Serial Rapist Sentenced in Ohio


News Editor

Serial Rapist Sentenced


A serial rapist strolled into a Columbus courtroom Monday, chatting, even smiling at his victims in the front row.</span> <span style=\'color:red\'>(I hate niggers!!)

Last May, DNA linked 33-year-old Tyrone Davis to three rapes, but he wasn't caught until July. By then, he had raped two more women.

Monday, one of Davis' victims told of the terror of being attacked in her own home.

"You took my home and made it a prison. [It was] no longer my safe haven. I was scared to leave my house. I was scared to be in my house. You are a sick person, Tyrone and may God have mercy on your so

ul," says one victim.

In a plea agreement, Davis was sentenced to 18 years in prison, and labeled as a sexual predator.

18 years for three rap
es?????? A few years ago our fathers would have known how to deal with this nigger rapist. The nearest tree would have sufficed!!!



Tyrone Davis smirks

Serial Rapist Makes Plea Deal

Tyrone Davis admitted in court that he raped several women. He pleaded guilty to four rapes, along with aggravated robbery and burglary. The other 14 rape charges were dropped. Instead of imposing the maximum sentence of 60 years, the prosecution and defense agreed to 18 years in prison.

Davis showed no remorse, didn't apologize and didn't make a statement Monday, Burton reported. Two of the five women Davis raped, however, spoke in court.

"I was four months pregnant when he raped me," one victim said. "I stayed locked up for years fearing all men."

Nine days after the first rape, Davis raped the

woman again, this time in an alley by her house, Burton reported.

Davis wasn't arrested until seven years after the woman
was attacked. Four more women had been raped in the meantime, Burton reported.

"I can't express how thankful I am that this whole ordeal is over," one victim said. "You are a sick person, Tyrone. God have mercy on your soul."

Some of Davis' victims don't think the punishment fits the crime. He will be 51 when he is released from jail.

"Eighteen years is not close to what you deserve," one victim said.

Hi Whitebear,

Nice additional pic of a filthy dark skinned hellhound smirking rapist nigger. 18 years in nigger heaven does not seem fair for the grief he inflicted on those women, probably white women.


We have another thread on a 'Tyron Davis'
- Hard to keep all the Tyrone rapists sorted out...

Here's the current 'filthy dark skinned hellhound smirking rapist nigger'

Tyrone Davis - Serial Rapist

And here's another 'filthy dark skinned hellhound rapist nigger'
'Tyrone Davis'
Negroid sentenced in murder of white teenager

Tyrone Davis sentenced to life for murder of White girl Allison Castex


And there are severa
other 'Tyrone Davis's that have not yet made NNN.

Google imag
e search yields about 370 hits for "Tyrone Davis".

(mostly in sports and music)

Has anyone ever thought of what it will be like, when the non-white flood finally gains control and the prision cells are unlocked for these nigger animals and they are set loose once again ? How many nigger and Mexican criminals will be let loose then ? Let loose to commit more numerous, more frequent, more henious crimes than ever before ? Millions of angry, locked up, confined, well feed, well cared for animals, will be loosed on White society. If you think you've seen devistation, if you think you've had enough of non-White criminals abusing White society, you haven't seen anything yet !