Niggerette Died From Oxycodone Overdose

The Bobster

Senior News Editor since 2004

Girl Died From Oxycodone Overdose
Sister Remains Hospitalized

POSTED: 11:25 pm EST March 30, 2004
UPDATED: 3:25 pm EST April 1, 2004

PHILADELPHIA -- Authorities in Philadelphia said an 8-year-old Kalilah Williams died of an overdose of the painkiller oxycodone.

Her 5-year-old sister is hospitalized in stable condition with the same drug in her system.

Police found similar pills in a lunchbox at the girls' West Philadelphia home, and are investigating how the children obtained the narcotics.

Kalilah, a second grader, was put
n life support when she was admitted to The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia on Tuesday morning. She was pronounced dead at 12:15 p.m. Wednesday.

Her sister, Janaya Nichols, started getting sic

t the hospital and was soon admitted.

Police questioned the gir
ls' mother, 34-year-old Stephanie Pendleton, a home health-care provider, and her boyfriend, 39-year-old Ray Nichols, who is Janaya's father. No charges have been filed.

Police say a drug-sniffing dog found small amounts of various painkillers, including oxycodone, in a search of the home Tuesday night.

OxyContin is a long-lasting version of oxycodone.

At first, the parents had suggested that the narcotics in the girls' blood came from some candy they ate. Police said they went to the grocery store where the candy was bought and found it was untainted.

A source close to the investigation told NBC 10 that investigators found an empty drug capsule next to the candy in a lunchbox in the family&#3
9;s home.