An Orthodox Rabbit: The problem isn't Trump, it's us.

An Orthodox Rabbit Responds To Trump’s Press Conference Answer On Anti-Semitism


The problem isn't Trump, it's us. :eek:rth:

In the immediate aftermath of the Trump press conference on February*16, the Orthodox Jewish community began the process of trying to make sense out of the President's scolding of Jake Turx of*Ami*magazine. It's no secret that Donald Trump received overwhelming support from Orthodox Jews in the ballot box; the fact that a Chassidic Jew was in the White House press core would have been a clear indication that their support was well-justified. No one would have expected that a journalist who had been a friendly face to Trump and his campaign for months would have been the recipient of a Presidential tongue lashing.*
Turx, as has been widely reported, began his question by noting that*despite what many of his colleagues in the media report, he and the community he represents do not believe the the President is an anti-Semite, and they recognize that he's the "Zayde" to his Jewish grandchildren. That preamble, however, didn't stop the President from being offended when Turx went on to express that he and the community he represents were concerned about an uptick in anti-Semitism that hasn't really been addressed. The President's response was heated. He said that he understood the rest of the question, that he found the charge repulsive, and that Turx should heed what Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu had said the day earlier about Trump's support of the Jewish people instead of "having to get up and ask a very insulting question like that."

The immediate response of many people*focused on how Jake Turx personally felt about the President's response. That night, after the presser, Turx appeared on Tucker Carlson's show on Fox*and defended Trump's reaction. In fact, when Breitbart reported on Turx's appearance on the show with a headline saying that Turx was "with Trump,"*Turx tweeted his appreciation to the writer for his great reporting. The logic of this approach is; if Turx was fine with what had happened, then we should be fine with it too. Don't be upset with the President.
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