Rants from hell

Re: Do Angels masquerade as daemons or are they one and the same?

I Cor. 11.14
And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

I. The ☆Archangel Michael☆ governs over the Exu Astral Spirit, Exu Marbas. (Angelic source code writer of 'Marbas' character is Arc Angel Michael)

II. The Astral Exu Spirit, Exu Marbas rules over the Zodiac Signs of Aries.
III. The Astral Exu Spirit, Exu Marbas rules over the Elemental Sign of Fire.
IV. The Astral Exu Spirit, Exu Marbas rules over the Planetary Energy of Mars.
V. The Astral Exu Spirit, Exu Marbas rules over the Energy of the Throat Chakra (5th).
VI. The Astral Exu Spirit, Exu Marbas rules over the Sacred Metal of Iron.
VII. The Astral Exu Spirit, Exu Marbas rules over the Sacred Stones of Diamond & Opal.
VIII. The Astral Exu Spirit, Exu Marbas rules over the Sacred Color Vibrations of Red, White & Pink.
IX. The Astral Exu Spirit, Exu Marbas rules over the Sacred Astral Number of 5.
X. The Astral Exu Spirit, Exu Marbas rules over the Sacred Day of Tuesday.
XI. The Astral Exu Spirit Exu Marbas rules over the Sacred Direction of the South.

911 AM
