Serious bill in Congress designed explicitly against white people--war against the people, suckers


Guest Columnist
The Domestic Terrorism Act Boils Down to State Prosecution of White People for False Sedition

By PatriotRising -
January 27, 2021


domestic terror
“There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.”

~ Baron de Montesquieu

A very horrendous bill was introduced recently in Congress called the “Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021.” The irony of this bill title is that it is not about preventing terrorism; it is about legalizing terrorism by the state against the citizenry. It would be more appropriately titled the U.S. Government Terrorism Authorization Act of 2021.

The motivating factor for this atrocity was said to be the recent purposely staged and intentionally allowed false-flag coup at the Capitol on January 6th. The entire situation was planned in advance to assure that Biden would be the ‘selected’ president, while the members of Congress could pretend to be fearful for their lives. The police led both legitimate and criminal protesters inside the Capitol building, allowed them to remain there, all while doing nothing but brutally murdering one innocent woman. The cowardly Congress was shuttled into safe places to hide until enough pictures and video could be taken, and enough facial recognition could be gathered so that the desired Trump supporters could be gathered up and jailed while others would walk free. This was the plot and now the scene is set. The feigned ‘indignant’ Congress got everything they wanted out of this directed production.

This non-threatening Hollywood-like creation ended peacefully of course, but was made out to be another 9/11. This minor event has been called a terrifying attack, a domestic terrorism attack, a hate crime, devastating, an experience of terror by white nationalists, and heinous violent crimes; all said to have been prosecuted by homegrown domestic terrorists made up of white supremacists, and other racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists. In other words, white people!

Co-sponsor for this tyrannical bill, Democratic Representative Brad Schneider, said this in a press release on January 20:

“Following the terrifying attack on the Capitol this month, which left five dead and many injured, the entire nation has been seized by the potential threat of more terrorist attacks in Washington and around the country. Unlike after 9/11, the threat that reared its ugly head on January 6th is from domestic terror groups and extremists, often racially-motivated violent individuals. America must be vigilant to combat those radicalized to violence, and the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act gives our government the tools to identify, monitor and thwart their illegal activities. Combatting the threat of domestic terrorism and white supremacy is not a Democratic or Republican issue, not left versus right or urban versus rural. Domestic Terrorism is an American issue, a serious threat the we can and must address together,” said Rep. Brad Schneider (IL-10).”

“I am proud to be an original cosponsor of this bill, which we need now more than ever. In the wake of the domestic terrorist attack on our Capitol two weeks ago, it is painfully clear that the current approach to addressing the real and persistent threat posed by white nationalism and similar ideologies is not working. We must not allow hate crimes and domestic terrorism to continue unchecked. I look forward to working with my colleagues to advance this important and timely bill as quickly as possible,” said Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (NY-10).”

In this ridiculous press release, he used the word white, white nationalism, and white supremacist at least ten times. Democrat Vincente González from Texas said “the Domestic Terror Prevention Act is more important than ever as we work to root out and rid America of this cancer.” The cancer he is alluding to is concerning white people that either are not Democrat, are against Biden, or against this government.

This bill will be used to set up a witch-hunt for mainly white people in America, mostly white males. Half the country will be considered guilty. It will be used to destroy businesses, steal property, incarcerate those that oppose the state narrative, separate families, to censor speech at every turn, and even murder. Ex-CIA head, John Brennan, came up with a list that included as he put it, “an unholy alliance of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians.” In this planned legislation, whiteness is vilified, as the bogeymen are white supremacists, white nationalists, and supposedly those that that are guilty of ‘hate’ crimes, hate crimes being anything thought ‘offensive’ by idiot leftists, progressives, and globalists. None of this is qualified of course, and this pending bill is just as vague in its description of the targeted class. All these people and more should be silenced, “reprogrammed,” and eliminated according to those supporting this act that is nothing less than a plan to prosecute false sedition.

The list of supporters endorsing this tyrannical piece of legislation is telling to say the least. They include:

Anti-Defamation League, Arab American Institute, Bend the Arc: Jewish Action, Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism, Human Rights Campaign, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, Muslim Advocates, NAACP, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., Sikh Coalition, Southern Poverty Law Center Action Fund, and Unidos.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will gain massive additional powers, and funding, in order to monitor (surveil), investigate (spy), and prosecute (terrorize, murder, and jail) so-called cases of generally undefined “domestic terrorism.”

This legislation is a travesty, and can only lead to extreme totalitarian political policing of all that believe in freedom and that stand against the state.

Additional sources:

The Best of Gary D. Barnett
The FBI spent 80 years CREATING domestic terrorism; now they will target 80 million voters by labeling them terrorists, too

By PatriotRising -
January 27, 2021


FBI terrorism
A study by the Center on National Security at Fordham Law School unveiled the FBI’s pervasive role inciting domestic terror. The study investigated 138 domestic terror incidents in the US between 2001 and 2012. Every single one of these incidents involved FBI informants. The informants did not simply observe the terror, nor did they try to thwart it. Instead, the informants played a leading role in carrying out the terror plots. They helped plan the terror and supplied collaborators with weapons. The FBI informants gave instructions and even went as far as recruiting Islamic terrorists. It turns out that “terrorism” is rarely a naturally occurring, self-organized plot. Instead, terrorism is often executed because it is incited, aided and abetted by federal law enforcement agencies.

John Ashcroft’s 2001 Patriot Act was modeled after Joe Biden’s 1994 Omnibus domestic surveillance legislation, which was drafted after the 1994 Oklahoma City bombing. After 9/11, the FBI was reinvented and given new priorities to focus on domestic terrorist surveillance, prevention, disruption and entrapment. Today, Biden is overseeing the greatest witch-hunt in the history of the United States, giving steroids to the original “war on terror,” in an attempt to quash all dissent. Under Biden, the FBI has already been used to “vet” the National Guard troops for political obedience at the inauguration!

FBI wants to make terrorists out of 80 million Trump supporters, target political dissent as criminal

After years of creating domestic terrorism, the FBI now wants to target 80 million Trump voters by labeling them terrorists, too. In order to cover up their involvement in a wide range of crimes and criminal activity, the FBI must now target anyone who thirsts for justice and ensnare anyone who wants government officials to be held accountable for their crimes. Anyone who dares mention election fraud is now a suspicious character. Anyone who dares fight government corruption, tyranny and control is to be seen as an infidel who incites disorder, insurrection and chaos. Anyone who finds the current regime morally repugnant and in violation of the US Constitution is to be targeted and sent to re-education camps. The FBI is quickly becoming a gestapo force, as their war on terror expands to take on all opposition to the elite, untouchable political class.

The FBI is corrupt to the core. They will promise criminals leniency or money if they act as informants. These informants don’t merely observe criminal behavior. They encourage it and implement scripted strategies to frame others. The informants goad their targets, and initiate inflammatory political rhetoric to coerce their targets to incriminate themselves.

Big Tech censorship of Trump and his supporters is a surveillance tactic used to create terrorists out of ordinary citizens

Big Tech is part of the FBI, the CIA and the greater surveillance community. Sites like Facebook and Twitter offer valuable intelligence into trending attitudes and impending group behavior. The widespread censorship of Donald Trump and his supporters shows just how far the intelligence community will go to threaten, coerce and intimidate people into thinking they are engaging in criminal acts, just for standing up for their principles and beliefs. There is much more behind this censorship purge than just the stifling of free speech. This act is part of a war on the people themselves, making them fear their own voice, the facts and the truth. This censorship is about declaring ownership over patriots’ ideas, passions and fights. The censorship is a guilt-trip, to stop patriots from questioning authority, so they will blindly obey the regime. This phrase sums it up well: “To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

By threatening 80 million Trump supporters for ‘inciting insurrection and engaging in domestic terror’, the FBI is trying to silence as many people as possible, forcing their targets to self-censor and concede their beliefs. Those who stand out will be targeted, ensnared and made an example of. The key to surviving this is to continue speaking truth, but not to engage with those suspicious characters who try to goad you to say and do things that could incriminate you. Under the Biden regime, speak up, discern your surroundings, and watch your back!

Sources include:


Dear ADL: there’s no place for “No Place For Hate” in our schools​ December 1, 2020


Dear ADL: there’s no place for “No Place For Hate” in our schoolsDear ADL: there’s no place for “No Place For Hate” in our schools

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) claims to both fight for justice and stand up for the State of Israel. Are these goals mutually exclusive?

The Anti-Defamation League wants to train our children to treat all people equally and with respect. They refuse to take their own advice when it comes to Palestinians, preferring instead to silence their calls for justice and turn a blind eye to Israel’s human rights abuses.

A discriminatory organization that bullies others should not be in our schools.

by Kathryn Shihadah
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is a self-proclaimed “worldwide leader in anti-bias education” and “a relentless advocate for vulnerable communities of all kinds.” The organization claims that it is “viewed as having unquestioned credibility.”
As a self-identified watchdog for the world, this private institution has worked its way into schools, communities, and various levels of government. Through its training programs (some offered for free), it has influenced over one million children and adults.
The ADL (in partnership with Everfi – “empowering organizations everywhere to instill knowledge around critical topics in the classroom, in the office and in the community”) released its newest school program this month: BINAH (Building Insights to Navigate Antisemitism and Hate). Its goal is to train students to “identify as global citizens with respect for all people.”
But before entrusting the hearts and minds of our children to more of the ADL’s agenda, it is worth investigating the organization that otherwise is accountable to no one.
That is, does the Anti-Defamation League practice what it preaches?

ADL’s other agenda

The ADL cites as its guiding principle what it calls the “Jewish values” of respect, collaboration, inclusion, integrity, credibility, accountability (values not at all exclusive to Jewish individuals, but espoused by most religious and non-religious groups).
Notably, many Jews (as well as non-Jews) regard these values to be incompatible with the ADL’s less heralded ambition: supporting and defending the state of Israel at any cost.
In its efforts to protect Israel from criticism – despite that country’s long record of human rights violations and racism (more below) – the ADL has worked against various movements whose efforts actually lined up with the ADL’s own (non-Israel) proclaimed mission of bringing justice and equality to all.
A disabled activist, Ibrahim Abu Thruaya, was one of four Palestinians shot dead by Israeli troops during a peaceful protest. Abu Thuraya had lost both legs in an Israeli attack years earlier. (Ruptly)

ADL statistics on “antisemitism”

The Anti-Defamation League patrols activity on college campuses, in communities, in the media, and online, reporting regularly on what it calls “antisemitic hate speech” and “antisemitic incidents.”
While genuine antisemitism is a real danger (as is all bigotry), it is difficult to know with certainty how much of what the ADL reports is actual antisemitism and how much is merely the demonization of efforts to achieve justice for Palestinians and others, including for Navy personnel attacked by Israel.
The ADL opposes criticism of Israel’s 1967 attack on the USS Liberty, a ruthless onslaught that killed 34 Americans and injured over 170. It misrepresents the facts, condemns crew members who provide firsthand accounts of the attack as “conspiracy theorists,” and takes the side of their attackers.
The ADL has openly admitted that it includes what it considers “anti-Israel” events as part of its “antisemitism” tally, and works tirelessly to shut down, and even legislate against such events on college campuses – even as it recognizes that its actions may be unconstitutional.
The ADL declares that the word ‘Zionist’ (supporter of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine) is “often used as an antisemitic code word for ‘Jew’. In reality, however, Zionism is Israel’s official founding ideology. ADL’s accusation insinuates that antisemitism lurks behind much of the criticism of Israel’s policies – again inflating the number of “antisemitic” incidents.
As the ADL patrols live and virtual activities, it therefore mischaracterizes much legitimate dialogue about Zionism – for example, dialogue about its systematic ethnic cleansing of indigenous Palestinians – as “antisemitic hate speech.”

“Not what it seems”

In a 2019 article entitled, “The ADL is not what it seems,” the Boston Review pointed out that ADL reports on antisemitic incidents lack transparency and, at times, integrity – but are widely accepted at face value as “a measure of how well the United States [is] living up to its values of racial inclusion.”
The article reveals, “The ADL’s persistent power in US politics has been strangely unaffected by its history” – a history that has included spying on and/or conducting smear campaigns against a number of human rights organizations, including the civil rights-era Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the NAACP, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, and the Movement for Black Lives. (A few even question its founding event, which blamed a murder on a young African American man.)
But the ADL’s self-contradiction and duplicity are most visible when it is held to its own standards. Below are statements from its signature No Place For Hate (NP4H) program, followed by factual, verified information about the practices of the organization.
anti defamation league
anti defamation league
The UN reports that the Israel-led blockade of the Gaza Strip cost the Palestinian enclave more than $16 billion and pushed more than one million people below the poverty line in just over 10 years. (

“Be open”

NP4H challenges students to be “open to different and multiple viewpoints and perspectives, especially those that differ from yours,” proclaiming that the journey to respect and equality starts here.
The program exhorts students, “If people share experiences and feelings that are different or unfamiliar to you, show respect by taking them seriously.”
While the Anti-Defamation League expects elementary-aged students to be open-minded, the organization itself has refused to “be open” to taking seriously the Palestinian voice in the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction (BDS) movement.
Ever since BDS began in 2005, the Anti-Defamation League has mischaracterized it as a movement that demonizes Israel and seeks to “undermine Israel’s existence,” discounting BDS’s clear pro-justice objectives:
[T]o pressure Israel to comply with international law by:
1. Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall
2. Granting Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel their right to full equality
3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194
ADL claims that the third goal of BDS – the Palestinian right of return (guaranteed by international law) – denies Jews the alleged right to a state. It fails, however, to acknowledge the fact that the creation of Israel on Palestinian land has denied Palestinians that same right.
Cornel West, a supporter of the BDS movement, demonstrated appropriate respect for both Jewish people and the people of Palestine:
We’ve got to fight antisemitism, anti-Jewish hatred. It’s wrong, it’s unjust. But that cannot be the excuse for in any way downplaying the unbelievable misery that we see in Gaza and the West Bank and other places.
Palestinian children ride their bike past Israeli soldiers patrolling in the old city of Hebron in the West Bank.
Palestinian children ride their bike past Israeli soldiers patrolling in the old city of Hebron in the West Bank.
Palestinian children ride their bike past Israeli soldiers patrolling in the old city of Hebron in the West Bank. (AFP)

“Making the invisible visible”

No Place For Hate calls on students to “explore the impact of invisibility on people and how different groups [for example the LGBTQ community] have been made invisible in mainstream accounts of history.”
The program encourages marginalized students to speak up about their experiences in the safe environment of the school program, to raise awareness of their struggle and gain allies.
The Anti-Defamation League has refused to apply this advice when it comes to the people of Palestine by actively muffling the voices of both Palestinians and their allies. The organization works to shut down not only BDS and other pro-Palestine events, but also UN reports, proclamations, and events.
The ADL has also interfered in groups as disparate as the Women’s March movement and the World Chess Federation, as well as scrutinizing media and rebutting articles critical of Israel – from the New York Times to the Poughkeepsie Journal and the Daily Gazette of Schenectady, NY. Even Saturday Night Live and the Vatican have not escaped censure.
Criticism of the ADL itself is also deemed antisemitic.
In addition, the ADL has, over the years, spied on and/or conducted smear campaigns against a number of organizations, including the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the NAACP, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, and anti-South African apartheid organizers.
It refused to partner with the Black Lives Matter movement in 2016 because BLM called for justice for Palestinians.
ADL has worked to undermine other respected organizations for the same reason – including those working to end South African apartheid and hundreds of other groups (the ADL was sued by several of the targeted groups, and later settled the federal class-action lawsuit).
While the ADL has been tabulating what it labels as “anti-Semitic incidents,” it has viewed events calling for Palestinian rights as something that need to be stopped, and the Palestinian people as a group that needs to become invisible.
(In fact, mainstream media has for decades been promulgating a pro-Israel version of history and current events. ADL and other pro-Israel groups regularly pressure news organizations to cast Israel in a favorable light.)

“Pyramid of hate”

NP4H teaches students that when small biased behaviors go unchecked, the behavior tends to escalate. The program calls on children to take small aggressions seriously, and stop them before they grow.
This theory plays out in Israel, thanks to a failure of the global community (including watchdog ADL) to hold that state accountable.
Ever since its birth in 1948, Israel has regularly violated international laws, ignored relentless (but impotent) opposition from the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, and hundreds of human rights organizations. While the European Union has made some half-hearted attempts to censure Israel, the US has – especially in the last four years – turned a blind eye toward Israel’s actions (and the Palestinian suffering they have caused), even proactively supporting its crimes.
For example, ever since 1967, Israel has, with little meaningful objection, allowed or actively encouraged Israeli Jews to illegally appropriate Palestinian land. The ADL vigorously supports the practice. In 1972, there were under 1,200 settlers; today, over 600,000 Israeli settlers live on stolen Palestinian land, and Israel is preparing to annex some of that land.
The ADL occasionally goes on record opposing a specific action by the Israeli government – yet overwhelmingly upholds Israel’s apartheid system, although it runs contrary to everything the ADL claims to fight for in the US.
(Some of the many organizations that regularly report on Israel’s actions are Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Christian Aid, the Israeli NGO B’Tselem, the International Red Cross, Physicians for Human Rights, Reporters Without Borders, Foreign Service Journal, and even the U.S. State Department (more are here.)
anti defamation league
anti defamation league
The Israeli West Bank barrier is a separation barrier built by Israel around the West Bank, appropriating large swaths of Palestinian land. Many Palestinians refer to it as the “apartheid wall.”

“Promoting an anti-bias environment”

No Place For Hate invites school administrators to fill out a questionnaire that includes questions like,
  • Does the school’s mission statement communicate values of respect, equity and inclusion?
  • Do the school’s symbols, signs, mascots and insignias reflect diversity and inclusion?
  • Do celebrations, festivals and special events reflect a variety of cultural groups and holidays?
If the government of Israel were to answer these ADL-posed questions, it would expose at least sixty-five laws that discriminate against Palestinians. One highly publicized law that un-checks all the boxes is Israel’s 2018 Nation-State Law, which declares:
  • The State of Israel is the nation state of the Jewish People [not of the indigenous Palestinian People], in which it [the Jewish people group] realizes its natural, cultural, religious and historical right to self-determination.
  • The State anthem is “Hatikvah” [a Hebrew language song about Jewish hopes]; Hebrew is the State language; Jewish and Israeli holidays are celebrated.
  • The State shall be open for Jewish immigration, and for the Ingathering of the [Jewish] Exiles [but not for the return of Palestinians who were expelled].
  • The State views the development of Jewish settlement [on land expropriated from the Palestinian people] as a national value, and shall act to encourage and promote its establishment and strengthening [although this contravenes international law].
A number of human rights experts insist that Israel is operating an apartheid system; some South African experts consider Israel worse than South Africa. (The ADL recently put out a memo to pro-Israel organizations describing how to argue against the “apartheid” accusation – the memo was leaked – and produced a manual outlining ways that students can interrupt events on college campuses.)

Policies and consequences

NP4H encourages school administrators to update school policies on bullying and harassment, spell out consequences for rule-breaking, and then enforce those consequences “equitably and consistently.”
These guidelines, applied to Israel, would require a complete overhaul of its law enforcement system and practices. Many well-respected human rights organizations (see list above) have tracked routine behavior of Israel’s police and military as they interact with Palestinians, and have reported unacceptable rates of unprovoked or disproportionate violence against Palestinians, as well as a military court system positioned to hand down unjust rulings, and nearly total impunity for Israelis – law enforcers and civilians – who perpetrate crimes against Palestinians.
anti defamation league
anti defamation league
2013 incident in which seven Israeli soldiers and an officer detained a five-year-old Palestinian child for allegedly throwing a stone that hit the tire of an Israeli car (the age of criminal responsibility is 12). In the photo, his father is blindfolded. (ISM)

Anti-bias training for the long term

The Anti-Defamation League endorses professional development opportunities for school personnel in order to enhance their anti-bias leadership skills and create a safe environment for everyone.
On this issue, the ADL not only ignores its own admonition – it does the opposite, and has done so for decades.
Through its Law Enforcement and Society program, National Counter-Terrorism Seminar, and Advanced Training School, the ADL claims to have trained over 140,000 US law enforcement personnel – some in Israel, some in the US using Israeli coaches (other pro-Israel organizations also sponsor exchange programs for police).
Amnesty International has reported on American police trainings by a “chronic human rights violator” that is known for state violence against not only Palestinians, but also Jews of color and African refugees in Israel.
The methods that American cops learn from their Israeli counterparts can be deadly. In fact, officers from the Minneapolis police department that killed George Floyd were trained by Israelis.

“Holocaust and genocide education”

The Anti-Defamation League’s website comments on several modern-day genocides, including the Armenians and some Filipinos, and prioritizes the acknowledgement and teaching of such atrocities because of “universal lessons” to be learned.
However, in the case of Israel’s genocide and ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Palestinians, the ADL offers a “fact sheet” explaining why the expulsion of over one million Palestinians in 1948 and 1967, and the killing of tens of thousands more is “not a genocide.”
In May, the US Congress passed into law H.R.943, the Never Again Education Act, with a similar objective to “raise awareness about the importance of preventing genocide, hate, and bigotry against any group of people.”
But Congress, like the ADL, routinely turns a blind eye to Israel’s atrocities and ignores the plight of Palestinians – supporting Israel not only legislatively, but financially to the tune of over $10 million a day in military aid.

Anti-Defamation League fails to meet its own criteria

ADL self-describes as “principled, not political,” and claims to “choose action, not sides” – statements which do not stand up to scrutiny.
Alison Weir summed it up:
The fact is that the ADL works to maintain oppression and discrimination against Palestinian Muslims and Christians.
[During Israel’s short and bloody history] the ADL has been in the forefront of supporting Israel. It has also used its $57 million budget to smear those who support fairness, justice, and equality for Palestinians.

The fact is that the ADL is a nonprofit organization without accountability that raises money through claims of rising antisemitism, even though at times these claims are questionable.
It uses a distorted definition of antisemitism that includes many statements critical of Israel, and works to block events about Palestine on campuses.
The sad fact is that donations to the ADL, rather than fighting racism, will be used to enable it.
This is not a group to entrust with our children. Americans need to Drop the ADL.

Biden's Immigration Services Removes 'Protecting Americans' from Mission, Inserts Outrageous Replacement​



Just in case you were wondering, the U.S. government doesn’t have your back. Last August, President Joe Biden did the unthinkable. Aft...​

Biden gets testy with Lester Holt during interview, rejects Army report critical of administration's Afghanistan withdrawalRepublicans Introduce Brutal 'HUNTER' Act After Biden Moves for Taxpayer-Funded Crack Pipes
Just in case you were wondering, the U.S. government doesn’t have your back.
Last August, President Joe Biden did the unthinkable. After presiding over the most humiliating military defeat in modern history, our commander in chief left Americans behind in Afghanistan.
Biden’s decision to abandon U.S. citizens and our allies behind enemy lines shocked the nation.
After the utter debacle in Afghanistan, no one will be shocked to hear that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has changed its mission statement to reflect the fact that it no longer considers “protecting Americans” or “securing the homeland” to be part of its duties.

USCIS’ mission statement formerly read (emphasis added): “U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services administers the nation’s lawful immigration system, safeguarding its integrity and promise by efficiently and fairly adjudicating requests for immigration benefits while protecting Americans, securing the homeland, and honoring our values.”
On Wednesday, the agency unveiled the new version, which reads: “USCIS upholds America’s promise as a nation of welcome and possibility with fairness, integrity, and respect for all we serve.”
In announcing the change, USCIS Director Ur M. Jaddou declared that it “reflects the inclusive character of both our country and USCIS” as well as “America’s promise as a nation of welcome and possibility today and for generations to come.”

Actually, director, it reflects the Biden administration’s utter disregard for the rule of law. The USCIS changed its mission statement to one that more accurately matches its goals.
Proponents of open borders are quick to point out that America is a nation of immigrants. And immigration is a wonderful thing — when it’s done legally. The key words in the previous statement were “lawful immigration system.”
Until they are changed or repealed by Congress, U.S. immigration laws remain in force — and this administration flagrantly violates them every day.
The Democratic Party is flouting the law because it is focused on importing a huge new bloc of future Democratic voters. However, this strategy isn’t working out quite as it had hoped. Hispanics, a once-reliable Democratic demographic, have begun to desert the party.
In the early months of Biden’s presidency, Americans watched in horror as throngs of illegal immigrants began streaming over our newly open southern border. And one year later, the damage done to our once great country is starting to reveal itself.
The porous border has allowed criminals into the U.S., which has contributed to skyrocketing levels of crime in cities throughout the country.
Providing food, shelter and medical care for these people has strained our financial resources.
The drugs that are pouring across the border are killing young Americans at a frightening pace. In an early January news release, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol reported that in the fiscal year ended Sep. 30, seizures of fentanyl had increased by a whopping 1,066 percent and seizures of cocaine by 98 percent over the previous year.
How much fentanyl and other drugs came into the country undetected? Obviously one heck of a lot. Fox News reported in December that fentanyl overdoses had become the leading cause of death among U.S. adults ages 18-45.
The USCIS news release that announced the new mission statement said, “Last year, USCIS leadership empowered employees to submit words that they felt best illustrated the agency’s work. The new mission statement is a reflection of this feedback from the workforce, the priorities of the Biden Administration, and Director Jaddou’s vision for an inclusive and accessible agency.”
There’s that word again — “inclusive.”
The most fundamental duties of a government are to protect its citizens from harm and to provide law and order. USCIS’ primary goal should be to protect Americans and to uphold the rule of law. The Biden administration ignores both.
Under this administration, it pays to be an illegal immigrant, a member of a cartel, a terrorist, a domestic criminal or at least a far-left progressive.
It’s a terrible time to be a law-abiding citizen in America.


World's largest Leo Frank resource

Leo Max Frank (April 17, 1884 – August 17, 1915), also stylized as Leo M. Frank, or Leo Frank.

Introduction: Leo Frank’s Life Summarized and Distilled to the Essentials

Leo M. Frank was a Jewish-American industrialist, raised and educated during his most formative years in Brooklyn, New York City. In the fall of 1902, Frank matriculated into Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, one of the state’s premiere Ivy League institutions. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from his alma mater in June of 1906, Leo Frank drifted through associated and affiliated jobs over numerous months, without fully connecting with any kind of constancy and durability. However, what might have been interpreted as youthful instability and career uncertainty would change after a visit down South.
Frank discovered his future vocation with an upwardly mobile career opportunity, after a part-business part-pleasure two-week visit to Atlanta, Georgia, October 1907, meeting with extended family and business associates, discussing a potential lucrative business venture and start-up with his uncle Moses Frank. The southern get-together would entice Frank with great promise and radically change the course of his life forever. Upon returning to New York City after a long train ride from Terminal Station in Atlanta, Georgia, Leo Frank prepared himself to embark on a several-week-long voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. This would be a life-changing sojourn to Europe, where Frank traveled and briefly met with extended family, visiting several sovereign European nation-states.
Frank would reach his final destination by land, a place where his father directly and his mother’s ancestors formerly emigrated from to the United States. He then began a nine-month pencil manufacturing apprenticeship in Germany. Once he completed his training, Frank again journeyed across Europe and then crossed the vast Atlantic Ocean for the last time. After arriving to New York City on August 1, 1908 (Ellis Island Manifest Records, 2013), Frank returned briefly to his parents’ home in Brooklyn and prepared to relocate to the South. Shortly thereafter, Frank traveled by train from Manhattan’s Pennsylvania Station on another two-day trip to start a new life working at the National Pencil Company in the heart of downtown Atlanta, where the American industrial revolution was underway.
Leo Frank began work on Monday morning, August 10, 1908, at 7:00 a.m. His wealthy uncle Moses Frank, who had invested in this part-owned family business, officially hired him. During his training stint overseas, Frank had prepared diligently for this job. An enterprising Leo Frank worked his way from lower to mid-level positions up to the high-profile superintendent, becoming responsible for overseeing quality management of the final product, order fulfillment, shipping, accounting, time card management, employment, and directly paying employee salaries. In 1910, Leo Frank, in what was likely a highly political union, married into the prominent Selig-Cohen household, with family lineage that founded the first synagogue in Atlanta generations before.
Marrying into an elite family, an ambitious, work-hard and play-hard Leo Frank shined like a rising star, manifesting great potential to be a leader of the Atlanta Jewish community. Indeed, Frank was honored as such, eventually reaching his zenith, when he was elected B’nai B’rith President of the five-hundred-member Gate City Lodge. To be elected President of B’nai B’rith is one of the highest honors the elite, wealthy members in the inner circle of the Jewish community can bestow on one of their best. Frank–a confident, cool, and collected man–was perfect for the position at the relatively youthful age of twenty-eight.
By 1913, Leo Frank had risen to great heights in his career at the National Pencil Company; from his humble mid-level management beginnings, he moved up rapidly by proving himself diligent, and the fact that he was the nephew of Moses Frank didn’t hurt either. Leo M. Frank managed two factories, the 37 to 41 Forsyth pencil manufacturing plant and Bell Lead plant. Both were grueling sweatshops that employed low-wage Gentiles, typically poverty stricken preteen and teenage girls and boys who migrated from the rural farm regions in the greater South. These children from poor families often worked ten- to twelve-hour shifts during the day, six days a week (except on State holidays). The work conditions were horrendous and for the meager pay of just pennies an hour. April 26, 1913, a celebrated Southern State holiday known as Confederate Veteran Memorial Day in Georgia, would forever become an infamous day associated with the Northern Jew Leo Max Frank.
Confederate Memorial Day, April 26, 1913, between 12:05 p.m. to 12:15 p.m., Leo M. Frank lured one of his female child laborer factory employees from his second-floor office, down the hallway, and into the metal room to see if her work had arrived yet. There, he assaulted, raped, and strangled her to death with a seven-foot cord. Frank asked his “step-and-fetch-it” Negro custodian Jim (James) Connolly or Conley (legal records have both spellings) — who was acting as a guard dog on the first floor “watching” — to carry Mary Phagan’s body to the basement and then dump her in the rear. After this was completed, Frank requested that Jim Connolly write some notes, “so Leo Frank could send them to his Mom in Brooklyn and put in a good word for the negro,” which would later be known as the highly contrived murder notes. Frank had dictated the contents of these notes to Jim, and being an uneducated Negro, he did his best under Leo Frank’s direction to forge them as if Mary Phagan had written them to her mother, in mild terms, while she was in the middle of being beaten and raped after going to the bathroom.
Leo Frank handed James (Jim) Connolly a pack of smokes stuffed with $2.50 as a warm-up down payment and then gave the Negro $200. Frank explained that Connolly would need to stuff the body of Mary Phagan into the giant oven furnace normally used for burning garbage in the basement. James Connolly hesitated, and Frank noticed this and demanded the money back. Frank told Connolly that if he [Leo Frank] survived on Monday, he would return the money. Frank had also insinuated that Connolly would need to come back and burn the body if he wanted that $200. Connolly later left the building, went across the street with $2.50 in hand, and had some drinks at a nickel a pint, and then went home and fell asleep.

The Christian and Southern Perspective on Leo Frank
Leo Frank, B’nai B’rith President, is remembered as the unconvincing liar, adulterous pedophile whore monger, lascivious sexual predator, creepy child molester, licentious freak, violent pedophile rapist, vicious murderer, dead child mutilator, and attempted murder framer, whose arrest, indictment, and conviction for the bludgeon, rape, and strangulation of thirteen-year-old Mary Anne Phagan on April 26, 1913, between 12:05 and 12:15, “maybe 12:07,” inspired the founding of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith, a Jewish espionage organization, masquerading as a civil rights group. The ADL works relentlessly to undermine European Americans wherever they live in the world.

United States Justice System
A coroner’s inquest jury reviewed Frank between April 30 and May 8, 1913, and the tribunal voted 7 to 0 to bind him over for murder to a grand jury. After a two-week long investigation, the grand jury, including four Jews amongst their members, voted unanimously 21 to 0 indicting Leo Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan. Leo Frank was then given the longest criminal trial in Southern history by a conscientious Judge Leonard Strickland Roan and an above average quality jury of twelve men, who voted 13 to 0 (judge + jury) to convict Frank.
Backed by powerful media moguls, Leo Frank fought a two-year appeals process, at every level of the United States Legal System, from the Georgia Superior Court, Georgia Supreme Court, Federal District Courts, to the United States Supreme Court. All the courts reviewed the frivolous charges made by the Jewish community and Leo Frank defense team, that Frank did not get a fair trial, but the courts rejected them because they were meritless and without substance. All the attempts by Leo Frank to request a new trial, to have the verdict nullified, or to be released on habeas corpus were rebuked. The decisions of every court affirmed Leo Frank was fairly judged and thus verified the verdict of guilty given to Leo Frank was also just.
In 1986, after three years of behind the scenes dealings by the ADL of B’nai B’rith, Jewish groups, Jewish individuals, and organizations, they were finally able to persuade the Georgia Prison Board to betray the United States of America, Georgia, and the majority of citizens in the union, by getting Leo Frank a posthumous pardon without exoneration. Today Jewish Supremacist warmongers continue to wage a blood libel, defamation conflict against Gentiles, claiming they railroaded and framed Leo Frank in an anti-Jewish and anti-Semitic UFO-like conspiracy.

A Snapshot in the Life of Leo Frank
The Leo Frank case is an important one-hundred-year long chapter in the 5,800-year encyclopedia of Jewish-Gentile conflict. From the context of the smoldering culture, social, and political conflict between Jews and Gentiles over the last several thousand years, the Leo Frank case provides a classic example of educating Gentiles about the ongoing historical behavior of the well-organized Jewish community united to smear, defame, blood libel, divide-and-conquer, and destroy the solidarity of European Americans and all the peoples living within Western Civilization. You only need to read the accusations and understand the suppositions made by every Jewish contemporary writer who has written about the Leo Frank case to understand their mode of attack against Gentiles, which is to accuse, defame, smear, blame, regress to the mean, egalitarianize, exhaust, divide, and so on and so forth….

Binding Legal Precedent, Black Letter Law, and Settled Law is the Murder Conviction of Leo M. Frank
Remember that after the conviction, every level of the United States appellate courts and judicial review systems–from 1913 to 1915, 1983, 1986–affirmed the murder conviction of Leo M. Frank as absolute and unchangeable when their decisions were ultimately made, because they did not disturb the verdict of the jury. Leo M. Frank has not been exonerated for the murder of Mary Phagan, and the Jewish community still wages its unrelenting campaign over the case, spinning the trial and appeals through a widespread media and publication circus (see the parallel of the contemporary Jewish position on the case as compared with the past in the Leo Frank bibliography section).

Jews vs. Gentiles
After the death of Leo M. Frank, the Jewish community elevated him to the status of high holy religious icon, making him a Jewish martyr of anti-Semitism. However, for non-Jews, Leo Frank has become an ugly reminder and symbol of the hate, contempt, and enmity the Jewish community historically and eternally holds for Gentiles who allow them to live in their countries.
The ADL of B’nai B’rith along with a national campaign led by Jewish groups has claimed for more than a century that Leo M. Frank was convicted because of a vast race hatred anti-Jewish conspiracy. This position is still pushed today after one hundred years of an unrelenting psychological warfare, through every means of the press and mass media.

Leo M. Frank the Venerated Patron Martyr of B’nai B’rith and the ADL of B’nai B’rith
Leo M. Frank was president of the Atlanta, Georgia, Gate City Lodge 144 Chapter of B’nai B’rith, which had about five hundred members and his August 25, 1913, conviction for murder was the impetus that led to the founding of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith. The league was started with $200 by its founding father Sigmund Livingston in October 1913.
See the Anti-Defamation League article on Metapedia.

New York City
Headquartered in New York City, the ADL of B’nai B’rith has became one of the premier Jewish espionage agencies, masquerading as a civil rights group in most major Western countries. The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith has made great inroads during the last one hundred years at undermining and destroying white solidarity through manipulative programming of law enforcement and political officials, enabling and encouraging changes to the legal system, which tend to work against preserving and protecting the creative Gentile gene pool. The ADL has criminally spied on law-abiding citizens and groups, including smearing and ruining the lives and careers of countless individuals who speak out against Jewish supremacism, racism, and terrorism. Many regard the ADL of B’nai B’rith as a mutation of the anti-Semitism lobby species, global smear and defamation mongers, using the legal system against national citizens to silence them. The ADL of B’nai B’rith is the socially subversive and leftist political wing of the Israeli Mossad. It is an influential subset of the Jewish lobby and advocates for the racist and terrorist apartheid Israel, while promoting a left wing multicultural America.

Background to Jewish Historical Importance of Leo M. Frank
The Leo M. Frank case is important in the study of Jewish evolutionary strategy and history because it has revealed and provided more proof about historical patterns of the Jewish gene pool. Moreover, the organized Jewish communities use both subtle and overt political and social movements against Gentiles that has been reinvented for thousands of years and has, at times throughout history, been mostly clandestine, or by proxy, but during times of perceived conflict, their dirty war becomes public.
The Jewish community, Jewish groups, and ADL, along with their goyim sycophants, have spent every generation over the last one hundred years reinforcing the transfiguration and transmutation of Leo M. Frank from a violent pedophile-rapist-murderer, into an ever ascending, revered, and venerated grandee of Judaism’s past, idealized as an ethnoreligious martyr of anti-Semitism. For the Jewish community, Leo Frank symbolizes everything corrupt and ugly about the United States Justice System and the American people, but they failed to use a genuine example to make their cause legitimate.

Jewish Media Control
Volumes of surviving official testimony and evidence supporting the guilt of Leo Frank has resulted in the affirmation of Frank’s conviction by more than a dozen judges in official court tribunals at every level of the United States Legal System. The dozens of books, articles, videos, movies, plays, and other media created in the last one hundred years concerning the Leo M. Frank case never included the real details of the case.

See: The Leo M. Frank Secondary Sources.

A Unique Chapter Amongst Thousands of Years, Thousands of Chapters of Betrayal and Treason
The Leo M. Frank case also revealed a common theme and pattern recorded over the decades and centuries in the history of the Jewish people–that being, they are collective, genetically innate, unrelenting, and treacherous criminal co-conspirators on behalf of their ethnoreligious kin. In this never ending story filled with uncountable chapters, they forever use every means of bribery, big money, emotional appeal, subversive organizing, media, and underhanded political coercion in an attempt to free a guilty member of their own race and often attack Gentile culture.
The Leo Frank case is symbolic of a conclusion of a Jewish-Gentile relationship that has spanned millennia. Ultimately, Jews and the descendants of Europeans, wherever they reside on this planet, have permanent, irreparable, and irreconcilable differences after attempting for thousands of years to live together.
It’s time that Jews and the descendants of Europe physically part ways permanently and peacefully.

Alonzo Mann Hoax
The whole thing smacks of another Jewish-orchestrated hoax to add to the countless other hoaxes they have perpetuated in the Leo M. Frank case and about everything else in their history.

Failed Exoneration, 1983
The ADL and other Jewish groups attempted a coup de grace against the United States Supreme Court, District Court, Supreme Court of Georgia, and Superior Court of Georgia when they sought full exoneration for Leo M. Frank for the April 26, 1913, strangulation of Mary Phagan. They based their official submission to the Board of Pardons on an affidavit from Alonzo “Lonnie” Mann, who had been Leo M. Frank’s original office boy in April 1913. At eighty-four years old in 1983, Mann presented a contrived account of seeing Connolly carrying Mary Phagan to the basement.

Pardon without Exoneration, 1986
However, the insidious effrontery did not stop in 1983. In 1985 and 1986, the ADL of B’nai B’rith and other treacherous groups finally pressured the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles to pardon (forgive) Leo M. Frank, but the board stopped short of exonerating him (overturning Frank’s murder conviction) for the strangulation of Mary Anne Phagan on April 26, 1913, sometime between 12:05 and 12:15.

Meet the ADL
B’nai B’rith has always been a powerful Jewish group fronting as a philanthropy organization, but it has a dark side. More than just historically manipulating the political system of the countries where their chapters inhabit, B’nai B’rith has a historical problem with pedophilia (search Google for B’nai B’rith pedophile Bill Surkis in Canada, who got a slap on the wrist when nine hours of child pornography was found on his computer).
In modern times, B’nai B’rith members have exhibited an ongoing, troubling history of pedophilia tendencies revealed most recently in 2010, including the harboring of child pornography. (To understand the truth of supreme Jewish power, search on Google for Bill Surkis of B’nai B’rith Canada and child pornography 2010 to see the slap on the wrist Jews get for harboring nine hours of pedophilia videos. He received a forty-five-day sentence, and he only had to serve it on the weekends.) And Leo Frank would be part of that legacy, revealing the historical pedophile tendencies of the B’nai B’rith past. More than a dozen National Pencil Company employees in 1913 would expose Leo Frank as an aggressive sexual predator and child molester, one who often made inappropriate innuendos and propositioned numerous preteen and teenage child laborers at his factory for carnal favors. Leo M. Frank offered many of the children working at his factory short-term opportunities to prostitute their bodies in exchange for money as a temporary escape from their near slave wages. The pencil factory was being used at various times for whoring, including after-hours underage partying and orgies, under the winking eye of Leo M. Frank, who himself entertained numerous in-call prostitutes from Atlanta’s red-light district. The pencil factory was a sweatshop by day and a rendezvous place for stag parties and pedophile whoring on various evenings and Saturdays. Frank had a bad reputation for lasciviousness amongst many of his female employees, as it was revealed at the trial.

‘Violates HATE SPEECH Policy’: YouTube DELETES Eva Vlaardingerbroek’s Warning Against Globalist Great Replacement Agenda​

by Jamie White
May 1st 2024, 3:35 pm


[see vids at site link, above]

"Our team has reviewed your content and finds that it violates our hate speech policy," YouTube says in statement.

Meanwhile, powerful speech has garnered 50 MILLION views on X platform.

Google-owned YouTube removed a speech by Dutch lawyer Eva Vlaardingerbroek calling on Europeans to take a stand against the globalist Great Replacement migration agenda, characterizing it as “hate speech.”
“Our team has reviewed your content and finds that it violates our hate speech policy. We have removed the following content from YouTube: ‘The Great Replacement is not a theory – it’s reality,'” the platform said in a statement which Vlardingerbroek shared on X.

Vlaardingerbroek’s CPAC Hungary 2024 speech has garnered 50 million views on the X platform alone, underscoring the widespread public concern over the Great Replacement agenda.

In her speech, Vlaardingerbroek outlined the mass migration policies Western leaders have imposed in spite of their deep unpopularity among native populations.
“Everyone who has eyes can see it. The native white Christian European population is being replaced at an ever-accelerating rate,” she said.
“So, I’m going to draw the forbidden conclusion here. The Great Replacement Theory is no longer a theory. It’s reality.”
She continued:

And what’s interesting about replacement is that the establishment will either deny its existence or, when they admit to it, they say that it’s a good thing that the native European population is soon no longer a majority on its own continent. Dutch national disgrace and dubbed climate pope, Frans Timmermans, already stated in 2015 that diversity is humanity’s destiny. And that Europe will be diverse.
And, of course, by now, I think we all know what they mean with the word diversity. It means less white people, less of you. Imagine this in an Asian or an African country.
Imagine their leaders rejoicing in the fact that their people will soon no longer be a majority in their own country. Absolutely unthinkable. Unimaginable.
So, what in the world is wrong with our leaders? The underlying sentiment of what they say is always the same. Our establishment claims that white people are evil and that our history is somehow fundamentally different from that of others. Consciously or unconsciously, they have sucked up the lies and the anti-white dogmas of the neo-Marxist critical race theory.
You can watch Vlaardingerbroek’s powerful speech in full on Banned.Video and X:

Alex Jones responded to Vlaardingerbroek’s calls to fight back against the UN’s Replacement Migration agenda: