Fights Back Against Mexican Invasion


Publisher/Editor-in-chief Fights Back Against Mexican Invasion

All over the United States on April 10, 2006, Mexican and other non-White invaders within our borders will be staging massive rallies to frighten our cowardly and treasonous political elites to keep our nation's borders undefended and open as they have for the last forty years.

During those four decades of treason and cowardice from Republican and Democrat Senators and Congressmen (sic) and Republican and Democrat Presidents like Clinton and Bush, more than 40 million non-White invaders have executed the largest land invasion and territorial dispossession of the White race in history.

Stay tuned in this thread for some tactics t
o be launched on April 10 by a new website named


to help stop t
he Aztlan invaders from conquering our White nation with yet more hordes of Mexicans, Guatamalans, Hondurans, Salvadorans, Haitians, Indians, Chinese, Pakistanis, Nigerians, Somalis, etc.

We can't reveal the details of some activities planned for both Sunday, April 9th and Monday, April 10th. But you'll hear about them here as they happen.[/b]