Negro last seen at party in Kansas missing


That's astounding, Border Ruffian. Do you know how many thousands of people are missing in this country, and the local police will barely bother to take a 'missing person' report?


By the way- being from Missouri- I really like your screen name.

That's astounding, Border Ruffian. Do you know how many thousands of people are missing in this country, and the local police will barely bother to take a 'missing person' report?

Yes, that's what struck me too. I love the way blacks are treated by government and media like they were an endangered species or something.

I'm grew up in Lawrence, mostly, so i got to hear plenty about those nasty border ruffian
. They're still routinely making it into the newspaper there a century and a half later lol! Hoping to find fun pic for profile but want to avoid anything as obvious as Bill Quantrill or Bill Anders


Originally posted by Smedley Butler@Apr 18 2004, 09:37 PM
Astounding is a word that fits here, yes indeed. All a non-white has to is yell, whitey is being mean to me and federales will go to Nome, Alaska over night, in a government plane. Any complaint by a pervert or a non white gets astonding reaction by our central government NKVD forces. Scary, because for all the local slave taxes we pay (at the point of a gun, of course) for local police and state gestapo don't seem good enough for the W
ite haters, and the NKVD, it is an insult to (honest) local police.
Yes! I read, not too long ago that library patrons w

being booted out of the main library of San Francisco at that the NAMBLA meeting could go on uninterrupted! The police are criminal cowards with guns, nightsticks and badges; I have no respect for them. In fact, the Chinese have a
saying..."Only criminals and bullies join the police and the military." :angry: :(' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad.gif' /><!--end