Sudanese drop-in centre bid for Melton



Sudanese drop-in centre bid for Melton


29 Jul 11

A DROP-IN centre in Melton for the town’s Sudanese residents remains a top priority for the Friends of Melton’s African Communities Coalition.
FMACC secretary Nib De Santis said the need for a centre was identified almost 18 months ago when a “quasi” drop-in centre at an African-owned grocery store went defunct. Mr De Santis said when the store ran into financial trouble, committee members met Melton police and council.
“We talked about two things - a new drop-in centre and funding for an African specific community worker within the council,” he said. “What we got was an inter-cultural officer, but without financial assistance the store closed.”
The push for a new centre was highlighted in the Bridging the Gap report, commissioned by Melton state Labor MP Don Nardella.
Mr De Santis said the African community needed a place where it felt comfortable to gather for meetings and cultural activities.
“The council has several neighbourhood centres and it’s not uncommon for these centres to be financially supported by the council,” he said.
Mr De Santis said one option could be space at the new Melton library.
Melton Mayor Justin Mammarella said: “I’m more than happy to hear about the idea.”


Great!! Not of being racist myself, why don't you give them their own 'Centrelink'. 85% of them aren't working, and walking around like 'MODELS' and 'MANAGING DIRECTOR' driving brand new cars while poor white people and pensioners’ are scratching for a dollar. When Europeans started to arrive to this ex-rich country they were neglected called 'WOGS' and are still left behind without any respect. I suggest someone stand up and look into reality to employ this entire people instead of being concerned about drop-in centre, which could become very unhealthy hole for all of us.