Bronx: DNA catches up to foul nigger in 1996 rapes



Bronx man arrested for 9 year old double rape

A Bronx man was arrested yesterday in a double rape he allegedly committed nearly nine years ago -- a cold case collar made possible by a DNA link, police said.

In November 1996, two women, ages 22 and 23, were brutally raped after being pushed into their Greenwich Village apartment at knifepoint, police said at the time. The rapist, according to reports, bound and blindfolded the women before raping them in separate rooms.

The attacker also made off with cash, jewelry and a mini-stereo, police said at the time.

After all those years, police yesterday caught up with the rapist and robber in that case, allegedly Leroy Johnson, 38, of Carpenter Avenue in the Wakefield section of the Bronx. He w

as arrested and charged with rape, burglary, robbery, sodo
my and possession of a weapon, police said.

The statute of limitations for the rape -- 10 years -- was a little more than a year away. After that point, suspects in the rapes in question cannot be prosecuted.

Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau, who is up for re-election, recently proposed legislation that would do away with those limitations in cases of rape, serious sexual assaults against children and other felony sex crimes.

In the alleged Johnson rapes, police -- as is common when the 10-year mark on cases approaches -- checked DNA recovered at that scene against thousands of samples of convicted felons.

Johnson, who has been convicted of rape before, recently served 5 years in prison for 1997 charges of assault and attempted burglary, according to corrections records.

Johnson, who also goes by the name of Akeem Shabazz, was a match, police said.

I must say this: Niggers are a curse upon this earth. What they do, TNB, is how they manifest their being a curse. These two girls, no doubt white, could testify with eloquence as to the nature of this curse but I say that the way our forefathers dealt with nigger filth like this is the only penalty that should exist for niggers like these two dark-skinned hellhounds. I long for the good old days.
