Swiss Bank And Worlds Largest Gold Trader Says “We Must Double The Number Of “Migrants” In 2016″

Swiss Bank And Worlds Largest Gold Trader Says “We Must Double The Number Of “Migrants” In 2016″

The United Bank of Switzerland, which is one of theworld’s largest banks and gold traders, called in itsJanuary 2016 Investment Report entitled*The Future of Europe*that Europe should*double*the number of “migrants” into its borders in order to keep up with demand for “qualified workers”:

A screenshot from part of the report
To match the US labor growth rate, the EU needs*1.8m additional immigrants (of working age)*annually for the next 10 years, for example. This*is substantially higher than the level of net immigration*into the EU before the global financial*crisis, and far above the net annual average of*0.6–0.7m immigrants since then. A clear change*in immigration policies could address this situation.*Global competition for qualified workers,*who naturally seek the most attractive destinations,*is growing. Unfortunately, the initial measures*the EU took to reverse its weak immigration*policy following the global financial crisis by*admitting refugees turned into a debacle.*The*dysfunctional reaction of Europe to the refugee*crisis and the related chaos at its borders has not*improved its image as a highly desirable destination*for immigrants. What’s more, our estimate*that 1.8m additional net immigrants of working*age are needed annually to match US labor*growth dwarfs the number associated with the*current European refugee.



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