Mammy Bandons Her Tree (sic) Chillruns@Firehouse


This occurred on the "South Side of Chicago" as Jim Croce used to sing in Leroy Brown. The graphic in the video shows a black kid's arm, and everybody driving round is black. I think the black firehouse captain is only superceded in rank by a White guy who showed up from a higher level of the department to show the proper "diversity" after the shocking chillrun and run chill abondonment.

VIDEO at site-
Children Abandoned At Fire Station Door
Jun 8, 2004 4:36 pm US/Central<b
>CHICAGO (CBS 2) Three children were abandoned in front of a South Side fire house Tuesday morning, and now police are looking for their mother.

The children, two boys and a girl ranging in age from

one to four years old, walked right into the fire station and told firefighters t
hat their mom dropped them off. A note believed to be from their mother was found in the oldest boy's knapsack.

The note said, "I can't take it anymore." There was no further explanation.

Police have not released the identities of the children, who are now in the care of the Department of Children and Family Services.

Firefighters at Station 34 in the Roseland neighborhood wandered into the fire house and said their mother had brought them for a fieldtrip. When the firefighters went outside, no one was there.

" began to question them, asking them exactly why they were there and who brought them there and their answers added up to they had been abandoned," said Captain Wil
liam Palmer.

The incident does not fall under the Safe Haven Law, which allows a child to be left at a hospital or fire station but only wi
72 hours after their birth.

The mother could face charges of child abandonment.

Why oh why was this Vandalobabookari allowed to open her buns with impunity and receive some Vandal bucks semen in her colon?!? The more, I see this kind of behavior, the more I believe that we should never have given up Apartheid/Segregation/Jim Crow...whether it be here...or White South Africa and Rhodesia!!! :angry: :rolleyes: :angry: :rolleyes: :angry: