Don't doubt: holohoax is actual, literal RELIGION, nothing less, w. saints, demons, prophets, etc.


Guest Columnist
The secular religion of “the Holocaust”, a tainted product of consumer society


The religion of “the Holocaust” is a secular one: it belongs to the lay world; it is profane; in actuality, it has at its disposal the secular arm, that is a temporal authority with dreaded power. It has its dogma, its commandments, its decrees, its prophets and its high priests. As one revisionist has observed, it has its circle of saints, male and female, amongst whom, for example, Saint Anne (Frank), Saint Simon (Wiesenthal) and Saint Elie (Wiesel). It has its holy places, its rituals and its pilgrimages. It has its sacred (and macabre) buildings and its relics (in the form of cakes of soap, shoes, toothbrushes, …). It has its martyrs, its heroes, its miracles and its miraculous survivors (in the millions), its golden legend and its righteous ones. Auschwitz is its Golgotha. For it, God is called Yahweh, protector of his chosen people, who, as said in one of the psalms of David (number 120), recently invoked by a female public prosecutor, Anne de Fontette, during the trial in Paris of a French revisionist, punishes “lying lips” (by, incidentally, sending them the “sharp arrows of the mighty, with coals of juniper”). For this religion, Satan is called Hitler, condemned, like Jesus in the Talmud, to boil for eternity in excrement. It knows neither mercy, nor forgiveness, nor clemency but only the duty of vengeance. It amasses fortunes through blackmail and extortion and acquires unheard-of privileges. It dictates its law to the nations. Its heart beats in Jerusalem, at the Yad Vashem monument, in a land taken over from the natives; in the shelter of a 26-foot high wall built to protect a people who are the salt of the earth, the companions of the “Holocaust” faith rule over the goy with a system that is the purest expression of militarism, racism and colonialism.

A quite recent religion whose growth has been meteoric

Although it is largely an avatar of the Hebraic religion, the new religion is quite recent and has exhibited meteoric growth. For the historian, the phenomenon is exceptional. Most often a religion of universal scope has its origins in remote and obscure times, a fact that makes the task of historians of religious ideas and institutions rather arduous. However, as luck would have it for that type of historian, in the space of fifty-odd years (1945-2000), right before our eyes, a new religion, that of “the Holocaust”, has suddenly come into being and proceeded to develop with astonishing speed, spreading nearly everywhere. It has conquered the West and intends to impose itself on the rest of the world. Any researcher interested in the historical phenomenon made up by the birth, life and death of religions ought therefore to seize the occasion, never so much as hoped for, thus offered to study from up close the birth and life of this new religion, then calculate its chances of survival and the possibility of its demise. Any specialist of war watching out for indications of a coming conflagration would owe it to himself to survey the risks of a warlike crusade such as the one into which this conquering religion may take us.

A religion that embraces consumerism

As a rule, consumer society places religions and ideologies in difficulty or danger. Each year, growth in both industrial production and business activity creates in peoples’ minds new needs and desires, truly concrete ones, lessening their thirst for the absolute or their aspiration towards an ideal, factors that religions and ideologies feed on. Besides, the progress of scientific thinking makes people more and more sceptical as to the truth of religion’s stories and the promises it gives them. Paradoxically, the only religion to prosper today is the “Holocaust” religion, ruling, so to speak, supreme and having those sceptics who are openly active cast out from the rest of mankind: it labels them “deniers”, whilst they call themselves “revisionists”.

These days the ideas of homeland, nationalism or race, as well as those of communism or even socialism, are in crisis or even on their way to extinction. Equally in crisis are the religions of the Western world, including the Jewish religion, and in their turn but in a less visible manner, so are the non-Western religions, themselves confronted by consumerism’s force of attraction; whatever one may think, the Moslem religion is no exception: the bazaar attracts bigger crowds than the mosque and, in certain oil-rich kingdoms, consumerism in its most outlandish forms poses an ever more insolent challenge to the rules for living laid down by Islam.

Roman Catholicism, for its part, is stricken with anaemia: to use Céline’s phrase, it has become “christianaemic”. Amongst the Catholics whom Benedict XVI addresses, how many still believe in the virginity of Mary, the miracles of Jesus, the physical resurrection of the dead, everlasting life, in heaven, purgatory and hell? The churchmen’s talk is usually limited to trotting out the word that “God is love”. The Protestant religions and those akin to them are diluted, along with their doctrines, in an infinity of sects and variants. The Jewish religion sees its members, more and more reluctant to observe so many peculiar rules and prohibitions, deserting the synagogue and, in ever greater numbers, marrying outside the community.

But whereas Western beliefs or convictions have lost much of their substance, faith in “the Holocaust” has strengthened; it has ended up creating a link – a religion, according to standard etymology at any rate, is a link (religat religio) – that enables disparate sets of communities and nations to share a common faith. All in all, Christians and Jews today cooperate heartily in propagating the holocaustic faith. Even a fair number of agnostics or atheists can be seen lining up with enthusiasm under the “Holocaust” banner. “Auschwitz” is achieving the union of all.

The fact is that this new religion, born in the era where consumerism expanded so rapidly, bears all the hallmarks of consumerism. It has its vigour, cleverness and inventiveness. It exploits all the resources of marketing and communication. The vilest products of Shoah Business are but the secondary effects of a religion that, intrinsically, is itself a sheer fabrication. From a few scraps of a given historical reality, things that were, after all, commonplace in wartime (like the internment of a good part of the European Jews in ghettos or camps), its promoters have built a gigantic historical imposture: the imposture, all at once, of the alleged extermination of the Jews of Europe, of camps allegedly equipped with homicidal gas chambers and, finally, of an alleged six million Jewish victims.

A religion that seems to have found the solution to the Jewish question

Throughout the millennia, the Jews, at first generally well received in the lands that have taken them in, have ended up arousing a phenomenon of rejection leading to their expulsion but, quite often, after leaving through one door, they have re-entered through another door. In several nations of continental Europe, in the late 19th and early 20th century, the phenomenon appeared once more. “The Jewish question” was especially put in Russia, Poland, Romania, Austria-Hungary, Germany and France. Everyone, beginning with the Jews themselves, then set about looking for “a solution” to this “Jewish question”. For the Zionists, long a minority amongst their coreligionists, the solution could only be territorial. The thing to do was to find, with the accord of the imperial powers, a territory that Jewish colonists could settle. This colony might be located, for example, in Palestine, Madagascar, Uganda, South America, Siberia, … Poland and France envisaged the Madagascar solution whilst the Soviet Union created in southern Siberia the autonomous Jewish sector of Birobijan. As for National Socialist Germany, she was to study the possibility of settling the Jews in Palestine but wound up realising, from 1937, the unrealistic nature of the idea and the great wrong to the Palestinians that such a project would entail. Subsequently the 3rd Reich wanted to create a Jewish colony in a part of Poland (the Judenreservat of Nisko, south of Lublin), then in its turn, in 1940, it seriously considered creating a colony in Madagascar (the Madagascar Projekt). Two years later, beset by the necessities of a war to wage on land, sea and in the air and taken up with the more and more distressing concerns of having to save German cities from a deluge of fire, to safeguard the very life of his people, to keep the economy of a whole continent running, a continent so poor in raw materials, Chancellor Hitler made it known to his entourage, notably in the presence of Reichsminister and head of the Reichskanzlerei Hans-Heinrich Lammers, that he intended to “put off solving the Jewish question till after the war”. Constituting within her a population necessarily hostile to a Germany at war, the Jews – in any case a large portion of them – had to be deported and interned. Those able to work were made to do so, the others were confined in concentration camps or transit camps. Never did Hitler either desire or authorise the massacre of Jews and his courts martial went so far as to order the death penalty, even in Soviet territory, for soldiers found guilty of excesses against Jews. Never did the German State envisage anything else, as concerned the Jews, than “a final territorial solution of the Jewish question” (eine territoriale Endlösung der Judenfrage) and it takes all the dishonesty of our orthodox historians to evoke incessantly “the final solution of the Jewish question” and deliberately evade the adjective “territorial”, so important here. Up to the end of the war, Germany kept on offering to deliver interned Jews to the western Allies, but on condition that they then stay in Britain, for example, and not go and invade Palestine to torment “the noble and valiant Arab people”. There was nothing exceptional about the fate of Europe’s Jews in the general blaze of war. It would have deserved just a mention in the great book of Second World War history. One may therefore quite rightly be astonished that today the fate of the Jews should be considered the essential feature of that war.

After the war it was in the land of Palestine and to the detriment of the Palestinians that the upholders of the “Holocaust” religion found – or believed they’d found – the final territorial solution to the Jewish question.

A religion that, previously, groped along with its sales methods

(Raul Hilberg’s recantation)

I suggest that sociologists undertake a history of the new religion by examining the extremely varied techniques in line with which this “product” was created, launched and sold over the years 1945-2000. They can thus measure the distance between the often clumsy procedures of the beginning and the sophistication, at the end, of the packagings designed by our present-day spin doctors (crooked “com” experts) for their presentations of “the Holocaust”, henceforth a compulsory and kosher mass-consumer product.

In 1961, Raul Hilberg, first of the “Holocaust” historians, “the pope” of exterminationist science, published the first version of his major work, The Destruction of the European Jews. He expressed in doctoral manner the following thesis: Hitler had given orders for an organised massacre of the Jews and all was explained as somehow coming of those orders. This way of displaying the merchandise was to end in a fiasco. With the revisionists asking to see the Hitler orders, Hilberg was compelled to admit that they had never existed. From 1982 to 1985, under the pressure of the same revisionists asking to see just what the magical homicidal gas chambers, in technical reality, looked like, he was led to revise his presentation of the holocaustic product. In 1985, in the “revised and definitive” edition of the same book, instead of taking an assertive, curt stance with the reader-customer, he sought to get round him with all sorts of convoluted phrases, appealing to a supposed taste for the mysteries of parapsychology or the paranormal. He expounded on the history of the destruction of the European Jews without in the least bringing up any order, from Hitler or anyone else, to exterminate the said Jews. He explained everything by a kind of diabolical mystery through which, spontaneously, the German bureaucrats told themselves to kill the Jews to the very last.“Countless decision makers in a far-flung bureaucratic machine” took part in the extermination enterprise by virtue of a “mechanism”, and did so without any “basic plan” (p. 53); these bureaucrats “created an atmosphere in which the formal, written word could gradually be abandoned as a modus operandi” (p. 54); there were “basic understandings of officials resulting in decisions not requiring orders or explanations”; “it was a matter of spirit, of shared comprehension, of consonance and synchronization”; “no one agency was charged with the whole operation”; “no single organization directed or coordinated the entire process” (p. 55). In short, according to Hilberg, this concerted extermination had indeed taken place but there was no possibility of actually demonstrating it with the aid of specific documents. Two years previously, in February 1983, during a conference at Avery Fischer Hall in New York, he had presented this strange and woolly thesis as follows: “What began in 1941 was a process of destruction not planned in advance, not organized centrally by any agency. There was no blueprint and there was no budget for destructive measures. They were taken step by step, one step at a time. Thus came about not so much a plan being carried out, but an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus-mind reading by a far-flung bureaucracy”. To sum up, that vast project of destruction was executed, magically, by telepathy and by the diabolical workings of the “Nazi” bureaucratic genius. It can be said that with Hilberg, historical science has thus turned cabalistic or religious.

Serge and Beate Klarsfeld, at their end, wanted to set off on the same road of fake science when they called upon French pharmacist Jean-Claude Pressac for assistance. For several years the poor Pressac strove to sell the tainted product in a pseudo-scientific form but, realising the imposture, in 1995 he did a complete turnaround and admitted that, all things considered, the dossier of “the Holocaust” was “rotten” and fit only “for the rubbish bins of history”; such were his own words. The news of his change of heart was to be kept hidden for five years, emerging only in 2000 at the end of a long book by Valérie Igounet, another Shoah peddler, entitled Histoire du négationnisme en France (Seuil, p. 652).

A religion that has at last discovered the up to date sales techniques

It was then that the spin doctors came onto the scene. What with the product having become suspect and potential customers starting to ask questions, the “Holocaust” religion’s management had to steer an altogether different course and give up defending the merchandise with ostensibly scientific arguments: their new approach would be a resolutely “modern” one. It was decided to set only the very least store by efforts at logical argumentation and to replace serious research with appeals to sentiment and emotion, in other words with art: the cinema, theatre, historical novels, shows, story telling (the contemporary art of throwing together an account or framing a “testimony”), the media circus, stage designs in museums, public ceremonies, pilgrimages, worshiping of (false) relics and (false) symbols (symbolic gas chambers, symbolic numbers, symbolic witnesses), incantations, music and even kitsch, the whole thing matched with assorted ways of forcing people to buy it, including various kinds of threats. The filmmaker Steven Spielberg, a specialist in dishevelled and extraterrestrial fiction, has become the leading instigator for holocaustic films as well as for the casting of 50,000 witnesses. In order to sell their tainted product better in the long term, our fake historians and real junk dealers have sought and obtained the primary school “franchise”, with which they instil a taste for “the Holocaust” in the very youngest clientele: for it’s in the earliest years that appetites are acquired, making so that, later on, the customer need hardly be enticed: he’ll demand on his own what he enjoyed as a child, be it sweets or poison. Thus has it come to be that no one involved could care less about history: all serve the sole cause of a certain Remembrance, that is a jumble of legends and slanders that give the public the pleasure of feeling good andrighteous, ready tosing the virtues of the poor Jew and curse the intrinsically wicked “Nazis”, to call for vengeance and spit on the graves of the defeated. At the end it only remains to collect a flood of cold hard cash and receive new privileges. Pierre Vidal-Naquet was but an amateur: in 1979, he had shown himself from the outset to be too basic, too rough in his “Holocaust” promotion. For example, when asked by the revisionists to explain how in blazes, after a gassing operation with hydrogen cyanide (the active ingredient in the insecticide “Zyklon B”), a squad of Jews (Sonderkommando) could enter unharmed into a room still full of that terrible gas, then handle and remove up to a few thousand corpses infused with poison, he, along with 33 other academics, replied that he simply need not provide any explanation. Spielberg, a more skilful man, was to show in a screen drama a “gas chamber” wherein, for once, “by a miracle”, the showerheads sprayed… water and not gas. Subsequently, in his turn, Vidal-Naquet had, quite awkwardly, attempted to answer the revisionists on the scientific level and made a fool of himself. Claude Lanzmann, for his part, in the film Shoah, sought to produce testimonies or confessions, but his result was clumsy, inept and hardly convincing; that said, at least he’d grasped that the main point was to “make movies” and occupy the public forum. Today there is no longer a single “historian” of “the Holocaust” who makes it his business to prove the reality of “the Holocaust” and its magical gas chambers. All of them do like Saul Friedländer in his latest book (L’Allemagne nazie et les juifs / Les années d’extermination, Seuil, 2008): they leave it as understood that it all existed. With them history becomes axiomatic, although their axioms aren’t even drawn up. These new historians proceed with such self-assurance that the reader, taken aback, doesn’t realise the trick being played on him: the smooth talkers go on endlessly about an event whose reality they haven’t established in the first place. And so it is that the customer, believing that he’s bought some goods, has actually bought the smooth talk of the one giving him the sales pitch. Today’s world champion of holocaustic bluff is a shabbos goy, Father Patrick Desbois, one hell of a trickster whose various productions dedicated to “the Holocaust by bullets”, notably in the Ukraine, seem to have reached the very peaks of Judeo-Christian media hype.

A success story of the great powers

A veritable success story in the art of selling, the holocaustic enterprise has acquired the status of an international lobby. This lobby has blended with the American Jewish lobby (whose flagship organisation is the AIPAC) which itself defends, tooth and nail, the interests of the State of Israel, of which “the Holocaust” is the sword and shield. The mightiest nations in the world can hardly allow themselves to annoy such a network of pressure groups which, under a religious veneer, was at first a commercial concern only to become later on military-commercial, constantly pushing for new military adventures. It follows that if other countries, called “emerging”, want to be in good graces with a certain more powerful one, then they would be well advised to bend to its wishes. Without necessarily professing their faith in “the Holocaust”, they will contribute, if need be, to the propagation of “the Holocaust” and to the repression of those who dispute its reality. The Chinese, for example, although they have no use at all for such nonsense themselves, keep well away from any calling into question of the “Jewish Holocaust”; this enables them to pose as the “Jews” of the Japanese during the last war and so point out that they too have been victims of genocide, a formula which, they think, may open the way to financial reparations and political profits, as it has done for the Jews.

A particularly mortal religion

The future trouble for the religion of “the Holocaust” lies in the fact that it is too secular. Here one may well think of the Papacy, which, in centuries past, drew its political and military strength from a temporal power that, in the final analysis, ended up causing its downfall. The new religion is hand in glove with, all together, the State of Israel, the United States, the European Union, NATO, Russia, the big banks (which, as in the case of the Swiss banks, it can force to knuckle under if they show unwillingness to pay out), international racketeering and the arms merchants’ lobbies. This being the case, who can guarantee it a solid base in the future? It has made itself vulnerable by endorsing, de facto, the policies of nations or groups with inordinate appetites, whose spirit of worldwide crusade, as may be particularly noted in the Near and Middle East, has become adventurist.

It has come to pass that religions disappear with the empires where they used to reign. This is because religions, like civilisations, are mortal. That of “the Holocaust” is doubly mortal: it spurs countries to go on warlike crusades and it is rushing to its doom. It will rush to its doom even if, in the last instance, the Jewish State vanishes from the land of Palestine. The Jews then dispersed throughout the world will have only one last resort, that of bewailing this “Second Holocaust”.


Translator’s note: The italicised English words are in English in the original.

NB: Already in 1980, in my book Mémoire en défense contre ceux qui m’accusent de falsifier l’histoire (“Statement of case against those who accuse me of falsifying history”, La Vieille Taupe, Paris), I dealt with “the new religion” of “the Holocaust” (p. 261-263). In 2006 I wrote two articles on the subject: “La ‘Mémoire juive’ contre l’Histoire ou l’aversion juive pour toute recherche approfondie sur la Shoah” (“‘Jewish Remembrance’ versus History, or the Jewish aversion to any thorough research on the Shoah”) and “Le prétendu ‘Holocauste’ des juifs se révèle de plus en plus dangereux” (“The Alleged ‘Holocaust’ of the Jews is proving ever more dangerous”).

The second may be found here in English translation.

Posted by Codoh Admin
UPDATE: Florida principal removed after refusing to call the Holocaust a fact


Andrew Marra The Florida Times-Union
12 hrs ago

a screenshot of a social media post© Provided by TEGNA Inc.
Update: Spanish River High School’s principal was removed from his position Monday, three days after revelations that he refused to state the Holocaust was a historical fact last year.

Calls for Principal William Latson’s removal began Friday after The Palm Beach Post revealed that he had told a parent that he “can’t say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event because I am not in a position to do so as a school district employee.”

His statements drew international news coverage over the weekend and led to calls for action from local and state elected leaders.

Latson, Spanish River’s principal since 2011, told The Post in a statement last week that he regretted his messages to the parent, which he said “did not accurately reflect my professional and personal commitment to educating all students about the atrocities of the Holocaust.”

a screenshot of a social media post: Screenshot of a petition to have Principal William Latson resign on© Screenshot of a petition to have Principal William Latson resign on
Palm Beach County School District administrators said last week that Latson had not been disciplined for his actions.

But on Monday the district said in a statement that “his leadership has become a major distraction for the school community.”

“It is, therefore, in the best interest of students and the larger school community to reassign Mr. Latson to a District position,” the district stated.

“In addition to being offensive,” the district stated, “the principal’s statement is not supported by either the School District Administration or the School Board.”

Earlier: She sent off the email with few expectations — a routine question seeking a routine answer. How, the mother wondered, was the Holocaust being taught at a Florida high school?

She wanted to make sure, she wrote to the principal of Spanish River High School in Boca Raton, that her child’s school was making Holocaust education “a priority.” The response she received five days later, in April 2018, was anything but routine.

In an email reply, Principal William Latson assured her that the school had “a variety of activities” for Holocaust education.

But he explained that the lessons are “not forced upon individuals as we all have the same rights but not all the same beliefs.”

The mother, who asked not to be named to protect her child’s identity, was stunned. Was the principal of one of Palm Beach County’s largest public schools suggesting that the Holocaust was a belief rather than an actual event?

Thinking Latson simply had expressed himself poorly, she wrote back, asking him to clarify his comments. “The Holocaust is a factual, historical event,” she wrote. “It is not a right or a belief.”

She expected a chastened response. Instead, the veteran principal doubled down.

“Not everyone believes the Holocaust happened,” he wrote, according to email records obtained by The Palm Beach Post through a public records request. “And you have your thoughts, but we are a public school and not all of our parents have the same beliefs.”

He went on to say that as an educator he had “the role to be politically neutral but support all groups in the school.”

“I can’t say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event because I am not in a position to do so as a school district employee,” Latson wrote.

That response led the mother to launch a yearlong effort to address what she called a school leader’s failure to separate truth from myth regarding the genocide of an estimated 6 million Jews under Germany’s Nazi regime in the 1940s.

Principal regrets comments

She didn’t doubt that Latson knew the Holocaust was real, she said in an interview, but she feared his reluctance to say so stemmed from a desire to avoid confronting parents who deny the Holocaust’s reality.

Denying or minimizing the Holocaust is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization that monitors hate groups, as “an essential manifestation of anti-Semitism.”

Why, the mother wondered, would a lifelong educator cast a historical fact as a “belief” to appease anyone?

Her push led to changes in how the Holocaust is taught at Spanish River High, a 2,500-student campus west of Boca Raton said to have one of the county’s largest Jewish student populations.

It caused a small furor in the school district’s upper ranks, which had to grapple with whether and how to admonish a longtime principal of a high-performing school for his troubling statements.

But it ultimately left the mother frustrated, alleging that the school balked at putting in place some educational reforms she suggested and did too little to hold Latson, the school’s principal since 2011, accountable for his words.

In a statement to The Post, Latson apologized for the way he expressed himself in his emails, saying it was not indicative of his actual beliefs or regard for historical fact.

“I regret that the verbiage that I used when responding to an email message from a parent, one year ago, did not accurately reflect my professional and personal commitment to educating all students about the atrocities of the Holocaust,” Latson wrote.

“It is critical that, as a society, we hold dear the memory of the victims and hold fast to our commitment to counter anti-Semitism,” he continued. He pointed out that Spanish River High’s educational offerings on the Holocaust exceed the state’s requirements.

The Holocaust is taught, he said, in ninth- and 10th-grade English classes, as a component of U.S. history and world history courses, as a separate elective course and in an annual assembly featuring a keynote speaker.

Mother seeks changes

After her email exchange with Latson left her troubled, the mother pushed for a face-to-face meeting. In May 2018, three weeks after the email exchange, she and a second concerned mother met with Latson and a group of school district administrators who supervise him.

At the meeting, Latson provided the parents with a list of Holocaust educational efforts at the school.

But the mother wasn’t satisfied. She told Latson her child had informed her that not all of the supposed educational efforts were carried out in the classroom.

She asked that teachers be required to document their Holocaust lessons and readings. The suggestion was initially embraced, she said, but ultimately ignored.

Both mothers recalled that Latson again was reticent to state that the Holocaust was a historic event, a fact that angered the second mother, who expected the meeting would have resolved any tensions.

Instead, the second mother said, “I came out of there feeling so much worse. How do you pick and choose history?”

Latson did not respond to questions about his statements in meetings with the mothers.

Observing that some of school’s Holocaust teachings were in optional courses, the mother sought to use Latson’s emails as leverage to push for more educational offerings to reach all students.

In follow-up meetings with a school district administrator, she proposed two changes.

The first would require all 10th-grade English students to read “Night,” a classic Holocaust memoir by Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel. At the time, students were assigned to read only passages from the book, and the mother said that in her child’s class the readings hadn’t occurred.

The second one was to have assemblies about the Holocaust for every grade level. The school currently offers a Holocaust assembly only for 10th-graders.

Latson agreed to the first request. This past school year all sophomores were required to read “Night,” the mother and district officials said.

But while the mother said district administrators agreed to implement the assemblies at the school during the past school year, they failed to do so.

Trip to Holocaust museum

In an interview, Deputy Schools Superintendent Keith Oswald said the assemblies weren’t put in place this past year because of time constraints, but they will take place in the upcoming school year.

Administrators counseled Latson about the impropriety of his emails, Oswald said, but he was not formally disciplined.

This summer, Latson volunteered to spend four days in Washington, D.C., touring the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, a trip paid for by a nonprofit that promotes Holocaust awareness.

Latson said in a statement that his time in the museum served as “a poignant lesson and reminder of one of the most horrific events in human history.”

Oswald, who oversees all the county’s principals, said he agreed with the mother that Latson’s email messages were inappropriate but were not reflective of who he was as an educator.

Latson, he said, is a popular school leader whose school does more Holocaust education that most campuses and has led the school successfully for years.

He should not be judged, he said, solely by a pair of email messages.

“It was a hastily, poorly written email that he apologized for,” Oswald said. “That’s some of the challenge that we face when we email back and forth instead of picking up the phone.”

Board member: ‘I am appalled’

Also defending Latson: a parent on the school’s advisory committee who has worked closely with him and called his comments “contrary to what I have heard directly from Mr. Latson.”

“I’ve heard Mr. Latson state that he knows that the Holocaust happened,” Laura Fellman, a parent and member of the school advisory council since 2014, said in an email interview. “Even more importantly, I’ve seen that he works diligently with Spanish River’s teachers and other resources ... to make sure that Spanish River’s students are well informed about the Holocaust.”

Palm Beach County School Board member Karen Brill, the board’s only Jewish member, said she was troubled by the incident and said the school district must work to ensure all students learn about the Holocaust, a requirement of state law.

“The Holocaust is a historical fact,” she said, “and I am appalled that anyone in our district believes that its teaching may be opted out of.”

The mother’s push culminated in a follow-up meeting in May, more than a year after Latson’s messages to her.

There, the mother met with Latson and two regional superintendents. The mother spoke of her frustrations about the assemblies, about how the school ensures Holocaust studies are taught in the classroom.

She said that she no longer had faith in Latson’s leadership, according to minutes from the meeting obtained by The Post.

Although it is not reflected in the minutes, the mother wrote to district officials afterward to say that in the meeting Latson had once more said that the Holocaust is a “personal belief” and that he cannot take a stance on it as a district employee.

District officials deny that Latson made any such statements.

It was an emotional meeting, the mother said, one in which Latson told the mother that he felt she was accusing him of being an anti-Semite.

She told him he was wrong, that she didn’t believe he was anti-Semitic.

“I think you are protecting those who don’t believe in the Holocaust,” she recalled saying.

Click here to read the Florida Times-Union story. [see ]
The Simon Wiesenthal Center: A Bastion of Jewish-Zionist Power

By Mark Weber


Since its founding in 1977, the Simon Wiesenthal Center has grown to become one of the most important and influential Jewish organizations in the world. Headquartered in Los Angeles, with offices in New York, Jerusalem, Paris, Miami, Toronto and Buenos Aires, it reports a membership of more than 300,000 and an annual income of some $30 million.

The Center's imposing "Museum of Tolerance" in West Los Angeles, which presents a relentlessly Jewish-Zionist version of history, draws some 350,000 visitors each year, including tens of thousands of school children who are brought in busloads.

Although it calls itself "an international Jewish human rights organization dedicated to preserving the memory of the Holocaust fostering tolerance and understanding," the Center in reality is a propaganda agency whose agenda is to further Jewish-Zionist interests. / 1

Political Clout

The Center and its head, Rabbi Marvin Hier, wield considerable political power. "Hier has accrued unprecedented clout in the Legislature, on Capitol Hill, in the city's boardrooms and even in Hollywood," says the Los Angeles Times. / 2

Among the Center's prominent and wealthy supporters are President George W. Bush, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (New York), Senator Charles E. Schumer (New York), Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, and Mortimer Zuckerman, publisher of US News and World Report and the Atlantic Monthly. / 3

One of Hier's most important backers has been Roland E. Arnall, a California businessman who played a key role in getting the Center off the ground. With a fortune estimated at $2 billion, he has for years been a major player in state and national politics. / 4 Other major financial contributors, likewise Jewish, have included Ivan Boesky, who is perhaps best known for his prominent role in a mid-1980s Wall Street insider trading scandal, and Gary Winnick, founder and chairman of Global Crossing, Ltd., who donated $40 million for the Center's "Museum of Tolerance" in Jerusalem. / 5

Public Funding

The Center's annual income in the 2002-2003 fiscal year (the most recent for which detailed data is available) was $30 million, of which some $17 million was from public donations, and $10 million -- one-third of the total -- was from taxpayer funds. / 6 Of that $10 million in taxpayer money, $6 million was from the state of California, $2.6 million was from the US federal government, $1 million dollars came from New York City, and $328,147 was from New York State. / 7

That such a large portion of its budget is from public funds is an expression of the Center's political muscle. Even during times of fiscal belt-tightening, Hier's already wealthy Center can count on indulgent treatment by pliant politicians. In 1985, for example, California lawmakers voted to give the Center a $5 million grant of state taxpayer funds. / 8 In 1995 the state legislature gave a second $5 million grant. That allocation -- to the Center's " Museum of Tolerance " (and equal to the entire California Arts Council budget for the year 2004) -- came from funds that had been reserved for the state's public schools. Backing this extraordinary gift were prominent politicians of both parties, including Governor Pete Wilson. / 9

In addition, the Center has received at least $5 million in federal funds, through legislation sponsored by US Congressman Henry Waxman. / 10

"...In what's become a growing scandal," the LA Weekly noted, "funds allocated for the Museum's 'Tools for Tolerance' program [of the Wiesenthal Center] (which trains educators and police on 'diversity issues') are a budget 'line item,' meaning that it's pre-allocated every year by the governor (with legislative approval) -- bypassing the peer-review process of other grants." / 11 The paper went on to remark on the political clout that makes such largess possible: "The Museum's good fortune is as much a testament to the lobbying power of the Wiesenthal Center's dean, Rabbi Marvin Hier, as to the much larger social agenda of privatizing public services. For more than a decade and a half, Hier has had powerful backers among both Democratic and Republican lawmakers, from former Governor Pete Wilson and former Democratic leader Willie Brown, to President Bush and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who invited Hier to briefings on the war in Iraq."

Among those who receive generous salaries from the Center are four members of the Hier family. In fiscal year 2002-2003, Martin Hier -- its founder and "Dean" -- received $482,528 in salary and benefits, while his wife, Marlene, the Center's "Membership Director," received $312,574. Alan Hier, a son, received $151,761 in compensation and benefits for fundraising activities, and another son, Aron Hier, received $95,656 as "Associate Director." Abraham Cooper, the Center's "Associate Dean," received $397,622 in salary and benefits. Compensation for other senior staff members was similarly generous. / 12

In cultural life as well, Hier's Center has had considerable success in pressing its agenda. Through its "Moriah Films" division, it has produced several movies. "The Long Way Home," a film released in 1997, for example, is a fervently pro-Zionist look at the 1945-1949 period that sympathetically portrays Jews who survived German camps and World II, and the triumphal establishment of a Zionist state in Palestine. Even Jewish terrorist groups, the Irgun and the Stern Gang, are presented with understanding, if not sympathy. / 13

The Wiesenthal Center serves as an informal film censor. Motion picture makers routinely ask it to screen films as they are being considered for production. The Center effectively has the power to kill a movie. As one journalist who tracks the Hollywood scene has noted, Hier's Center "has been active in the entertainment industry for a number of years, often reviewing scripts and consulting with filmmakers and studios on Jewish-related productions. The Center has worked on everything from New Line's 1998 film 'American History X' to the 1989 ABC television mini-series 'War and Remembrance'." / 14

In 2004 the Center called on French authorities to ban the French edition of The Holocaust Industry, a provocative study by American Jewish scholar Norman Finkelstein that has been a best-seller in Europe. An official of the Center said that the book "presents a great danger" and should be prohibited in France because it is allegedly "replete with Holocaust revisionism and incitement to antisemitism." / 15

A Record of Recklessness

The indulgent treatment of the Center by politicians is matched by similarly respectful treatment from the press. With an attitude that borders on the reverential, the American media overlooks the Center's easily verifiable record of recklessness and deceit.

In its glossy magazine, Response, and in its other propaganda materials, the Center relentlessly conjures up a frightening image of militant, hate-crazed anti-Jewish legions on the march everywhere, determined to eradicate all Jews in a genocidal new "Final Solution." Its record of exaggerating anti-Jewish sentiment to raise money is no secret. Even the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), another major Jewish-Zionist group, has acknowledged that the Center makes "inaccurate" and "exaggerated claims" about anti-Semitism to raise money. It found, for example, that a Center fund-raising letter is "replete with factual misstatements and exaggerations" about anti-Jewish sentiment in the United States and Europe. / 16

In 1998 the Center issued a report that harshly condemned Switzerland 's treatment of Jews during World War II. The report, which received wide media attention, claimed that Swiss authorities held Jews in "slave labor camps." During the war years, its author charged, "the Swiss were really sadistic. They wanted to hurt the Jews, to deliberately hurt the Jews." / 17 In fact, the report was so inaccurate that Simon Wiesenthal himself took the unusual step of disavowing it. / 18 Although the report's distortions were eventually identified and made public, the damage had been done. The truth about the Center's fraudulent claims received much less media attention, especially in the American press, than did the Center's original, exaggerated accusations.

In 1999 the Center posted on its website a doctored wartime photograph of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp. Appearing under the heading "Photo Gallery: Hungarian arrivals after the 'Selektion' at Auschwitz," it was captioned: "As these prisoners were being processed for slave labor, many of their friends were being gassed and burned in the ovens in the crematoria. The smoke can be seen in the background." In fact, the photo had been altered by adding phony "smoke," apparently to support survivor testimony about smoke billowing from camp crematory chimneys. It was only after skeptics identified and publicized the fraud, that the Center removed the faked photo. / 19

Many Christians have been offended by some of the Center's overblown pronouncements, such as Rabbi Hier's charge that Mel Gibson and his film, The Passion of the Christ, "stereotype and denigrate the masses of Jews" and "could potentially imperil Jewish lives." / 20 Hier has also chastised Christian leaders during the Second World War, "from Pope Pius XII down, who at best looked the other way, protected their own, were bystanders rather than activists and sometimes even assisted the Nazis in carrying out their Final Solution." / 21 Hier has made the amazing claim, unsupported by any reputable historian, that Pope Pius XII prayed for Hitler's victory in World War II, and gave Church money to the German leader to fight Soviet Communism. The campaign to elevate the wartime pontiff to sainthood, Hier charged, "desecrates the memory of the Holocaust." / 22

Israel and Zionism

The Simon Wiesenthal Center is a staunch supporter of Israel and its Jewish supremacist regime. "What happens to Israel is every Jew's business," says Hier. / 23 "Let us never forget," Hier has also said, "that after the Holocaust when hope was bleak and Jewish life was decimated, that it was Israel that made us whole again, restored our pride, our faith, and our determination to go on." / 24 In that spirit, the Center staunchly defends Israel 's policies of oppression, occupation, dispossession, and institutionalized discrimination against non-Jews. / 25

The Center supports Jewish religious bigotry, insisting that the Zionist seizure of the land of Palestine ("Zion") is ordained by God, as revealed in the Hebrew scriptures. "In fact," says Hier, "the cornerstone of our [sic] return to Zion was always based on the fact that it was a return to our historic biblical roots." / 26

The Center supports policies of the Zionist state that have been condemned by the world community and which violate United Nations Security Council resolutions. For example, it has repeatedly voiced support for Israel 's formidable "security fence," a hideous barrier that is part of Israel 's long-range policy of seizing land of non-Jews, and which the International Court of Justice says is illegal. / 27 While the Center denounces violence and terrorism against Jews, it sanctions Zionist terrorism against non-Jews. It has publicly honored two Israeli leaders -- Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir -- each of whom has a well-documented record as a terrorist. / 28

In 2002 the Center announced plans to build a grand "Museum of Tolerance"Jerusalem. This was too much even for some Israeli Jews. The former deputy mayor of Jerusalem, Meron Benvenisti, vented his exasperation in a piece published in an influential Israeli daily paper: "It is difficult to imagine a project so hallucinatory, so irrelevant, so foreign, so megalomaniac, as the Museum of Tolerance. The mere attempt to stick the term tolerance to a building so intolerant to its surroundings is ridiculous... There's no need to waste words on the absurdity of a Museum of Tolerance planted on part of an ancient Muslim cemetery, some of which has long since been turned into a parking lot, and will now be topped by spaces in which people are meant to learn about tolerance, mutual respect and coexistence." Benvenisti concluded: "The Museum of Tolerance project must be eradicated without any tolerance." / 29

Propaganda for War

The Wiesenthal Center has a long record of reckless propaganda for war. Long before the US invasion of Iraq in March 2003, it had been pressing for an American attack against the Middle East nation, backing its effort with alarmist "Big Lie" claims about the supposed danger posed by the Baghdad regime.

In 1990 Hier wrote in Newsweek magazine: "I think the United States should go in. Maybe not tomorrow, but very soon... Three years from now, Iraq will have nuclear weapons." / 30 In early 1991 the Center announced the "shocking revelation" that Iranian prisoners of war were being killed with Zyklon B "in gas chambers specially designed for the Iraqis by the German company Rhema Labortechnik." The Center's magazine, Response, went on to assert that the Iraqi "gas chambers were tiled to look like operating rooms, with a separated observation room for each gas chamber with reinforced glass visibility." / 31

In the months before the US invasion of Iraq, the Center was offering new propaganda reasons for America to go to war. An all out attack was necessary, it claimed in October 2002, because the Saddam Hussein regime had been "continuing to stockpile weapons of mass destruction," and because it "has defied the world and thumbed his nose at United Nations Security Council resolutions." Moreover, the Center went on to charge: "For while there are other tyrants, Saddam alone stands as a menace to world order and stability. While there are others who possess chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction, only Saddam has shown an eagerness to use them." / 32

The Center's indignation over the Baghdad regime's alleged defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions is remarkable for its gall, given Israel 's own long record of defying such resolutions.

As the world now knows, the Center's claims about Iraq-- which matched those of the Bush administration -- were empty propaganda pretexts designed to persuade a skeptical public to support unprovoked war against a country that posed no threat to the United States. / 33

Fanning the Flames

In its slick membership magazine, its films, and its public pronouncements, Rabbi Hier and his Center skillfully play to Jewish fears, concerns and sensitivities, above all through relentlessly emotion-laden exploitation of the Holocaust story. In fanning the flames of what Jewish American historian Alfred Lilienthal calls "Holocaustomania," it has no equal.

"Rabbi Hier and the Wiesenthal Center are, in my opinion, the most extreme of those who utilize the Holocaust," the director of Israel 's Yad Vashem Holocaust center has said. "The Jewish people does many vulgar things," he went on, "but the Wiesenthal Center [has] raised it to a complete level: The optimum use of sensitive issues in order to raise money ..." / 34 "The enormous success of the Simon Wiesenthal Center," says New York Times journalist and author Judith Miller, "has given new meaning to what was once a macabre in-house joke ... 'There is no business like Shoah business'," ("Shoah" is the Hebrew term for Holocaust). / 35

The Center has been a major player in what Norman Finkelstein calls the "extortion racket" by Israel and organized Jewry to blackmail billions of dollars from European countries and corporations. / 36 Finkelstein, himself a son of Holocaust survivors, calls the Center "a gang of heartless and immoral crooks, whose hallmark is that they will do anything for a dollar." / 37

The Simon Wiesenthal Center is not only an expression of immense Jewish-Zionist power in America, it plays an important role in maintaining that power. In promoting its agenda, it carries out a well-funded and effective propaganda campaign of deceit, disinformation and lies in support of Israeli oppression and war. In partnership with politicians who put their own interests ahead of the public good, it both reflects and contributes to the corruption of American political and cultural life.


1. See also M. Weber, "The Simon Wiesenthal Center : An Overview," The Journal of Historical Review, July-August 1995, pp. 2-7. Additional useful information about the Center is posted on David Irving's website:

2. S. Teitelbaum and T. Waldman, "The Unorthodox Rabbi," Los Angeles Times Magazine, July 15, 1990, p. 9.

3. Other prominent supporters of the Center have included:

President Ronald Reagan, President George H.W. Bush, Governors Jeb Bush (Florida), Gray Davis (California), and George E. Pataki (New York), New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan, Senator Charles E. Schumer (New York), Senator Dianne Feinstein (California), and her investment banker husband Richard Blum), entertainers Frank Sinatra and Elizabeth Taylor, columnist George Will, television journalist Barbara Walters, several members of the moneyed Belzberg family, Alan Greenberg (chairman of the investment firm of Bear Stearns), and New York financiers Nelson Peltz, Ronald Perelman and Ivan Boesky.

4. During the 2001-2005 period, for example, Arnall, his companies and his wife, have made more than $8 million in political donations. He has been a major financial backer of President George W. Bush and California Governor Schwarzenegger. Arnall and his wife gave $5 million to a group that supported Bush's presidential reelection campaign, and he and his companies provided $1 million to finance Bush's 2003 inaugural. Source: E. Scott Reckard, "Ambassador Nominee's Company is Scrutinized," Los Angeles Times, Sunday, August 7, 2005, pages A1, A28.

5. S. Freudenheim, "$40-Million Gift to Fund Israeli Tolerance Center," Los Angeles Times, May 10, 2000; D. Colker, "Global Chairman Defends...," Los Angeles Times, Oct. 2, 2002, pp. C1, C4.

6. According to the Center's public IRS Form 990 for the year 2002, filed on May 19, 2004, the Center's income during the year ending June 30, 2003, was $30,540,845, of which $16,867,991 was from "direct public support" (donations from the public), and $10,117,676 was from "government contributions (grants)."

7. Information provided by the Wiesenthal Center.

8. M. Chazanov, M. Gladstone, "Museum of Tolerance': Proposed State Grant for Wiesenthal Facility Raises Eyebrows," Los Angeles Times, May 19, 1985.

9. D. Morain, "Lean Times Don't Imperil Wiesenthal Grant,"Los Angeles Times, July 18, 1995.

10. S. Teitelbaum and T. Waldman, "The Unorthodox Rabbi," Los Angeles Times Magazine, July 15, 1990,
p. 9.

11. S. L Morris, "Swimming with sharks in a sea of arts funding," LA Weekly, June 27-July 3, 2003.

12. Information from the Center's public IRS Form 990 for the year 2002, filed on May 19, 2004.

13. H. Sheehan, "The Long Way Home': A Personal History," The Orange County Register, Sept. 19, 1997.

14. Josh Spector, "Forget Ebert: Studios Now Look for Thumbs Up from Special Interest Groups," Inside Magazine, March 26, 2001. See also: Tom Tugend, "Hollywood Director Says Wiesenthal Center Nixed Film," Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA), April 20, 2001; Tom Tugend, "Pressure Power?," The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, April 6, 2001.

15. "Simon Wiesenthal Centre Testifies in Paris Libel Suit Against Norman Finkelstein," Die Jüdische, March 26, 2004.

16. Miles Corwin, "Claims About Anti-Semitic Wave Hit by B'nai B'rith," Los Angeles Times, Dec. 12, 1984.

17. "Jews Mistreated in Swiss WWII Camps, Study Says," Los Angeles Times, Jan. 13, 1998; "Swiss Slowed Jews' Escape, Report Says," Los Angeles Times, June 10, 1998; Essays by Rabbis Hier and Cooper of the Wiesenthal Center, and by Swiss Ambassador Thomas Borer, "Perspectives on the Swiss in World War II," Los Angeles Times, June 17, 1998.

18. "Wiesenthal Dismisses Report on Switzerland," The Orange County Register, June 18, 1998.

19. "How the Simon Wiesenthal Center Falsifies History," The Journal of Historical Review, Sept.-Dec. 1999 (Vol. 18, No. 4-5), pages 4-5.

See also: David Irving, "Bowing to the 'deniers' Wiesenthal Center has finally removed faked photo from its website."

20. SWC news release, "SWC and Mel Gibson's Film The Passion of the Christ," February 2004.

21. M. Hier, "Heroes Aren't the Story, Villainy Is," Los Angeles Times, Jan. 19, 1995.

For a succinct response to criticisms of Pope Pius XII for his actions during World War II, see "The Myth of Hitler's Pope," a review by Thomas E. Woods, Jr., July 25, 2005. Posted at:

22. C. Reed, "Wartime Pope 'Prayed for Nazi Victory'," The Guardian (Britain), May 15, 1999, p. 18.

23. SWC news release, Feb. 12, 2001.

24. SWC news release, July 22, 2001. On Hier's ardent support for Israel and its policies, see also SWC news release, April 11, 2002 "We Stand With Israel."

25. On the systemtic and institutionalized nature of Israeli discrimination against non-Jews, see: "Saving Israel From Itself: A Secular Future for the Jewish State," by Bernard Avishai, Harper's Magazine, January 2005; Norman Dacey, "Democracy' in Israel: Government, Social Order and Institutions (IHR: 1992?); Alfred Lilienthal, The Zionist Connection (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1978), esp. chap.VI; Issa Nakhleh, Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem (New York: 1991).

26. SWC news release of Jan. 10, 2001, "Israel's Honor and Soul Should Not Be Up for Grabs," Jan. 10, 2001.

27. SWC "Press Information" statements of August 20, 2003, and July 9, 2004. For more about the "security fence," see: "Israeli Official: Wall to Ensure Jewish Majority," AP, July 11, 2005; "Stop the Wall" website ; "Israel's Confiscation Barrier Through Palestine," If Americans Knew.

28. M. Weber, "The Simon Wiesenthal Center : An Overview," The Journal of Historical Review, July-August 1995, pp. 2-7.

"Both the Stern Gang and the Irgun, which included [later Israeli] prime ministers Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, were involved in the bombings of Arab markets, the bombing of the British military headquarters in Jerusalem's King David Hotel -- an attack that left over 80 Englishmen, Arabs and Jews dead -- and the assassination of UN mediator Count Bernadotte, author of a June 1948 peace plan calling for, among other things, an Arab-controlled Jerusalem." See: James Ciment, Palestine/ Israel: The Long Conflict (New York: Facts on File, 1997), pages 186-187; George W. Ball, Douglas B. Ball, The Passionate Attachment: America's Involvement with Israel, 1947 to the Present (New York: 1992), p. 141; Baylis Thomas, How Israel Was Won: A Concise History of the Arab-Israel Conflict ( 1999).

29. Meron Benvenisti, "A Museum of Tolerance in a City of Fanatics," Haaretz (Israel), Dec. 5, 2002.

30. Marvin Hier, "Crisis in the Gulf," Newsweek, Nov. 26. 1990. Facsimile in Christian News, Nov. 26, 1990,
p. 4.

31. "German Firms Produce Zyklon B in Iraq," Response: The Wiesenthal Center World Report, Spring 1991, pp. 2, 4; D. Willis "German Exports: 'Was the Lesson of Auschwitz in Vain?," Orange County Register, Feb. 8, 1991.

32. SWC news release of October 7, 2002. "Wiesenthal Center Supports Congressional Resolution on Iraq."

33. A major and probably crucial factor in the US decision to bomb, invade and occupy Iraq was to eliminate a regime that was hostile to Israel and dangerous to Zionist interests. See: M. Weber, "Iraq : A War for Israel," May 2005; James Bamford, A Pretext for War (Anchor, 2005); Stephen J. Sniegoski, "War on Iraq - Conceived In Israel," Current Concerns (Switzerland), Issue No. 1, 2003.

34. Ha'aretz, (Israel), Dec. 16, 1988. Reported in: David Sinai, "News We Doubt You've Seen," ["Sad"], The Jewish Press (Brooklyn, New York), Dec. 23, 1988.

35. Judith Miller, One by One, by One: Facing the Holocaust (New York: Simon and Schuster/ Touchstone, 1990), p. 237.

36. Norman G. Finkelstein, The Holocaust Industry (London, New York : Verso, 2003 [second ed.]), pp. 89, 94, 130, 138, 139

37. "A Conversation with Professor Norman Finkelstein." Conducted by Don Atapattu, Dec. 13, 2001.
A principal in Florida said he couldn't confirm the Holocaust was a 'factual' event. The school district just fired him


A former high school principal in Boca Raton, Florida, was fired on Wednesday as a result of emails he sent to a student's parent in April 2018 that appeared to cast doubt on the historical truth of the Holocaust.

The Palm Beach County School Board voted 5-2 to terminate William Latson's employment effective on November 21, according to records from the meeting posted online.

According to the district, there's "just cause" for firing the former principal, based on ethical misconduct and failure to carry out job responsibilities.

After a parent emailed Latson in April to ask him how the school teaches students about the Holocaust, Latson responded, "I can't say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event because I am not in a position to do so as a district employee."

The school district also specifically criticized Latson for being slow to respond to school district officials during the week after his comments came to light.

"While his email was receiving global news coverage, Mr. Latson failed to respond to communications from his supervisors and failed to assist the District in addressing the serious disruption caused by the aforementioned email and news coverage," a statement from the school district said.

Latson and his attorney did not respond to emails and phone calls for comment Wednesday evening.

In an email to high school staff obtained by CNN, Latson had written that his comments to the parent were "not accurately relayed."

According to CNN affiliate WFLX, Latson was taking a vacation in Jamaica as the news of his emails surfaced.

Latson had been reassigned to another position

Latson has had a long career in education, rising to become principal of Spanish River Community High School in Boca Raton, Florida in 2011.

In July, the School District of Palm Beach County reassigned Latson to a new post working in a "District position," according to a statement.

Latson's comments came to light just days earlier, when the Palm Beach Post published the excerpts from the emails after obtaining them via an open records request.

According to the paper, Latson told the parent, "Not everyone believes the Holocaust happened. And you have your thoughts, but we are a public school and not all of our parents have the same beliefs."

Attached to Latson's firing notice was an October 11 letter that Superintendent Donald E. Fennoy wrote to the former principal informing Latson that he planned to recommend his termination at a school board meeting scheduled for October 30.

Fennoy's letter stated that Latson had until November 20, the day before his termination is official, to appeal the decision.

The district said Latson had been counseled about his choices and that he had traveled to Washington, DC, to visit the US Holocaust Museum and learn more about the mass genocide perpetrated by the Nazi regime that took the lives of 6 million Jews in Europe.

The district also affirmed that the Holocaust did in fact occur, and said it had previously asked Latson to expand his school's Holocaust curriculum.

"Every generation must recognize, and learn from, the atrocities of the Holocaust's incomprehensible suffering and the enduring stain that it left on humankind," Palm Beach County school board Chairman Frank Barbieri Jr. said in a statement in July.
Principal Who Said He Couldn't Confirm The Holocaust Was Real Is Fired

HuffPost Nina Golgowski,HuffPost 11 hours ago .


[vid at site link, above]

Palm Beach County School Board votes to fire former Spanish River High School principal

A Florida principal who told a parent that he couldn’t say that the Holocaust happened has been fired, four months after his comments drew national outcry.

William Latson of Boca Raton’s Spanish River Community High School was fired by county school board members on Wednesday after they voted 5-2 to have him removed, The Palm Beach Post reported.

Latson’s termination was on the grounds of “ethical misconduct” and “failure to carry out job responsibilities.”

Though it was his emailed comments to a parent back in 2018 that launched public furor after they were published by The Palm Beach Post in July, it was reportedly his failure to respond to district officials’ messages in the days after the outcry that led to his firing.

In his email to the parent who was inquiring about the school’s Holocaust curriculum, Latson said the school’s one-day lesson to 10th graders is not mandatory because some parents “don’t want their children to participate.”

“The Holocaust is a factual, historical event,” the mother, who asked not to be named by the Post, responded to him. “It is not a right or a belief.”

“Not everyone believes the Holocaust happened and you have your thoughts but we are a public school and not all of our parents have the same beliefs so they will react differently,” he replied. “I can’t say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event because I am not in a position to do so as a school district employee.”

Latson said he takes the same stance when it comes to slavery.

William Latson (right) of Boca Raton’s Spanish River Community High School was fired on Wednesday following a vote by county school board members. (Photo: WPTV)

He later defended his remarks in an email to school staff members, telling them that his comments were not “accurately relayed” when shared with the local newspaper.

“It is unfortunate that someone can make a false statement and do so anonymously and it holds credibility but that is the world we live in,” he said.

Latson has until Nov. 21, when his termination takes effect, to file an appeal, according to local station WPTV.

Related Coverage

Florida Principal: 'Not Everyone Believes The Holocaust Happened'
Significance of this story, below-copied, is active resistance to holohoax religion--it's sad enough Italian folks can't just come-out and say TRUTH, that holohoax is just usual, typical Jew lies--but at least they REFUSE to endorse this putrid scummy satanic religious profession--it shows where our culture is, playing defense against this Jew Satanism (a redundancy, suckers, don't doubt).

Italian Town Council Rejects Holocaust Memorial, Citing Risk of ‘New Hatred,’ ‘Division’



Officials from the Italian town of Schio are doubling down on their refusal to install a memorial honoring local victims of the Holocaust, after the move prompted criticism from the Jewish community.

In an address made late last week, Valter Orsi, mayor of Schio, defended the municipal council’s recent decision to reject a memorial representing citizens of the town who died in Holocaust death camps.

According to Orsi, the proposal was not brought to the town in good faith.

The installation, proposed by an opposition council member, comes as part of the Gunter Demnig’s “Stolpersteine” art project, which began in December 1992. Each stone, or “stumbling block,” includes a victim’s name, birth year, date of detention and ultimate fate. There are now about 70,000 stones in 21 European countries.

The motion brought before the municipal council called for the installation of a total of 14 stones.

While some may have opposed the memorial’s installation, Di Segni explained that the council’s move is “even worse than acts by individuals because with this decision Holocaust denial becomes an official act.”

Italian Senator Daniela Sbrollini told the Corriere della Sera that Schio’s officials have “written a bad page for the city” by prohibiting the memorial.

Earlier this year, a Holocaust brass plaque was defaced in Rome with a sticker that, in German, read: “Murderers always return to the crime scene.” The year prior, some 20 stumbling blocks were stolen from the city, reported Israel Hayom.

See above articles, #s 2, 4, and 5, for ref.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Florida principal fired for Holocaust comments will be rehired, school board votes


Michelle Marchante, Devoun Cetoute
October 7, 2020, 6:21 PM

The Palm Beach County School Board voted to rehire a former high school principal who was fired last year after he refused to say the Holocaust was a “factual, historical event.”

In a 4-3 vote, school board members voted in favor of rehiring former Spanish River Community High School Principal William Latson. He will be given an administrative job and $152,000 in back pay.

School Board Chairman Frank Barbieri and board members Karen Brill and Erica Whitfield voted against Latson’s rehiring.

“I hope you understand Dr. Latson that this is on you and that you finally take accountability for your words and actions,” Brill said during the school board meeting. “On behalf of the 17 million people who died in the Holocaust ... I will not support the judge’s and superintendent’s recommendation.”

Brill went on to say she is appalled that the school board would be asked to allow Latson to return in any capacity.

Board member Chuck Saw, one of four who voted in favor of the rehiring, said it would avoid a expensive legal battle after he partly blamed the media for the situation surrounding Latson.

The vote comes after an administrative judge ruled in August that the Boca Raton principal should not have been fired. The judge said he should get back pay and be rehired by the school district.

Palm Beach Schools Superintendent Donald Fennoy, who last year recommended Latson’s firing to the School Board, recommended Latson be reinstated and given $152,000 in back pay, according to the Palm Beach Post.

Why was the Spanish River High School principal fired?

Latson had worked for the Palm Beach public school district for more than 20 years, had an almost spotless record and had been the principal of Spanish River High for 11 years. He sparked national controversy after emails he wrote to a Spanish River mom in 2018 surfaced last year.

In those emails, Latson told the mother that “not everyone believes the Holocaust happened” and that he couldn’t say the Holocaust was real because he worked at a public school and could not take a position on the matter.

Latson — and the district— were put in the hot seat, with local and state officials calling for Latson to be fired and an explanation into why the district took so long to act. At the time, Fennoy said he had lost confidence in Latson’s leadership.

When the School Board fired Latson last October, officials said it was not because of his comments but because of “ethical misconduct” and “failure to carry out job responsibilities,” including not responding to messages from school district officials during the news coverage of his comments. Latson had gone on vacation to Jamaica the day media outlets began reporting on the story, WFLX reports.

The Tallahassee judge sided with Latson in August and said students at Spanish River were learning about the Holocaust, as is required by Florida law, and that Latson’s actions were not serious enough for termination.
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After 1,300 Messages About Holocaust-Denying Principal, Florida Board Delays Rehiring Vote


William Latson, a high school principal who was fired last year after telling a parent that he couldn’t say the Holocaust was a factual event. (Screenshot)

“We have never had the number of email messages and speakers for any issue in the past,” said board member Karen Brill.

By: Josh Plank

Due to an overwhelming level of public feedback, the school board of Palm Beach County, Florida, was forced to delay a vote Wednesday night to reverse the rehiring of William Latson, a high school principal who was fired last year after telling a parent that he couldn’t say the Holocaust was a factual event.

Board chair Frank Barbieri laid out the unusual dilemma that the board found itself in Wednesday night.

Barbieri said that the board had received almost 1,300 recorded messages, all of which must be heard before a vote can take place.

Approximately 900 recorded messages were still awaiting processing at the time of the meeting. The 362 messages that had been processed amounted to 7 hours and 21 minutes of required listening.

“Tonight’s meeting is really unprecedented,” said board member Karen Brill.

“We have never had the number of email messages and speakers for any issue in the past,” she said.

The vast majority of public comments were urging the board to take back an October 7 vote to rehire Latson, who had been fired in October 2019.

After consulting with counsel, the board decided it had no choice but to continue the meeting to November 2 to allow board members to hear all public comments.

Several members of the public came to the meeting and were allowed to address the board in person.

Senator Kevin Rader told the board, “There’s a stain, not only in this county, in this state, but it’s nationally and internationally. And we need to fix it.”

“I hope that when this comes back up for a revote that you will do the thing that is obvious, which is not to allow [people] who believe[] that the Holocaust is not a factual event to be principals in our schools or be educators in our district. It’s a very simple understanding,” said Rader.

Rabbi Barry Silver of Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor said, “Holocaust denial is anti-Semitism unmasked, and it is a superspreader of hate and prejudice and arrogance and ignorance.”

Rabbi Dovid Vigler of Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens said, “To the members of the school board, the world is watching us here tonight. On behalf of the Jewish community, I urge you to set an example and to vote to cancel the employment of Mr. Latson.”

Menachem Warshawski said, “I am a survivor of Auschwitz. I didn’t think that in my 90s I’ll have to educate an educator.”

Angela Van Der Pluym said, “To deny or to say you cannot confirm a historical fact puts these Jewish communities in danger, not just here in West Palm Beach but across the world. World Jewry is watching you right now.”

Richard Cravatts, member of the Florida board of the Zionist Organization of America, said his organization opposes Latson’s rehiring because it “sends students and their families a wrong and dangerous message that Holocaust denial and other forms of anti-Semitism will be excused and tolerated.”

Accusations of Jewish ‘power’ and ‘racism’

Some members of the black community questioned whether Latson was being treated fairly.

Chuck Ridley, chairman of Unify Palm Beach County, said, “We find Mr. Latson’s comments to be disturbing. However, we are aware of many instances in which white principals made choices that are disturbing and in some cases criminal and they were treated with greater respect, care, and great favor.”

“The reason that you are doing this has very little to do with anti-Semitism and much more to do with the power of the group that is doing the advocacy,” Ridley said.

Charmain Postel said, “Are we now backtracking on an earlier decision to bring an educator back because certain politicians wish to disqualify him?”

Steve White said, “As I observe this unwarranted persecution of Mr. Latson, a black man, I wonder if the actions of those who are persecuting him are motivated by racism and if the individuals are racists.”

Maxwell Adelstein, associate director of StandWithUs Southeast, disagreed with these assertions.

“What you’re hearing from the Jewish community isn’t about power dynamics. It’s not about politics. It’s about pain. It’s about anguish. It’s about intergenerational trauma that we still experience to this very day,” Adelstein said.

If the board votes not to rescind the rehiring of Latson on November 2, they are set to vote on an addendum that would transfer Latson from his position as principal of Spanish River High to “Principal on Special Assignment, Transportation Services.”

In an April 2018 email, Latson told a parent, “I can’t say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event because I am not in a position to do so as a school district employee.” (World Israel News)

Read more at:
Former school principal in Florida apologizes for Holocaust remarks, asks to keep job


Andrew Marra, Palm Beach Post
USA TODAY ●October 28, 2020, 2:04 PM

Former Spanish River High School Principal William Latson apologized for his 2018 comments about the Holocaust in a video posted Tuesday on YouTube.

Former Spanish River High School Principal William Latson apologized for his 2018 comments about the Holocaust in a video posted Tuesday on YouTube.

PALM BEACH, Fla. — A former principal whose controversial Holocaust comments prompted national outrage apologized and asked to keep his job in a Florida public school system as a new vote on his fate nears.

Former high school principal William Latson said in an online video Tuesday that he is “not a Holocaust denier” and is “sorry that my comments caused people to think that.”

He appealed to school board members to let him keep his job in Florida's Palm Beach County Public Schools, a position board members voted 4-3 to reinstate him to this month but are now weighing whether to rescind.

“When I wrote to a parent in 2018 that as an employee of Palm Beach County schools I could not state that the Holocaust was a historical fact, I was wrong,” he said.

“I apologize to the Palm Beach County community, the school board, the school administration, the parents, students, teachers of Palm Beach County, the Jewish community and everyone offended or hurt by my mistake.”

The apology is Latson's first personal expression of remorse since his Holocaust comments were revealed in July 2019. It comes as school board members, struggling to grapple with the sustained outrage surrounding his case, prepare for a new vote Monday.

To keep his job, Latson will have to hope that none of the four board members who voted to reinstate him reconsider under the onslaught of public pressure.

None of the four responded to requests for comment Wednesday.

The veteran principal was fired a year ago after stoking national anger by telling a parent he “can’t say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event because I am not in a position to do so as a school district employee."

He appealed his termination, and an administrative law judge ruled in August that the board had gone too far in firing him.

Reluctantly, board members voted 4-3 to reinstate him. They were met with an onslaught of angry phone calls and emails from across the country.

Days later, School Board Chairman Frank Barbieri asked board members to reconsider. To do so, one of the four board members who voted to reinstate him would have to change their vote.

A new vote was originally set for last week, but a flood of more than 1,300 voicemail comments — all of which board members are required to listen to — forced the school board to postpone the vote until Monday.

In the video, Latson acknowledged the timing of his apology would lead some to question its sincerity.

“Some people may say this apology comes too late," he said, "but I believe it’s never too late to do the right thing.”

Since his comments were revealed in July 2019, Latson has maintained he did nothing wrong. Instead, he falsely blamed the controversy on comments by the parent, leading to his termination.

After the 4-3 vote to reinstate him Oct. 7, his attorney doubled down on that position, falsely claiming that the parent had asked Latson to "confront" Holocaust deniers and that he was right not to take a position on the Holocaust's factualness.

"Confronting parents about their beliefs was outside the scope of his duties," his attorney Thomas Elfers wrote.

In his video apology, Latson said that Elfer's statement was issued "without my knowledge."

Follow Andrew Marra on Twitter: @AMarranara.

This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Post: Former principal apologizes for Holocaust remarks, asks to keep job
[See also above, #s 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9]

Florida principal fired over Holocaust statements again


David Matthews 45 mins ago

A Florida principal who made highly questionable comments about the Holocaust has been fired for the second time.

According to the Sun Sentinel, the Palm Beach County School Board voted to rescind an October vote to rehire William Latson, former principal at Spanish River High in Boca Raton who had been fired after sending an email in 2018 where he said the Holocaust was not a factual event.

a man smiling for the camera: Principal William Latson of Spanish River Community High School in Boca Raton, Fla., was removed from his position and reassigned to a different position in the Palm Beach County school district.© Handout Principal William Latson of Spanish River Community High School in Boca Raton, Fla., was removed from his position and reassigned to a different position in the Palm Beach County school district.

Principal William Latson of Spanish River Community High School in Boca Raton, Fla., was removed from his position and reassigned to a different position in the Palm Beach County school district. (Handout/)

Latson was fired but later an administrative judge ruled the firing was improper and the school board voted to reinstate him. However, school board Frank Barbieri called for a new vote when it became apparent school board members did not realize the judge’s ruling was a recommendation, not an order.

Several of the members of the school board who reversed their votes said they learned a lot from Jewish people after Latson’s rehiring created a large backlash.
Last edited:
Florida principal who refused to say Holocaust was a fact is fired a second time


Michelle Marchante
November 2, 2020, 1:32 PM

The former Florida high school principal who made national headlines last year for refusing to say the Holocaust was a “factual, historical event” has been fired again, about a month after he was rehired.

The Palm Beach County School Board voted unanimously Monday morning to rescind an Oct. 7 vote rehiring former Spanish River Community High School Principal William Latson. The initial 4-3 vote to rehire Latson and give him $152,000 in back pay came after an administrative judge ruled in August that the Boca Raton principal should not have been fired.

Latson’s rehiring decision was met with backlash, including from the Florida Department of Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran, who requested the cancellation of Latson’s professional educator certificate.

Palm Beach County School Board Chairman Frank Barbieri then called for another vote because he said School Board members might not have realized that the judge’s ruling was a recommendation, the Sun Sentinel reported.

The decision drew more than 1,000 voicemails of public comments last week on whether Latson should be hired or fired. There were so many comments, the School Board had to postpone the vote for Monday.

Latson last week also issued a video apology for his Holocaust remarks and said he was not and had never been a Holocaust denier.

“When I wrote to a parent in 2018 that as an employee of Palm Beach County Schools, I could not state that the Holocaust was a historical fact, I was wrong,” Latson said in the video. “I apologize to the Palm Beach County community, the School Board, the school administration, the parents, students, teachers of Palm Beach County, the Jewish community, and everyone offended or hurt by my mistake.”

Latson has been employed by the school district since he was reinstated last month though it’s not clear if he will continue working until the School Board votes on a final order Nov. 10, according to the Palm Beach Post.

His lawyer Thomas Elfers did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Latson, who has worked for the Palm Beach public school district for more than 20 years, had a nearly spotless record and had been the principal of Spanish River High for 11 years. He set off a national controversy after emails he wrote to a Spanish River mom in 2018 surfaced last year.

In those emails, Latson told the mother that “not everyone believes the Holocaust happened” and that he couldn’t say the Holocaust was real because he worked at a public school and could not take a position on the matter.

Latson — and the district— were put in the hot seat, with local and state officials calling for Latson to be fired and an explanation into why the district took so long to act. At the time, Superintendent Donald E. Fennoy II said he had lost confidence in Latson’s leadership.

When the School Board fired Latson in October 2019, officials said it was not because of his comments but because of “ethical misconduct” and “failure to carry out job responsibilities,” including not responding to messages from school district officials during the news coverage of his comments.

This article will be updated.

[below-copied is the note at end of article attached by Jewwy to all their stories now--the won't publish comments because they'd be roasted for all their Jew-friendly lying, indicated by this very story, above.]

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The Forgiven Holocaust

By Joseph Sobran


The columnist Sidney Zion of the New York Daily News, a forthright partisan of Israel's Likud faction, has qualified his celebration of his hero Franklin Roosevelt by charging him with indifference to "the extermination of the Jews of Europe" during World War II. It's a little surprising that Zion's admiration for Roosevelt can survive such a qualification at all.

Zion cites Edmund Burke's famous aphorism: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." He comments: "FDR did next to nothing to stop the massacre of the Six Million, a fact that has been established by historical documentation running back at least 20 years. If ever there was a 'good man,' it was Roosevelt, and if ever evil triumphed, it was the Holocaust."

Well, evil has triumphed on a number of other occasions, and on one of them this "good man" was likewise indifferent. Soon after taking office as president of the United States in 1933, Roosevelt extended diplomatic recognition to the Soviet Union, which was already establishing its record as the most murderous regime of all time. Specifically, it had pursued agricultural "collectivization" by confiscating harvests and starving Ukraine into submission. Low estimates put the number of dead at seven million; the highest estimate is 13 million. In some places it was reported that dead children were not even being buried; they were being eaten.

The Ukrainian famine is sometimes called "the Forgotten Holocaust." It might better be called the Forgiven Holocaust. The anti-Communist Hearst papers covered it extensively at the time, thereby incurring the wrath of liberals. (Orson Welles portrayed William Randolph Hearst as a corrupt capitalist in Citizen Kane.) But Walter Duranty of the New York Times, eager for Stalin's favor, denied that there was any starvation in Ukraine and won a Pulitzer for his reportage. His Pulitzer has never been revoked; the Times continues to honor him among its stellar journalists of the past.

Privately, by the way, Duranty admitted to the British ambassador in Moscow that as many as 15 million had died. That his estimate may have been high only underlines his mendacity. He gave the American establishment an excuse for ignoring Communist crimes which had been amply confirmed by others, and which made most of Europe terrified of Communism between the wars. In any case, Roosevelt had no excuse. No president depends entirely on the Times for his information.

Since Pius XII is (falsely) accused of "silence" about the Nazi persecution of the Jews, it is worth mentioning that his predecessor Pius XI was far more "silent" about the Ukrainian famine and, later, the equally great Soviet purges of the later 1930s. Popes rarely commented on specific events; they condemned Communism and Nazi racialism in principle and felt it unnecessary, or unavailing, to add detailed condemnations when evil principles were put into practice.

Of course those who condemn Pius XII for silence about the murder of Jews don't condemn Pius XI for silence about the murder of Ukrainians and others. But neither do they condemn Roosevelt or anyone else for overlooking the Communist horrors. This gross double standard is a key to understanding not only Roosevelt's time, but our own.

If the official world had condemned and quarantined the Soviet Union for its "democide" (an apt word coined by Professor R.J. Rummel), Hitler himself might have thought twice about imitating that precedent, whose numbers of victims he never even approached. Today liberal opinion condemns "Holocaust denial" that has no effect on events long past; but it maintains its own silence on the timely denials of Communist horrors while they were happening -- denials that not only helped them to continue, but allowed the killers to escape punishment and censure.

Later, when the numbers of Soviet victims had surpassed the total number of the dead of World War I, Roosevelt's generosity to Stalin and the Soviet Union actually increased. He gave Stalin aid against Germany, eagerly formed an alliance with him, and praised him as a great ally in the democratic war against "fascism." He even pressured Warner Brothers to produce a major motion picture, Mission to Moscow, portraying Stalin as the benign grandfather of the Russian people. The film was based on the memoir of Joseph Davies, Roosevelt's former ambassador to Moscow; Davies defended even Stalin's purges, taking the view that anyone Stalin killed probably got what was coming to him.

While all this was going on, Hitler was not alone in blaming Communism on the Jews. Secularized Jews had been prominent in the first generation of Soviet leadership; and even after Stalin had purged those Jews, other Jewish intellectuals, propagandists, and activists were conspicuous in the world Communist movement. Many Europeans crudely equated Jews with Communism. This fact in no way justifies the slightest violation of the rights of Jews, but it does explain the readiness of many Germans to follow Hitler and the preference of many others for Hitlerite over Stalinist rule. With war looming, most people forget morality and think of their own hides. Besides, in the late 1930s Hitler was not even in the mass murder business yet; Stalin was.

This whole side of the period between the wars, officially ignored at the time, is officially forgotten now. It has become customary to speak as if Hitler arose in a vacuum, the German masses followed him out of sheer malevolence, and the French collaborated with him out of sheer cowardice. Today anyone who even advocated neutrality toward Hitler is condemned; the America First movement and other "isolationists" are spoken of as if they had actually been pro-Hitler.

That view is tenable only if you pretend that Communism didn't exist. Hitler's unforgivable acts were made possible by the people who forgave Stalin everything. But Roosevelt's latter-day admirers see no moral connection between his friendship for the Soviet Union and his indifference to the extermination of Jews.

After Roosevelt's death the extent of his administration's secret favors to the Soviets became exposed and was seen in a very different light. The revelation that Alger Hiss and many others had been active Soviet agents led to the McCarthy era. The liberal intellectuals' condemnation of "McCarthyism" was of a piece with their general ridicule of the very idea of a Communist "threat." For them Communism had been the Great Progressive Hope, and they had far more pity for "victims of McCarthyism" who had lost sensitive government jobs than for the millions of victims of Communism who had lost their lives and freedoms. (Professor Rummel puts the number of dead under Soviet Communism at nearly 62 million.)

"Victims of Communism" is not a phrase that rolls easily off liberal lips. The huge, tax-supported Holocaust Museum near the Mall today commemorates the victims of Nazism, chiefly Jewish, but also gypsy, homosexual, whatever. (The victims of communism may have a plaque
somewhere. Who knows?)

Liberals, Zionists, and "responsible" conservatives now occupy a rhetorically Hitlercentric universe, in which Nazism is the measure of all evil and Roosevelt is redeemed by his determination to crush Germany. The stain of guilt for Nazism constantly spreads – to ordinary Germans, allies of Germany, neutrals, isolationists, Swiss bankers, and Pius XII himself. The stain even spreads backward in time, to pre-Hitler anti-Semites, Martin Luther, Christian culture in general, even (according to a filmstrip shown at the Holocaust Museum) to the authors of the Gospels. In a new theory of causation, even the slightest historical injustice to Jews "led to" the Holocaust. Scholarly books, popular movies, and everyday rhetoric are saturated with this theme. Everyone and everything is measured on a single scale, which might be called the Hitler Continuum.

But there is not corresponding Stalin Continuum. Those who aided and defended and celebrated Stalin at the height of his crimes incur no guilt or obloquy. To have dreamed the Communist dream is evidence of idealism, not guilt or even irresponsibility. Under "McCarthyism" Communists actually became victims themselves! Books, movies, and rhetoric dramatize the plight of innocent Communists in the America of the 1950s. Old Communists like Lillian Hellman can publish their memoirs of persecution -- how they suffered firing, blacklisting, or sharp questioning by the House Un-American Activities Committee – and be hailed as heroes and champions of liberty, no less, even if it took them until 1956, the year of Khrushchev's famous denunciation, to see the error of Stalin's ways. Khrushchev, after all, didn't repudiate Communism; he merely accused Stalin of having betrayed it. How? By murdering countless innocent people? No, by purging loyal Party members!

So the stain of Communist guilt, far from spreading metaphysically, shrinks to one man, the erstwhile "Uncle Joe." He and he alone is blamed for all that carnage. We don't even ask what "led to" such astounding violence and terror, let alone why he enjoyed such complicity by powerful, influential, intelligent, and seemingly respectable people. Even Stalin's warmest admirers and benefactors aren't tainted; that would be "guilt by association," a McCarthyite tactic.

Certain shoes, for some reason, are never put on the other foot. Imagine what would be said today of a president who had given Hitler a little help when he needed it. Or an ambassador who had written eulogies to Nazi jurisprudence. Or a reporter who had written from Berlin that Jews weren't being abused in the Third Reich. Or an "idealist" who had seen Nazi Germany as the hope of mankind.

You don't have to imagine a world in which people are forgiven for doing the same things for the Soviet Union. You're living in that world right now.

About the Author

Joseph Sobran (1946-2010) was an author, columnist and lecturer. For 21 years he wrote for National Review magazine, including 18 years as a senior editor. For 20 years he was a syndicated columnist.

This item is from the July 1997 issue of Sobran's newsletter.
Simon Wiesenthal Centre to : ‘Destroy immediately all supplies of the Hitler hoodie’

By Yossi Lempkowicz — December 28, 2020


[see picture at site link, above]

“The banalization of this archetype of hate and discrimination is scathing… Destroy all supplies of the Hitler hoodie, investigate and cut all contacts with the delinquent company. An apology is due to the Jewish community, lest the ‘Hitler hoodie’ becomes a symbol for neo-Nazi and white supremacist hate.”

The Simon Wiesenthal Center slammed an online seller for offering a sweatshirt bearing the image of Adolf Hitler.

London-based, Hong Kong-founded discount retailer presents its online sale as “Casual Adolf Hitler Funny Graphic Hoodies New Fashion for Men.”

The Simon Wiesenthal Centre Director for International Relations, Shimon Samuels, wrote a letter to Vova expressing outrage at the sale.

He noted that, “Vova prides itself that it is ‘on mission to provide high quality products from the most trusted companies worldwide’,” continuing, “Vova has betrayed that mission on both levels as describing ‘Adolf Hitler’ as ‘casual’ or ‘funny’ and fails in receiving it from a ‘most trusted company’. The banalization of this archetype of hate and discrimination is scathing!”

The letter argued that, “Hitler was responsible for over 50 million dead in World War Two – among them, 6 million Jews and unknown numbers of Roma Gypsies, Gays, Slavs and the Handicapped… Our mentor, the late Simon Wiesenthal, calculated the non-military victims in Nazi mass grave shootings, concentration and death camps as ‘6,000,000 Jews and 5,000,000 Gentiles’.”

The Wiesenthal Centre called on Vova “to immediately destroy all supplies of the Hitler hoodie, investigate and cut all contacts with the delinquent company. An apology is due to the Jewish community, lest the ‘Hitler hoodie’ becomes a symbol for neo-Nazi and white supremacist hate.”


The Simon Wiesenthal Center, based in Los Angeles, is one of the most influential Jewish organizations in the world. It reports a membership of more than 300,000 and an annual income of $27 million, including $10 million in taxpayer funds.

The Wiesenthal Center and its head, Rabbi Marvin Hier, wield considerable political power. "Hier has accrued unprecedented clout in the Legislature, on Capitol Hill, in the city's boardrooms and even in Hollywood," the Los Angeles Times Magazine has noted.

Marvin Hier

The Center's imposing "Museum of Tolerance" in West Los Angeles, which presents a relentlessly Jewish-Zionist version of history, reportedly draws 350,000 visitors yearly, including tens of thousands of school children.

Although it claims to promote "tolerance," and makes a pretense of concern for humanity, the Center's real agenda is a narrowly Jewish-Zionist one.

The Wiesenthal Center is a staunch supporter of Israel and its Jewish supremacist regime. It fervently defends Israel 's policies of oppression, occupation, dispossession, and institutionalized discrimination against non-Jews. The Center supports Israeli policies that violate United Nations Security Council resolutions. It applauds Israel 's "security fence," a hideous barrier that is part of a long-term Zionist effort to seize land of non-Jews, and which the International Court of Justice says is illegal.

Israel's 'Security Fence'

While the Center denounces violence and terrorism against Jews, it sanctions Zionist terrorism. The Center has publicly honored two Israeli leaders – Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir – each of whom has a well-documented record as a terrorist.

Shamir, Bush, and Hier
in 1989

The Center has a long record of reckless disregard for truth.

Even the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a rival Jewish-Zionist group, has acknowledged that the Wiesenthal Center makes "inaccurate" and "exaggerated claims" about anti-Semitism to raise money. In an internal memorandum, ADL official Justin Finger cited a Center fund-raising letter that is "replete with factual misstatements and exaggerations" about anti-Jewish sentiment in the United States and Europe.

In its support for the US invasion of Iraq, the Wiesenthal Center made alarming accusations against the Baghdad government. War against Iraq, the Center insisted in an October 2002 statement, was necessary because the Saddam Hussein regime had been "continuing to stockpile weapons of mass destruction." Moreover, the Center went on to assert: "For while there are other tyrants, Saddam alone stands as a menace to world order and stability. While there are others who possess chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction, only Saddam has shown an eagerness to use them."

As the world now knows, these claims were not true.

Some years earlier, the Center charged that Iraq was killing Iranian prisoners in German-built gas chambers. In the Spring 1991 issue of its glossy magazine, Response, the Center claimed that German firms were producing Zyklon B gas in Iraq, "the chemical used by the Germans to murder millions of Jews during the Nazi Holocaust." Iranian prisoners of war, the Center's magazine went on to assert, were being killed with Zyklon B "in gas chambers specially designed for the Iraqis by the German company Rhema Labortechnik... An eyewitness reported the [Iraqi] gas chambers were tiled to look like operating rooms, with a separated observation room for each gas chamber with reinforced glass visibility."

These fantastic claims had no basis in reality.

Many Christians have been offended by the Center's irresponsible rhetoric, including charges by Rabbi Hier that Mel Gibson and his film, The Passion of The Christ, "stereotype and denigrate the masses of Jews," and "could potentially imperil Jewish lives." Hier has also made sweeping denunciations of Christian leaders for alleged complicity in mass killings of Jews during World War II. He scathingly denounced Roman Catholic and Protestant leaders, "from Pope Pius XII down, who at best looked the other way, protected their own, were bystanders rather than activists and sometimes even assisted the Nazis in carrying out their Final Solution."

In the view of Dr. Frank Knopfelmacher, a leading Australian Jewish scholar, the Wiesenthal Center foments "ethnic hatred." Australia government officials, he says, should have "banned the members of the Simon Wiesenthal Center from entering Australia and should have deported those who were here."

Through its Museum, its glossy magazine, Response, and other propaganda materials, the Center relentlessly exploits painful memories of the Holocaust and Jewish suffering during World War II to raise millions of dollars annually. "The enormous success of the Simon Wiesenthal Center," writes New York Times journalist Judith Miller in her book, One, by One, by One, "has given new meaning to what was once a macabre in-house joke ... 'There is no business like Shoah business'." ("Shoah" is the Hebrew term for Holocaust).

"It's a sad fact," acknowledges the Center's chief financial backer, Canadian-Jewish financier Samuel Belzberg, "that Israel and Jewish education and all the other familiar buzzwords no longer serve to rally Jews behind the community. The Holocaust, though, works every time."

"Rabbi Hier and the Wiesenthal Center are, in my opinion, the most extreme of those who utilize the Holocaust," says the director of Israel's Yad Vashem Holocaust center. "The Jewish people does many vulgar things," he went on, "but the Wiesenthal Center [has] raised it to a complete level: The optimum use of sensitive issues in order to raise money ..."

The Wiesenthal Center has been a major player in what American Jewish scholar Norman Finkelstein calls the "shakedown" campaign by Israel and organized Jewry to extort billions of dollars from European countries and corporations. Finkelstein, author of the bestselling study, The Holocaust Industry, calls the Center "a gang of heartless and immoral crooks, whose hallmark is that they will do anything for a dollar."

The Wiesenthal Center deserves the scorn and contempt of every decent person. It is particularly outrageous that at a time of severe budget deficits, millions of dollars in taxpayer funds go to support this wealthy bastion of Jewish-Zionist power, and its bigoted, self-serving agenda.

-- Mark Weber
June 2005

Click here for a PDF version of this flyer

For more about the Center, including source references for many of the points made here, see "The Simon Wiesenthal Center: An Overview"

Institute for Historical Review
P.O. Box 2739
Newport Beach, CA 92659
The Holohoax never happened, plain and simple. Sieg Heil and Heil Hitler!