Nationally Coordinated Leaflet Distribution - Knoxville Murders


Matt Spencer

Nationally Coordinated Leaflet Distribution -- Knoxville Murders
Get out on the weekend of May 19th and 20th and spread the word about this brutal rape, torture, and murder of two innocent Whites at the hands of 5 Blacks. The national media is maintaining a black out on this story but with our combined efforts we can help shatter that illusion for unawakened White people the nation over.

For those that don't know the story on January 6th, 2007 Channon Christian, 21 and Christopher Newsom, 23 were on a date when Black assailants carjacked and kidnapped them. The terror of their next days only just began there however as they were forced to endure some of the following:

*Channon was tortured and repeatedly raped for a period of two days by five Black assailants, including a Black woman.

*While she was still alive, Channon's breasts were cut from her body.

*The Black assailants poured toxic cleaning fluid down her throat to destroy DNA evidence.

*Channon's boyfriend Christopher was tortured and forced to watch the rape and torture of Channon.

*While still alive, the assailants cut off Christopher's penis.

*Christopher was shot, bound and his body wrapped up in bedding and set on fire.

*Channon's disfigured corpse was dumped in a trash can.

We as White Nationalists cannot allow the Jewish media bosses to simply slip this story down the media hole. This is above rivalries between organizations, WN religions, etc. This is about ensuring that the rape and murder of our people will not be swept under the rug by the same media that will scream for months if a White man murders a minority. This is a story that must be told. How many more Wichita Massacres and Knoxville Murders will it take for you to step out from behind the keyboard and inform people of what is going on? Here is the perfect opportunity.

Get out on May 19th and 20th or the days leading up to or directly after the weekend and put out the word on this story.

There is already a leaflet created here: Knoxville Murders Leaflet -- Help Spread the News

If you have a different organization, address, etc. that you would like displayed on the lower portion of the leaflet please get in touch with me on Stormfront or here through PM, or by email at and I will be happy to update it with your information.

This will be a perfect lead off for planned rallies and other events dealing with this issue by WN organizations.

Progress Report
Now this is what I call working together!

This event proves that we don't always have to agree on methods and we don't all have to get along to work towards the same goal.

We are now 20 Days away from the weekend of May 19th/20th and already a lot of people and organizations have stepped up to help with this event.

Thus far the Nationalist Coalition, National Socialist Movement (NSM), White Revolution, St. Louis Volksfront, Blood & Honour, Troops of Tomorrow, Natural State Skins, Smoky Mountain Resistance, and more have all agreed to participate in this effort. This does not include the scores of individuals from Stormfront and forums all across the internet that are planning on getting out there and helping.

We can get this story out there, and we can force people to take a second look at the media that is keeping them misinformed.
Thank you Matt for all your hard work. :clap:

I've read the Stormfront thread and have seen the attachments for the flyers, but unless you are a member of Stormfront you cannot view or print them. Would you mind uploading the .PDFs here to New Nation News?

Racial regards,

I would, but the PDF attachment limit here is only 19.5 kb. Most flyers I produce are anywhere from 65-100kb.

I'll be happy to email it to anyone that is unable to get to though.
I would, but the PDF attachment limit here is only 19.5 kb. Most flyers I produce are anywhere from 65-100kb.

I'll be happy to email it to anyone that is unable to get to though.

Sorry Matt, I wasn't aware of the limits; I have mirrored these for any non-Stormfront readers wanting to participate:








Here's another 2-sided or 2-page tri-fold leaflet that can be put out with the Knoxville murders leaflet or on it's own:

Excellent work Matt.

These damn niggers need a gruesome and public execution and all niggers need to be pushed over the Rio Grande. Let the spicks deal with them.
Thanks guys. I'm trying to bang the drums as loudly as I can on this one. I just hope enough activists will listen.
Nice work both Matt and Rasp(those leaflets print quite well)!

Last evening a story ran on a local channel I want to bring to your attention.

A Black male(maybe a minister)was decrying the recent murder of someone he called his "brother"! Oddly enough the victim had been a White male. This is the first instance I've noticed of such a report being made in this area.

My point-Don't let the media steal the Black on White crime issue as it has done so many times in the past! One example, is the "fatherless family problem. Although Whites were first to vocalize the issue the media was quick to maneuver it to a Black only platform.

Don't let the media do the samething with the murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.

When you stand up for them, you're standing up for yourself!

Skara Brae

The Importance of Leafletting

by Matt Spencer

There are some White Nationalists that scoff at the idea that distributing leaflets (or flyers/fliers) has any effect whatsoever. They claim often that using this method is a complete waste of time, money, and effort. Is that the bottomline truth, or is that something spoken by pessimistic people that may have never even tried leafletting themselves. What are the real benefits to dropping or handing out leaflets?

In a nation where we have been almost exclusively gagged from speaking out in the media or in most public venues, we have to use our own methods of advertising to get our word out. If we only keep the information that has changed many of our lives to ourselves, what good is it doing us? We must spread this information as oft
en and to as many people as we can reach. The internet is a great source for doing that, however the internet alone will never change the way things are. People don't often decide to check a website out of the blue, especially if it might be 'racist'. Of all of our options including billboards, ads, and outright getting out and speaking to people, leafletting is simply the cheapest and easiest way to spread information.

When a person wakes up and heads to work and they spot a small bag with paper in it laying near their newspaper the first instinct is to pick it up and see what it is. This is reaching the individual. If that person agrees with the statements made on the leaflet, they may very likely look into the contact information or website address provided on the site. There will always be some people "outraged" at the "hate" they just found, but chances are those people are forever lost to us anyway. Flyers should be made to reach the individual, they must be easy to read, to the point, and fac
t-filled. Having swastika's and imagry of that nature all over leaflets may get some attention, but chances are it will turn away the casual person. Some White Nationalists will claim that with the individuals that read the leaflet that they never wind up opening their eyes to the facts. This does not remove the fact that often these leaflet drops receive a largely positive response on an individual basis (ie- not in the media's outrage), and quite a few people have become avowed White Nationalists because of reading a leaflet. If even one person out of 500 house's that were leafletted decides to join an organization or at the least seek more information, that is a success. One more White person aware of the situation in the world is very much worth 500 sheets of paper and the ink to go on them.

After the initial individual exposure to the leaflets, you often get the "backlash." Some irate, "outraged" person contacts everyone they can from the police to the press about the presence of these awful ha
teful leaflets. These awful hateful leaflets that simply mentioned some facts and contact information were on their lawn, and they're not going to stand for it. In fact they often take it upon themselves to pick them up from other people's yards and to teach their kids about how wrong "hate" is. This is the person's the news will cover in the situation. Thus comes the media response to a distribution effort. Many times the media will show a picture or video of one of these flyers, and mention some of the text on it as well as the contact information or at the least the name of the organization. Typically this is usually accompanied by how that organization is so racist, and are neo-Nazi's, etc. Even with the negative slant always given towards the operation, they are spreading some of the word for us, for free. The media coverage drums up even more interest in that organization than otherwise. Thousands more people will see this free media coverage than could ever be leafletted on foot. Many times this me
dia coverage will last for weeks. This media attack also has another effect on the individuals that received the leaflets, they see first hand that the coverage of what they read may very well be different of what they read. For example, a leaflet that says "Love Your White Race" is passed out, and the media jumps on it as "hate" and "white supremacism", this shows the individual right there that something isn't right.

So how do you go about your own leafletting adventure? There are a lot of opinions on the topic, and a lot of different methods. There is no one perfect way to do things. Firstly, you should double check with local laws about where and how you can distribute leaflets. For example placing them inside of a mailbox is illegal, as that is considered federal property. However in most places it is perfectly legal to place them on car windshields, driveways, or lawns. Once you know where you can or cannot drop them its time to start getting everything together.

Find a flyer that fits yo
ur needs, or come up with your own if you feel comfortable enough in creating one. There are many great flyers available for download from a lot of organizations. One thing you will need for most leaflet files is the free Adobe Acrobat Reader (, which allows you to open and print PDF files.

Now that you have your leaflet and are able to view and print them, it is time to choose how you wish to reproduce them. I personally prefer to buy printer paper and printer ink so that I can print all of my leaflets on my own. While a little more expensive, it allows you a greater degree of privacy on the matter. However many people like to find copy places that aren't nosy about what you are printing to print up your leaflets. With your leaflets printed out, it is time to prepare them for distribution. If you have a small group of people working together, this process can go very quickly. If you are alone in your efforts it can take longer but is in
no way impossible.

Some people buy and use newspaper 'roll'-type bags for their leaflets, others prefer ziplock bags, while some prefer to roll the leaflets up and rubberband them together. All of them are perfectly viable options. Typically you will need something to weigh down your bag, a variety of things can be used from small rocks, to cat litter, to even pennies if you have a bunch laying around doing nothing. Bag up your flyers, add your weight to the bag to keep them from blowing away in the wind, and you are nearly ready to go out into the night.

The time of night varies really based on your personal preference and how long you plan to be out passing them out. One thing to always remember is to be careful, there are people out there that if they spot you will harrass or attack you for what you are doing, despite the fact that is completely legal to pass out leaflets. Your options are either to get out of your car in a neighborhood and walk around delivering the leaflets. The bonus to
that is that you can place them more precisely, however the main downside is that it takes a good bit longer. Tossing out leaflets from your car is typically the quickest means, especially if you have a person to drive and a person to throw. Go out, reach your people with information and then sit back and see if you suceeded. Chances are if the news has someone "outraged" on television or in the paper you did your job well.

The importance of dropping leaflets seems low to some, and many outright attack it saying that it is useless. But just remember, no matter what, you are doing your part to help wake up your people from the lull they are in. If you manage to wake up even one person, it was worth it.


"A true warrior does not fight because he hates what is in front of him, a true warrior fights because he loves what is behind him."

"When all our brothers are silent and trust in false idols, we will not break our word."
More good information from Matt Spencer:

How to Pass Out Flyers

author unknown

The articles on this website were written with the intent that they be downloaded, printed up, and widely distributed. Every American needs to know these things! (Some articles are clearly intended for the general public, while others would be better suited for specific audiences, like church people, or people who are already aware of the threats against us. Generally, I have identified the articles that would be best suited for the general public.)

Now that I have made the articles available for distribution, here are some ways you could go about passing them out:

Door to door: A bit tedious, but it is the most thorough way to get the info to the most people. Besides, walking is good exercise! Do not put anythin
g in anyone's mailbox! Only U.S. Mail is allowed there! Nobody except the resident and the postal carrier is allowed to touch anyone's mailbox! Roll up the paper and stick it in the door handle (if there is one), wedge the paper into the crack, or toss it inside the screen door (if there is one).

Rural areas: Mailboxes are still off limits, but in many cases, there are receptacles for newspapers near the mailbox. Those are fair game. If none is present, you could tape the flyer to a fence post.

(By the way, you might want to take a bag of doggie treats with you to make friends with potential biters.)

Apartment complexes: Some have security patrols, some don't. You can leave flyers on doors or on cars. If a guard orders you to leave, just go somewhere else.

Gated communities are virtually impenetrable. If you have to pass through a gate to enter a community, you might as well not even try to enter. Some trailer parks are also posted, "No Trespassing." To reach places like tho
se, about all you can do is buy a mailing list from the post office and cough up the money to buy stamps and mail flyers to them.

Parking lots: More efficient (less walking per flyer), and spreads the flyers more widely, as drivers go home. Here are some cautions: Most parking lots are private property. The owner has the right to order you off the property, and even permanantly bar you from the premises if he chooses.

Shopping malls almost always have security roving the parking lot, and tend to be very strict about any activity other than shopping. Don't even think of trying to pass out flyers at a mall. The same goes for factories. You might get away with it at an office park.

Strip shopping centers have the same rights as a mall, but tend to be a bit more lenient about enforcing them. The more upscale a center is, the more strict they tend to be. If they have signs posted forbidding distibuting literature, you'd better go somewhere else.

Stand alone stores also have the sa
me rights. They tend to order people to stop passing out literature.

Sometimes little league teams and such like have a table near the door, selling candy bars, raffle tickets, etc. to raise money. They can do it only with the store manager's permission (which they usually don't give to political groups.)

Municipal parking lots and curbside parking are usually fair game for passing out flyers. Parking lots at public parks are also the same. Just leave the flyer under the windshield wiper, or toss it in any open window.

Shopping center parking lots are okay if the parking that day is for a special event (like Independence Day fireworks).

Churches have the right to order you away from their parking lots, but rarely have anyone monitoring them (very large churches sometimes have security). "The Big Picture", "Restore Christian America", or "God's Issues" might be good to distribute at a church parking lot.

Bus stops and public sidewalks are fair game for distributing fl
yers. Any place that is a public right of way is a place where you have the RIGHT to pass out flyers. As long as you are not blocking traffic or creating a hazard, it is illegal for anyone (including police) to order you to stop passing out flyers in a public right of way. If they do, you have solid ground for a lawsuit (which you should do, to protect this right for all of us).

Schools are also a place where you have the RIGHT to pass out flyers (as long as you stay on the sidewalk by the street, where it is a public right of way). If the school tries to stop you, the "forbidden fruit" psychology will make the students intensely want what you're passing out.

Some areas have kiosks in the middle of the sidewalk. Those are great places to post flyers.

One really great way to pass out flyers is to arrange a special event (like a seminar or a rally)(at a church or a park) and advertise the event on the flyer. Most grocery stores have a bulletin board near the entrance where you can post f
lyers for upcoming events. You can post multiple copies of a flyer (a good pair of thumbtacks will hold about fifteen of them) so people can take it home with them.

Or rent a booth at a county fair or state fair. They usually have an area for advocacy groups to set up displays. Follow whatever regulations the fair imposes.

You can also keep some flyers with you (in your car or in a coat pocket) at all times and leave them at "targets of opportunity." Flyers can be left anyplace where people spend time waiting, such as:

barber shops
beauty parlors
doctor, dentist offices
bus, train stations
buses and trains (on the seat)
airplanes (in the pouch, with the in-flight magazine)
fast food restaurants (on the seat)
libraries (tucked inside a book)
phone booths
and rest rooms.

Sheets of "sticky dots" (press apply labels, from any office supply store) are easy to carry, and convenient for sticking flyers up on the back of
the stall door in public rest rooms, or many other places.

General tips:
Be careful to not get in anyone's way. If you block anyone's access to anything, you can expect to be arrested.

If anyone tells you they don't want a flyer, don't argue. Just move on.

If a car alarm goes off on you, calmly move away. Don't panic or run. That would make you look guilty. Stay calm, and it will be obvious to anyone watching that you're only passing out flyers, and not out to steal anything.

If you're ever ordered to stop:
If you're on private property, leave. Don't argue. You have no basis for any argument.

If you're on public property (specifically, a public right of way) (as long as you're not making traffic back up) tell the officer, "It is illegal for you to give that order. If you enforce it, you will lose a lawsuit." If he arrests you, do not resist arrest. Just tell him, "I guess you're just going to have to find out the hard way."

Note: Some public
property is not a public right of way. For example, a county fair has the legal right to expel you if you walk the aisles passing out flyers.

Legal help is available to those wrongfully arrested while passing out flyers. Often, a call from a lawyer is enough to get any charges dropped.

The American Center for Law and Justice can be contacted at, or by writing to

American Center for Law and Justice
P.O. Box 64429
Virginia Beach, VA 23467
(757) 226-2489 Fax: (757)226-2836
"A true warrior does not fight because he hates what is in front of him, a true warrior fights because he loves what is behind him."

"When all our brothers are silent and trust in false idols, we will not break our word."
There has been some interest, but lack of information about the Knoxville murders on the British National Front website forum. I posted some of Matt's material and the idea that supporters in the UK might consider holding their own rally in remembrance of Channon and Christopher.

Skara Brae,
Nationally Coordinated Leaflet Distribution: Knoxville Murders
UPDATE, May 13:

With only 7 days left, hundreds of patriots across the country are set to spread this story to the White masses.

I have personally already rolled several thousand leaflets that are ready to get into the hands of White people in my area to tell the story of this brutal murder that the mass media is scared to tell. All over the country patriots from many different organizations and basis of beliefs are similarly getting ready to spread the story.

They are all working towards one common goal. This leaflet distribution proves that we don't all have to agree on every detail of our beliefs to work alongside each other for important i

How many more of our ranks are willing to stand up and say that this time the media will not get away with covering up this story? How many of you will print out these leaflets and get them to people out in the streets and how many of you will send this story out online by way of emails and forums? The time is now.

Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom deserve better than a trip down the media's memory hole. Our race deserves better than to never hear of this crime. How many people will be more wary of our 'peaceful brethren' after reading about what they did to this young White couple?


I would like to thank all of the individuals and organizations that have agreed to get out next weekend on May 19th and 20th and I hope that more of you will join us out there.

-Matt Spencer
It's Not Too Late!
This is a story that must be told, there's still time to print leaflets for this weekend or work on getting this story out online.

Tomorrow is the 19th which means it's time for leaflets to start raining down all over the country awakening people to the hushed up murder, rape, and torture of two innocent White kids at the hands of five brutal black thugs.

Will you sit back and just complain that this story isn't getting any coverage or will you use the means we have available to tell people what the media is scared to tell them? All it takes is an email or a little effort rolling up leaflets or handing them out in person.

How many more Knoxville Murders or Wichita Massacres will it take for you to reach out
to your fellow Whites and tell them what they need to know?

For those of you planning on participating, please post how many times you've sent this story out or how many leaflets you distributed here in this thread.

Keep us updated, if you'd prefer email me at and let me know how many have gone out. We can make a difference by putting aside our squabbles and working towards one goal.
I have 250 already printed; will print more as I go along. Am hoping to drive to the city as there's not a whole lot of people where I live. I'll let you know the final numbers Monday. If needed I'll divulge the locations after the drops so as not to have Mossad hit teams waiting for me.

Good luck everyone!
Left a note on Stormfront for Matt that I have distributed the first of my 250 fliers and have printed 500 more. Woke up this morning about 4:30am before the false dawn and got busy.

Threw a couple of the Verein working bitches in the vehicle as sentries because I didn't want to shut down the engine everytime I stopped to tape up fliers at the intersections. Just kept the engine running as I went 4 bases around the crosswalks posting on all four poles.

Get out there folks, how hard is it to print some pro-White fliers and stick them up somewhere visible. I didn't expect to come in today but just wanted to say get up off your ass and do something for our fellow White victims. As little as 10 posts will help.

Left a note on Stormfront for Matt that I have distributed the first of my 250 fliers and have printed 500 more. Woke up this morning about 4:30am before the false dawn and got busy.

Threw a couple of the Verein working bitches in the vehicle as sentries because I didn't want to shut down the engine everytime I stopped to tape up fliers at the intersections. Just kept the engine running as I went 4 bases around the crosswalks posting on all four poles.

Get out there folks, how hard is it to print some pro-White fliers and stick them up somewhere visible. I didn't expect to come in today but just wanted to say get up off your ass and do something for our fellow White victims. As little as 10 posts will help.


Thanks Rasp, glad to hear it. I put out about 1,500 last night myself. Was a pe
rfectly clear, non-windy night and driveways all over town were covered with leaflets.

Planning on putting another 2,000 out this weekend as well.
Controversial Flier Thrown In Front Yards Of Black Homeowners


A Sunday morning surprise for Swanson McCreary when she took her daily walk in her Cotton Lakes subdivision in Wetumpka.

"A paper rolled up in each yard," said McCreary.

A rolled up flier and there in black and white the story of a Tennessee couple savagely murdered and mutilated allegedly by 5 black suspects. According to published reports, Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom were tortured. Christian reportedly was raped, had both breasts cut off and the suspects allegedly poured cleaning fluid down her throat.

Newsom, according to news accounts, was forced to watch the rape. The suspects, 4 men and one woman, allegedly shot Newsom and set his body on fire.

"After reading a
bout it I became fearful, I mean two people were tortured," McCreary said.

But the story doesn't end there. McCreary's fear turned into anger. The author of the flier claims the national media didn't cover the murders because the victims are white. Ironically, McCreary says the writer may actually have a point but that's as far as she goes, especially when the writer raises the questions as to why Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Morris Dees didn't rushed to the defense of the victims' families.

"They make a valid point but at the same time Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton are there for black people. And there have been stories about black people the media didn't cover. Hate crime is what the author is trying to get out there," McCreary said.

Maybe so but this doesn't qualify as a hate crime, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery.

"This is not true. It's propaganda. You kill people, you rob a bank, you get into a shoot-out with police, that's not a hate crime
," said Mark Potok, the Director of Intelligence Project for the Southern Poverty Law Center.

For the record police in Tennessee say there is no evidence this was a crime committed based on race or hate.

At the bottom of the flier, the writer invites the reader to log on to two websites; and Stormfront denied responsibility for distributing the fliers but says someone who chats on their on-line forum.. probably did. No one at returned our call.

As for Swanson McCreary, she has no interests in logging on to those websites and she says she will not live in fear.

Wetumpka police investigators say they know about the flier. They have a copy and a police report filed by one of the residents at Cotton Lakes, but investigators say there's not much they can do about it because as of now no crime has been committed.

The 'senior moderator' for tells WSFA 12 News they do not considered themselves a 'hate group,' but rather
their focus is on the 'concerns of white people.'

Reporter: Bryan Henry