Little White Slave Girls




:eek: Oh no, my avatar has been violated! In all seriousness, I have to say, while it was feminism that kept many women in porn and acting like tramps, it was jewish men who started it and keep it going today. As for the women being forced into such perverse things, it is men that are doing such deeds. Smedley,with all due respect, I think it's the idea of men ruling that pushes away m
ny females from our people. I know I wouldn't want anyone male or female ruling over me. Women need to feel as if they are important and have some sort of control over themselves. Our men must und

that in the past, us women were treated badly in ways and it was men giving out this treatment. Men were allowed to beat and rape their wives, they were allowed to carry on affairs. They ruled over their women in suc
h ways. The women were ripe for a savior, unfortuneately it was the J*ws who showed up and corrupted what we were asking for. From there, it became all out war between us. The problem today is that women are in a competition with men and men feel as though they can sleep with everything and if a child results, he doesn't have to be responsible. I'm sure if more men acted responsibly, women would feel less competitive. I'm not saying this would work for everyone because some are too far brainwashed but maybe if these problems were remedied, we could find some sort of balance. I w
ill use my past as an example. When I was 15,I met a guy and I thought everything would be perfect. I got pregnant and he lost interest real quick. He stayed with me through the pregnancy
but cheate
d an
d was abu
sive. He never helped with our son and I finally had to get a job because he spent"his money" on other girls.At 16, I had to compete in the job market and I felt like I had to beat out the men for a good job.
I finally kicked him out . At that point I became mother and father. I worked all day then I came home cleaned house and took care of my son. I had no life,no time for myself while his father ran around doing whatever he pleased without a care in the world. That was my life for many years and I hated men because of it. It took me a very long time to get over it. Now because I have a husband who works,doesn't cheet and actually stays home with me and the kids, i'm happy to stay home and raise our kids. Our marriage isn't perfect and arguement free but we're both pretty
happy and it's working. Many times we will seek each others council on decisions we must make. We have a good balance. Hopefully this will give some perspective and both m
en and women c
an look
at their faults h
onestly and quit fighting one another. Neither sex is superior,only different. God made men and women to compliment each other not tear each other apart. Brothers, please remember it is not the women who are your ene
my, it is the J*w.