Apo essays for Oct 2018


Guest Columnist
Hitlery Cover-Up(s) Continue
(Apollonian, 9 Oct 18)

So now we observe satanic deep-state continues w. "operation cover-up"--of what?--well, didn't hitlery commit treason in-ur-face during the election campaign?--and then FURTHER, worked and conspired along w. Obola, et al., to frame the patsy, Trump, who works for Israel? But of course, hitlery works for Israel too, and Israel has made it known they want to keep hitlery around--they're doing ANOTHER "tour," don't forget (see https://www.infowars.com/oblivious-bill-hillary-clinton-readying-nationwide-stadium-tour/ ).

So u KNOW who's running things in Jew S A, Israel and kikes, as usual. George Soros?--he's just agent of Israel, but working for "globalists" of world gov. too, obviously. So Jews rule, and Israel rules Jews, we see.

Regarding Trump and his lackey, Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com), they're still hard at work trying to gin-up war w. someone, preferably Iran. And of course, there's the "civil" warfare that's going on, sponsored by Soros and "leftist" part of deep-state, which is mostly a prop. operation, as usual, pushed by Jews-media, naturally.

And it all works, this deception and agit-prop., by deep-state, so well upon the goons, morons, and scummy puke, called the "people" of Jew S A, the poor, brainless filth who are vastly over-populated, it is true.

So remember once again, dumbasses: we have a serious economic problem--the debt, just to name one--still working, which Trump and Israel are making worse by the day, and these Jew-serving, satanic scum can only think to turning it into warfare, as usual, worst-case scenario. Poor stupid puke, called the "people," need to learn the REAL, hence anti-semitic, Christianity to save their moronic lives. Lord help us all.
Trump Makes Good Move, Identifying As "Nationalist"--Even Though He's REALLY Israel-First
(Apollonian, 24 Oct 18)

Well folks, I'm back to writing the columns/short-essays after 3 weeks or so of vacation, leaving-off fm the writing grind. I felt like I'd done well enough for laying out the basic pt.s for the culture and what's happening, and I didn't find it too urgent for writing much further, esp. after they took down Fetzer's blog (JamesFetzer.blogspot.com).

My general assessment is now that Jew S A (used to be USA) is in for very difficult times because there are just tooooooooooooooo goddam many stupid scummy puke, called "people," now populating the nation--they can't figure-out simple thing like Christianity, the real thing (worship of truth [= Christ], Gosp. JOHN 14:6), entails and necessitates anti-semitism, Jews being foremost satanists (subjectivists).

For look at all the stinking puke calling themselves "Christians," but who are really just Judeo-Christians (JCs--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo). All establishment "Christian" churches are Jew-controlled and Jew-friendly.

And so now, even though Trump is really totally controlled and owned by Jews/Israel, he made excellent move ID-ing himself as "nationalist" as distinct fm "globalist." Thus "nationalist" is roughly equivalent to the "right" vs. the "globalist" "left."

Most of all now, the essential thing is the "globalist" is isolated and spot-lighted as the problem, the enemy. And now the "globalist" "left" is so well and best ID'd as socialist and GENOCIDAL (see Agenda-21 and -2030 addendum).

And this "nationalist" vs. "globalist" as thematic anti-thesis is good enough for the stock morons, scum, goons, fools, puke, and suckers who so much predominate among the scum called "people." Of course, the real anti-thesis is truth vs. lies, as of New Test., hence Christian vs. Satanist, Christ being truth and the Holy Spirit being largely reason, though w. other things too, like honesty and integrity.
Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) Un-Veils New "Nationalist" Cultural Synthesis Against "Globalism"
(Apollonian, 31 Oct 18)

Spluttering, babbling, raving, ignorant hill-billy moron and Jewwy shill, Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com), now introduces to the world the latest hubristic cultural synthesis--"nationalism" of Jew S A and Israeli terror-state--against the "leftists" and "globalists," evidently. After all, Jewns tells us, Christianity "comes fm Judaism," hoh o ho ho. See https://www.bitchute.com/video/44LeNgYo0LnK/ , for the 10/30/18 show in which he triumphantly un-veils his latest brainstormings regarding culture and philosophy.

And actually, stupid as Jewns is, this new pretended cultural anti-thesis may well have some beneficial effect as it more directly challenges people for the real meaning of Christianity and the satanistic anti-human Judaism. For there's really NOTHING more opposed to one another than Christianity, the real thing, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), vs. satanic Judaism (see JOHN 8:44) by which Jews make themselves co-equal w. God, God their servant and slave who owes the kikes, God, who kills Jews' enemies, as at Passover and Purim.

Jones really put on a show (30 Oct.), sputtering and raving, interrupting and talking over his guests, babbling and blathering in his usual, typical over-the-top style, much like the hell-fire and brimstone Sunday preachers. Funny and pathetic, this moronic hill-billy, Jewns, at least singles out and targets the "leftist" "globalists"--that's the good thing, most effective, regardless how stupid he otherwise comes-off sounding, sucking-up to the kike filth as he does.

Thus Jewns stupidity and ignorance is both pathetic and yet flamboyant at the same time, Jewns quite capable of making incisive and telling criticisms regarding the leftists and globalists. Evidently, the purpose of Jewns--as well as the Jews who support him--is to attempt a synthesis of Jews and Judeo-Christians (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo), along w. others like homosexuals and the non-whites, selling nationalism and Trump, and pretending to "free market," isolating globalists and leftists--it might work, at least to a certain extent and for a little while, and might well attract a good deal of attn. for the masses of goons, scum, and suckers among the people, esp. the JC element.
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