What is the theological basis of Anglo Israel?


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Scriptures for America Worldwide

About Pastor Peter J.Peters
Peter J. Peters is the pastor of the LaPorte Church of Christ in LaPorte, Colorado, and is evangelistic head of Scriptures for America Ministries Worldwide, an international outreach ministry dedicated to preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to revealing to the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, and kindred peoples of the world their true Biblical identity.

We believe that Jesus Christ came to the descendants of Abraham...
We believe that there exists today a people cho
en by God who are the physical seed of Abraham...
we believe that there exists today a struggle between good and evil,
between light and darkness.

Race Mixing A Social and Spiritual Disaster - Part 1 of 2
by Lt.
Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, AUS Ret.

Race Mixing A Social and Spiritual Disaster
by Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, AUS Ret.

Miscegenation Is The Enemy's Blueprint For White Destruction!
Destruction of White Christian civilization is the major purpose of the present drive towards miscegenation. The enemy often openly admits this. They know that it has always been the White Aryan people who have been the bulwark of freedom. So in order to control the world, this faction must go. Historians and sociologists know that mongrel people are easier to c
ontrol. History proves this, and our enemy, being Satanically inspired men know that every White civilization (and there have been some 25 of these in the sixty centuries of written history) which has p
racticed miscegenation, have destroyed themselves from within.