Woman accused of urging children to throw pennies



Possible Hate Crime In Lakewood, NJ
(Lakewood-WABC, July 12, 2004) --There has been an apparent hate crime in New Jersey.

From the AP: The News in Photographs
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A Lakewood woman is accused of urging her children to throw pennies at Orthodox J*ws and they did.

Police say 42-year-old Frances Stiles gave the coins to her 15-year-old daughter, her daughter's friend and her 11-year-old son Thursday night.

A detective in an unmarked car saw the pennies flying out the window! Stiles is charged with bias harassment.


The J*ws need to show a little gratitude here.

If they weren't so CHEAP the woman might have

thought to throw nickles or quarters and HURT somebody.

If they threw nickles or quarters the J*ws

would have run out in front

of the traffic to pick them up ! :rotfl:

Every time it rains,
It rains
Pennies from heaven~~~~

OK people of NNN, lets go kick some butt !

:anti-z: :kickbutt: :eek:rth: :kickbutt:


Bring more pennies !

Originally posted by Sophio@Jul 13 2004, 10:59 AM
The J*wvandals need to show a little gratitude here.â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�Å¡  If they weren't so CHEAP the woman might have thought to throw nickles or quarters and HURT somebody.â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�Å¡  If they threw nickles or quarters the J*wvandals would have run out in front Of the traffic to pick them up!â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�Å¡ 


Oy! Itz raining pennies from heaven... A Jewvandal's paradise!!!

Throw m
ore pe
nnies, fellow Goyim!!! Now please pass me the Kosher

pork bacon! Oy!!!