The Roman Emperor Nero, who reigned from 37 AD to 68 AD.

Nero was a great persecutor of Christianity,
overseeing the throwing of Christians to the lions in the Colosseum,
amongst other things.

As a result, all Judeo-Christian historical accounts
of him are very biased,

accusing him of all manner of deeds such as the murder
of his mother and wife.

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>In July 64 AD, two-thirds of Rome burned

while Nero was at Antium.

Christian bi
sed versions of history

have usually held that

he either set the fire -

something that was impossible,

as he was not present -

or having played the fiddle while Rome

In fact the fiddle was not invented

until 1500 years after his death.

Nero claimed to have proof

Christians had set the fire,

and persecuted them even more vigorously

after the event</span>.

In contrast to his (Christian generated) image

of an uncaring madman,

he ordered that all the people made homeless

as a result of the fire be housed and provided with grain,

all at state expense.

He then had the city rebuilt with fire precautions.

Nero was also an accomplished artist and man of letters,

and personally acted in several important plays of the time.

He was also Emperor when the

J*wish revolt in Palesti
ne broke out,

another reason for the Judeo-Christian tradition

of hatred for him.

As a result of internal politics, in 68 AD,

the Gallic and Spanish legions, a
long with the Praetorian Guards,

rose against him, and he fled Rome.

Declared a public enemy by the Senate,

he committed suicide on 9 June 68 AD.

Persecution had however the opposite effect on a religion

which thrive
d on martyrdom -

after all, its leader had allegedly been martyred

by the pagan Romans as well.

Nonetheless, the new cult's missionaries -

who started calling themselves Christians

as the story about Jesus was built up over several years -

did in fact not have things all their own way.

The Christian religion did battle with a number

of other religions in the Middle East and in the Roman Empire -

only growing to be a large enough factor after 300 AD,

when the Emperor Galerius is
sued an Edict of Toleration in 311,

making Christianity legal in the Eastern part of the Empire.


The Roman Emperor Constantine (208 - 337 A

while engaged in a battle with a rival claimant to the throne

in 312 AD, claimed to have had a vision of a cross in the sky,

above which were written the words "In Hoc Signo Vinces" -

In this sign you will win.

He allegedly took this as a sign from the Christian God

that he would win i
f he converted to Christianity.

Constantine did win, and did officially convert to Christianity.

How true this story is and how much of it is fabrication
is hard to tell.

Possibly the only thing we can say is that it seems highly unlikely

that any supernatural sky writing took place,

and more possibly a bit of imagination
took over in the heat of battle.

Constantine then went on to issue the Edict of Milan in 313 AD,

which legalized Christianity throughout the Empire and placed

it on a par with all other religions -

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>and he himself, as emper

became Pontifex Maximus of Christianity in particular.</span>

With the conversion of the Emperor of Rome to Christianity,

the by now established pattern of following the emperor's lead

in religious matters came to play,

and almost overnight Christianity became one of the
most popular religions within the Roman Empire.

NE" -


Constantine's conversion to Christianity is still shrouded in mystery

and led to the most famous forgery in European history,

that which became known as the Donation of Constantine.

This document purports to be a signed document by

and its principal feature is to grant the bishop of Rome -

the Pope - temporal authority over the city of Rome

and the entire Roman Empire.

br>Although there are many glaring factual errors

in the text of the document, which by themselves show

the document to be a forgery,

the Donation of Constantine was accepted as genuine

until the 15th Century, and used by the Catholic Church

to claim political power in not only the Roman Empire

but also ultimately in all nominally Christian lands.

Eventually the Donation of Constantine was rejected as false -

but by then the Church had
established itself

in almost all of Europe,

power founded on a forgery.

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>JULIAN THE APOSTATE TRIES TO

This trend was dramatically reversed by one of

Constantine's successors, the Emperor Julian

(called Julian the Apostate for his reject
ion of Christianity).

Julian was no Christian, and simply overturned Constantine's

adoption of Christianity as the state religion.

In doing this, Julian officially declared the pagan religions

to be the official Roman state religion,

relegating Christianity to cult status once again.

The European religions suddenly gained the upper hand

and Christianity started declining as quickly as it had risen.

The manner in which Julian reversed the Christianizing process

serves as an excellent instruction in the arbitrary way

in which the personal wishes of the emperor could

influence the whole empire.

Overnight, Julian changed t
he Roman Empire

back into a pagan value system.


Too bad it didnt stay thast way

and Zionism would have died by now.

After Julian's death, howev
er, the next emperor was again a Christian, and converted the empire back into a formal Christian state. The result was that from the year 395 AD Christianity became the legal, sole and official religion of the Roman Empire - about 500 years after many of its principles were crystallized by the Essenes and nearly 400 years after the leader whose name it took was alleged to have lived.

The J*wish Talmud = Atheism - Pantheism - Cosmotheism - Paganism

More than the Protocols of Zion, the Talmud is proof that the Pharisees have a secret agenda. No one can claim this is a forgery. Elizabeth Dilling, (1894-1966) is a courageous Christian whose visit to Soviet Russia in 1931 prompted a 20-year study of Judaism.

In her book The J*wish Religion: Its Influence Today (1964) she reproduces 300 pages from the Talmud and J*wish Encyclopaedias. You can examine it on line and form your own opinion.

What follows is very distasteful
nd shocking. I take no pleasure in presenting Dilling's conclusions. However, if they are true, they are too important to ignore. The devil operates by deceiving and corrupting good people.

According to Dilling, the Talmud is founded on the assumption of
J*wish superiority.

"The non-J*w ranks as an animal, has no property rights and no legal rights under any code whatever... "Milk the Gentile" is the Talmudic rule but don't get caught in such a way as to jeopardize J*wish interests. Summarized, Talmudism is the quintessence of distilled hatred and discrimination, without cause, against non-J*ws." (16)

The Talmud is characterized by "obscenity and more obscenity, a setting up of laws seemingly for the purpose of inventing circumventions, and evasions; delight in sadistic cruelty; reversal of all Biblical moral teachings on theft, murder, sodomy, perjury, tr
eatment of children and parents; insane hatred of Christ, Christians and every phase of Christianity." (4)

It characterizes the Virgin Mary as a "harlot"
and adulteress and Jesus as a "bastard" and sexual pervert who was crucified as a "blasphemer of Pharisee Judaism." Jesus' punishment was to be" lowered into dung up to his armpits" and then strangled. Christians in hell are punished by "
hot boiling excrement." (14)

The Talmud rejects Moses' vision of God as a moral force. Its basic doctrine is that "God is the "En Sof" a nature essence which has no attributes and can neither know nor be known. That is atheism..." (57)

Dilling quotes the J*wish Encyclopaedia 1905: "God is the infinite, unlimited being to whom one neither can nor may attribute any attributes whatever." (&
quot;Cabala", p.472.)

"So called Judaism is nothing but Babylonian Talmudic Pharisaism, which at base is crass paganism, pantheistic atheism, a cong
lomeration of all the forms of paganism concocted through the centuries. New descriptions concocted for this very old Satanism, such as... [Marx's] dialectical materialism merely [dress] up old pagan concepts." (38)

"The J*wish Cabala with its non-existence of evil, its deification of man, is a source book of modern 'isms." (31)

I doubt if 10 per cent of J*ws today are aware of this aspect of the Talmud. I certainly
wasn't. Most J*ws are not observant. A 1970's survey found that less than 50% felt it was necessary to believe in God to be a "good J*w." Most see themselves as "secular humanists." It's about time we all realized that this nebulous ideology is Luciferian in nature.

The Talmud is undou
btedly the answer to the riddle of anti Semitism. Dilling writes:

"The attitude resulting from such teachings has been resented by non-J*ws in all countries and centuries. Such resen
tment, however, is always portrayed by J*ws as "persecution of the J*ws." (2)

Of course most J*ws do not feel this way. Most would be happy to live and let live. But other J*ws who believe they are an elite unfettered by the social contract use them as a Trojan horse. (See "The J*wish Century"


It is a sobering thought for many Christians today who presume

their religion has been in existence since the start of the world,

to realize that Christianity only in fact became widely known

in southern Europe some 1,700 years ago,

and was only accepted in northern Europe many hundreds

of years after that, with the last northern European country

to formally adopt Christianity being Iceland, around the year 1,000 AD.

Put another way - compared to the time frame
of the existence of records

of the White race -

a little over 35,000 years -

Christianity represents less than the last six percent this time.

<span style='font-size:14pt;lin
e-height:100%'>THE EVOLUTION OF THE POPE</span>

Each major town throughout the Roman world was assigned
a C
hristian leader, called a bishop.

Gradually the Bishop at Rome came to be recognized

as the most important and assumed the title of "Pope"
(from the Greek word meaning father).

By the seventh century AD, the Bishop of Rome, the Pope,

had become the spiritual leader of all Christendom and was in

possession of great political power -

aided by the forged Donation of Constantine.

The Pope even adopted the Roman Emperors' color
- purple - which to this day remains the most used color
in the Catholic church.

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>

Although there was initially only one Christian church -

the Catholic church - disputes over the interpretations attached

to the new cult brok
e out almost immediately amongst its supporters. As Christianity spread after its legalization in 313 AD,

it became more and more disorganized,

with serious disputes erupting amongst the various missionaries

as to the true version of the creation and purpose of the new God.

One of the biggest clashes was over the concept of

what was called "Arianism,"

(named after Arius, a Christian leader in Alexandria)

or the relative position of the three components of the Christian Trinity:

God, Christ and the Holy Ghost.

The belief that all three of these beings were one and the same thing

was challenged by Arius who argued that the Christ figure
could not be God as well.

So serious was this dispute taken that the Em
peror Constantine
called a special meeting of all the major leaders of the religion in 325 AD,
to the now famous Council of Nicaea, to discuss the problem.

At the council of Nicaea it
was decided that the Arian doctrine

was ungodly, and declared a heresy, with its proponents being persecuted

in the name of the new God -

the first of many such repressive tactics to be used by the Christian church.

However, several other disputes over doctrine made the religious leaders
at Nicaea realize that if some weighty final word
on the outline of their belief was not forthcoming,
the religion could splinter into factions.

The problem was that there was no such manual or holy book in existence -
the leaders then took it upon themselves to create such a book.

For this purpose they turned to whatever texts they could find.

The bo
oks now contained in the Old Testament
were largely oral before 300 BC, although some had been written down
by J*wish rabbis.

Through contact with J*ws in Ptolemaic Egypt,
r>King Ptolemy II of Philadelphus (285-246 BC)
is credited with ordering the translation of the
J*wish religious books into Greek.

The Christian version of the Old Testament
was only established as a comprehensive work by the scribe Origen
around 250 AD, and up until that time only loose translations
of the Ptolemaic Greek work formed the basis of Christian teachings.

The origins of the New Testament are very vague.

By the end of the first century AD, the writings of Saul/Paul

(called the Pauline Epistles)

consisting of letters to the various Christian communities

in Asia Minor and Rome had been established as a collection

of inspired works.

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>The gospels which make up the first part of th
e New Testament

only emerged after the writings of Saul/Paul had become well known,

and long after his death.</span>

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%>This is evidenced by the fact that in Paul's writings there is no mention

of any other new testament book or gospel,

as well as the account of what Jesus did on the night he was "betrayed"

(1: Cor. 11:23) which differs substantially from the Gospel version

as recounted in the Matthew, Mark, Luke and John versions.</span>

It is clear that if the four gospels were in existence

at the time when Saul/Paul wrote his epi

(around the year 55 AD), he would have at least mentioned them,

or very likely have even quoted from them.

The earliest existent gospel consists of fragments of the Gospel of John,

dating from about 100 AD, and which is in Greek.

By 200 AD, the Church had developed the New T

in its present form, although still written in various languages,

including Greek and Hebrew, apart from the Book of Revelations.

Where this last chapter
came from no-one knows for sure,

but by the 4th Century it had been included
in the New Testament anyway.

The compilation of the New Testament omitted

several early Christian manuscripts which did not fit in
with the other books.

The most famous of these "left out" books is the Gospel of St. Thomas,

probably because the events described therein are at quite some variance

with the events described in the four more well known gospels.

The Council of Nicaea went a long way to
formalizing the Bible

as Christians know it today -

all in an attempt to prevent the church from splitting again

as it nearly did over the Arian controversy.

In this attempt they were to fail, and
some of the most grievous

conflicts to come in Europe would be precisely over different

interpretations of the Bible.

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-he


When the Roman Empire in the West collapsed (see chapter 18)
Christianity had been spread throughout its former dominions,
with the exception of the Germans, the Balts,
and a significant section of the Slavs.

The Germanic tribes, who participated in the sacking of Rome
at the formal end of that empire,

did not destroy the Roman Catholic Church alongside
with the Roman state,

partly as a result of them viewing the religion of Rome as being
part of the great original cultural tradition of that Empire -
which it
was not.

The leader of the church in Rome, the Pope,
therefore survived the Germanic invasions,

and went on to become an important political player in hi
s own right.

The Church itself lost no time in sending Christian missionaries
to the pagan tribes, the most famous of them being Wufilas
(311 - 383 AD) who worked
amongst the Visigoths.

Another famous missionary was Patrick,
who although born in Britain, went to Ireland and became
the Christianizer of that island,
later being made a saint by the church for his efforts.


Although the last of the Romans had introduced Christianity
to the British Isles, that land was invaded by pagan
Germans - Angles and Saxons -
after the Roman collapse - and as a result the British mainland
became pagan once again.

Christianity only survived in the Celtic fringes of Ireland and Wales.

The Catholic Church sent a missionary, St. Augustine,
to Britain from Rome in 597 AD and manage
d to convert
the first Anglo Saxon ruler to Christianity,
causing Roman Cath
olicism to spread throughout Britain.

Britain in turn gave rise to the missionary, St. Boniface,
who spent 35 years amongst the German tribes
on the mainland
of Europe before the pagans
managed to kill him in 755 AD.

Catholic missionaries were also active amongst the Germanic tribes
living in Scandinavia, but met with much less success
than in Britain or Central Europe.
One of the great blessings from the "Youngest Religion"

Infanticide (child sacrifice)was common in all well-studied ancient cultures, including those of ancient Greece, Rome, India, China, and Japan. The practice of infanticide has taken many forms. Child sacrifice to supernatural figures or forces, such as that allegedly practiced in ancient Carthage, is one form; however, many societies only practiced simple infanticide and regarded child sacrifice as morally repugnant. The end of the practice of infanticide in the ancient world coincided with the rise of Christianity as a major religion.

Yes I'd say Christianity has done wonderful things for the Aryan.

Christianity and nationalism
Most famous of these works is Adrian Hastings' The Construction of Nationhood ....

And this is what Hastings has to say about National Socialism:

" would argue that at this point
he German National Socialism type of nationalism, despite its particularly violent character, is in principle quite close to normative nationalism, a norm with a biblical background. The root of the more ext
reme wing of European nationalism lies precisely here, in a widely held Christian assumption that there can only be one fully elect nation, one's own, the true successor to Israel"â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�Å¡¦.It seems too that the more powerfully one identified one's own nat
ion as chosen, the more one might want to eliminate the first chosen nation, the J*ws, from the face of the earth.

I think Hastings' conclusion can be proven by the strong amount of Biblical references made by Hitler and other NS leaders in their writings and speeches.

Anthony D. Smith had this to say on the topic:

"Old Testament beliefs in chosen peoples and sacred territories were a continual source of inspiration and language for a dynamic prov
idential history among so many Christian peoples in Europe and America; that it in turn was vital for their growing sense of national identity in the early modern epoch. The religious aspect, rooted in t
he Hebrew Bible, appeared therefore to complement and reinforce their sense of common ethnicity.

That in turn had implications for nationalism. As a European ideology and movement, it owed much to biblical and religious motifs and assumptions; in many ways these have been more important than their secular forms and do
--Anthony D. Smith Chosen Peoples: Sacred Sources of National Identity pg. viii

Smith goes to explain several incidents of Christianity playing roles in nationalism. Particularly in South Africa, where apartheid was developed and defended through the Bible and the model of the Israelites. Not only in the past, but Smith still argues that religion(and Christianity) still play important roles in nationalism.