Stockton PD Search for AWOL Tuberculosis Patient


Senior News Editor since 2011

Police Search for AWOL Tuberculosis Patient



Eduardo Rosas Cruz has tuberculosis, which normally wouldn’t be anyone else’s business.

Today, however, it is our business. The county health department believes this 26-year-old man could be contagious, and a danger to anyone nearby.

“Our aim is to find him and detain him,” said Dr. Alvaro Garza, health officer with the San Joaquin County Health Department.

Health officials say it started when Cruz came in to the San Joaquin County General Hospital. Since officials say Cruz is homeless, the county paid for a room at the Capri Motel to get him off the streets and away from other people.

But, it didn’t work. Cruz, we’re told, went AWOL
. County officers say they can’t force the treatment, but they can force him not to be near anyone else.