Guest Columnist
Here's mercifully short presentation of extremely questionable exposition of so-called "facts" (as including that about Sacco and Vanzetti), but what's really most instructive is the complete, total COVER-UP of Jews and Judaism. Fast-forward to the very end of the vid, and one sees much better how and why. Go to about 3:30 into the vid, near the very end, and u hear the line (2nd to last in whole vid) that "presence of communists"... was very real. OF COURSE COMMUNISTS WERE ALL OVER, INCLUDING THEIR SUCK-ALONGS AMONG "LIBERAL" FILTH, their natural dupes--how do u KNOW?--BECAUSE THERE WERE HUGE MASSES OF KIKES WHO HAD BEEN INFILTRATING AND "immigrating" for yrs and yrs--like since the 1880s. Jew filth are anti-Christ satanists by definition (just see what Judaism/Talmudism is in the first place, "Oral Law Tradition" and subjectivism, hence satanism--extreme subjectivism, according to Wikipedia [on "subjectivism"])--it's their filthy religion to HATE Christ, Christians, and Christianity, even above their natural and religious hatred of humanity in general--see the works of Michael A. Hoffman II and his sites at Talmudical.blogspot.com and RevisionistReview.blogspot.com. Jew filth became evermore prominent after the time in question in the vid (early 1920s) in the coming Roosevelt admin, and even later, after terror-state of Israel was established. Vid is good as it presents the large hist. circumstances in brief time so as to thereby present the problem and dramatize the stupidity of the narrator for his idiot mentality which so effectively covers-up and distracts fm the under-lying Jew problem.
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