Immigration Ends The Nation State


Immigration Ends The Nation State
( link)

Nations were once formed around common culture, same language, related races, similiar communities, shared political values and communal religious beliefs. Governments were organized to administer basic functions for a stable society. Diversity was viewed in the character of each different country. Today diversity has come to mean the practice of obliterating the unique nature of an established society and substituting an amalgamation of the ”˜blender community'.

Many people fear a serious discussion about open borders ecause it risks offending burgeoning populations. They are more concerned about sensitivity than national survival. As attention is diverted to world affairs, they ignore the destruction of their own neighborhoods. Up close and personal has a new meaning and it doesn't inclu
de assimilation classes. If you think this dilemma is solely confined to the United States, just look at what is happening across the pond in England.
Sorry to beat a dead horse...but I am seeing more and more brown Vandals enter my county where my White city is in Dixie North! Is is just me, or am I seeing the true darkening of America?!?

:cursin: :cursin: :cursin: :cursin: :cursin: :cursin: :cursin: