Simone de Beauvoir:?feminist?vs.?revelation



Simone de Beauvoir: feminist vs. revelation - by Sartre

Known typically for her association with Jean Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir exerted an enduring influence upon modern day feminism.
"One is not born, but rather becomes a woman" is the primal theme in The Second Sex.

Some may not deem her a major philosopher, but to humanists, socialists and Marxists, she is an original thinker. Philippe Knab deduces that in the Second Sex, firstly, she put forward a series of empirical claims about women as the Other, that is, about what the role gender played in her society. Secondly, she puts forward a philosophical argument for why sexism is wrong. Clearly, the validity of the empirical part of the argument depends on one's historical cultural background. Some contemporary readers might feel incli
ned to discard Beauvoir's feminism altogether because they do
not recognize themselves or their society in her argument.

(more at link)
Simone de Beauvoir: feminist vs. revelation - by Sartre
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Wikipedia has a decent page on Beauvoir HERE
She was bisexual, a paedophile, always seducing young girls. She was a big part of the organized feminist movement during the years of the European (mostly Jews, think degenerate Weimar GE) rise of intellectuals eventually bleeding their filth into the USA. She was an intellectual friend of Jewess Betty Friedan who was a feminist activist here in USA (Friedan used to beat the crap out of her husband). USA had and still has a couple hundred Jewish feminists listed and unlisted who were operating, eventually leading to no-fault divorce law, both parents working, soon leading to destruction of many families.

Sartre was idolized by Nicholas Sarkozy, the French politician who very publicly demanded miscegenation to be done willingly between Whites and blacks/muslims. He also stated that if the Whites refused then miscegenation would be forced. That didn't go over too good. France, always had black Africans soldiers and slaves (The Horror on the Rhine)

Beauvoir wrote, "Marriage was impossible. I had no dowry", scholars point out that her ideal relationships described in The Second Sex and elsewhere bore little resemblance to the marriage standards of the day.[29]

I think marriage is a very alienating institution, for men as well as for women. I think it's a very dangerous institution—dangerous for men, who find themselves trapped, saddled with a wife and children to support; dangerous for women, who aren't financially independent and end up by depending on men who can throw them out when they are 40; and very dangerous for children, because their parents vent all their frustrations and mutual hatred on them. The very words 'conjugal rights' are dreadful. Any institution which solders one person to another, obliging people to sleep together who no longer want to is a bad one.[30]

In 1977, Beauvoir signed a petition seeking to completely remove the age of consent in France, a move which would ultimately lead to the loss of her teaching license.[58] She, along with other French intellectuals, supported the freeing of three arrested paedophiles.[59][11] The petition also explicitly addresses the 'Affaire de Versailles', where three adult men, Dejager (age 45), Gallien (age 43), and Burckhardt (age 39) had sexual relations with minors from both genders aged 12–13.[60]

Our Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a quietly radical feminist, who would have liked to lower the Age of Consent down to 12, I think, because too many old men were getting into trouble.

Not to get too detailed, but Jewish film maker Billy Wilder (holocaust film fame) was also involved in feminism, his film
"The Apartment" turned out to be a catalyst and teacher for adultery, fueling the rise in divorces, along with the soft porn Pussycat Theaters that popped up everywhere almost overnight.

Nicholas Sarkozy
Nicolas Sarkozy – Born in Hungary. Described as a former Jew (His mother was Jewish). Made the following comment in a circle of EU leaders about the goal of exterminating the races and cultures of Europe. Nicolas Sarkozy’s beliefs are best summed up by the following comment:
‘What is the goal? The goal is miscengenation. And if people are not willing to do this of their own free will, then we shall force them through governmental measures. The Challenge of miscegenation of the various nations is the challenge of the 21st century. It is not a choice, it is a duty. It is mandatory.

Nicolas Sarkozy said "the only way to stop the violence and hatred of a multicultural society is through inter breeding between the races"

video in French