Can Hurricanes Be Used As WMDs?




Can Hurricanes Be
Used As WMDs?

By Michael Shore
[from ]

What the masses of human beings all over the world

have not been told

is that it is possible to control and manipulate weather
with a technology called "SCALER WEAPON TECHNOLOGY"

These weapons have other major capabilities
that are even more dangerous than atomic weapons.

Scaler Weapons could literally destroy the world
and it is of the utmost urgency that human beings
all over the world must be told of the existence
of this devastating technology!

Nikola Tesla, o
e of the most incredible inventors of all time,

developed this SCALER TECHNOLOGY in the early 1900's.

Every major technology currently being used today was invented
by Tesla includin

g alternating current, television, radio, robotics etc. etc.

Tesla invented an
advanced technology to provide FREE ENERGY
to the planet anywhere,

and mainly for this reason the

"powers that be"

ELIMINATED Tesla's name from history books

to suppress the development of Tesla's


Can you imagine a world,

where OIL,

would be obsolete and no longer necessary as a major energy source?

Tesla desired to give his "Free Energy" technology to the world,

and for this reason his funding was cut off by Westinghouse and others,

and he was never permitted to be recognized
for his monumental achievements.

The New World O
rder prefers that no one knows that Tesla ever existed,

so that they can withhold this incredible technology from the People!

After Tesla died, the U.S.and Russia raced

confiscate all of Tesla's papers.

In Tesla's writings and drawings was SCALER TECHNOLOGY.

This amazing technology can also be used
SES in a simple way.

The current multi-billion dollar Medical Doctor industry
and multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry
would not be too thrilled about Tesla's technology
being used to replace their "primitive" but highly profitable
industries either

So human bings are forced to continue to suffer from diseases
that can be easily and successfully treated using
Tesla's Scaler technology.
Sounds too good to be true?

But it is TRUE!

==continued below

Scaler technology can also be used in an EVIL WAY
and has the pot
ential to cause huge amounts of damage
by using weather as a Weapon of Mass Destruction.

This technology EXISTS NOW {see links below}.

In fact some government officials have t
ried in
to get a law on the books that says that Scaler Weapons
cannot be used by any Nation to manipulate weather

to be used as a "WEAPON"

Unfortunately the U.S., Russia, and Japan
and possibly other Nations made the decision
to use S
caler technology in an EVIL way,
which could include using Scaler technology

Could four hurricanes hitting Florida in one year
be a large scale first in the use of this kind of "weaponry". ?

Someone should check it out.
The people must be told about this possibility
so steps can be taken to prevent the use
of this technology for devious reasons.

It should also be noted that this technology

can be used to HELP humanity in a very major good way too.







Michael Shore

Quack, quack.

I love this. Free, unlimited energy, perpetual motion machines, disease cures, 150 MPG carburetors, all being supressed by "powers that be."

This stuff can be classified in the same category as UFO's, ESP, telekenisis, etc. Bunk. But it sure sells a lot of books.

Links to Tom Bearden's Comments
On Scalar Weather Engineering.

An article posted at today got my interest enough
to write to the author.

HAARP, China, Russia And The Moon by Bruce Beach

He talks about HAARP being an instrument of ultimate control
because it can control the weather.

I wanted to make sure the author understood
that the North American weather has
een engineered
for over a decade by means of scalar interferometers,
and that HAARP is likely (among other things)
an attempt to combat that ongoing weather war
rather than to initiate a new one.

Since it took some time to gather the links I thought
I would share the effort with
readers who might b
e interested.
Most of the links are taken from Tom Bearden's
correspondence section at his website .

The new technology of longitudinal wave engineering
has so many facets and possibilities that sometimes it is difficult
to keep it all straight in one's head.

This device which can push the jet stream around
can also trigger the eruption of a vocano?


Or cause hard steel to soften and cause a tall building to collapse?

Indeed, a scalar interferometer is the ultimate Swiss Army Knife.


Hi Bruce,

I saw your interesting article

If you are interested to learn more about who is REALLY
controlling the weather right now I would suggest studying Tom Bearden's information on scalar interferometers at www.chenie

The Russians (& Yakuza) have been engineering our North American weather
for a couple decades now, and I believe HAARP
is just our so-far woeful
ly inadequate attempt to catch up,
and to combat their weather war against us.

America is by no means the leader in this field.
This is from a letter by Tom Bearden:

"At the end of 1989, a rogue Japanese group composed of the Yakuza
(Japanese Mafia) and Aum Shinrikyo leased the earlier scalar weapons
from the KGB, on site in Russia.

The down payment was $900 million in gold bullion,
and though I do not know the exact annual lease charge,
I suspect it is a billion dollars per year.
So beginning in early 1990, the Yakuza/Aum Shinrikyo assumed
(under KGB control) the
weather engineering over North America (and elsewhere).
They have also shot down several aircraft (including the TWA-800) etc.
They plan to take part in the eventual destruction of America."
you are writing about this you will want to stay informed
and up to date. Here are some links that you will find interesting
about Tom Bearden's information.

The whole topic of these new scalar in
terferometers is truly fascinating.
I think you will find Bearden's material incredibly interesting.

For me his theories and body of work have exploded open
a whole new world of possibilities, of which HAARP is but a
very tiny fraction.
Good luck in exploring this stuff and I would be very interested
to know what you think about it.

First, my background article, "Scalar Wars" on Bearden's work: <

Here are interesting comments from Tom Bearden's correspondence:

Connection between global warming and weather engineering

Third nation now involved in North Ameri
weather engineering?

Russian & Yakuza weather engineering

Why weather engineering is felt "in one's bones"

Weather engineering comments - tornadoes

Weather and Earthquake en

Weather engineering and LW weapons status

Hole cur
rents and the "big flasher" radar emissions</

r><a href='' target='_blank'>

Comments on the 1999 Turkish Earthquake

The case of the missing Wyoming "earthquake" data

The "entourage phenomenon", thermodynamics analogy,
and Armageddon

Yakuza/KGB scalar weapons zeroing
in on Yellows
tone caldera?

USGS quake records removed from websites

A "New" and Incredibly Powerful Terrorist Weapon
of Mass Destruction

Cloud signatures of scalar weather engineering

Then you may want to go through the "slides" of
"Fer de Lance,"
Tom's book about the Russ
ian devices which do
all this stuff.

It is excellent.. each "slide" has an explanation.
Some of it is over one's head, but much can be gleaned

that is understandable.

"Fer de Lance" by Tom Bearden

Some other short articles by me:

Yours truly,
Bill Morgan


Watch out for cloud "grids" like this one, a scalar weather signature


Weapons of the New World Order: Updated

Rixon Stewart

Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations,
techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum
of the security forces will be appraised"â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�Å¡¦

Techniques of weather modification could be employed
to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm.

Illuminati strategist and front man Zbigniew Brzezinski
writing in Between Two Ages 1970.

ounds like something from Greek legend or Nordic mythology.

Harnessing the elements and quite literally using natural forces
as a weapon of war:
causing earthquakes or storms and maybe even hurling thunderbolts<

br> at your opponents.

To make it all the more effective the recipients would never see it coming
at least not until it hit them.
And then in the aftermath, amidst the ruin and devastation,
who would they blame?
Unlike a missile attack or a bombing raid the perpetrators
wouldn't be obvious so the victims would end up blaming elemental chaos,
not the real culprits.

Unfortunately the above is not just speculation.

The ability to trigger earthquakes, floods, hurricanes
and even effect peoples brains and the Earth's own tectonic plates
is now a very real possibility; the research has been done,
the tests completed and the weaponry has been deployed,
and maybe even used.

It's called HAARP (High-frequency Active Aural Re
search Program)
and was developed as part of the Star Wars initiative.

According to Dr. Nicholas Begich HAARP is:
A super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology
that lifts areas of the ionosphere (
r layer of the atmosphere)
by focusing a beam and heating those areas.
Electromagnetic waves then bounce back and penetrate ev
erything '
living and dead.

Aside from disrupting normal weather patterns
it would also bombard those targeted with deadly radiation.

Thus in the words of Dr. Rosalie Bertell, HAARP is:
a gigantic heater that can cause major disruption
in the ionosphere, creating not just holes,
but long incisions in the protective layer
that keeps deadly radiation from bombarding this planet.

Apart from that HAARP could also be used in communicating
with submarines or disorientating specifically targeted segments
of the population.

Thus in the words of the U.S. 1/96 Air Command
and Staff College's Airpowe
r Journal: "â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�Å¡¦

the U.S. military is developing high-powered micro-wave weapons
for use against human beings"â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�Å¡¦

They do not simply attack a person's body,
they reach all the way into a person'
s mind"â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�Å¡¦<
br>They are meant to disorient or upset mental stability.

Back in the 70's the Russians aimed a crude form
of this technology at t
he U.S. Embassy in Moscow,
causing immense physical and mental damage to the occupants.

Its origins lie even further back though in the ideas
of scientific visionary

Nicola Tesla;

in 1935 Tesla spoke of creating controlled earthquakes
and being able to produce:
rhythmical vibrations to pass through the Earth. . .
and to . . .
convey these mechanical effects to the greatest terrestrial
distances and produce all kinds of unique effects.

Forty years later Tesla's ideas may well have become a reality.

In 1976 as Senator Claiborne Pell chaired a Senate sub-committee he warned:

need a treaty now"â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�Å¡¦before the military leaders of the world
start directing storms, manipulating climates and inducing
earthquakes against their enemies.

However Senator Pell's warning m
ay have alre
ady come too late.

On June 5, 1977, New York Times described a huge earthquake
in Tangshan, China which killed over 650,000 people.

Just before th
e first tremor at 3:42am, the Times reported,

the sky lit up like daylight. The multi-hued lights,
mainly white and red, were seen up to 200 miles away.
Leaves on many trees were burned to a crisp and
growing vegetables were scorched on one side, as if by a fireball.

Some investigators have concluded that these effects
were the product of Tesla-like technology and/or HAARP transmissions.
Whatever the real cause though they sound eerily reminiscent
of what Tesla himself described as a weapon capable of producing
all kinds of unique effects.

Sources include:
Prof. Michel Choss
udovsky in,
New York Times 5, 6, 1977,
and HAARP's Demonic Powers: Youth Action News July 1996.
Update: <b
Also see:

Israel and Iran: Tension Mounts

Israel Planning Iraq Attack

Jesus. This is like the links for nigger "history." Very circular. Try chasing down web sites touting negro accomplishments. Most of them point pack to themselves. Or one points to another, which points to another, which points back to the first one as their source. Thus, the topic is suspect, as it should be.

Were you aware that there were 4 hurricanes within 6 weeks back in the 1800's? Was weather controlled then too? You should stay off the kook sites. You are losing credibility. Besides, this is, not! When you chase links on nut sites, you are bound to get in trouble.

BTW. Sophia, what is your technical background?

9;s one thing to link to and read these sites, another to understand what hell you are talking about. The links you supplied look a lot like that which makes people believe in UFO's and space aliens. S
me of us don't have trouble differ
entiating fact from fiction. From some of the "technical" links you have supplied recently, I think you may be "technically challenged."

Sorry, David, but
your comments indicate why reactionary people

who form opinions without paying attention to any facts

shouldn't do things like open their mouths.


The Bohren Experiment produces 18 times more energy

than is input (in the accounted Poynting flow),

any time or place it is performed

it can readily be developed to produce excess clean heat

for power generation.

The Kawai overunity magnetic motor can be built exactly

from the Patents using high-speed switching.

Teruo Kawai held nothing back in the Patents.

Motor will also self-power (close-loop).

"t's time to place the blame for high oil prices where it bel

on the lack of progress in energy technology.

--Michael Mandel,

Chief Economist,

Business Week.

August 2, 2004


Could be nowif development funding were made a


Unlimited clean energy from the vacuum

No dependence on foreign oil from politi
cally unstable areas

No pollution

No degradation of the biosphere

No dependence on strategically vulnerable
centralized power and distribution systems

No radioactive waste disposal problems

The Motionless Electromagnetic Generator (MEG)

Has produced up to 100 times more power than was input,
by extracting free energy from the vacuum.

The MEG has been independently constructed,
and its overunity performance independently replicated,
by other researchers.

US Patent awarded March 26, 2002.

Invented by Tom Bearden and four colleagues.

". . . maybe, just maybe . . .

March 26, 2002 will be the date I put in my diary
as the day the world changedforever."

Nick Cook
The Hunt for Zero Point
U.S. Edition, 2002

How the MEG works

Factoid: the MEG's
lopment has been funded
entirely by the inventors' savings and a
few modest donations.

America's civilian nuclear technology cost a total
of a trillion federal dollars yet del
ivers less energy than wood.





Suppression of free energy technologies violates

Article 1, sec. 8 clause [8] of the U.S. Constitution

which mandates the progress of sc
ience by dis

of discoveries after a limited term.

Tom Bearden differentiates between the MEG

and perpetual motion machines for Scientific American's readers

We note that a single replicable experiment
can and does negate any theoretical model that contradicts it

Click here


The Bohren Experiment produces 18 times more energy
than is input (in the accounted Poynting flow),
any time or place it is performed
it can readily be developed to produce excess
clean heat for power generation.

The Kawai overunity magnetic motor can be built exactly
the Patents using high-speed switching.
Teruo Kawai
held nothing back in the Patents.
Motor will also self-power (close-loop).

<span style=\'color:red\'>Newly developed Grand Unified Field Theory
by AIAS Director Dr. Myron Evans provides solid mathematical

grounding for the extraction of free EM

nergy from the s
calar curvature.

Classical EM Theory does not.

" certainly hope that efforts in obtaining energy
from curved spacetime will go ahead full speed,
otherwise we are headed for the stone age. --Evans




Patenting Mother Nature </span>

The amount of information available on weather modification
and defense applications surroundi
ng the HAARP project prov
that chemtrails aren't so secret after all.

Public documents have trickled out of government offices
and committees for the last 50 years.

And the most valuable cache of data
about weather-control efforts
is freely available from a very reliable source:
the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Throughout the Cold War, both the United States
and the Soviet Union actively investigated the military use
of weather modification.
In 1958, Captain Howard T. Orville serv
ed as the White House's
chief advisor on weather modification.

He publicly admitted that the military was studying
"ways to manipulate the charges of the earth and
sky and so affect the weather through electroni
c beams
to ionize and de-ionize the atmosphere."

Professor Gordon J.F. MacDonald,
serving on the President's Science Advisory Com
mittee in 1966,
y published papers on the military use of weather modification.

In the book Unless Peace Comes, MacDonald titled a chapter
"How To Wreck The Environment."

He described the military applications of weather modification
including climate change, melting the polar ice caps,
techniques for depleting the ozone layer over the enemy,
engineering earthquakes, manipulating ocean waves and
using the earth's energy fields for brain wave manipulation.

"The key to geophysical warfare is the identification
of environmental instabilities to which the addition
of a small amount of energy would release vas
greater amounts of energy," MacDonald commented.

In the early 1970s, the U.S. Congressional Subcommittee on
and International Environment
held investigative hearings on the military's research into weather
and climate modification.

The committee's findings were shocking at the time,

including detailed plans for creating tidal waves through

the coordinated use of nuclear weapons.

<span style=\'color:red\'>A 1977 United Nations treaty,
The Convention on the Prohibition of Military
or Any Other Hostile Use of the Environmental Modification Techniques, prohibited "the use of techniques that would have widespread,
long-lasting or severe effects through deliberate manipulation
of natural processes and cause such phenomena as earthquakes,
tidal waves and changes in climate and weather patterns."

The revival of the Cold War during the Reagan years produced
a slew of new inventions in the area of weather modification.

Presumably to cool
off the earth,
an August 1982 patent,
number 4347284, outlined plans to produce a
"White covered sheet material capable
of reflecting ultraviole
t rays" from the sun.

Numerous other patents attempted to perfect
"aerial spraying of liquids," like patent number 4412654,
registered in November 1983:

"A laminar microjet atomizer and method of aerial spraying involved
the use of a streamlined body having a slot in the trailing edge
thereof to afford a quiescent zone within the [airplane]
wing and into which liquid for spraying is introduced."

Not to be outdone, a patent was filed in July 1986 detailing a
"Liquid propane generator for cloud-seeding apparatus."

The abstract reads: "Apparatus is provided for release of liquid propane
from the holding chamber of a cloud-seeding rocket."
A new and improved "liquid atomizing apparatus for aerial spraying"
was patented in August 1990.
;The generator is driven from a power take-off from the engine
of the sp
raying aircraft, a drive assembly includes a device
for con
trolling the speed of the generator relat
ive to speed
of the engine," reads patent number 4948050.

The breakup of the Soviet Union in the 1990s ushered in brave new
opportunities in weather modification.
The New York Times reported on September 24, 1992,
that a Russian company was openly selling electronic equipment
to manipulate the weather in a specific area.

The Times noted that certain Russian farmers
used the weather-control technology to alter the
climate for better crop yields.

A little over a month later, the Wall Street Journal reported
that Russian company Elate Intelligence Technologies Inc.
was selling weather-control equipment using the slogan

"Weather made to order."

The Journal quoted Igor Pirogoff as saying that Hurricane Andrew,
which did an estimated $1
7 billion in damage, could have been turned
"into a wimpy little squall" by his company.

South Africa's
Water Re
source Commission admitted
to be
ing involved in the actual testing of
"hygroscopic seeding particles from a seeding flare"
in an October 1994 patent:

"In a confidential technical trial which was conducted
on a small isolated cloud formation above the Nelspriut area
in the Transvaal province of the Republic of South Africa,
two flares were ignited electrically from inside the
aircraftto produce rain."

Russia's open selling of former Soviet military weather modification devices
often made for interesting news stories.
"Malaysia to battle smog with cyclones" is a headline
in the November 13, 1997, Wall Street Journal.
"The plan calls for the use of new Russian technology
to create cyclones-the giant storms also known as typhoons
and hurricanes-to cause torrential rain
s washing the smoke out of the air,"
the Journal reported.

By 1997, the great global reinsurance firms-t
he companies
that insure the insurers, like t
he Swiss Reinsurance Company
and Lloy
d's of London-
were complaining publicly of global warming
and the added risk of climate-related insurance losses.

Beating the drum in the U.S. for weather-modification technology
to combat global warming was none other than the father of the H-bomb,
Edward Teller.
His public interest in the issue coincided
with the December 1997 Kyoto Conference on global warming
and greenhouse gas emissions.

In April this year, the New York Times described Teller
as director emeritus of the Livermore Weapons Laboratory
and "an ardent advocate of the Reagan administration's Star Wars
anti-missile plan and, more recently, has promoted the idea
of manipulating the earth's atmosphere to counteract global warming."

The U.S. Air
Force admitted to CNN in July that it had broken up a storm
over the Atlantic using products made by a company c
alled Dyn-O-Mat.
The company's website, dynom,
lists "environmental absorbent products"
such as Dyn-O-Drought and Dyn-O-Storm.

As recently as November 13, another patent was filed outlining
a "method of modifying weather."

The abstract reads: "The polymer is dispersed into the cloud
and the wind of the storm agitates the mixture causing the polymer
to absorb the rain. This reaction forms a gelatinous substance
which precipitate to the surface below.
Thus, diminishing the cloud's ability to rain."

Sunbury resident Dan King remembers a stormy day in July
when he was driving on a newly resurfaced section of I-71 and
"the rainwater looked like dish soap water on the highway.
I thought it was just from the resurfacing," he said,
"but when I got out in the country I sa
w the same thing.
Piles of suds at the side of the road."

The scientist who works at Wrig
ht-Patterson told Alive
that barium stearate is basic
ally a soap bonded to a metal
and could have produced the soapy rain.

It's impossible to know which chemicals are being sprayed
or for what reason since, according to the go
chemtrails don't exist.

But, increasingly, government skeptics and other watchdogs
are demanding to know if chemtrail spraying poses any health risks.

In his NEXUS New Times article, William Thomas wrote,
"Chemtrails can cause drought by soaking up all available moisture,
and drooping chemical curtains fall through vast colonies
of UV-mutated bacteria, viruses and fungi living in the upper atmosphere.
Could these malevolent micro-organisms be piggy-backing on the plumes?"

Thomas suggests that the spraying following September 11
has nothing to do with a deliberate biological att
or the inoculation of the American public.

Rather, it's simply an ongoing attemp
t by humans to fool with Mother Nature.

First publi
shed December 6, 2001 Copyright â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�Å¡© 2001 Columbus Alive, Inc. All rights reserved.


When The Army Owns The Weather -

Chemtrails & HAARP

Author: Bob Fitrakis

Humans have long sought to control the weather.
Early people learned how to make fire and modify
their micro-environments; rain dances and other rituals to
alleviate droughts are part of our folklore.
So news that the government is engaged in secret experiments
to control the weather should come as no surprise --
especially after a long history of &qu
t;cloud seeding," "atom splitting"
and cloning revelations.

In fact, a vast majority of people would be shocked to learn that this orphan
of the cold war is still in practice. As the
U.S. and former Soviet Union spent trillions of dollars on their militaries, their commitment to mutually assured destruction led to exten
sive experimentation with the use of weather
as a weapon. In 1977, the Saturday Review cited a CIA report
hinting that the U.S. government already had the power to massively
manipulate the weather for war purposes.

As the Soviet Union disintegrated, a 1993 Isvestia article suggested the
U.S. might want to partner with the Russians in peddling their top-secret technology to the world. Oleg Klugin, a high-ranking KGB officer,
bragged of his involvement in geophysical weapons research to a London newspaper. The grid patterns of jet chemtrails now spotted throughout the Western world are likely the application of these technologies to
ew military and civilian uses.

The military is not attempting to hide its long-term goals.

"Weather is a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025" i

s a white paper that
be found on a Pentagon-sponsored website.

The paper's abstract reads:

"In 2025, U.S. aerospace forces can 'own the weather'

by capitalizing on emerging tec
hnologies and focusing development
of those technologies towards fighting applications.
Such a capability offers the war fighters tools to shape the battle space
in ways never before possible In the U.S., weather modification
will likely become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications."

Wired magazine wrote about the paper and extensively quoted physicist Bernard Eastlund in its January 2000 article "Activate Cloud Shield! Zap a Twister!" The article detailed the military's plan for "made-to-order thunderstorms&
quot; and "lightning strikes on demand."

Eastlund managed programs for Controlled Thermal Nuclear Research for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission from 1966 to 1974; he was a key rese
in the 1980s' Strategic Space Initiative (aka Star Wars). Since 1996, Eastlund served as CEO and president of Eastlund Scientific Enterprises Corporation. The company boasts on its website that it specializes in "weather modification" and "
tornado modification" among other high-tech services.

Eastlund considers the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program
(HAARP) in Alaska a smaller version of what he envisions
for weather modification.
In response to Michael Theroux of Borderland Sciences --
who asked Eastlund whether the HAARP station could affect the weather -- Eastlund replied:
"Significant experiments could be performed The HAARP antenna
as is it now configured modulates the auroral electrojet to induce ELF
waves and thus could have
an effect on the zonal winds."

At the Space 2000 Conference and Exposition on Engineering, Construction, Operations and Business in Space, sponsored by the American Society of Ci
vil Engine
ers, Eastlund outlined his plan for zapping tornados with an electromagnetic radiation beam from the proposed Thunderstorm Solar Powered Satellite he's developing with the help of the European Space Agency and Jenkins Enterprises.

U.S. patent number 6315213, filed on No
vember 13, is described as a method of modifying weather and should concern the public. A scientist from Wright Patterson Air Force Base acknowledges that planes are spraying barium salt, polymer fibers, aluminum oxide and other chemicals in the atmosphere to both modify the weather and for military communications purposes. The patent abstract specifically states: "The polymer is dispersed into the cloud and the wind of the storm agitates the mixture causing the polymer to absorb the rain. This reaction
forms a gelatinous substance which precipitate to the surface below. Thus, diminishing the cloud's ability to rain."

Answering the age-old question, Who'll stop t
he rain?: Appa
rently our government and a few of their closest friends in the military industrial-complex. The emergence of Edward Teller promoting this startling technology is more than scary. (Teller was the father of the H-Bomb and grand promoter of Readi Kilowatt, our perky little radiation friend from the '50s; one of his bright
ideas from the '50s was to create harbors by nuking our own coastline.) The April 24 New York Times reported that Teller "has promoted the idea of manipulating the Earth's atmosphere to counteract global warming." The computer simulations on the use of aluminum oxide to counter global warming come from the Lawrence Livermore Weapons Laboratory, where Teller serves as director emeritus.

There should be little doubt that this would be a priority for the government -- or f
or for-profit military contractors. While 2001 was the second-hottest year on record (1998 holds the record as the hottest year), the nine hottest years on record have occurred
since 1990. But w
hy would the government conduct anti-global warming experiments in secret?

Investigative reporter William Thomas holds that there's a link between the recent increase in asthma, allergies and upper respiratory ailments and the chemtrail spraying. Sound crazy? Remember, it sounded absurd when reports first came out that the govern
ment had conducted radioactivity experiments on U.S. citizens and released radiation from nuclear plants to test the effect on civilian populations. It sounded bizarre when news first filtered out that the government was engaged in the MK-Ultra mind-control experiments using LSD. The CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency admit they were responsible for many of the UFO sightings in the 1950s in order the explain away experimental military technology.

From public documen
ts to mainstream news accounts, the record is filled with reports of weather-modifying technology left over from the Cold War. Now we have a right to know what, if anyt
hing, the government p
lans to do with it.

Tesla --Man out of Time

This biography has received widespread acclaim for its depth and clarity. Among the many well documented accounts provided by the author are found descriptions of such remarkable events as Tesla's 1893 demonstration of the fundamental principals of modern radio, two years prior to Marconi's showing. TeslaMan Out of Time also includes an informative section describing his spectacular work at Colorado Springs and the Wardenclyffe installation.

Cheney's biography of one of the greatest inventors and scientists of the modern age restores Tesla's precedence as the true inventor of radio, as well as of other remarkable
firsts such as the harnessing of alternating current, remotely guided weapons, fluorescent lighting, and the bladeless turbine. The biography illuminates Tesla's relationships with George Westinghouse, J.
P. Morgan, Thomas Edison, Michael
Pupin, Guglielmo Marconi, and Mark Twain. Cheney also explains the controversies surrounding Tesla's unusual methods of generating publicity and his unfulfilled explorations into controlling weather and the wireless transmission of electric power.


He moved scientific history forward again in the spring of 1893 when, addressing the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia and the National Electric Light Association at St. Louis, he described in detail the principles of radio broadcasting.

At St. Louis he made the first public demonstration ever of radio communication, although Marconi is generally credited with having achieved this feat in 1895.<b
Tesla's twenty-eight-year-old assistant at the St. Louis lecture was H. P. Broughton whose son, William G. Broughton, is licensee of the Schenectady Museum memorial amateur radio station W21R. At
station's dedication speech in 1976 William Brough
ton touched upon highlights of Tesla's historic demonstration at St. Louis after a week's preparation-as personally told to him by his father.

"Eighty-three years ago, in St. Louis, the National Electric Light Association sponsored a public lecture on high-voltage high-frequency phenomena," said the younger Broughton. "On the auditorium stage a demonstration was set up by using two groups of equipment

"In the transmitter group on one side of the stage was a 5-kva high-voltage pole-type oil-filled distribution transformer connected to a condenser bank of leyden jars, a spark gap, a coil, and a wire running up to the ceiling.

"In the receiver group at the other side of the stage was an identical w
ire hanging from the ceiling, a duplicate condenser bank of Leyden jars and coilbut instead of the spark gap, there was a Geissler tube that would light up like a modern fluorescent lamp bulb when v
was applied. There were no interconnecting wires between transmitter and receiver.

The transformer in the transmitter group," Broughton continued, "was energized from a special electric power line through an exposed two-blade knife switch. When this switch was closed, the transformer grunted and groaned the Leyden jars showed corona sizzled around their foil edges, the spark gap crackled with a noisy spark discharge, and an invisible electromagnetic field radiated energy into space from the transmitter antenna wire.

"Simultaneously, in the receiver group, the Geissler tube lighted up from radio-frequency excitation picked up by the receiver antenna wire.

"Thus wireless was born. A wireless message had been transmitted by the 5 kilowatt spark transmitter, and
instantly received by the Geissler-tube receiver thirty feet away. . . . (p. 68)



Sunday Ti
mes (London)
"What a subject! At any level the story is on par with flamboyantly contrived fiction. The record of discovery, i
nnovation, and speculation reflects a visionary genius as fertile as any in the history of modern science....Uncommonly colourful...absorbing."

Kirkus Reviews
" irresistible subject."

"Cheney's excellent biography of one of the most idiosyncratic and truly enigmatic 'scientists' is both comprehensive and well-written....Very warmly recommended."

American Scientist
"Excellent...a significant contribution to the recent history of science. This well-documented and exhaustive biography explores the unusual life and creative genius of this remarkable discoverer, benevolent eccentr
ic, and solitary humanist....The author sheds new light on Tesla's relationships with Edison, Westinghouse, Marconi, and Pupin....Informative and delightful to read."


Tesla --Man out of Time (Trade Paperback)
Margaret Cheney
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