America's First Immigrants


Founding member of Clark Kent Club

America's First Immigrants

Its time for the ALL the :african: and :mex: and :asian: and :eek:sama: and :eek:rth: and other :alien: to be repatriated. This is :white2: land!

What would :ah: do?

Researchers delving into the origins question have sought to make sense of archaeological finds far and wide, from Canada, California and Chile; from Siberia; and even, most controversially, from France and Spain. The possibility that the first people in the Americas came from Europe
is the boldest proposal among a host of new ideas. According to University of Texas at Austin archaeologist Michael Collins, the chief excavator of the Gault site, "you couldn't have a more exciting time to be involved in the whole issue of the peopling of the Americas. You can't write a paper on it and get it published before it's out of date. Surprisin
g new finds keep rocking the boat and launching fresh waves of debate."
If the first americans did arrive well before the oldest known Clovis settlements, how did they get here? The most radical theory for the peopling of the New World argues that Stone Age mariners journeyed from Europe around the southern fringes of the great ice sheets in the North Atlantic. Many archaeologists greet this idea with head-shaking scorn, but the proposition is getting harder to dismiss outright.
Meanwhile, Bruce Bradley, a prehistoric stone tool
specialist at Britain's University of Exeter,
had noticed a strong resemblance between Clovis points and weapons from ice age Europe. But the idea that the two cultures might be directly connected was heretical.
They are convinced that many more sites like Cactus Hill will turn up on the East Coast. But the burning question is, Did these ice age Virginians invent the Clovis point all by themselves, or were th
ey descendants of Solutreans who brought the point with them from Europe?