January 12th, 2004 -- Don't Shop Day

Rick Dean



Karl Rove is advising President Bush that he can shove amnesty down our throats because the people have "no place to go," i.e., both parties support the move. Since he says we have "no place to go," let's all go no place on Monday, January 12, the first day of Bush's visit with Mexican President Fox in Mexico City.
Don't shop at all. Don't buy anything. Don't go to the movies, etc. If enough Americans do this, Bush will be forced to back down and enforce our immigration laws.

The People Support the Idea

The no shop day on 1/12/04 could stop Bush dead in his amnesty tracks if it catches on and I very much think it will. My friends and family are spreading the word fast." -- L.B. Riverside, CA

d idea. I could stretch it out further too.!" --J & W M
"Don't know who dreamed this one up but i
t is the first practical (hence useful) idea for mass expression I have seen. I've sent this out across my email address book list." -- Ken A.
"...making Jan. 12th a "spend no money" day is an EXCELLENT idea. I'll be participating but it will take a lot of discipline from a lot of people to make an impact." -- Regards, Susan S. -- Waco, TX.
"I will not buy as much as a chiclet on Jan. l2 and I'll let Jorge Bush [know] about it." -- Armida B -- Glendale, CA
We must do this. Spread the word.

I did a search for historical events for the days between now and Jan 12 - when President Bush will meet with President Fox,
and the day when hundreds of thousands of Americans will not do ANY shopping. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the Pledge of Allegiance. Tuesday is the anniversary of the U.S.- Mexico border. Wednesday
the anniver
sary of the opening of Ellis Island. We will add another day: January 12, 2004 - the American people protested illegal immigration with their pocketbook. barb v.

nDear Sir, The no shop day on 1/12/04 could stop Bush dead in his amnesty tracks if it catches on and I very much think it will. My friends and family are spreading the word fast. The media is always writing about the great economic clout of the Latino lobby to make driver's licenses and Latino benefits happen. This could be a demonstration of REAL economic power that could upstage Bush/Fox in Monterrey Mexico on 1/12/04. This Bush-amnesty counter-measure is a brillant idea. Suddenly we don't have to be observers watching our citizenship, sovereignty and law being thrown away by a pandering and corrupt George Bush.
r>Good idea. I could stretch it out further too.! I can't believe that Bush has a 63% approval rate, -- the people are not aware of what the plans he has for us include. I would say th
is in the works al
so, and that would legitimize the incoming of all of the central american countries as well. After all, if we trade with them, then we must welcome them in. People ar
e insane to not see what is happening to our country.

A big hug for your beautiful dog, Star, and for you too, for all you are doing. -- J & W M

Don't know who dreamed this one up but it is the first practical (hence useful) idea for mass expression I have seen. I've sent this out across my email address book list. If we get hot there is time to notify tens of millions of Americans by January 12, and every one of them can easily afford the cost of this proposed action. It's beautiful!

12/27/03 Glenn, making Jan. 12th a "spend no money" day is an EXCELLENT idea. I'll b
e participating but it will take a lot of discipline from a lot of people to make an impact. I wish Americans realized that the true power in this country is the green stuff and the pl
astic stuff
in their wallet.

hat would it take to get people talking about the real reason we're being invaded? WHAT IS WRONG WITH MEXICO????? I'm glad to see that the World Bank was talking about it, but I doubt we will he
ar anything else.

And finally, what happened to the agent that went missing when he was rescuing a woman from the Colorado River?