Can a Non-Christian Be a True National Socialist?


Official Poster for email reporters
Can a Non-Christian Be a True National Socialist?
Can a Non-National Socialists Be A True Christian?

by Ken Cratchley, National Director of Australia

"We demand liberty for all religious denominations in the State, so far as they are not a danger to it and do not militate against the morality and the moral sense of the German race. The part as such, stands for positive Christianity but does not bind itself in the matter of creed to any particular confession. It combats the Jewish-materialist spirit within and without us, and is convinced that our nation
can achieve permanent health from within only on the principle: The Common Interest Before Self-Interest" (Point 24 of the Programme of the German National Socialist Party ).

The above st
atement shows not only that the German National Socialist Party stood for the Christian
persuasion, but it also shows that it is the political expression of true Christianity. Our Master Jesus the Anointed states, "You will love your neighbor as yourself"(Matthew 19:19 AST). Jacob (commonly known as James) states that this is the royal law in his general letter, Chapter 2, verse 8 (AST).

Thus, the German National Socialist Party stood for the common interest of the people above self-interest, as Christians are directed to do by God in His Word. Professor D. Cajus Fabricus in his 1937 book entitled Positive Christianity in the Third Reich , states:

"Positive Christianity is universally known as practical Christianity, which is a Christianity not
exhausting itself in expressing convictions of faith but one active in loving one's neighbor."

Therefore, National Socialism is the political expression of true Christianity. I s
trongly recommend that the reader obtain the booklets "Was Adolf Hitler a Bible Christian?" by Pastor V.S. Herrell and Posit
ive Christianity in the Third Reich by Prof. D. Cajus Fabricus for information regarding the true aspects of National Socialism and Christianity.

Often I receive publications by so-called advocates of National Socialism who claim to be followers of Adolf Hitler; however, they also claim to be non-Christian. There is a wide range of Jewish philosophy that these morons follow, as they do not have the honor to follow the only True and Living God. It amazes me
how people can believe totally unprovable myths and loony theories, and call Christians stupid for what we believe.

Some people within the "white wing movement" call themselves Odinists. O
dinism is totally unprovable, and even some of its teachers claim that it is all based on myth and that their gods are just representative of the forces of nature. The main problem with Odinists is
that they reject Jesus Christ as the Final Revelation of Aryan God to Aryan man. It was all right for our Nordic ancestors to worship Odin prior to the revelatio
n of Jesus Christ, as Odinism then carried forward truths of the early Aryan God knowledge; however, it also carried forward the Babylonian myths that were incorporated into other European, pagan religions and later into Judeo-Christianity.

I have heard that Odinists have claimed December 25 as their god's birthday, which was also the birthday of the Roman Sun God "Sol." This date had also been used by other early pagan religions such as the Cult of Mithra. Odinism was never endorsed by Hitler or the NSDAP.


"A Kraut of Krauts"
"... perhaps as the text indicates, Christ was
simply paying Nathanael a salutatory racial compliment, as is common among racially conscious brothers, even today. Be this as it may, what is important is the fact that Christ's usage of the word Israelite makes it synonym
ous with the concept of noble and genuine or Germanic.


In the National Socialist Republic of Germany, during the glorious days of the Third Reich, white men once again sought to prevent the degeneration and death of the White Race by returning their society to the Biblical and God ordained standards of excellence and beauty.


To the people of the ancient world 2000-2500 years ago, it was well understood and known that the German people were the genuine, true, white people. They were the pur
est of white men, and they were the very standard of racial and human beauty. No, it is not black that is beautiful, it is white.


...Now, I realize that we have some mongrels and J*ws and deceived people in so-called British-Israeli Identity, running around telling lies and setting up false standards of what constitutes being a Christian.


...The subject here is how Christ Jesus made one, Anointed Nation out of the white Israelites and the Germans or Barbarians and the Scynthians, and the other white nations who were originally all of the one nation of Adamic or Aryan men.


What utterly amazes me about these British-Israeli, Identity, Masonic, Judaizers, is the fact that not a single one of them, genealogical speaking, can prove that they are one of the tribes of Israel.


The Bible declares in clear language that Jesus Anointed has made one nation out of all the white nations...

Moreover, the Bible declares that Jesus Christ
is the King of kings and Lord of lords of this one, great, Aryan, Separated Nation, called the Christian nation. In it, there is only white men. There are no longer Israelites, Greeks, Germans, etc. There are only white Christians.


So, white men are
beautiful, disciplined, and in their very bodies represent the beauty of the order and artistry of Almighty God. No mongrel body can possibly compare to the beautiful body of a divinely created white woman.
"Adolf Hitler understood Positive Christianity; he also knew that Christian actions were Aryan actions. Did you know that more Christian churches were built during the era of the Third Reich than at any other time in German history; or that the majority of SS soldiers were professing Christians?

Again, pagans can believe what they want, but let facts be facts and truth be truth. The myths and traditions of our Aryan ancestors should be remembered, but something greater came, something that took warring tribes and made them one. We have lost sight of that something, but Positive Christianity is still alive within those who refuse to compromise it."

from <a href='http
//' target='_blank'>An Open Letter to Pagans by David C. Tate</a>
Member, Bruders Schweigen

Hitler on Religion

The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity

was the coming of Christianity.

Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child.

Both are inventions of the Jew.

The deliberate lie in the matter of religion

was introduced into the world by Christianity.

Bolshevism practices a lie of the same nature,

when it claims to bring liberty to men,

whereas in reality it seeks only to enslave them.

In the ancient world, the relations between men and gods
were founded on an instinctive respect.

It was a world enlightened by the idea
of tolerance.

Christianity was the first creed in the world to exterminate

its adversaries in the name of love.

Its keynote is intolerance.


Christianity is a rebellion against natural law,
a protest against nature.

Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean
the systematic cultivation of human failure.

The Earth continues to go around,
whether it's the man who kills the tiger
or the tiger who eats the man.

The stronger asserts his will, it's the law of nature.
The world doesn't change; its laws are eternal.

There are some who say the world is evil,
and that they wish to depart from this life.

For my part, I like the world!

Unless the desire to die is due to a lover's quarrel,
I advise the desperate man to have patience for a year.
The consolations will come.

But if a h
uman being has any other reason to wish to die than this,
then let him die, I'm not stopping him.

I merely call attention to the fact that one cannot escape
this world entirely.

The elements of which our body is made belong to the cycle of nature;

and as for our soul, it's possible that it might return to limbo,
until it gets an opportunity to reincarnate itself.
But it would vex me if everybody wanted to have done with life.

To make death easier for people,
the Church holds out to them the bait of a better world.

We,(NS) for our part, confine ourselves to asking man to fashion his life worthily.

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>For this, it is sufficient for him to conform to the laws of nature.
's seek inspiration in these principles,
and in the long run we'll triumph over religion. </span>

But there will never be any possibility of National Socialism's
setting out to ape religi
on by establishing a form of worship.

Its one ambition must be scientifically to construct a doctrine
that is nothing more than a homage to reason.


Trying to take a long view of things,
is it conceivable that one could found anything du
rable on falsehood?

When I think of our Folk's future, I must look further
than immediate advantages, even if these advantages
were to last three hundred,
five hundred years or more.

I'm convinced that any pact with the Church
can offer only a provisional benefit,
for sooner or later the scientific spirit will disclose
the harmful character of such a compromise.

Thus the State will have based its existence
a foundation that one day will collapse.

An educated man retains the sense of the mysteries of nature
and bows before the unknowable.

An uneducated man, on the other hand,

runs the risk o
f going over to atheism

(which is a return to the state of the animal)

as soon as he perceives that the State,
in sheer opportunism, is making use of false ideas
in the matter of religion,
whilst in other fields it bases everything on pure science.

That's why I've always kept the Party aloof from religious questions.

I've thus prevented my Cathol
ic and Protestant supporters
from forming groups against one another,
and inadvertently knocking each other out
with the bible and the sprinkler.

So we never became involved with these churches' forms of worship.

And if that has momentarily made my task a little more difficult,
at least I've never run the risk of carrying grist to my opponents' mill.

The help we would have provisionally obtained from a concordat
[with the churches] would have quickly become a burden on us.

In any case, the main thing is to be clever in this matter
and not to
look for a struggle where it can be avoided.

Being weighed down by a superstitious past,
men are afraid of things that can't, or can't yet, be explained
National Socialism and the Third Reich represented a major attempt

by high esoteric Adepts to re-establish a Culture based on the Laws of Nature,

against the entrenched forces of anti-Life.

Nothing that ambitious had been tried since the founding of the American Republic by Masonic adepts.

And so the symbol appeared as the flag of Nazi Germany and the insignia
of the Nazi party,
an indication for those who had eyes to see,

as to the occult nature of the Third Reich.


A speech Himmler made to senior SS men in 1942
reveals his attitude towards Christianity:

"This Christendom, this greatest pestilence
which could have befallen us in history,
which has weakened us for every conflict,
we must finish with."

SS families received a "Yule-tide candleholder"

copied from "an old spec
men handed down from the early past of our Volk"

instead of Christian Christmas gifts.

In 1937 Himmler's personal staff began to plan a cultural framework

designed to replace Christianity,<
a project that led to the opening of the Deutschrechtliche Institute

at the University of Bonn the following year which researched
into Germanic pre-history.

Himmler also set himself to constantly improve the solstice celebrations

that he felt had the deepest significance,

and designed special SS wedding
ceremonies. [Padfield]

It has been claimed that Albrecht Haushofer (son of Karl, the geopolitician)

who Hess knew from university had been a student of Gurdijeff

and had set up the Vril Society

(a lodge claiming contact with Shambhala, the Tibetan otherworld)

and that Hitler and Himmler were members.

Himmler did know Haushofer

(who knowingly or not seems to have been one of Himml
er's spies
in the resistance[Padfield])

Himmler did send SS research teams to Tibet,

and Russian troops entering Berlin in 1945 found Tibetans

who had committed ritual suicide wearing SS uniforms.

[Dyson, Carroll] What it all adds up to is anyone's guess.

Himmler's intense interest in Germanic paganism

is illustrated well by a letter that he wrote to the head

of the Ahnernebe (a historical and cultural research unit that Himmler had incorporated into the SS).

He believed the ancient Germans enacted legal ordinances

and marriages upon ancient stones at burial
places of the clan


His own views about immortality owe something to Hinduism

as well as Germanic beliefs in rebirth in the Sippe

via the transmission of the bloodline -

not at all incongruous since both beliefs are linked via

the spread of Indo-European, or "Aryan", culture

(the word
comes from the Sanskrit Aryas -

meaning "noble" or "freeman" - and Swastika is Sanskrit also).

[Berresford Ellis]

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Speaking, in 1937, of the i
dea of rebirth in the Sippe, Himmler said:

"A Volk that has this belief in rebirth

and that honours its ancestors,

and in so doing honours itself,

always has children,

and this Volk has eternal life." [Padfield]</span>

This belief, as well as that of the SS being the noble warrior caste
of the Third Reich, is reflected in his instructions

for a great triptych for the entrance hall of Wewelsberg Castle -

the symbolic seat of SS power.

Of the first paintin
g he wanted a depiction of
"the attack of an SS troop in war,
in which I envisage the representation of a dead or mortally
wounded SS man, who is married,
to show that from death itself and despite it new life springs"

The next panel would show SS men tilling the newly won land,
and the final panel would show
a new village full of families with many children. [Padfield]

This idea is also reflected in the rather macabre &quot
;death's head"
insignia adopted by SS killing squads -
death and killing were necessary and noble

as they kept the folk community pure and vibrant.

Himmler could use this same idea to purge whole families
such as the von Stauffenbergs
(the family of the July 20th 1944 bomber).

Witness a speech Himmler made to district leaders:

"You only need to look up the Germanic Sagas.

If they proscribed a family and outlawed them,
or if there was a blood feud in the family,

then they were drastically thorough ... they said,

'This man is
a traitor, the blood is bad,

there is bad blood in them, that will be eradicated'.

And in the case of a blood feud it was eradicate

down to the last member of the whole Sippe.

The family of Graf Stauffenberg

will be extinguished to the last member..." [Padfield]

Padfield, Peter, Himmler: Reichsf