"Legion of Saints"


"Legion of Saints"

The "Legion of Saints" is comprised of Christian men and women of extraordinary faith, whose talents, devotion and conviction, will lead us into the arena that will bring victory once again to the Chosen, Holy and Royal Family of the Most High God, known today as the Caucasian, Celtic, Germanic, Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon peoples of Western Europe and the Americas. Our duty, is to carry the message of the Kingdom to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, securing in faith, th
se chosen and loyal, who in the glory of His coming and the day of his power, will be willing, to execute vengeance and judgments upon the enemies of YHVH our Father, and Savior, Christ our King.

en we are tested as Christ was, and surely we shall be, we must hold steadfast to the principles and convictions of our fait
h. We must not sell out to those who prey upon our fear of death, or imprisonment, believing that we will value earthly life more than our duty to God. We must bring to mind, the witness and bravery of our ancestors, whose noble and humble faith in God, built this and many other Aryan Nations on Christian values and principles, unwavering in their faith and fearless in their duties. Remembering that those same forefathers, Joshua, Samuel, Jeremiah, the seven Maccabee brothers, Paul of Tarsus, David Crocket, William Wallace, Daniel Boone, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Constantine and many many others, teaches us that heroism is needed in a world that hedges its bets on the assumptio
n that we fear death more than life. We do not and we must not ! It should be, in this "Legion of Saints" who surround us now, that we find the hope and inspiration to direct our own lives
towards the example, set forth by men of old, men of renowned, by the faith of our fathers. Our faith stands on the guarantees of
fered by a people, who so loved the Laws of God, that they could and would proclaim this and many other Aryan Nations its cradle and native lands of the Kingdom established for the God of heaven and earth. And by that people, in the many centuries of its great, noble and mighty history, has raised up this "Legion of Saints" from among its children, to fulfill it's divine mission, for the establishing of the Kingdom of God, the destiny of our Race.

We must remember, so that we may take appropriate measure of our own lives, not as the end toward which this universe points, but as the "Legion of Saints" who have labored so long as God has deemed it good,
to bring about that wondrous goodness which is only possible when God speaks and His Kingdom reigns.

We therefore must strive towards perfection, for the bringing in of that Kingdom. If we re
main responsive to the presence of God, the love of Christ, the working of the Holy Spirit and the example of that countless "Legion of Saints" who came befo
re us, with which we are also surrounded, we may ever draw nearer to that state of preparation held before us, by He who was the Author and Perfector of our Faith, Christ the King.

The "Legion of Saints" is the political arm of the Church of the Sons of YHVH. Our mission is that for the Kingdom of God. We are to Christianity, what the Lioness is to her whelps, what Hamas is to Islam, what the Ninja is to the Japanese. We are, protectors of the faith, warriors of the one true God, vigilantes of Christiandom. Where justice is served, there will we be, ever vigilant in our duties, ever faithful to our oath. On the green graves of our s
ires, and by Christ our King we have sworn, to uphold His laws, to bring in His Kingdom, to destroy those who oppose Him, our loyalty to Him until death. Hail Victory !

Pastor Morris L
Gulett By Christ our King !

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