Thread: Learning about Satanism

From the head of modern 'Satanism' Fulvio Rendhell
to Anton Lavey/ Michael Aquino/ Alistair Crowley - All branches of the Salvation through sin philosophy of 16th Century 'Sinful Messiah' Sabbatei
Zvi. Rothschild Clan (Bauer family) proven descendants of Sabbatei Zvi.
surreptitiously fund the front men yokels.

Re: 'Salavation through Sin' philosophy
Quote: Without sin, there is no repentance, and without repentance there is no closeness to God. Indeed, repentance brings us into the Glory of God, but sin is that which makes repentance possible. Therefore without sin, we cannot know God, and without the Knowledge of God we are dead.
Fulvio RendHELL.
This frontman is supposed to be able to scribble a name on a piece of paper and the person named drops dead. Presumably that would include everyone with that name. Unless Baal knows who he means specifically.
So im writing posting his name , FULVIO RENDHELL, to see if
Baal will turn off this dog and pony show.
(He might already be dead now, Ill check, see how well this works.
If it works, we can start a new 'Name only thread' title 'In memory of
Fulvio Rendhell' mk?)

Ci stiamo avvicinando in compagnia del medium Fulvio Rendhell, al portone del Circolo Navona 2000. per ricordare gli straordinari eventi avvenuti negli anni settanta. Una nuova era per lo Spiritismo che si diffuse in tutta Europa e oltre. Si evocavano le anime dei defunti che si materializzavano interamente e poi la famosa apparizione della Katy King. Incredibile il racconto del Medium quando una sera il tavolo spiritico cominciò a vibrare e finì per la strada. Poi lapparizione del fantasma di un poliziotto, ed infine lincontro del medium con unantica carrozza che correva allimpazzata per la strada.

We are approaching in the medium Fulvio Rendhell ​​company, to the Circle Navona 2000. door to remember the extraordinary events that occurred in the seventies. A new era for Spiritualism which spread throughout Europe and beyond. They evoked the souls of the dead that materialized completely and then the famous apparition of Katy King. The incredible story of the Medium when one evening the spiritualist table began to shake and ended up on the street. Then lapparizione the ghost of a policeman, and finally the encounter with the medium unantica allimpazzata carriage that ran down the street.

717 AM
Dresden (((justifiable))) Holocaust played to everyone. BET no one here at NNNF
cheered this. The blood of the sacrificed is on every hand that clapped
and in every mouth that cheered. It owns all who did.

Proof Kwans are 100% Satanic unable to see it.
If the nationwide applause for this holocaust ritual
was played in tandem, it would drown out the bomb noise.

808 AM