Sketch of Blue Negro Serial Rapist Released




Sketch of Serial Rapist Released (article link expired)
Latest Google News on Atlanta Serial Rapist

Last Modified: 10/13/2004 7:08:10 PM

A composite sketch of a suspect who has been directly tied by DNA evidence to the rape of a 13-year-old gir
and the rape and murder of a 14-year-old girl was released Wednesday.

The 13-year-old East Point girl was raped last June and the DNA from that case was sent to the GBI crime lab and put into a DN

A database known as CODIS (Combined DNA Index System

CODIS found a match. The same DNA was found on a 14-year-old girl, Nicole Smit
h, who was raped and murdered in southwest Atlanta 10 years ago.

Nicole Smith was a 14-year-old middle school student in 1995. She was raped and murdered along a shortcut through the woods behind her house that she used to get to the bus that took her to school

My biggest fear was that this person would attack another person and he did just that, said the 14-year-old's mother, Aquinella Smith.

The 13-year-old victim has given authorities their best lead yet ' a description that has led to a composite sketch.

Hopefully somebody will speak out this time, and speak out about what they know, Aquinella Smith said. "f they know this p
erson I would like them to come forward.

She said she stayed awake for three days after the first time she looked at the sketch.

" was afraid to close my eyes 'cause every time I c
d my eyes I could see his eyes over my child doing the things he did to her and I wouldn't close my eyes because I didn't want to see
his eyes, she said.

The two crimes happened almost 10 years apart, but in distance, only a couple of miles.

Authorities asked anyone who may recognize the suspect in the sketch to call the Multi-Agency Cold Case Squad at (1 888) OLD TIPS.

Where's the rest of his face? There could be some gold toofies that would identify him.

Man, he's one edumacated-looking negro. Probably had to get glasses after numerous readings of the "True History of Negro Accomplishment," that one page tome that outlines in excruciating detail what blacks have accomplished throughout history.

The Carr brothers tried the make the ape look human trick by wearing glasses.



Just had to post the picture if this piece of White filth. I hope science finds the genetic markers to detect filth like her. This genetic mental deformity can then be eradicated through forced abortion. Whithin a generation we can wipe out the White
ho negrophil.




She said she stayed awake for three days after the first time she looked at the sketch.

" was afraid to close my eyes 'cause every time I closed my eyes I could see his eyes over my child doing the things he did to her and I wouldn't close my eyes because I didn't want to see his eyes, she said.

What a heart breaking statement!!! This poor mother deserves the closure that would come with watching this nigger hellhound swinging from a tree at the end of a rope (YES,YES,YES, AFTER A FAIR TRIAL!!!!). What a nightmare for her to live with the last 10 years. Niggers make me sick!!! I am also sick of white diversity celebrators
ho are brainwashed into thinking that we are all the same and that any negative thought towards niggers are evil and "bigoted" whatever that term may mean. If knowing that niggers are evil and pre

dators toward our white women an
d children and that they are the scum of the earth makes me a bigot, SO F*UCKING BE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Child Rapist Sought
Officials Believe Man May Kill Again

POSTED: 1:40 pm EDT October 14, 2004: ,
UPDATED: 2:09 pm EDT October 14, 2004

ATLANTA -- Police and Fulton County prosecutors announced Thursday that a $10,000 reward is being offered for a man who sexually assaulted a 13-year-old girl recently and also considered a prime suspect in the rape and murder nine years ago of another Atlanta girl.