Keep Quiet- Free online movie/ Anti-semite politician finds out he is a joo

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(Joos hate themselves more than we are capable of. Why shouldn't someone?
Especially upon realizing their whole history is a fraud?
501c JudeoChurching mind kontrol co ops are and will fight to the last breath to defend their heresay.)

They pray for 'Las Vegas Victims' on heresay from the same media that promotes
transgender children. Do they not?

Keep Quiet ( 2016 )

Keep Quiet: An anti-Semitic far-right politician's astonishing transformation after finding out he is Jewish.

A riveting documentary about a young Hungarian neo-Nazi leader whose life is upended when he discovers his Jewish roots, Joseph Martin*and*Sam Blair’s “Keep Quiet” would be valuable and important if it only told of one man’s journey from bigotry to repentance. But this expertly made, highly dramatic film achieves must-see status for the inevitable light it sheds on the persistence of toxic racial hatreds not just in Hungary but worldwide.

If you believe one leading Nazi, though, Hungary is something of a special case. According to Adolf Eichmann, the Germans had an easier time rounding up and exterminating :rolleyes: that nation’s Jewish population because it had so many willing local accomplices . One memorial we see in the film shows replicas of shoes next to the Danube, marking the spot where numerous Jews were killed by a single bullet: the one victim was roped to others who were dragged to their deaths when he fell in the river. :rolleyes:

Refusing to celebrate a lower death total for WW2 'jews' by 'jews' (Russian sorcerers) is really all the proof one needs. This is the greatest Mind Kontrol co-opt fubar of all time. Can now only be dealt with in psychiatric terms from a genetic standpoint. . The 'religious' story now discarded. PTL!

***Suicidal thoughts, also known as*suicidal ideation, are*thoughts*about how to kill oneself, which can range from a detailed plan to a fleeting consideration and does not include the final act of killing oneself. The majority of people who experience*suicidal ideation*do not carry it through.Apr 19, 2016

What Are Suicidal Thoughts? What is Suicidal Ideation? - Medical ...
(Trying to make a discarded story come right in Palestine maybe?)

911 AM
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  • dead domain
  • movie probably not worth watching anyways
  • typical jewish brainwashing, or brainwiping - television
  • the evil nazzies who were not
  • many if not all of the truly atrocious holo stories are repeated almost verbatim from Japan's Unit 731, and the other Unit #xxx I forgot, which the US gov't conveniently covered up, later recognized by very few as repurposed into the 'accepted tales of the hollows'.