Explosion of illegal immigration in Europe: the astounding silence of the French press

Ian Smith


Press release of the National Front

The numbers of illegal immigration provided by Frontex , allegedly responsible for controlling the borders of Europe , attest to an explosion of illegal immigration of nearly 48% in just one year !

However, at this time , not a line in the French press , no information on this major issue that concerns all countries of the European Union.

The media silence is all the more intolerable that these figures are indicative of an incentive policy in itself scandalous immigration.
Policy at the origin of many human tragedies that we know each month in the Mediterranean.

They clearly reflect the strainer Europe we strongly denounce and justifies more than ever return to national borders controlled.

Faced with such numbers, the National Front is unworthy of the non- citizen information and the stubborn refusal of our leaders to admit failures and assume a mad policy of mass immigration .

We reiterate the urgent need to put an end to this illegal immigration , cutting the suction of our social systems and pumps noting the impossibility of controlling the external borders of the European Union , which implies a return to a more effective national system.


Explosion in the cost of asylum to stop lax EU rules and UMPS
Press release of the National Front

The conclusions of the evaluation committee and Control revealed today by the Public Policy Figaro confirm unacceptable and shockingly expensive asylum in France drifts.

Every year for nearly ten years in France , the number of asylum seekers increases. The increase had already reached 75% under the mandate of Nicolas Sarkozy , and this trend continues as Francois Hollande.
The document unveiled by the BBC assesses expenses asylum to 666 million this year, which is probably a minimum estimate and the already unsustainable in an economic and social crisis.

In addition, the rejected asylum -seekers are mostly swell the ranks of illegal immigration , which is a double punishment for our country.

France must regain full control of its asylum policy today padlocked by lax EU rules foolishly accepted by the UMP and the PS .
Asylum should be greatly reduced and concentrated only on the political persecution from a limited number of countries , in accordance with the spirit of this exceptional procedure . The mandatory issuance of the temporary accommodation policies with waiting to be removed.
