Dr. Pierce on feminism


Founding member of Clark Kent Club


American Dissident Voices Broadcast of November 18, 2000

And our enemies have been at work, day and night. They opened our borders to the subhumanity of the Third World and began building up their numbers. They encouraged feminism and began reducing our nu
by persuading our women that careers were more important than families. They infiltrated and took over our educational establishment and taught our children that they should be ashamed of their own race, that their own history and traditions weren't worth learning about.

Enron, Fastow, and the Looting of America

Actually, these Jewish swindlers who get caught with their hands in
our pock
ets do us much less damage than Jewish swindlers -- Jewish
myth-makers -- of a different sort. Feminism is a myth spun by
fast-talking J*ws and Jewesses that has done enormous damage to our
people, individually and collectively.
It is the principal reason that
the White birthrate has dropped well below the replacement level. The
matron saint of modern feminism is the Jewess Betty Friedan, and most
of the influential propagandists for feminism also have been
The Jewish mass media have without exception been promoters of this

Feminism: The Great Destroyer

Irrationality seems to be the rule rather than the exception in public affairs these days. Feminism, of course, is just another exercise in reality denial, which has become such a common pastime. There are too many people out there who seem to believe that if we pretend that men and women are the same, they really will be; that
if we pretend there are no differences between Blacks and Whites except skin color, the differences will disappear; that if we pretend that homosexuality is a normal, healthy condition, it will be.

Feminism is one of the most destructive aberrations being pushed by the media today, because it has an immediate effect on nearly all of us.


Why We Deserve Their Contempt

I've discussed various aspects of feminism in my broadcasts. But every time I've talked about feminism at any length I have pointed out that the principal promoters of this pathology have been Jews. Certainly the 1963 book by Jewess Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique, was the Das Kapital of the modern feminist movement, and a great many of the other feminist writers and publicists also were Jews. More important, the feminist movement would have remained on the fringes of our society, populated mostly by lesbians, if it had not been for the enthusiastic and continuing support of the Jewish mass media, which made feminism Politically Correct on college campuses.

And I have pointed out that the reason feminism is important is not that it has made

many women neurotic and has made many men as well as many
women very unhappy, but that it is race-threatening. Feminism is not important because of its effects on the economy by changing the composition of the work force. It is not important because it opens up new careers for women or because it relieves men of the need to be chivalrous or protective toward women. Feminism is important for just one reason, and that reason is racial. Feminism has drastically lowered the White birthrate: it is now well below the replacement rate, and the race will die out if the birthrate is not raised once again above the replacement level. Even more immediately threatening, the White race, which is the race on which feminism has wreaked its havoc, will be swamped by the non-White races, where feminism has not taken hold. Feminism takes women out of the home and puts them in the workplace. Feminism leads women to choose careers other than motherhood. Feminism, all by itself, will destroy us unless we stamp it out the
would an epidemic of hoof-and-mouth disease: ruthl
essly and thoroughly. To summarize: feminism is a racial threat, and it has been made into a racial threat by the Jews, who have been and still are its principal promoters.

Yes, the good Dr. is missed sorely. Feminism gives every mental case disgrutled single women, with cause or no cause the ability to weaken White Society as a whole and really makes civil society and safe streets impossible.. Plus, this so called feminism is another fighting division against white males. like the NAACP and countless other "Nation" destroyer anti white units of bile. Thank you.