least from a pharmaceutical perspective – for treating this coronavirus, Fauci isn’t having any of it. And that’s because, as he’s now proven, he works for Big Vaccine and not for the American people.

During a recent roundtable, which was reportedly attended by Wuhan coronvirus (COVID-19) response coordinator Deborah Birx, Jared Kushner, acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf, and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) acting commissioner Stephen Hahn, Navarro passed out folders containing data on the benefits of hydroxychloroquine.

According to Navarro and what he passed out, the studies he’s seen, mostly from overseas, show that this malaria drug shows “clear therapeutic efficacy” against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), and it can be procured for just pennies per dose.

Almost immediately, Fauci began pushing back against Navarro’s claims, stating that “there’s only anecdotal evidence” that hydroxychloroquine works against COVID-19. This “just set Peter off,” according to one of the others who was present, prompting Navarro to explain that “science, not anecdote” shows that hydroxychloroquine does, in fact, work against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

Listen below to The Health Ranger Report as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, talks to Dr. Eduard Fatakhov about how to beat the coronavirus through nutrition:

Navarro also called out Fauci for opposing Trump’s early travel restrictions

In his heated rant against Fauci’s nonsense, Navarro went on to chastise Fauci for being one of the earliest voices to oppose President Donald Trump’s early travel restrictions with China, emphasizing that Fauci had claimed that “travel restrictions don’t work.”

The group ended up agreeing that the best path forward is to get the drug to the “hot zones” because it does help, and to allow patients to make the decision whether or not to use hydroxychloroquine themselves with the guidance of their physicians.

During a recent press conference, President Trump also indicated that he had ordered 29 million doses of hydroxychloroquine to be placed into the Strategic National Stockpile.

“There has never been a confrontation in the task force meetings like the one yesterday,” claimed a source about Navarro’s outburst at Fauci. “People speak up and there’s robust debate, but there’s never been a confrontation. Yesterday was the first confrontation.”

When polled about the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine, about 37 percent of some 6,227 doctors in 30 countries indicated that it is currently the “most effective therapy” that they have at their disposal. This is compared to at least 14 other potential treatment options that are currently available.

A whopping 72 percent of COVID-19 cases in Spain have had hydroxychloroquine prescribed, while almost half of all cases in Italy have had the drug prescribed. Hydroxychloroquine is also being used in about 41 percent of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Brazil, 39 percent of cases in Mexico, 28 percent of cases in France, and 23 percent of cases in the United States.

Overall, almost 20 percent of physicians are now prescribing hydroxychloroquine for their high-risk patients, while a mere eight percent are prescribing it for their low-risk patients.

To keep up with the latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), be sure to check out Pandemic.news.

Sources for this article include:


Dr. Fauci’s Plandemic: Coronavirus Fear Campaign

Link: https://newswithviews.com/dr-faucis-plandemic-coronavirus-fear-campaign/

By George Lujack|April 9th, 2020

Mounting evidence has emerged confirming that the Coronavirus fears being fed to the American public and the world are a well-orchestrated, planned, crisis exercise event.

A video has emerged of Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the lead spokesperson for Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force, in which he states, “There will be a surprise outbreak.” The recording is from a speech he gave at Georgetown University on January 10, 2017, just ten days before Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. Based on the timing of Dr. Fauci’s statement, it can be surmised that a planned epidemic was the Deep State’s “nuclear option,” if all other efforts failed in removing President Trump from office.

“Fauci,” an Italian name, translated into English, means “jaws.” America’s Constitutional freedoms are literally being held in the jaws of this wannabe Mussolini, Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Can it really be true, that all the news coverage about Coronavirus being broadcast 24/7 is a well-orchestrated fear campaign? Yes. The same Democrat Party and leftist mainstream media that gave us “Russian collusion,” and “the Ukrainian phone call worthy of impeachment,” are the same Deep State operatives and their puppets who are now spreading unwarranted fears about Coronavirus that has about as much chance of killing a healthy person as the common cold or flu virus. This fear campaign however, is not limited to the Deep State, it is much broader in scope. This Coronavirus campaign is being perpetrated by the globalist elites in an effort to stop the independent nationalist movements in the U.S. (President Trump), and in the U.K. (Brexit) for the purpose of keeping the Western nations united under centralized government, the New World Order.

During President Trump’s term, many liberals have gone on record stating that they hope the economy crashes, so that it will make Trump look bad.

The Coronavirus fear campaign has worked in America. Many sheople are living in fear. The fear campaign has done something quite remarkable; it has separated the lions from the sheep, the Constitutional patriots from those willing to surrender their liberties for a false sense of security. Incredibly, the land of the free and the home of the brave is not living up to its namesake.

The fake news media would have you believe that the nation’s hospitals are being overwhelmed with Coronavirus cases. Alternative independent citizen journalists are revealing that the leftist mainstream media is wildly exaggerating Coronavirus statistics and is flat out lying about overcrowded hospitals. Independent citizen journalists have revealed that even in Manhattan, New York City’s “crisis epicenter,” where it has been reported that hospitals are overwhelmed with hordes of people lining up to be tested, that this is not the case at all (5:30 mark video).

The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.

The mainstream media has a tendency to overhype events. Every hurricane is reported to be a deadly storm with the potential to kill us. Many people live in hurricane proof homes and the media would still have you believe that you need to flee for your lives when every hurricane approaches. What is the point of buying and living in a hurricane proof home, if every time a storm comes, you flee?

FUZZY MATH… The Coronavirus is not a hoax; it is a real disease. However, an overhyped fear and hysteria campaign and an exaggerated Coronavirus death toll are being perpetrated on the American public by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). People die every year. Many deaths in 2020 are being ATTRIBUTED to Coronavirus, but not all of these deaths are being CAUSED by Coronavirus.

FOLLOW THE MONEY… Government officials, the CDC, hospital administrators, doctors, and many others are in on the Coronavirus fear campaign and exaggerated sick and death toll deception. Coronavirus Task Force team members Dr. Deborah Birx and Dr. Anthony Fauci both sit on boards that have received billions of dollars from Bill Gates’ foundation. Gates is an advocate for a public lockdown during the Coronavirus outbreak and is a proponent of introducing vaccines to combat Coronavirus and future diseases. Gates was dismissive of a treatment for the Coronavirus, Chloroquine, which in trials has shown to be 100% effective in treating Coronavirus. Gates stated in an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, “There’s no magic drug for Coronavirus right now. Let me put it into perspective for the viewers. There has been anecdotal non-proven data that it [Chloroquine] works… but when you have an uncontrolled trial you can never definitely say that it works.”

Well of course Bill Gates does not want Chloroquine to work as an effective treatment and cure for Coronavirus. Chloroquine is a CONFLICT OF INTEREST with Gates’ agenda to push his vaccines on the public.

There is little evidence to suggest that the lockdown has slowed down the spread of the Coronavirus at all. In the warm weather state of Florida, beaches have been closed and people have been ordered to stay indoors, unless going out for essentials. Since the Coronavirus cannot live without a host in temperatures above 79 degrees, staying indoors in Florida may actually preserve the life of Coronavirus, while going outdoors in warm weather would safely kill it, while not enabling it to be transmitted to other people.

On a biblical side note, the Coronavirus outbreak should cause Christians to understand that unclean creatures have not been made clean in the New Testament. The law of clean and unclean creatures (Genesis 1:20, Leviticus 11, and Deuteronomy 14) remains in effect. Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China, from what is known as their ”wet food market.” Unclean creatures such as snakes, rats, pigs, dogs, cats, and bats are slaughtered, prepared, and sold for human consumption in Wuhan’s wet market. Human handling and consumption of unclean creatures is the root cause of many of the world’s preventable diseases and virus outbreaks. Until humanity ceases to slaughter and eat unclean creatures, these health crisis pandemics will remain in the world.

PSALM 140:1-5 (NKJV):
Deliver me, O Lord, from evil men; preserve me from violent men, who planevil things in their hearts; they continually gather together for war. Theysharpen their tongues like a serpent; the poison of asps is under their lips. Keep me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked;preserve me from violentmen, who have purposed to make my steps stumble.The proud have hidden asnare for me, and cords; they have spread a net by the wayside;they have settrapsfor me.

Before President Trump was sworn into office, the Deep State was determined to remove him and end his America First agenda for the American people. When Russian collusion failed, followed by an alleged Ukrainian aid withholding impeachment sham, they launched their “nuclear option,” which was creating a Coronavirus epidemic fear campaign to quarantine the general public and destroy the economy. The CDC posted job offers for the position of “Public Health Advisor (Quarantine Program)” on November 15, 2019, fully a month before Covid-19 was first detected. Faced with a tidal wave of a frenzy of fear that was created when Coronavirus was first reported on, President Trump had no choice but to go along with the CDC experts’ advice and lockdown the country.

JOHN 19:1,12 (NKJV):
So then Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him. …
From that point on Pilate sought to release Him, but the Jews cried out, saying, “If you let this Man go, you are not Caesar’s friend.

President Trump now stands at a defining moment of his presidency and America’s future hangs in the balance. Having scourged America with a lockdown of businesses and restrictions placed upon American people’s Constitutional liberties, in order to appease the Deep State, the CDC, and the leftist mainstream media mobs, Trump must now once again confront his enemies. The CDC and the leftist mainstream media are advocating that the country shut down for months, and some are suggesting that we shut down the country for years. It is clear that the Deep State, the Democrats, and their operatives are politicizing the Coronavirus outbreak in order that it can be used to transform the United States into a socialist / communist nation, whether or not Trump remains president.

President Trump is either going to placate the socialist hordes and allow American freedom and capitalism to be crucified, or he is going to stand up to the socialist enemies within, get America running again, and keep America great.

President Trump needs to deliver his version of, “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself,” speech, to alleviate the Coronavirus fears gripping many in the nation. President Trump also needs to understand, if he doesn’t already, that many of the people he is working with, even those on his own Coronavirus Task Force, are not looking out for the best interests of the American people. Dr. Fauci has made many wild unsubstantiated claims about the Coronavirus, which has spread unwarranted fear among the American public.

The American people elected Donald J. Trump as their president, not Dr. Fauci of the CDC. It is time for President Trump to step up and say, “You’re fired!” to Dr. Fauci. The American people elected President Trump to drain the swamp, not work with the dark forces of the Deep State. Now is the time to pray for President Trump, that he is strengthened to fight the Deep State enemy, that he puts an end to the fear that plagues America, and that he finds the right words to once again lead America to greatness.
Fauci on US after coronavirus: No shaking hands ‘ever again’

By Dom Calicchio | Fox News

Link: https://www.foxnews.com/health/fauci-on-us-after-coronavirus-no-shaking-hands-ever-again

Dr. Fauci: 'Starting to see glimmers of hope'

'There's been a stabilization and decrease in hospitalizations,' says Dr. Anthony Fauci providing an update on the fight against coronavirus

Americans would be smart to carry some lessons with them into the future after the nation’s coronavirus crisis is over, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci.

“One of them is absolute compulsive hand-washing,” Fauci, a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, said Wednesday during a Wall Street Journal podcast.

“The other,” he added, “is you don't ever shake anybody's hands. I don't think we should ever shake hands ever again, to be honest with you.”


The Brooklyn, N.Y.-born Fauci, 79, who has been director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, then explained the potential benefits of ending what has long seemed an innocuous gesture of courtesy and friendship — one that grew, according to one theory, from a way of conveying that neither party was carrying a weapon, according to History.com.

“Not only would [ending handshakes] be good to prevent coronavirus disease, it probably would decrease instances of influenza dramatically in this country," Fauci said.

The doctor likely has an ally in President Trump on the idea of ending the handshake custom.

Over the years, Trump has made numerous references to his disapproval of handshaking, calling the practice “barbaric,” “disgusting,” “very, very terrible,” and “one of the curses of American society,” Politico reported in March.

Trump also discussed his abhorrence during a 1999 interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.

“I happen to be a clean-hands freak,” Trump said at the time. “I feel much better after I thoroughly wash my hands, which I do as often as possible.”

Meanwhile, Fauci has been predicting a gradual return to a somewhat normal pre-coronavirus America.

On Tuesday, he predicted the U.S. would be able to reopen schools in the fall, so long as the public continues to cooperate with disease mitigation measures.

In late March he was also optimistic that sporting events could resume once the U.S. hits the downside of the outbreak trajectory.

“We can start thinking about some degree of normality when the country as a whole has turned that corner and starts going down, so you can pinpoint cases instead of getting overwhelmed like New York City,” Fauci said.

But the key to restoring as much normalcy as possible for the U.S. is the development of an effective vaccine for coronavirus, Fauci has said.

Fauci said Sunday that people must be prepared for a resurgence next year, which is why officials fighting the pandemic are pushing for a vaccine and clinical trials for therapeutic interventions so “we will have interventions that we did not have” when this started.

He also warned that emerging from a pandemic is an undertaking that is difficult to predict.

"It isn't like a light switch, on and off," he said during the podcast.
Ron Paul: Trump Should Fire Dr. Fauci; He Wants ‘To Have Total Control Over The People’

Congressman warns that liberty shouldn’t need ‘a stamp of approval from the government’

Steve Watson | Infowars.com - April 10, 2020 157 Comments

Link: https://www.infowars.com/ron-paul-t...-wants-to-have-total-control-over-the-people/

Former Congressman Ron Paul has called on President Trump to fire Dr. Anthony Fauci, the administration’s senior scientific advisor on the coronavirus task force.

Paul, who has regularly expressed his reservations over allowing the government to enforce a lockdown, says Fauci needs to be stopped before he is given “total control” over the American people.

“He should be fired, but if you don’t do it in the literal sense, the people have to fire him,” Paul said, adding “They have to fire him by saying ‘he’s a fraud.’”

“The plan that they have is when things are getting back to normal, people can return to their work, and they do things, and go to the golf course if they get a stamp of approval,” Paul continued.

“Your liberties are there if you get a proper stamp from the government. It’s an excuse to have total control over the people,” Paul urged.

Fauci Should Be Fired

If Not By Trump, Then By The American People

Watch the whole show: https://t.co/R0BxsKHghJ pic.twitter.com/s66hlzgPrK

— Ron Paul (@RonPaul) April 9, 2020

Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said this week that Americans probably should never shake hands again.

“When you gradually come back, you don’t jump into it with both feet. You say, what are the things you could still do and still approach normal? One of them is absolute compulsive hand-washing. The other is you don’t ever shake anybody’s hands.” Fauci told the Wall Street Journal.

“I don’t think we should ever shake hands ever again, to be honest with you. Not only would it be good to prevent coronavirus disease; it probably would decrease instances of influenza dramatically in this country,” Fauci added.

Through the Bill Gates Foundation and their loyalists, globalists have taken the reigns of government from president Trump

Fauci, who has warned that the virus could kill up to 200,000 Americans, previously said that the United States will not come out of lockdown until there are no “new cases” of coronavirus.

It was an about turn from the doctor’s earlier downplaying of the virus, when he initially claimed that COVID-19 was comparable to a bad flu.

Some have warned that Fauci, as well as his task force colleague Dr. Deborah Birx, both have questionable big money conflicts of interest where solutions to the coronavirus pandemic are concerned.
Fauci: Coronavirus immunity cards for Americans are 'being discussed'

The proposal, already being implemented by German researchers, is under consideration in the United Kingdom and Italy.

Link: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/...ards-for-americans-are-being-discussed-178784

Fauci: Coronavirus immunity ID card 'might actually have some merit'

04/10/2020 09:15 AM EDT
Updated: 04/10/2020 01:22 PM EDT

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, revealed Friday the federal government is considering issuing Americans certificates of immunity from the coronavirus, as the Trump administration works to better identify those who have been infected and restart the U.S. economy in the coming weeks.

"You know, that's possible," Fauci told CNN's "New Day," when asked whether he could imagine a time when people across the country carry such forms of identification.

"I mean, it's one of those things that we talk about when we want to make sure that we know who the vulnerable people are and not," he said. "This is something that's being discussed. I think it might actually have some merit, under certain circumstances."

The proposal is contingent upon the widespread deployment of antibody tests which the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration are in the process of validating in the the U.S., Fauci said.

"Within a period of a week or so, we're going to have a rather large number of tests that are available" to the public, he added.

The development of a comprehensive antibody testing system represents the next phase of the administration's efforts to reopen the country and begin reintegrating essential workers such as health care providers and first responders back into society.

Although coronavirus testing thus far has been able to determine if an individual has an active infection, antibody tests report whether an asymptomatic person was previously infected but has since recovered, potentially allowing them to return to their jobs.

"As we look forward, as we get to the point of at least considering opening up the country, as it were, it's very important to appreciate and to understand how much that virus has penetrated the society," Fauci said.

Immunity certificates are already being implemented by researchers in Germany and have been floated by the United Kingdom and Italy, the most recent epicenter of the global outbreak in Europe.

In parts of China, citizens are required to display colored codes on their smartphones indicating their contagion risk. The controversial surveillance measure facilitated earlier this week the end of the lockdown of Wuhan, the city in China's central province of Hubei where the novel coronavirus first emerged.

Asked Thursday about various methods of monitoring Americans who have come into contact with those who are infected, Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said "people are looking at all the different modern technology that could be brought to bear to make contact tracing more efficient and effective."

"Are there more, if you will, say, tech-savvy ways to be more comprehensive in contact tracing versus the old fashioned way? You know, currently, these things are under aggressive evaluation," Redfield told NPR.
Dr. Fauci Has a Major Conflict of Interest

Yesterday, 14:30

Link: https://forums.armchairgeneral.com/...750-dr-fauci-has-a-major-conflict-of-interest

Follow the money trail..

Anthony Fauci, America’s most-listened-to medical professional on the coronavirus, and apparently on all the political, economic, cultural and social precautions every man, woman and child in the nation should take on the coronavirus, has just warned what cooler-head coronavirus watchers have suspected all along: that this country may never, no never, go back to normal.

Never, that is, Fauci suggested, until a vaccine is developed. And by logical extension, that’s to say — never, until a vaccine is developed that must then be included on the required list of shots for all children to attend school.

What great news for Big Pharma.

What great news for Bill Gates who just announced his foundation is going to spend billions of dollars to help build factories for seven possible coronavirus vaccine makers. “Spend” is probably the wrong word here. Invest is more like it.

After all, Gates, first and foremost, is a businessman. A billionaire businessman who made his billions in Microsoft and who just left his billion-dollar Microsoft enterprise to pursue other matters — specifically, to “serve humanity,” is how the Economic Times put it, in a March headline.

For a taste of how he’s already served humanity, one need only look to the disastrous Common Core one-size-fits-all, top-down education plan that his foundation bankrolled.

From education to vaccinations — the service to humanity never ends.

And for all this, America may never see a return to pre-coronavirus normalcy?

We’re focused on fear.

We should be focused on this: the money trail.

The money and power trail.

The Global Vaccine Action Plan, for instance.

“The World Health Organization, UNICEF, the National institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have announced a collaboration to increase coordination across the international vaccine community and create a Global Vaccine Action Plan,” the Gates Foundation reported in a press release. “The collaboration follows the January 2010 call by Bill ad Melinda Gates for the next ten years to be the Decade of Vaccines.”

The “Decade of Vaccines?”

It’s a structured campaign. It includes a Leadership Council, a Steering Committee, an International Advisory Committee — and other bureaucratic so forths and so ons. But here’s an interesting link.

The Leadership Council “is comprised of … Dr. Anthony S. Fauci,” the Gates Foundation reported.

Fauci, the same guy who just set the stage for the dire need for a protective coronavirus vaccine, has a vested interest in seeing this vaccine come to fruition — come to widely administered fruition. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news...atory-vaccine/

Turns out Dr. Fauci is part of the Gates Foundation who is in the process of investing in and eventually profiting off of coronavirus vaccinations. Is this not a huge conflict of interests? Given his position in the vaccine business, isn't it in his best interest to avoid normalcy, avoid defeating the disease until a vaccine is ready? Do the American people deserve to know his exact involvement and how much he's being paid by Bill Gates?

In my opinion, Trump should immediately remove Dr. Fauci from his position.
Dump This Guy… Dr Fauci: “I Can’t Guarantee” It Will Be Safe to Physically Vote IN NOVEMBER

2 minute

Link: http://www.hideoutnow.com/2020/04/dump-this-guy-dr-fauci-i-cant-guarantee.html

[see vids at site link, above]

Dr. Anthony Fauci showed his true colors on Easter Sunday of all days.

The NIH Director went on with Jake Tapper and unloaded on President Trump saying “lives could have been saved” if the administration would have shut down the economy sooner like in February.

In February Americans were not dying of the virus — and Democrats were distracted with their sham impeachment.

It was an awful display by the NIH Chief who has been wrong on the coronavirus every step of the way.

** In January Dr. Anthony Fauci told Newsmax TV that the United States did not have to worry about the coronavirus.
Now, three months later, he wants to shut down every state!

** Dr. Fauci warned of an apocalyptic pandemic and later compared the coronavirus to a bad flu.

** Dr. Fauci based all of his predictions on models and then told reporters this past week, “You can’t really rely on models.”

And on March 20th Dr. Fauci “corrected” the president during a press briefing on hydroxychloroquine saying, “You got to be careful when you say ‘fairly effective.’ It was never done in a clinical trial… It was given to individuals and felt that maybe it worked.”

Aaron Rupar

· Mar 20, 2020

Replying to @atrupar

REPORTER: You said you would only invoke the Defense Production Act in a worst-case scenario, and now you're saying you're invoking it. So it's a worst-case scenario?

TRUMP: "No. It's no different, other than we need certain equipment."

Aaron Rupar


Dr. Fauci quickly corrects Trump's misstatements about hydroxychloroquine

10:05 PM - Mar 20, 2020

** Exactly two weeks later hydroxychloroquine has been deemed the most highly rated treatment for the novel coronavirus in an international poll of more than 6,000 doctors.

** Two-and-a-half weeks ago Dr. Fauci claimed 1 million to 2 million Americans would die from coronavirus. A week-and-a-half ago he said 100,000 to 200,000 Americans will die from the virus. On Monday he agreed 81,766 Americans would die from the coronavirus. Today the experts cut the number of deaths to 60,415 projected deaths.
Dr. Fauci pushed these garbage models every step of the way.

On Sunday Dr. Fauci also told Jake Tapper “I can’t guarantee” it will be safe to physically vote in November.

This guy is a bit off to say the least.



“I hope so,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, when asked if it will be safe for voters to go to the polls in November. “...However... there is always the possibility, as we get into next fall and the beginning of early winter, that we could see a rebound” https://cnn.it/3b3QPbe

7:13 PM - Apr 12, 2020

Paul Sperry@paulsperry_
BREAKING: GOP Lawmaker is First to Call for Dr. Tony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx to Step Down (Audio)

By Jim Hoft
Published April 13, 2020 at 12:30pm

LinK: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/20...all-dr-tony-fauci-dr-deborah-birx-step-audio/

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) joined Garret Lewis this morning on KNST AM 790 in Tucson to discuss the ongoing coronavirus crisis.

During their discussion Rep. Biggs made news by being the first member of Congress to publicly call on Dr. Anthony Fauci and and Dr. Deborah Birx to resign and step down.

The Arizona Republican had this to say about Dr. Fauci, “He has said last week in one of the meetings I was on a conference call with that he has not taken into account societal, economic or social concert impact to any of his policies. And at the same time that I think that we are doing things that are right we are also doing things that are not right. In the sense that you got 17 million new people that are unemployed today based on Fauci’s policies.

Rep. Andy Biggs is currently the head of the House Freedom Caucus.

TRENDING: Video of the Day: One Day After Arguing With President Trump, CBS Reporter Paula Reid Has to be Told Four Times to Leave Coronavirus Survivor Meeting

Biggs also revealed that he told this to President Trump and also discussed how to get the Arizona economy running again.

Rep. Biggs said Fauci must go at :36 and Fauci and Birx must go at 3:36.
The Remarkable Doctor A. Fauci

What major media conveniently leave out is his highly controversial and conflicted history since he first joined NIAID in 1984 during the beginnings of the AIDS panic

F. William Engdahl | New Eastern Outlook - April 15, 2020 17 Comments

Link: https://www.infowars.com/the-remarkable-doctor-a-fauci/

Dramatic political and social decisions are being made across the United States and around the world on what emergency quarantine measures and other steps must be taken. In many cases the radical and severe measures, such as shutting down the world economy, are being justified by COVID-19 case projections of morbidity into the future. If there is one person who is the face of the current strategy of dealing with the coronavirus in Washington it is the Director of the US National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) of the NIH, Dr. Tony Fauci. What major media conveniently leave out in discussing Fauci’s role is his highly controversial and conflicted history since he first joined NIAID in 1984 during the beginnings of the AIDS panic. His role then sheds valuable light on his remarkable and highly controversial actions today.

Tony Fauci, a leading member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, is being promoted by major US media such as CNN, MSNBC or the New York Times as the great expert on all related to the Covid19 outbreak. He had dismissed the President’s efforts to promote a known malaria medication as treatment for severe corona patients as “anecdotal,” even though seven years before he backed the same drug. He has publicly taken projections from an institute created in Washington State by the Gates Foundation, the same foundation that virtually owns the WHO and owns major stakes in the leading vaccine makers, to claim that up to 200,000 Americans could die from COVID19. Fauci stated that COVID19 is “probably about 10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu,” which would mean 300-600,000 coronavirus deaths this year, at the same time in a respected medical journal he compared Covid-19 as similar to seasonal flu in morbidity. When questioned how long the shutdown of much of the US economy must last, Fauci replied only when there is zero new covid19 positive tested cases, something impossible given the defective testing. He has also backed direct human tests of novel vaccines with no prior animal tests, including with radical non-tested mRNA gene-edited vaccines.

Fauci has more influence over US national policy on the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic than anyone, including the President. Much of media treats him with awe as an unimpeachable scientist, one of the world’s finest. A closer look at Anthony Fauci’s career gives a starkly different picture, a very alarming one in fact.

America’s AIDS Czar

Tony Fauci has held the top post at the NIAID in Washington for an astonishing 36 years. Today he is well past retirement age at 79, and holds the funds to determine which drug companies or university researchers will get precious government funds or not from NIAID’s annual $5 billion budget.

Let’s go back to 1984 when Fauci was named head of NIAID during the Reagan era. That year an AIDS researcher, Robert Gallo, working under Fauci, held a press conference to announce that he had “discovered” the AIDS virus. He said it was HIV– human immunodeficiency virus. The shocking announcement which went around the world, was in complete disregard of scientific procedures of prior peer-reviewed published scientific evidence, including the required electron microscope analyses. It was a case of “science by press conference” as a critical scientist, Prof. Peter H. Duesberg described it. Duesberg was an award-winning researcher at Berkeley who isolated the first cancer gene through his work on retroviruses in 1970, and mapped the genetic structure of these viruses.

For Gallo and Fauci, that was unimportant as millions in research funds flowed into NIAID to research the new virus, HIV. Fauci and Gallo claimed that AIDS was highly contagious, also by sexual transmission, especially among homosexual men. Notably, before the Gallo claim to have found the HIV AIDS virus, NIAID had been doing research on the role of drugs, poppers or nitrites, proven immune-suppressants, in the deaths of the earliest AIDS patients. That was quickly dropped in favor of researching a “cure” for AIDS. Media was told that AIDS was the “public health threat of the Century.” Gallo went on to make millions on his patented blood test for HIV, despite the fact that the test was often giving false positives and did not test directly for the alleged virus but for active antibodies, something immunology practice said was not valid, as antibodies merely suggested a past infection response and not necessarily presence of AHIV. At this time in the 1980’S Fauci was responsible for AIDS research at NIAID, a post he still holds.

False Tests?

The issue of HIV/AIDS tests is central. While a frightened world was clamoring for a test, Gallo and Fauci promoted their deeply flawed tests of antibodies. In 2006 Gallo claimed, “HIV tests were highly accurate from the time they were developed in 1984 and have become much more accurate over time…” Highly accurate in 1984 but more accurate than highly over time? Gallo added in response to criticism, “A PCR test for the presence of the virus itself can accurately determine a child’s HIV status.”

In a sharp rebuttal of the Gallo claims, claims endorsed by Fauci and the NIAID as well as CDC, Roberto A. Giraldo, MD and Etienne de Harven, MD, the scientist who produced the first electron micrograph of a retrovirus, pointed out that both the ELISA and Western blot, and a genetic test, the PCR or ‘Viral Load’ test,” the two major tests used to determine if one has AIDS, are invalid. “None of these tests detect the HIV virus itself, nor do they detect HIV particles.” They add that there are “more than 70 different documented conditions that can cause the antibody tests to react positive without an HIV infection.” Among the false positive cases are influenza, the common cold, leprosy or the existence of pregnancy. The same tests are used today to determine SARS-CoV-2-positive.

They concluded, “The fact that after 25 years of intense research HIV has been neither isolated nor purified in terms of classical virology indicates to us that the infectious view of AIDS as a contagious viral disease is based on an apparently non-existent microbe!”

Giraldo and de Harven declared, “The alleged existence of HIV was asserted from the study of proteins, reverse transcriptase activity (RT), and RNA fragments that were found in culture supernatants, not from the direct analysis of purified viral particles.” The CDC requires a positive antibody test for HIV to determine AIDS in the USA. Yet in Africa since 1985 the WHO requires no HIV test or any other laboratory test. Merely the patient’s symptoms that can include weight loss, chronic diarrhea, prolonged fever, persistent cough and such, symptoms endemic to chronic poverty, malnutrition and lack of sanitation.

Yet this fraud has shaped the career of Tony Fauci for more than 35 years. Fauci as head of NIAID has taken millions from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as well as the Clinton Foundation along with tens of billions from US taxpayers for this bogus research. Suspiciously, the 2006 article by Giraldo and de Harven was suddenly retracted by the journal in 2019 just before the coronavirus Wuhan outbreak.

Despite the fact that he knew the established rules of virology, Fauci, as head of NIAID, recommended the Burroughs Wellcome chemotherapy drug, AZT as a “preventive drug” for HIV diagnosed patients even without symptoms! Burroughs Wellcome gave NIAID the study that was deliberately biased for AZT. Fauci even backed AZT for pregnant women despite the grave risk to the fetus. One mark of pregnancy in all women is a higher level of antigens as the natural immune system fights any infection to protect the fetus. AZT or Retrovir, a failed leukemia drug, has been proven to be a highly toxic drug. It was approved for AIDS testing in a record 5 days by Fauci and the US Government in 1987. Today despite more than thirty years funded research and billions of dollars, no effective vaccine for HIV/AIDS exists.

Fauci and Gilead

According to people who have studied the role of Tony Fauci as head of NIAID, his focus has been what is called scientific reductivism, described as “a 19 Century-style, single-germ theory for a complex web of factors that collapsed the immune systems of a subset of gay men in the early 1980s.” He has refused to explore the documentation that a variety of lethal drugs and other toxins such as nitrites could play a role. As a result he has wasted tens of billions of taxpayer dollars since 1984 on dead end experiments. One of his most nefarious was his collaboration with Gilead Sciences.

Not satisfied with having developed a false positive test for AIDS and having gained FDA fast-track approval for AZT to treat HIV-positive patients with serious illness symptoms, Fauci decided to collaborate with Gilead (as in the Biblical “balm of Gilead”) on what came to be called PrEP experiments.

Fauci in 2007 began to finance clinical trials of the AZT drugs in HIV “negatives,” on the theory the chemotherapy would “protect” them from becoming “positive.” That is, testing toxic HIV drugs on otherwise healthy persons to “insure” they never got AIDS. If it sounds mad, it was. Gilead supplied the drug, Truvada, to NIAID between 2007-2012 for Phase III human tests on HIV negative subjects. Four tests of at least 2,000 and up to 5,000 test subjects each, were done. The project was called “pre-exposure prophylaxis” or “PrEP.” Healthy subjects were given doses of chemotherapy drug Truvada on the thesis it could prevent them from one day getting HIV-positive. CDC, in its May 2014 recommendation urged physicians to prescribe Truvada for negatives in the so-called “risk groups,” an official government imprimatur for an extremely profitable drug.

The FDA ignored two of the four Truvada tests that had failed and been halted. Despite that and owing to data manipulation by Fauci’s NIAID and Gilead, the FDA approved the dangerous Truvada for PrEP. Today Gilead lists the side effects of Truvada: Kidney problems, including kidney failure; worsening Hepatitis B; too much lactic acid in your blood (lactic acidosis), which can lead to death; severe liver problems, which can lead to death; bone problems. They state that Truvada “can help reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 through sex, when taken every day and used together with safer sex practices.”

The Fauci-Gilead scam of promoting Truvada for healthy people to “reduce risk” of HIV is a marker for the level of medical malpractice and in some cases evident criminal abuse of human health that the current White House coronavirus guru, A. Fauci, represents.

Fauci and COVID-19

In October, 2019 Fauci and his NIAID got $100 million from the Gates Foundation to develop “gene-based” therapies for HIV and sickle cell disease. That means Fauci still to the time of the first claims of novel coronavirus in Wuhan China, Fauci was still promoting a 35-year fraud around HIV. Fauci is also part of the Gates Foundation cabal. In 2012 Fauci was named one of the five Leadership Council of the Gates Foundation-created Global Vaccine Action Plan.

This is highly relevant to his role today as the Trump Administration coronavirus “pope.” Has his NIAID or any other laboratory in the world rigorously, with electron microscopy, isolated and purified samples of patients tested SARS-CoV-2 positive for Covid-19? Or are the virus proofs as faulty as Fauci and the AIDS clique have made for HIV?

In addition NIAID is working with Gilead to conduct Phase II human trials on Gilead’s drug, remdesivir, as a potential treatment for hospitalized adult patients diagnosed with COVID-19.

A coincidence?

Relevant also is the fact that all top scientific advisers to the US President’s Task Force on COVID-19 are tied since decades to the bogus and destructive HIV/AIDS research and propagation of false theories. Alongside Tony Fauci of NIAID stands Deborah L. Birx, M.D., Obama appointee as US Global AIDS Coordinator who worked under Tony Fauci at NIAID from 1983-1986.

Robert Redfield is the current Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, center of the recent coronavirus testing scandal. Redfield cofounded with the discredited Robert Gallo, former Fauci colleague in the AIDS scandals of the early 1980’s at NIH, the Institute of Human Virology based at University of Maryland. Redfield and Birx also coauthored numerous scientific articles on purported HIV vaccines, none of which have been effective.

Fauci, Birx and Redfield, all incestuously complicit in the HIV/AIDS frauds and malpractice, today hold the future of not only American public health, but also of the entire world economy in their hands. Not a good situation. As their work on the proved HIV=IDS fraud shows, the coronavirus tests do not at all prove presence of a deadly virus in any patient. If this is so, it is perhaps the greatest criminal fraud in medical history.
Trump Was Warned About NIH Corruption In 2015

Radio host Michael Savage revealed extent of medical establishment’s failures

Infowars.com - April 15, 2020 31 Comments

Link: https://www.infowars.com/trump-was-warned-about-nih-corruption-in-2015/

Presidential candidate Donald Trump was warned about corruption at the National Institute of Health in October 2015 by conservative radio host Michael Savage.

Trump, who had announced his candidacy for president a few months earlier, joined The Savage Nation to discuss his policy platform when Savage broached the corruption at the NIH, suggesting Trump appoint him to head the institute should he be elected.

“We have such corruption right now in science itself, that’s there’s virtually almost no real honest science anymore, and the best evidence I have for that is the fake global warming research,” Savage told Trump.

“Almost every study comes out that’s warped, it’s all corrupt.”

“When you become President, I want you consider appointing me to head of the NIH,” Savage continued. “I will make sure that America has real science and real medicine again in this country because I know the corruption. I know how to clean it up and I know how to make real research work again.”

“I hear so much about the NIH and it’s terrible beyond belief,” Trump said.

The NIH has come under fire after documents surfaced showing the institute gave the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Communist China a $3.7 million grant to conduct gain-of-function coronavirus experimentation on bats in 2017.

In other words, the NIH outsourced its coronavirus research to the Communist Chinese.

Additionally, the coronavirus mortality models touted by NIH Director Dr. Anthony Fauci and coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx have turned out to be incredibly inaccurate and overblown as the pandemic rolled on, drawing criticism from many medical experts and citizens obeying stay-at-home orders.

How bad is IHME's hospitalization model? If you had predicted two weeks ago that nobody in America would be hospitalized today because of the Wuhan coronavirus, you would have been closer to reality (approx. 50,000) than what IHME predicted (between 135,000 and 375,000). pic.twitter.com/HclLWv8U8i

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) April 13, 2020
Dr. Anthony Fauci Plotted ‘Global Vaccine Action Plan’ with Bill Gates Before Pushing COVID Panic and Doubts About Hydroxychloroquine Treatments

Is this why Fauci has been so skeptical of hydroxychloroquine?

Link: https://web.archive.org/web/2020040...roxychloroquine-treatments/web/20200409082732

Published 3 days ago on Apr 6, 2020
By Shane Trejo

Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has become a beloved doom prophet fomenting mass hysteria among the American public amidst the coronavirus pandemic, once worked with technocratic oligarch Bill Gates on his “Global Vaccine Action Plan.”

Activist reporter Mike Coudrey drew attention to this fact on his Twitter account in a post from Sunday:

Dr. Fauci served a leadership role on the “Global Vaccine Plan” through partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.

Naturally, he’ll push back against the Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin treatment and instead opt for a patented vaccine. pic.twitter.com/FCkOIAsHW2

Latest: Bernie Sanders Supporters Spread Pro-Murder #GUILLOTINE2020 Hashtag Following Campaign Suspension

— Mike Coudrey (@MichaelCoudrey) April 6, 2020

Are Democrats and the Fake News Media rooting for the Wuhan coronavirus to destroy the economy to remove Trump? Vote Now

The “Global Vaccine Action Plan” was announced in 2010 as a public-private partnership of the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

“This plan will build on the successes of current work to achieve key milestones in the discovery, development and delivery of lifesaving vaccines to the most vulnerable populations in the poorest countries over the next decade,” WHO wrote in their press release about the project.

As the NIAID director, Fauci helped guide the vaccine-pushing project as a member of its Leadership Team. He was joined by other globalist kingpins including Anthony Lake, Executive Director for UNICEF; Margaret Chan, Director General of WHO; Joy Phumaphi, Chair of the International Advisory Committee and Executive Secretary, African Leaders Malaria Alliance; and Tachi Yamada, President of Global Health at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The project was designed to assemble some of the most powerful globalist actors on the planet and encourage them to conspire on ways to peddle vaccines throughout the world.

“The Global Vaccine Action Plan will enable greater coordination across all stakeholder groups – national governments, multilateral organizations, civil society, the private sector and philanthropic organizations — and will identify critical policy, resource, and other gaps that must be addressed to realize the life- saving potential of vaccines,” WHO wrote in their press release about the scheme.

Fauci has been the primary voice in the Trump administration urging the public to be skeptical of hydroxychloroquine, a possible miracle treatment for coronavirus. Fauci has remained a critic of hydroxychloroquine despite indications that it can be effective in helping the afflicted recover from the disease.

“No. The answer is no,” Fauci said last month after he was asked about whether or not there was any evidence showing that hydroxychloroquine can be effective in treating the coronavirus.

When it became clear that hydroxychloroquine can be effective in treating the coronavirus, Fauci walked back his comments.

“Although there is some suggestion with the study that was just mentioned by Dr. Oz, granted that there is a suggestion that there is a benefit there, I think we’ve got to be careful that we don’t make that majestic leap to assume that this is a knockout drug,” Fauci said during an appearance on “FOX & Friends” last week.

Fauci may be trying to halt the use of hydroxychloroquine as part of the “Global Vaccine Action Plan” that he plotted many years ago. Gates has already talked about digital tracking implants being tagged into people’s skin for authorities to enforce their vaccination schedule. Fauci could be serving as a bureaucratic enabler of Gates’ sociopathic Big Brother ambitions.
Dr. Fauci Says Sports Could Return This Summer if Fans Are Excluded

Link: https://www.breitbart.com/sports/20...ould-return-this-summer-if-fans-are-excluded/

by Dylan Gwinn
15 Apr 2020427


Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases and a prominent member of President Trump’s coronavirus task force, says that sports leagues could resume play this summer if “no one comes to the stadium.”

In response to a question from Snapchat’s Peter Hamby about a timetable for the return of baseball, Fauci said the summertime was a possibility if fans were excluded and teams regularly tested their personnel.

“There’s a way of doing that,” Fauci said. “Nobody comes to the stadium. Put [the players] in big hotels, wherever you want to play, keep them very well surveilled. … Have them tested every single week and make sure they don’t wind up infecting each other or their family, and just let them play the season out.”

Fauci hastened to add that he believed fans would still want to watch games, even if they could not attend.

“Fauci’s comments come a week after 72% of Americans polled by Seton Hall University’s Stillman School of Business said they would not attend if sporting events resumed without a vaccine for the coronavirus,” ESPN reports. “Just 13% of Americans said they would feel comfortable attending games the way they had in the past. A second poll this week had a slight plurality, 46% to 36%, saying the NFL season should not open as scheduled in early September.”

On Tuesday, President Trump used his Rose Garden coronavirus task force briefing to tell the country about the new commission tasked with getting America back on the playing field. The president selected several sports league commissioners and executives to serve as advisors on the group.

Other key NFL executives, such as Falcons Owner Arthur Blank, have also said that a return to sports could come soon, but without fans. The fact that Fauci informs much of the president’s thinking on how the country responds to the coronavirus, could very well mean that his opinion would also be taken seriously by the sports task force.

If so, it sounds like there will likely be a lot of empty seats at baseball and football games.
Kennedy Jr. Drops Bombshells on Dr. Fauci For Medical Cover Ups and Fraud; Fauci “Poisoned an Entire Generation of Americans”

Link: https://truepundit.com/exclusive-ro...i-poisoned-an-entire-generation-of-americans/

[ck recording at site link, above]

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. revealed disturbing information about Dr. Anthony Fauci’s medical career in the government, calling out the celebrated physician for a history of disturbing practices ranging from costly cover ups to outright fraud.

Kennedy repeatedly slammed Fauci on the Thomas Paine Podcast on Wednesday, revealing disturbing information about Fauci’s problematic career steering key medical policy for the United States. Kennedy described Fauci as a workplace tyrant who has ruined careers of upstanding physicians and researchers in order to cover up scandals and costly medical research disasters at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases where Fauci has served as director since 1984 as part of the National Institute of Health.

“Tony Fauci didn’t want the American public to know that he has poisoned an entire generation of Americans,” Kennedy said, alleging Fauci targeted a whistleblower who was trying to uncover the blood supply in the country was tainted with deadly strains.

Kennedy said Fauci ruined the physician’s career and covered up the crucial research. And that was just one of Kennedy’s attacks against Fauci. There were more. Kennedy also targeted Bill Gates, Big Pharma, the media, and more in this exclusive interview. Listen at top of page. [ck site link, above]
Anthony Fauci, the "Learned Ignoramus"

04/17/2020•Zachary Yost

Link: https://mises.org/wire/anthony-fauc...il&utm_term=0_8b52b2e1c0-284f6752cc-228697249

As the COVID-19 shutdown across the US continues, one cannot but help see the importance of specialization and the division of labor time and time again, as many Americans deal with true shortages of goods for the first time in their lives. Specialization has allowed us to enjoy a much more prosperous life than we would were we all to do everything ourselves. However, as with everything in this imperfect world, specialization comes with certain tradeoffs that are important to understand. As the unemployment numbers continue to rise by millions more every week, as meager savings are eliminated, and as our highly organized society slides into chaos it is important to understand the way in which an unbalanced intellectual specialization has contributed to bringing about the current crisis.

In his 1930 book The Revolt of the Masses, Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset addresses what he considers to be a strange byproduct of the prevalence of specialization in everything, specifically the intellectual sphere. “Previously,” he writes, “men could be divided simply into the learned and the ignorant, those more or less the one, and those more or less the other.” Now, however, a new kind of person has emerged, “an extraordinarily strange kind of man,” who cannot be called “learned for he is formally ignorant of all that does not enter into his specialty,” yet at the same time cannot be considered “ignorant because he is ‘a scientist’ who ‘knows’ very well his own tiny portion of the universe.” Thus, Ortega y Gasset says that the only fitting name for such a person is a “learned ignoramus.”

There can be no doubt that numerous learned ignoramuses can be found in all parts of society, but most importantly they are very clearly involved in the response to the COVID-19 virus, as sweeping calls for months of lockdown make clear.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and seen by many as the face of the federal virus response, has perhaps made the most ridiculous assertion, stating at a White House briefing on April 1 that “we could ‘relax social distancing’ once there’s ‘no new cases, no deaths,’ but the real turning point won’t come until there’s a vaccine.” Similarly, Dr. Zeke Emanuel, an architect of Obamacare and current advisor to Joe Biden, declared that it will be impossible to return to “normalcy” for eighteen months and that no matter the economic cost: “The truth is we have no choice….We cannot return to normal until there's a vaccine.”

Such ideas are frankly madness, and would take an incalculable toll on the health and wealth of all Americans. Tens of millions of Americans find themselves out of work or with reduced hours or pay. The idea that society could continue to exist in such a state betrays a lack of any understanding of the social order.

Smithfield Foods is shutting down a meat processing plant that produces 4 to 5 percent of all the pork in the entire country, and its CEO warned that “the closure of this facility, combined with a growing list of other protein plants that have shuttered across our industry, is pushing our country perilously close to the edge in terms of our meat supply. It is impossible to keep our grocery stores stocked if our plants are not running.”

Mass unemployment will inevitably lead to an increase in suicide and substance abuse and the stay-at-home orders have already led to increased domestic violence. New instances of outrageous police conduct in the name of enforcing lockdowns emerge everyday. It is no exaggeration to say that in eighteen months there would likely not be any society left to “reopen.”

Truly, only learned ignoramuses could suggest such an obviously catastrophic course of action. Those plebeians who dare to question “experts” such as Fauci and Emanuel are lectured to listen to their betters, who use “science” to understand the situation and are far more knowledgeable. In other words, “stay in your lane.” Yet such critics miss their glaring contradiction. Public health officials certainly have a role to play, but they themselves are not experts at everything. By definition, they do not fully understand the other consequences and considerations that must be weighed and balanced, and they, of course, are lacking in the local dispersed knowledge needed to make such decisions. Yet that does not stop them from making declarations dripping with arrogance, such as Fauci's assessment of the implosion of the economy and the resulting unemployment and hardship as being merely “inconvenient from an economic and a personal standpoint.” As Ortega y Gasset pointed out, learned ignoramuses are “ignorant, not in the fashion of the ignorant man, but with all the petulance of one who is learned in his own special line.”

The phenomenon of the learned ignoramus can be seen in every field and at all levels of intellectual life and popular punditry. However, the current crisis reveals the damage such “experts” can wreak upon civilization itself.

Ortega y Gasset fully recognized the important role that specialization has in making modern life possible; however, he calls for a balanced intellectual specialization, in contrast to the unbalanced status quo that he fears threatens the advancement of scientific discovery itself. Two such balanced intellectuals are without a doubt Ludwig von Mises and F.A. Hayek; although economists, they could be more accurately called social thinkers whose work encompassed far more than that of the typical economist today.

Rather than insular, unbalanced specialization, Mises argued that “He who wants to achieve anything in praxeology must be conversant with mathematics, physics, biology, history, and jurisprudence." Hayek similarly warned that “Unless you really know your economics or whatever your special field is, you will be simply a fraud. But if you know only economics and nothing else, you will be a bane to mankind, good, perhaps, for writing articles for other economists to read, but for nothing else.”

Undoubtedly, the entire situation would look entirely different from the chaotic disruptive mess it is now if our public health officials and social scientists were trained in the mold of Mises and Hayek. Whereas both men stressed the complex and ultimately fragile nature of the social order, and therefore the need for broad understanding of this complexity, the learned ignoramus, in the words of Ortega y Gasset, “believes that civilization is there in just the same way as the earth’s crust and the forest primeval.”

Every time the “experts” demand that life be halted into the indeterminate future, they vindicate Ortega y Gasset’s observation that the learned ignoramuses are ignorant of the very nature of the social order itself and are therefore a menace to its preservation. This crisis demonstrates how prescient Ortega y Gasset’s warning was. Hopefully it is not too late to prevent a true societal catastrophe.
FBI Investigation Targeted Dr. Fauci but Comey Pulled the Plug, says Whistle-blower

By Guest Author Last updated May 4, 2020

Link: https://www.fort-russ.com/2020/05/f...ey-pulled-the-plug-says-whistle-blower/

True Pundit reports the following:

Top U.S. scientist and research pioneer Dr. Judy Mikovits said she cooperated with the FBI during an investigation of Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institute of Health, alleging Fauci was a workplace tyrant who was under investigation for swiping scientific research, covering up tainted vaccines, doling out lucrative federal grants to feckless cronies and much more.

Dr. Mikovits broke her long silence on the Thomas Paine Podcast and revealed an insider’s nightmare spanning three decades of conducting research under the governmental control of Fauci.

Dr. Mikovits said eventually her widespread allegations of fraud and abuse by Fauci helped spark an investigation by the FBI. Dr. Mikovits said she cooperated with federal law enforcement up through 2014.

What happened to the probe? You won’t even believe it when you hear it. Dr. Mikovits now accuses the FBI and Justice Department of a massive cover up to protect Fauci and his associates — and sweeping medical scams that continue to endanger Americans. Another FBI scandal. Another Justice Department scandal. And by the way, that was James Comey’s FBI and Eric Holder’s Justice Department. During the White House administration of Barack Obama. (more below)

These details warrant a host of NEW federal investigations to get to the bottom of numerous Fauci-led schemes revealed by Dr. Mikovits on the Thomas Paine Podcast. Paine also detailed the FBI probe on the Moore Paine Show on Patreon. Dr. Mikovits said Fauci helped imprison her after stealing her proprietary research not once, but twice and her allegations against the White House’s coronavirus top medical advisor and his government cronies paint a disturbing portrait of widespread institutional corruption. And greed.

The alarming allegations include: stealing research, covering up tainted vaccines, fraud and much more. And Fauci’s parent agency, the National Institute of Health is not the only governmental agency involved in what amounts here to decades of corruption gone awry.

Listen to the interview here: [ck site link, above]