Book Review: "Prolonging the Agony...," by Docherty & Macgregor, sequel to "Hidden History..."


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Book Review: "Prolonging the Agony...," by Docherty & Macgregor, sequel to "Hidden History..."

Book Review: "Prolonging the Agony," of WWI, by Docherty and Macgregor
(Apollonian, 9 Jan 19)

"Prolonging the Agony: How the Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WWI By Three-And-a-Half Years," by Jim Macgregor and Gerry Docherty, Trine Day LLC, Walterville, Oregon; 2017; xiv, 578 pp., 512 pp. text, notes, bibliography, index, numerous maps and illustrations, is quite excellent and outstanding for essential facts and research, the sequel to their previous work on WWI, "Hidden History: the Secret Origins of the First World War," published in 2013. See review for "Hidden History...," this site, at . Also, see their website at The one negative aspect for the book, "Prolonging...," as it is for the first one, "Hidden History...," is the pervading and noxious self-righteous attitude pushed constantly by the authors throughout the works.

Otherwise, note how relatively easy it is to discuss WWII and dear old unc' Adolf, for example, in contrast to the first world war, the important details of which are far less widely known and understood by people in general. But it's actually extremely important for people to better understand WWI, which was actually essential first part and first act which made the basis and conditions for the second act, WWII, the triumph of communism and world dictatorship of the present United Nations (UN), continuing and setting-up further mass-murder of the world's peoples through such as "climate-change" fraud and Agenda-21 genocide.

For it was the first world war, don't forget, which rendered the Bolshevik monster in Russia, a truly titanic development deliberately brought about by the Western bankers and oligarchs. At the same time, in 1919, was instituted another horrific event, the Versailles Treaty featuring predecessor to UN world dictatorship, the "League of Nations," eventual products of which is the present Agenda-21 and -2030 genocide and population-reduction, mass-murder and poisoning of the world by means of toxic vaccines, drugs, GMO foods, and other chemicals and additives, including poisoning of the atmosphere by "chem-trails," and destructive radiation such as "5G" electro-magnetic waves, etc.--all of it happening now as we speak, all of it directly caused by and traceable to the first world war.

Thus the first book, "Hidden History,..." sets up and details the basic historical context for conspiracy to start the first world war, beginning especially w. the UK oligarchs, along w. the French, these having targeted Germany since at least 1904, Russians soon inveigled in by 1907. "Hidden History..." introduces the men and circumstances, including the Jew Rothschilds, the British oligarchs, Milner, Asquith, Cecil John Rhodes, the Russian, Isvolsky, the Frenchmen, like Poincare', and how these Entente conspirators plotted assassination of the Austrian Archduke by Serbian agents, and THEN went to war against the central powers for their having objected to that assassination--even after Germany went to such lengths to avoid the war, but was blamed nonetheless, against the facts, in the ensuing Versailles Treaty.

"Prolonging...," now goes further into details of the war itself, explaining more basic facts about the war, like how Germany had such difficulty in simply feeding its soldiers and people, it being essential for Germany to score a quick knock-out before a steady, grinding attrition would work decisively against her, UK (Britain) evermore able to enforce a crippling starvation naval blockade--even though at first, the British were quite loose indeed in application of that blockade.

Thus WWI entailed a collection of more specific conspiracies and double-crosses aside fm the first ones involving assassination of the Austrian Archduke by Russia and Serbia. For the Russkies were involved in the first place as they wanted most of all the Bosphorus/Dardanelles naval straits and city of Constantinople--which was promised and agreed by UK and France, but UK treacherously had no intention of carrying through.

Yet, the charade of pretending to helping Russia gain the straits soon enough, in early 1915, involved UK to undertaking the travesty of marine landings and attack upon Gallipoli, the European side of the Dardanelles, for purpose of pretending to good faith towards Russkies regarding the straits. The problem was the Gallipoli campaign was a fraud fm the first, and was deliberately bungled and subverted fm the very beginning, even though thousands upon thousands of men died, and much material, including at least a couple of battleships, were otherwise needlessly and wantonly lost.

Then there was the mysterious death--Docherty and Macgregor call it murder--of the British Field Marshall and Secretary of State for War, Herbert Kitchener, in 1916. For the problem was Kitchener was intent upon a more conciliatory peace w. the Central powers instead of the absolute crippling and crushing desired by the elite conspirators, headed by such as the psychopathic Milner and Asquith, and later Lloyd-George. Thus Kitchener, in June 1916, was put on an old coal-burning battle cruiser for a diplomatic mission to Russia, the cruiser sent into a known mine-field (or the ship exploded by a bomb on-board, but blamed on a mine), the ship was exploded and sunk, Kitchener's body never even recovered--along w. deaths of over 700 others, British seamen.

In 1915 there was the infamous Lusitania conspiracy, the ship a known and registered auxiliary cruiser which regularly transported military munitions, which the British put on board, on false pretenses (that the passengers were safe), over a thousand civilian passengers, including over a hundred Americans, who were drowned when the ship was torpedoed, Brits having effectively murdered those passengers, yet then using the incident to incite Americans against Germans.

Throughout the period leading to American declaration of war against Germany in April 1917, the US President, Wilson, pretended to "neutrality," but allowed American financing of the Entente allies and selling and transporting of substantial supplies and stores to those allies, for purposes of war. Note the war could not have been continued by UK and France without this American help. And while the Brits claimed the right to blockade even neutral countries--who might otherwise sell to the Germans--which illegal blockade the Americans accepted, the Germans were not allowed, by those same Americans, to reciprocally blockade the Brits by means of their submarines.

Further, under the category of double-cross was the infamous "Balfour Declaration" by which Palestine was promised by the elite UK leaders to settlement by Jews; the Arab Palestinians were not consulted, and many of those Arabs had been encouraged by the Brits to fighting against the Turks for Arab independence, including in Palestine. Of course, the UK had earlier secretly agreed w. the French on partition of the former Ottoman possessions, including Palestine.

Yet another double-cross by the UK was against the Czar when it seemed in early 1917 the Czar was willing to begin peace-talks w. the Germans, shortly before the Russian Revolution. Remember also, the UK did not really want the Russians taking Constantinople and the straits. So it was convenient for UK to arrange for the new Russian revolutionary leadership to be sympathetic to UK by funding the revolutionaries against the Czar who by then had exhausted his usefulness for UK purposes.

Thus the entire first world war was such a horrific, destructive mess and disaster, an outright catastrophe, but which served the purposes of the banking and money power to the exclusion, pain, misery, and death of everyone else, the British imperialists and oligarchs conspiring most intensively to destroy Germany, inveigling and seducing the French, and especially those pathetic fools, the Russians, who ended suffering quite as much as the poor German victims--everyone lost and suffered but for Americans who would only delay their suffering till the 30s depression era.

Observe even the British imperialists were themselves double-crossed by Jews and Zionists for eventual establishment of the Israeli terror-state which now rules and "wags" the American "dog," the Americans enforcing for two masters, the original world imperialists, first pushed by UK, now of the UN, and ALSO the Israeli terror-state, the Americans in their turn, presently nearly entirely exhausted of its national wealth, security, and integrity for these horrendous parasites--the end of it all not even in sight, but for the most pathetic and complete destruction up-coming, as best we strive to discern. Macgregor and Docherty do extremely well for a quite readable and coherent rendition of the basic facts--everyone should read.