Nigger who mowed down teen gets 40 days

Tyrone N. Butts

APE Reporter

13 year old Kasi Vaughan

Worthless nigger Gerald Haley, Jr.

Chesapeake Man Sentenced To 40 Days in Connection To Deadly August Accident


A Chesapeake Judge handed down a decision Monday concerning a driver who had been convicted twice of driving on a suspended license.

Gerald Haley, Jr., 22, was found guilty of the misdemeanor charge. The charge stemmed from an accident August 9, 2005. Haley was arrested after hitting 13-year-old Kasi Vaughan along Taylor

Vaughan was crossing the street when she was hit by the passenger side of Haley's car. She died in the accident.

Loved ones
of the driver and the victim were in court Monday.

"I'm persuaded beyond a resasonable doubt that a violation has occurred," Judge David Williams said before reading the verdict.

Haley's driving record several convictions. Those convictions include two for driving on a suspended license, as well as nine for speeding.

Those convictions may have played a factor in Haley's punishment this time. The judge appears to be having a tough time determining what role Kasi Vaughan's death will play.

Judge Williams spoke directly to her mother during the trial.

"I'm gonna have to wrestle with what happened to your daughter in the conte
what that punishment ought to be, and I don't know that one relates to the other."

Haley was sentenced to 40 days in jail. He was taken to jail after the Monday hearing. He is on probation and will have to pay a fine.

is has been a terrible day! Wake up America and smell the nigger!


What is to become of the traditional American white male culture, TNB.. this nigger would have been hung and torched not sixty years ago for his "carelessness".

Now we invite MORE TNB each and every day.

Is there even such a thing as a white race.. or is it an afterthought, nowadays..

I guarantee you, if this was my daughter, this coon would have been shedding flesh on a rope behind my pickup for well over fifty miles. Not to "endorse violence" mind you, but just a statement of fact.. if a nigger were so to disturb my "family ways" I would give up on all pretensions of cilivilized behavior and do my damnedest to impart that nigger his "just desserts".

Where are we as a nation that we "accept" this activity as "collaborate damage"?

Originally posted by Brewski@Dec 20 2005, 11:43 AM
What is to become of the traditional American white male culture, TNB.. this nigger would have been hung and torched not sixty years ago for his "carelessness".

Now we invite MORE TNB each and every day.

Is there even such a thing as a white race.. or is it an afterthought, nowadays..

I guarantee you, if this was my daughter, this coon would have been shedding flesh on a rope behind my pickup for well over fifty miles. Not to "endorse violence" mind you, but just a statement of fact.. if a nigger were so to disturb my "family ways" I would give up on all pretensions of cilivilized behavior and do my damnedest

to impart that nigger his "just desserts".

Where are we as a nation that we "accept" this activity as "collaborate damage"?
Can you watch the videos and find out if the judge is a nigger?


Spucking feechless.
