Unrest in France



France has been shaken by unrest in poorer urban areas on several
occasions in recent years.

British National Party website

Unrest in France-A non PC Report!

Mon, 20/08/2012

by Imnokuffar

As it nearly always is, CNN and the left-leaning press take great pains to avoid identifying the culprits as Muslims. Instead, the usual suspects are routinely trotted out - poverty, unemployment, police brutality, et al.

Nowhere to be found are the root causes of an unwillingness to assimilate, religious and cultural practices that inhibit employment and the attitude that Muslims are inherently superior to non-believers. Sadly, native Europeans are guilty of "moral relativism" that will eventually cause the Islamization of Europe.

Incidents like the one described here are routine in France and the French have even coined a term to describe the burning of cars they call it ‘Carbeque’.


Skara Brae,
