Cocoa, FL coon shot dog in public park; charged with animal cruelty


Senior News Editor since 2011

Police: Cocoa man shot dog in public park; charged with animal cruelty

A Cocoa man was arrested after police said he shot his dog in a public park in plain view
Sunday afternoon, according to court records.

Isaiah Beavers, 30, was seen tying his dog to a tree near Bracco Pond on Shearer Boulevard before shooting the animal with a shotgun.

According to police reports, Beavers left the scene in a red SUV before being tracked down by Cocoa officers.


Beavers told police the dog had been behaving aggressively and had been attempting to bite him and his girlfriend. Beavers said this prompted him to kill the dog
, according to police.

Beavers was charged with animal cruelty, possession of a weapon by a felon and driving with a suspended license.