Globalist-satanists continue relentlessly w. deliberate, organized global genocide, starvation suckers--German farmers ordered to reduce production


Guest Columnist

ORGANIZED FAMINE: Germany Orders Farmers to Slash Fertilizer After Dutch Government Shuts Down 3,000 Farms to Comply with Global Warming Goals​



The globalist left is engineering the next global famine. They’ll blame it on global warming when the truth is it’s their own policies that are creating the food shortage across the globe.
Last week the Dutch government shut down 3,000 farms to comply with their global warming goals.
This week Germany ordered farmers to slash fertilizer use in their fields to serve their green agenda.
Meanwhile, the cost of food in the European Union increased 17.26 percent in October of 2022 over the same month in the previous year.
via Trading Economics.
Their leaders are as bright as Joe Biden.

Mike Adams at Natural News reported:
Over the last year, the green tyranny bureaucracy of the EU has managed to nearly destroy Western Europe’s energy relationship with Russia, leaving the continent desperate for energy inputs to keep its power grid functioning. Now, the food supply of Europe is under direct assault via multiple schemes that seem designed to end affordable food at the same time electricity is becoming unaffordable for businesses and residential households alike.
“Germany bans farmers from properly fertilizing land to serve EU green agenda,” declares “As of Thursday, the use of nitrate fertilisers has been greatly restricted for large swathes of farmland in North Rhine-Westphalia,” the site reports, referring to one of the most abundant food production areas in Germany.
The ban originates with EU bureaucrats waging war on nitrogen, the essential element that makes up nearly 80% of Earth’s atmosphere and is critical for crop production. After having declared war on carbon — the building block of biological life — globalists are now targeting nitrogen as a means to deliberately engineer widespread famine and mass death (depopulation).

WATCH: DUTCH UPRISING Against The WEF Is Escalating​


[see several vids at site link, above]

Vince Quill
by Vince Quill21 hours ago21 hours ago


What the European Union is attempting to force in the Netherlands is certifiably insane.
In accordance with the wishes of the World Economic Forum and globalist elites, the E.U. is coming after 3,000 Dutch farms and farmers, all in the name of ‘climate reform’.
Dutch farmers have responded to the attack on their livelihoods and European food security by staging a series of protests all over the Netherlands.
Now, these protests are escalating, as farmers push back against the dictates of unelected bureaucrats.
Bureaucrats who have failed on everything from Covid-19 policy to the management of the money supply—centralized control is a recipe for disaster…

WATCH: [ck site link, above top]

The National Pulse explains:
Although the purchases will apparently be made on generous terms of up to 120 percent of the farms’ value, the Dutch government has already made clear that purchases will be mandated, if required.
“There is no better offer coming,” Christianne van der Wal – Minister for Nature and Nitrogen – told Dutch Members of Parliament last week. Compulsory purchases would be made with “pain in the heart”, the government claimed.

Peter Sweden, who provided in-depth coverage of the protests, writes:
What do you do when you are in the middle of an energy crisis and massive inflation causing food prices to go up and up and up?
If you are the Dutch government, then you come up with the genius idea of forcing thousands of farmers to loose their livelihoods and close down!
Yes, the Dutch state has announced that they plan to seize some 3000 privately owned farms by forcing them to sell their land to the state, and then just shut them down.

What You Need to Know About ‘the Great Reset’​

by tts-admin | Dec 14, 2022



Dr Joseph Mercola – Dec 12, 2022

Story at a glance:
  • “The Great Reset” is a new “social contract” that ties you to it through an electronic ID linked to your bank account and health records, and a “social credit” ID that will dictate every facet of your life
  • While the COVID-19 pandemic is being used as a justification for The Great Reset movement, the agenda has nothing to do with health and everything to do with a long-term plan to monitor and control the world through digital surveillance and artificial intelligence
  • The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution are rebranded terms for technocracy and the old “New World Order” melded with the transhumanist movement
  • Technocracy is an economic system of resource allocation that revolves around technology — in particular artificial intelligence, digital surveillance and Big Data collection — and the digitization of industry and government, which in turn allows for the automation of social engineering and social rule, thereby doing away with the need for democratically elected leadership
  • While the real plan is to usher in a tech-driven dystopia free of democratic controls, they speak of this plan as a way to bring us back into harmony with nature
By now, you’ve probably heard world leaders speak of “The Great Reset,”1 “the Fourth Industrial Revolution”2 and the call to “Build Back Better”3 — which also is U.S. President Joe Biden’s plan to rebuild the middle class slogan.4 It was a concept that former President Bill Clinton talked about in 2005 as special envoy to a United Nations Special Convoy.5
Another example among many is this speech by Matt Hancock, British Minister for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, given during an All-Party Parliamentary Group meeting on the Fourth Industrial Revolution in 2017:6
“One of the roles of Parliament is to cast ahead … and tackle the great challenges of our time … The nature of the technologies is materially different to what has come before. In the past, we’ve thought of consumption as a one-off, and capital investment as additive.
Yet put resources into the networks that now connect half the world, or into AI, and the effects are exponential … I’m delighted to speak alongside so many impressive colleagues who really understand this, and alongside Professor Klaus Schwab who literally ‘wrote the book’ on the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Your work, bringing together as you do all the best minds on the planet, has informed what we are doing … Our Digital Strategy, embedded within the wider Industrial Strategy, sets out the seven pillars on which we can build our success.
And inside that fits our 5G strategy, like a set of Russian Dolls. Our Strategy covers infrastructure, skills, rules and ethics of big data use, cyber security, supporting the tech sector, the digitization of industry, and digitization of government.”

What Is The Great Reset?

But what do the terms “Great Reset,” “Fourth Industrial Revolution” and “Build Back Better” actually mean? What do they refer to? In the October 16, 2020, Corbett Report7 above, journalist James Corbett breaks down the new social contract planned for the world, otherwise known as “the great reset.”

“The Great Reset not only ties you to it through an electronic ID linked to your bank account and health records, but even gives you a “social credit” ID that can run every facet of your life.”

While the current pandemic is being used as a justification for the movement, the agenda has nothing to do with health and everything to do with a long-term plan to monitor and control the world through technical surveillance. In other words, the world will be reset to depend on digital technocracy run by self-appointed elitists.
It’s a power grab of unprecedented magnitude, and involves the restructuring of social classes to dismantle democracy, erase national borders and allow for the governing of communities from a distance by a group of unelected leaders. What was in the past referred to as the “New World Order” is now known as “The Great Reset.”
This Great Reset not only ties you to it through an electronic ID linked to your bank account and health records, but even gives you a “social credit” ID that can run every facet of your life. This isn’t a lofty conspiracy theory — it’s real. It’s happening now. And you need to know how to fight it before it’s too late.
Ultimately, it’s a technocratic agenda that seeks to integrate mankind into a technological surveillance apparatus overseen by powerful artificial intelligence. Ironically, while the real plan is to usher in a tech-driven dystopia free of democratic controls, they speak of this plan as a way to bring us back into harmony with Nature.
If you’re unfamiliar with the term “technocracy,” be sure to go back and listen to my interview with Patrick Wood, author of “Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation” and “Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order.” You can also learn more on Wood’s website,
In a nutshell, technocracy is an economic system of resource allocation that revolves around technology — in particular artificial intelligence, digital surveillance and Big Data collection — and the digitization of industry (which includes banking) and government, which in turn allows for the automation of social engineering and social rule, thereby doing away with the need for elected government leaders.

Your Guide to The Great Reset

According to the World Economic Forum,8 The Great Reset “will address the need for a more fair, sustainable and resilient future, and a new social contract centered on human dignity, social justice and where societal progress does not fall behind economic development.”
And what is the World Economic Forum? It’s an international organization for public-private cooperation that “engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.”9
The founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum is professor Klaus Schwab, who, as mentioned by Hancock in his 2017 speech, wrote the book on the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Schwab announced the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset Initiative in June 2020. In his report, Corbett summarizes the Great Reset thus:
“At base, the Great Reset is nothing more, and nothing less, than a great propaganda, marketing rollout campaign for a new brand that the would-be global elite are trying to shove down the public’s throats … It’s just a fresh coat of lipstick on a very old pig. This is The New World Order, just redefined. It’s just a new label for it.”
And, as explained by Corbett, for those who forgot about what the New World Order was/is all about, it was all about “centralization of control into fewer hands, globalization [and] transformation of society through Orwellian surveillance technologies.”
In other words, it’s technocracy, where we the people know nothing about the ruling elite while every aspect of our lives is surveilled, tracked and manipulated for their gain. Four key take-aways from Corbett’s research into the Great Reset are:
  1. The Great Reset has NOTHING to do with a virus, the COVID-19 pandemic or anything else related to public health.
  2. The Great Reset is a coordinated agenda that has been years in the making — The pandemic is simply being used as a convenient “cover” for an elitist, globalist agenda that has been planned for decades.
  3. The Great Reset is NOT the end of globalization — On the contrary, it is globalization turbocharged. As noted by Schwab in the policy book, “COVID-19: The Great Reset,” co-written with Thierry Malleret and cited in Corbett’s report:
“If no one power can enforce order, our world will suffer from a ‘global order deficit.’ Unless individual nations and international organizations succeed in finding solutions to better collaborate at the global level, we risk entering an ‘age of entropy’ in which retrenchment, fragmentation, anger and parochialism will increasingly define our global landscape, making it less intelligible and more disorderly.”
In other words, there’s no room for the spontaneously arising social order that occurs when people are allowed to freely interact. Instead, there must be “one power” to enforce whatever the desired social-environmental-economic-geopolitical order is.
  1. This process is not meant to end — The end of the pandemic will not be the end of this totalitarian, digital enslavement agenda. The plan is not to “reset” the world back to some earlier state that will allow us all to start over with a cleaner environment and more equitable social structures. The plan is to circumvent democracy and shift global governance into the hands of the few. As noted by Schwab in “COVID-19: The Great Reset”:
“When confronted with it, some industry leaders and senior executives may be tempted to equate reset with restart, hoping to go back to the old normal and restore what worked in the past: traditions, tested procedures and familiar ways of doing things — in short, a return to business as usual.
This won’t happen because it can’t happen. For the most part, ‘business as usual’ died from (or at the very least was infected by) COVID-19.”

COVID-19 Transformation Map

What might The Great Reset transformation look like? As noted by Corbett, the following illustration, created and released by the World Economic Forum, shows the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on various aspects of life, and how pandemic responses are transforming these areas.
If you go to the original site for the illustration,10 you’ll also find listings of publications, videos and data relating to all of these facets. Around the 25-minute mark, Corbett explains how you can use this map to get a feel for the scope of the transformation being prepared — everything from finance, business and education to health care, human rights and global governance.
Importantly, the pandemic is being used to destroy the local economies around the world, which will then allow the World Economic Forum to come in and “rescue” debt-ridden countries.
However, the price for this salvation is your personal freedom and liberty. The World Economic Forum and the central banks will, through their facilitated financial bailouts, be able to effectively control most countries in the world. And, again, one of the aspects of the technocratic plan is to eliminate nation borders and nationalism in general.

Click to enlarge

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

A related term to the Great Reset is “the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” This refers to the merging of digital, physical and biological systems. As noted by Schwab, “It will be like a tsunami and actually it’s not just a digital revolution. It’s digital; of course, physical. It is nanotechnology. But it’s also biological.11
What they’re talking about is the creation of a new economic system built around the merger of the human body and mind with machines and artificial intelligence. In other words, technocracy — a resource-based economic system with centralized control by a technocratic elite who have the know-how to program the computer systems will ultimately dictate the lives of everyone.
Of course, it’s sold to us as a means to harness and elevate human potential, when in fact it will do the complete opposite. Ultimately, they’re not just trying to change the definition of what it means to be human — they’re openly conspiring to alter humanity through technological means.
In addition to the sources cited earlier, Corbett also fleshed out the history of technocracy in his December 28, 2015, report,12 “How Big Oil Conquered the World.” In short, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is nothing but a rebranding of technocracy, melded with the transhumanist movement.

You can also learn more about Schwab, the figurehead of modern technocracy, by reading the June 29, 2020, article13 “The Elite Technocrats Behind the Global ‘Great Reset,'” and the October 12, 2020, Off-Guardian article,14 “Klaus Schwab & His Great Fascist Reset.”
According to Off-Guardian,15 Schwab ensures us that “smart” Big Data technologies will “‘deliver new and innovative ways to service citizens and customers’ and we will have to stop objecting to businesses profiting from harnessing and selling information about every aspect of our personal lives.”
In that article, Schwab is also quoted as saying, “Establishing trust in the data and algorithms used to make decisions will be vital” — which about sums up the technocratic view of “government.”

Coronavirus ‘Circuit Breaker’

By October 2020 in some parts of the world, a second wave of COVID-19 was16 emerging, and according to some researchers, the best way to combat it was to implement another round of more stringent lockdown measures — a so-called “circuit breaker” strategy to bring the infection rate under control.
Meanwhile, other reports17 warned that while COVID-19 can be deadly for a small minority of people, so are lockdowns, thanks to the poverty, famine and mental health challenges they bring about.

Lockdowns Are a Failed Experiment

According to an October 13, 2020, article18 in The Sun, COVID-19 restrictions “could hurl 90 million into ‘extreme poverty,'” with the poorest nations bearing the brunt of the economic collapse. The New York Post also recently reported19 that “COVID-19 lockdowns were a risky experiment” that failed, and have proven deadlier than the virus itself.
“No ethical scientist would conduct such a risky experiment without carefully considering the dangers and monitoring the results, which have turned out to be dismal,” the New York Post writes.20
“While the economic and social harms have been enormous, it isn’t clear that the lockdowns have brought significant health benefits beyond what was achieved by people’s voluntary social distancing and other actions.
In a comparison of 50 countries, a team led by Rabail Chaudhry of the University of Toronto found that COVID-19 was deadlier in places with older populations and higher rates of obesity (like the United States), but the mortality rate was no lower in countries that closed their borders or enforced full lockdowns.
After analyzing 23 countries and 25 U.S. states with widely varying policies, Andrew Atkeson of UCLA and fellow economists found that the mortality trend was similar everywhere once the disease took hold: The number of daily deaths rose rapidly for 20 to 30 days, then fell rapidly …
The cost-benefit rationale becomes even bleaker if you use the standard metric for determining whether a drug or other intervention is worthwhile: How much money will society spend for each year of life being saved?
By that metric, the lockdowns must be the most cost-ineffective intervention in the history of public health, because so many of the intended beneficiaries are near the end of life. In America, nearly 80 percent of COVID-19 victims have been over 65, and more than 40 percent were living in nursing homes, where the median life expectancy after admission is just five months …
No one wants to hasten the demise of the elderly, but they and other vulnerable people can be shielded without shutting down the rest of the society, as Sweden and other countries have demonstrated …
Early in the pandemic, Scott Atlas at the Hoover Institution and researchers at Swansea University independently calculated that the lockdowns would ultimately cost more years of life than COVID-19 in the United States and Britain, and the toll seems certain to be worse in poor countries.
The World Bank estimates that the coronavirus recession could push 60 million people into extreme poverty, which inevitably means more disease and death.”

The Cure That Is Worse Than the Disease

Also by October 2020, we were seeing reports21 that “unexplained excess deaths at home” were outpacing COVID-19 deaths by nearly 900%, likely due to people with chronic illnesses avoiding medical care. Unfortunately, physicians and scientists continued to butt heads when it came to the sanest path forward.
As noted in an October 6, 2020, article22 in The Conversation, whether or not the coronavirus cure is worse than the disease has become “the most divisive question of 2020,” with dozens of doctors signing on to one side or the other.
A Kaiser Health News story23 also highlighted the impact of “pandemic stress” on public health, as more and more people are reporting problems ranging from insomnia and excruciating headaches to hair loss and cracked teeth:
“Throughout the pandemic, people who never had the coronavirus have been reporting a host of seemingly unrelated symptoms: excruciating headaches, episodes of hair loss, upset stomach for weeks on end, sudden outbreaks of shingles and flare-ups of autoimmune disorders.
The disparate symptoms, often in otherwise healthy individuals, have puzzled doctors and patients alike, sometimes resulting in a series of visits to specialists with few answers. But it turns out there’s a common thread among many of these conditions, one that has been months in the making: chronic stress.
Although people often underestimate the influence of the mind on the body, a growing catalog of research shows that high levels of stress over an extended time can drastically alter physical function and affect nearly every organ system.
Now, at least eight months into the pandemic, alongside a divisive election cycle and racial unrest, those effects are showing up in a variety of symptoms. ‘The mental health component of COVID is starting to come like a tsunami,’ said Dr. Jennifer Love, a California-based psychiatrist.”

The Coronavirus Fraud

As detailed in “Coronavirus Fraud Scandal — The Biggest Fight Has Just Begun,” an international network of legal experts and health professionals are preparing to launch the largest class-action lawsuit in history, against all those responsible for the global lockdowns, from local policy makers to the World Health Organization and everyone in between.
According to the four attorneys who founded the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee, which is leading the tort case, the COVID-19 pandemic is “probably the greatest crime against humanity ever committed.” Pandemic measures were intended to sow panic in order to allow for a massive transfer of wealth, and fraudulent testing has been used to keep the ruse going.
In reality, mortality statistics reveal COVID-19 has not led to an excess of deaths above the annual norm, the proposed action says, and there’s no evidence lockdowns and economic shutdowns have produced favorable results.
While the Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee hasn’t specifically addressed the pandemic as a vehicle for a technocratic revolution, it highlights that it has been fraudulently used as a means for wealth transfer and elimination of basic human rights.
As noted in the June 29, 2020, article,24 “The Elite Technocrats Behind the Global ‘Great Reset”:25
“The UN Agenda 2030 with its Sustainable Development Goals is claimed to ‘ensure peace and prosperity for people and the planet.’ The actions are said to tackle poverty and hunger, bring better health and education, reduce inequalities, and save the oceans, forests and the climate. Who can argue against such benevolent goals?
But the promised Utopia comes with a price — it sets shackles on our personal freedom … The leading partners of the United Nations Global Goals project reveal the real technocratic agenda that lies behind the polished feel-good façade — it involves a plan to fully integrate mankind into a technological surveillance apparatus overseen by a powerful AI.
The current pandemic scare has been a perfect trigger to kickstart this nefarious agenda … The current COVID-19 crisis is seen by the World Economic Forum and its chairman Klaus Schwab as the perfect trigger to implement their grandiose technocratic plan. Big Tech will come to ‘rescue’ the world …
This techno-fascist recipe will then, in an utmost non-democratic fashion without any public debate or skeptic inquiry, soon be integrated into the agenda of G20 and the European Union — relabeled as the Great Green Deal …
Unsurprisingly, Klaus Schwab fails to mention his own and his cronies’ role in creating this global economic mess in the first place — as it was ‘foreseen’ with stunning accuracy in World Economic Forum’s and Bill Gate’s Event 201 (October 2019) and in the Rockefeller Foundation report
26 Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development (2010).”
As I discuss in “The Global Takeover Is Underway,”technocracy is inherently a technological society run through social engineering, and Big Tech censorship is part and parcel of this. In other words, the medical tyranny and censorship of anti-groupthink that has emerged during this pandemic are an unavoidable element of The Great Reset, and if you think it’s bad now, just wait until the whole system is brought fully online.
The mere idea of dissent will become a thought of the past, because your life — your health, educational and work opportunities, your finances and your very identity — will be so meshed with the automated technological infrastructure that any attempt to break free will result in you being locked out or erased from the system, leaving you with no ability to learn, work, travel or purchase anything.
It sounds far-fetched, I know, but when you follow the technocratic plan to its inevitable end, that’s basically what you end up with. The warning signs are all around us, if we’re willing to see them for what they actually are. The only question now is whether enough people are willing to resist it to make a difference.

1 June 25, 2020
2 The Fourth Industrial Revolution
3 Intellectual Takeout October 12, 2020
4 The White House. The Build Back Better Framework
5 United Nations Tsunami Special Envoy. July 14, 2005
6 The Fourth Industrial Revolution
7 Corbett Report October 16, 2020
8 YouTube World Economic Forum June 3, 2020
9 YouTube World Economic Forum June 3, 2020
10 COVID-19
11 What Is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
12 Corbett Report How Big Oil Conquered the World
13 June 29, 2020
14 Off-Guardian October 12, 2020
15 Off-Guardian October 12, 2020
16 Yahoo! News October 14, 2020
17 The Spectator October 19, 2020
18 The Sun October 13, 2020 (Updated October 14, 2020)
19 New York Post October 8, 2020
20 New York Post October 8, 2020
21 The Telegraph September 22, 2020
22 The Conversation October 6, 2020
23 October 15, 2020
24 June 29, 2020
25 June 29, 2020
26 Rockefeller Foundation, Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development, 2010 (PDF)

43,000 Somalis Starved to Death in 2022: UN​

by Kyle Anzalone | Mar 20, 2023



The United Nations estimates that 43,000 Somalis starved to death last year. At least half of those who died are said to have been children less than five years old. The Horn of Africa nation is suffering from a drought as well as a US military campaign targeting the insurgent group al-Shabaab.
At the end of Donald Trump’s presidency, he ordered the withdrawal of all American troops from Somalia. After taking office, President Joe Biden ordered soldiers to return to Somalia, provided millions in military assistance to Mogadishu, and increased drone strikes in the country. Meanwhile, at the beginning of 2022, the UN reported over 1 million Somalis will suffer from acute malnutrition because of a drought.
In a joint statement from the Somali government, the UN and World Health Organization stated the death toll could have been much worse and warned 2023 could see tens of thousands of people starve to death. “These estimates suggest that although famine has been averted, for now the crisis is far from over,” the joint statement said.
Despite years of American intervention, the UN says 17 million Somalis remain in need of humanitarian aid. Additionally, 35,000 people could starve to death in just the first six months of 2023.
Throughout 2022, the US regularly bombed Somalia. The Pentagon will occasionally release a statement confirming the airstrike, typically asserting a handful of al-Shabaab militants were killed in the strike.
Rarely, is there any media coverage to give any confirmation of the assertions from the Department of Defense. In January, one such strike was investigated and seven Somali civilians were found to have been killed. The uptick in violence in Somalia in 2022 made it the deadliest year for civilians in the country since 2017.

Small Businesses File For Bankruptcy At Record Pace, Surpassing COVID Crash​

THURSDAY, APR 06, 2023 - 07:25 AM
Authored by Liam Cosgrove via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),


Small businesses across the United States are experiencing a surge in bankruptcies, surpassing levels not seen since 2020. According to a UBS note reviewed by The Epoch Times, conditions could become worse as the knock-on effects from the recent banking crises begin to manifest.
A person holds a sign advertising a sale at Century 21, a retail outlet that announced it was filing for bankruptcy and closing its stores due to the economic impact of the COVID pandemic, in New York City, on Sept. 26, 2020. (Andrew Kelly/File/Reuters)
The note from UBS Evidence Lab shows private bankruptcy filings in 2023 have exceeded the highest point recorded during the early stages of the COVID pandemic by a considerable amount. The four-week moving average for private filings in late February was 73 percent higher than in June 2020.
[We] believe one of the more underappreciated signs of distress in U.S. corporate credit is already emanating from the small- and mid-size enterprises sector,” Matthew Mish, head of credit strategy at UBS, wrote in a recently published research note. “[The] smallest of firms [are] facing the most severe pressure from rising rates, persistent inflation and slowing growth.”
Industries hit hardest by the wave of bankruptcies include real estate, health care, chemicals, and retail outlets, according to the Swiss Bank’s report.
The Federal Reserve’s monetary tightening to combat inflationary pressures has been largely behind the uptick in bankruptcies. UBS indicated that the fear of a credit crunch has further worsened the rise in defaults.
Credit conditions are tightening across the spectrum. Large businesses and individual borrowers are feeling the heat as well.
As of February 2023, the monthly bankruptcy filings exceeded 31,000, an 18 percent rise from the 25,564 bankruptcy filings reported in February 2022, according to data provided by the American Bankruptcy Institute. The increase in Chapter 11 bankruptcies—typically used by larger businesses—rose by 83 percent over the same period, with 373 total filings in February of this year.
The White House has downplayed the current economic challenges and their impact on small businesses. Last week, for example, President Joe Biden cited higher rates of new business formation over the past three years—without acknowledging the issues entrepreneurs face.
“When I came into office, this economy was reeling. Small businesses were hurting. Literally hundreds of thousands of small businesses had closed across the country. Millions of Americans, many of whom worked in small businesses, lost their jobs through no fault of their own,” he said. “To jumpstart American economic recovery, we needed to help the small businesses, and we needed to help them fast. So we got to work.
The president claimed that the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 helped the economy by providing emergency loans to millions of businesses.
Still, the administration is set to raise the corporate income tax to 28 percent sometime in the coming months. The tax hike will affect small businesses at a time when credit conditions continue to tighten.

John Kerry says farmers need to stop growing food in order to achieve “net zero” climate goals​

Thursday, May 25, 2023 by: Ethan Huff


Image: John Kerry says farmers need to stop growing food in order to achieve “net zero” climate goals

(Natural News) Failed presidential candidate and political fossil John Kerry, a Democrat, is back in the news for ominous comments he recently made about how the only way for leftists to achieve their “net zero” climate goals is for farmers all around the world to stop growing food.
The illegitimate Joe Biden regime’s Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, Kerry told an audience at the Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) AIM for Climate Summit the other day that “we can’t get to net zero, we won’t get this job done, unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution.”
According to Kerry, he and other world leaders’ “lives depend” on farmers ceasing their operations. This will lower agriculture “emissions,” Kerry added, noting that he does not even call it climate change anymore – “it’s not change; it’s a crisis.”
“Mitigating methane is the fastest way to reduce warming in the short term,” Kerry declared to the audience, referring to the flatulence produced by cattle as they munch on grasses – or in the case of chemical agriculture, the gas these animals pass after eating genetically modified (GMO) corn and other industrial feed.
“Food and agriculture can contribute to a low-methane future by improving farmer productivity and resilience,” he further stated. “We welcome agriculture ministers participating in the implementation of the Global Methane Pledge.”
(Related: John Kerry should have been arrested and charged years ago for crimes against humanity, but he is still a free man due to leftist privilege.)

Unless a LOT more people stop eating, the planet will warm another half-degree by 2050, Kerry contends​

The only people who should be allowed to eat meat are rich elitists like himself, was the overall message delivered by Kerry. Everyone else needs to stop eating, in essence, for the climate change plan to work.
“Food systems themselves contribute a significant amount of emissions just in the way in which we do the things we’ve been doing,” Kerry proclaimed.
“With a growing population on the planet – we just crossed the threshold of eight billion fellow citizens around the world – emissions from the food system alone are projected to cause another half a degree of warming by mid-century.”
Kerry called on world leaders from all around the world to massively scale back their citizens’ farming operations in order to keep the planet cooler and less warm as we move into the future.
“This sector needs innovation now more than ever,” Kerry said. “We’re facing record malnutrition at a time when agriculture, more than any other sector, is suffering from the impacts of the climate crisis.”
“We need economic, social and policy innovation in order to scale adaptation of these technical solutions and get them into the hands of folks in the fields of small farmers on a worldwide basis. This is the promise of AIM for Climate Summit.”
Fake president Biden recently pledged that the U.S. will, in fact, reach net zero emissions by the year 2050. How this happens depends entirely upon how many farms the globalist overlords can force out of business, resulting in much less food and far fewer mouths to feed.
Co-led by both the U.S. and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), AIM for Climate is devoted to slashing farming emissions through investments in “innovation,” which more than likely means corporate bug-producing factories to replace meat for the general public.
“Food and agriculture can contribute to a low-methane future by improving farmer productivity and resilience,” Kerry said. “We welcome agriculture ministers participating in the implementation of the Global Methane Pledge.”
The fight against “climate change” is left-wing code for a global genocide against the “useless eaters.” To learn more, visit

Sources for this article include:
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The insanity agenda of net zero continues… Ireland: “200,000 cows must be culled to hit climate targets.”… European flight costs will almost double because of climate policies​

May 30, 2023 2:46 pm by IWB


[see vid at site link, above]

“Climate Change” is about Controlling You…

“waving goodbye to the low prices that made globetrotting accessible to millions of people.”

Two dozen Republicans call on Biden to disavow John Kerry's remarks targeting food production​


[see vid at site link, above]

Kerry's recent comments were 'deeply offensive and I urge everyone in this Administration to condemn them,' GOP Rep Mark Alford tells Fox News Digital​

Thomas Catenacci

By Thomas Catenacci | Fox News

House Oversight Committee investigates John Kerry’s talks with China

Senior Congressional correspondent Chad Pergram reports on the House GOP investigation on whether Biden climate envoy John Kerry's discussions with China might undermine the U.S. economy and foreign policy.
FIRST ON FOX: A group of 27 House Republicans is calling on President Biden and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to disavow Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry's recent comments targeting food emissions.
The Republicans — led by Rep. Mark Alford, R-Mo., and joined by Agriculture Committee Chairman Glenn Thompson, R-Pa., and Transportation Committee Chairman Sam Graves, R-Mo. — are sending a letter to Biden and Vilsack Monday, highlighting comments Kerry recently made. Kerry lamented earlier this month that the agriculture industry has a large carbon footprint and called for "innovation."
"We strongly urge you to denounce Kerry’s remarks. These comments are a blatant slap in the face to the hardworking individuals that spend their lives sustainably producing our world’s food, fuel, and fiber," the GOP lawmakers state in the letter. "Although the world agriculture industry accounts for 22 percent of global GHG emissions, Kerry’s alarmist narrative does not tell the full story of American agriculture."
"American farmers and ranchers are committed to being stewards of the land," they add. "We are appalled by the comments made by [Kerry] and ask that your administration recognize the responsible efforts agriculture producers make every day to feed, clothe and fuel the world. Farmers and ranchers are the lifeblood to our food security, and a nation that cannot feed itself would not be a nation at all."


Special Envoy for Climate John Kerry speaks during the AIM for Climate Summit in Washington, D.C. on May 10. (AIM for Climate Summit)
On May 10, during the AIM for Climate Summit hosted by the Department of Agriculture, Kerry stated that "net-zero" energy goals were impossible without addressing greenhouse gas emissions from the agriculture sector. He said the industry creates 33% of the world's total carbon emissions and argued that reducing those emissions must be "front and center" in the quest to defeat global warming.
The special presidential envoy for climate added that food emissions alone are projected to cause an additional half degree of warming by 2050, noting that the global population is increasing and recently surpassed eight billion people.

"This sector needs innovation now more than ever," Kerry stated. "We're facing record malnutrition at a time when agriculture, more than any other sector, is suffering from the impacts of the climate crisis. And I refuse to call it climate change anymore. It's not change. It's a crisis."
"We need economic, social and policy innovation in order to scale adaptation of these technical solutions and get them into the hands of folks in the fields of small farmers on a worldwide basis," he continued. "This is the promise of AIM for Climate Summit."
Mark Alford

"Since assuming his post as ‘climate czar’, John Kerry has done nothing but fly his private jets around the world and preach his radical gospel for the climate cult," Rep. Mark Alford, R-Mo., tells Fox News Digital. (Office of Rep. Mark Alford/Fox News Digital)
Overall, the global food system — which includes land-use change, actual agricultural production, packaging and waste management — generates about 18 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year, the equivalent of 34% of total worldwide emissions, according to a March 2021 study published in the Nature Food journal.
In the U.S., though, agriculture generates about 10% of total greenhouse gas emissions, federal data showed.
The letter Monday noted that America's agriculture sector accounts for just 1.4% of global emissions and that domestic industry has implemented a wide range of solutions to achieve climate benefits, making it the nation's lowest-emitting economic sector. The Republicans also referred to federal data showing U.S. land management practices alone removed 764 million metric tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in 2018.

"Since assuming his post as ‘climate czar’, John Kerry has done nothing but fly his private jets around the world and preach his radical gospel for the climate cult," Alford told Fox News Digital in a statement. "His latest remarks about America’s agriculture industry paints a widely inaccurate picture."
"Due to industry led changes, our hardworking farmers and ranchers have made massive strides in reducing global emissions and producing more with less. They should be applauded, not shamed," the Missouri Republican added. "Mr. Kerry remarks at the AIM Climate Summit are deeply offensive and I urge everyone in this Administration to condemn them. Anything short is unacceptable."
President Biden appointed Kerry to be the special presidential envoy for climate, a position that hadn't previously existed and which didn't require Senate approval, shortly after taking office in early 2021. Kerry's office is housed at the State Department and has an estimated $13.9 million annual budget with approval for 45 personnel.
Floodwaters from the Salinas River

Floodwaters from the Salinas River fill agricultural fields in Spreckels, California, on March 13. (Nic Coury/San Francisco Chronicle via AP)
Kerry's position gives him a spot on the president's cabinet and National Security Council. Since taking on the role, he has traveled worldwide, attending high-profile climate summits and diplomatic engagements in an effort to push a global transition from fossil fuels to green energy alternatives.
"I’m appalled by the comments that President Biden’s Climate Czar recently made attacking farmers in our country over greenhouse gas emissions," Rep. Monica De La Cruz, R-Texas, a co-signer on the letter, said in a statement. "Our farmers are some of the hardest working people in our country and spend their lives sustainably producing food for our nation. It is my hope that President Biden condemns Kerry’s remarks."

"Farmers and ranchers have been operating on same plots of land for generations, continuously making innovations that have led to higher yields of higher quality food on increasingly less inputs," Rep. Doug LaMalfa, R-Calif., another co-signer, added. "If Climate Czar Kerry ever spent a day with the real stewards of the land instead of flying around the world on his private jet, he’d have known that already."
Rep. Mary Miller, R-Ill., who also signed the letter Monday, said the Biden administration's "assault on farmers" was unacceptable and vowed to push for defunding Kerry's office.
"John Kerry's tenure as 'climate czar' has been marked by extravagant private jet travels to lecture farmers about the environment," Miller told Fox News Digital. "As a fellow farmer, I am proud to join my colleagues in the House in demanding that the Biden Administration denounce John Kerry's offensive comments about the agriculture industry."
"I will relentlessly push to defund Kerry's office, allocating $0 for the Biden-Kerry war on farmers, and ensure that our hardworking livelihoods are protected from their radical climate agenda. It is time for John Kerry to take his private jet back to Martha's Vineyard for good."

Millions Of Americans “Prepare For The Apocalypse” As The Global Food Crisis Reaches Unprecedented Levels​

February 5, 2024 by Michael


Hundreds of millions of people are “facing chronic hunger”, and in the time that it will take you to read this article the death toll from starvation on the other side of the globe will go even higher. But since the legacy media doesn’t really talk about the global food crisis much, most Americans don’t even realize that it is happening. Many of us are so obsessed with what Taylor Swift and other celebrities are doing, but when is the last time that you had a meaningful conversation with someone about global famine? According to the UN’s World Food Program, “a food crisis of unprecedented proportions” is unfolding right in front of our eyes at this moment…
Conflict, economic shocks, climate extremes and soaring fertilizer prices are combining to create a food crisis of unprecedented proportions. As many as 783 million people are facing chronic hunger.
783 million people are suffering from chronic hunger.
These people are not just missing a meal or two.
Those that are considered to be dealing with “chronic hunger” are hungry all the time.
If you took the entire population of the United States and doubled it, you still wouldn’t have 783 million people.
In some areas of the world, widespread starvation is already happening. For example, just check out what is taking place in Sudan
The U.N. food agency said Friday it has received reports of people dying from starvation in Sudan, where raging fighting between rival generals is hampering the distribution of aid and food supplies to those most hungry.
I wish that I could tell you that things will get better, but that isn’t true.
Global hunger has been steadily rising for nearly a decade, and now global food supplies are really starting to get tight.
For example, it is being reported that the global rice shortage is about to get even worse
Global rice shortages are set to worsen, as India’s exports of premium varieties encounter fresh hurdles due to a surge in freight costs amid the Israel-Gaza war – and domestic shortages hit shipments of other types of rice.
Exports of premium Indian basmati rice last month were half of what they were a year ago, with traders blaming freight rates that have doubled following a series of attacks on commercial ships by Iran-backed Houthi militants.
Global supplies of cocoa are getting very tight too.
In fact, the price of cocoa recently hit the highest level in 46 years
Cocoa prices climbed to a 46-year high this week in New York as concerns mount that seasonal Harmattan winds across West Africa could dry cocoa fields and reduce yields for the Ivory Coast’s mid-crop in April. This would pressure global cocoa production even further.
Bloomberg reports the most active cocoa futures jumped as much as 2.2% to $4,961 per ton in New York. Prices are up 126% since Sept. 2022, threatening to raise costs for the world’s top chocolate makers, such as The Hershey Company.
If you like chocolate, you can still find it priced very low at many dollar stores.
So if you plan to hoard your favorite chocolate bars, now is the time to do so.
Meat is going to become even more expensive during the months ahead too.
The bird flu is wiping out millions of chickens and turkeys, and the size of the U.S. cattle herd has fallen to the lowest level since 1951
The US cattle herd shrank to the lowest level in more than seven decades as ranchers continue to send their cows to slaughter, threatening to keep beef prices at stubbornly high levels for consumers for at least another couple of years while eroding profits for meat processors.
There were 87.2 million cattle as of January 1, down about 2% from a year ago and less than anticipated by analysts surveyed by Bloomberg, the US Department of Agriculture said Wednesday in its biannual cattle-inventory report. That’s the smallest animal count since 1951, according to USDA data.
So why is that a problem?
After all, Americans were eating very well in 1951.
Well, in 1951 there were 150 million people living in this country.
Today, the population of the U.S. has reached 331 million.
So there is less than half as much beef to go around per person.
Of course this is precisely what the global elite want. In fact, the head of the WHO is publicly telling us that we need to eat less meat in order to fight “climate change”
WHO head, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, declares war on meat and traditional agriculture, in the name of fighting “climate change”:
“Our food systems are harming the health of people and planet. Food systems contribute to over 30% of greenhouse gas emissions, and account for almost one third of the global burden of disease.”
“Transforming food systems is therefore essential, by shifting towards healthier, diversified and more plant based diets.”
Are you ready for a diet that is filled with lots of soy and lots of insects?
Because that is the future that they have planned for you.
And in a desperate attempt to control the climate, researchers funded by the elite are coming up with all sorts of extremely bizarre proposals. Here is one of them
Climate scientists are developing an umbrella-like shade the size of Argentina that would block the sun’s rays to mitigate the effects of global warming on Earth.
The wild idea comes from Israeli researchers who believe the one-million-square-mile shade could reduce the Earth’s temperature by 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit within two years.
The team at Technion-Israel Institute of Technology is seeking up to $20 million for a prototype of 100 square feet, which they said could be achieved by 2027.
We are already not producing enough food for everyone and they want to block out the sun using a giant umbrella?
What do you think that would do to global food production?
The elite also have plans for what we will drink.
In fact, if you live in Los Angeles you will soon be tasting the refreshing sweetness of water that has gone from “toilet to tap”
If you live in Los Angeles, California, and drink tap water — you might want to think again.
In December, the California State Water Resource Control Board (SWRCB) moved to implement a new system that will recycle up to 60% of LA’s sewage water, a process now being referred to as, “toilet to tap.”
The sewage water will be directed to a facility and then treated and piped back into Los Angeles homes after meeting purity standards evaluated by the city.
Doesn’t that sound wonderful?
Of course none of the plans and programs that the elite are implementing will be able to change our trajectory.
We are heading into the greatest period of chaos in all of human history, and tens of millions of Americans are feverishly preparing for what is in front of us. The following comes from an outstanding article by Kay Smythe
A study published in mid-January found that a majority of Americans and Canadians in certain areas have done something to prepare for the apocalypse in the last 12 months. Are you even slightly surprised?
More than 40% of residents in Maine, Nebraska and Arizona, and half of those living in Ontario and British Columbia are prepping for a North American apocalypse by purchasing various goods, according to a study published in mid-January. Most people are stockpiling food, water, fuel, weapons, learning survival skills and more. But an overwhelming majority of residents in other states are totally blind and ignorant to the risks posed by being alive in the modern world.
America is in a massive amount of trouble and very few people want to admit it. As I recently told The First host Jesse Kelly: we don’t make anything the rest of the world wants to buy, except for upcoming seasons of “The Chosen.” We don’t produce most of what we need domestically, we buy it all from other parts of the world. And with the ongoing financial crises from the COVID-19 pandemic and idiot lawmakers post-2008 economic policies, there’s a good chance we won’t be able to buy anything in the coming years.
In addition to stockpiling food and supplies, many people are also having underground bunkers installed on their properties. The following comes from Fox Business
Some of USA Bunker Company’s clients have included government and White House officials, who have lost confidence in the government’s structure. Other customers are looking for protection from natural disasters like tornadoes or accidents such as toxic train derailments, as seen last year in East Palestine – but the majority of clients reportedly have concerns about nuclear warfare.
“Ninety-five percent, I would say, want it for nuclear war, like World War III,” Stump said. “Just everything pretty much being destroyed.”
The elite continue to insist that they have everything under control, but everyone can see that they don’t.
All of their systems are starting to break down all around us, and global events have begun to spin wildly out of control.
If you haven’t been getting prepared for what is coming, I would strongly encourage to do so, because 2024 is going to be such a major turning point.
Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.