If Nazism or WN is not the solution: What Is?


If Nazism or White Nationalism is not the answer, what is? Nazism has been tainted in the past but it works. White Nationalism really has no clear goals or forms of government. My opinion is this. A radical revolution cannot take place in America. The only way possible for this is a wide spread catostrophe. I believe the solution is for individual families to teach and practice the beliefs in preserving "white pride" and morals. They must teach their child to reject multicultralism. A parent has much more effect on a child than some J*w or black savage on the TV. Laziness on the parents part though or just sheer corruption of their morals has led to this generation of whiggers and such.
I think the appeal of Nazism to Americans is actually less than zero. That's a generous assessment. I also think White Nationalism hasn't gone anywhere because it still retains strong ties to Nazism. Go to any White Nationalist website and you will see what I mean. So I find myself asking several important questions. At some point, just about every serious person eventually does. In no particular order:

1.) Why did racialism collapse in America? How did we get to the point we are at today? This is the fundamental question.
2.) Why was racialism (and later eugenics) so successful from the foundation of the republic to the immediate aftermath of WW2?
3.) What distinguishes American racialism when it was successful, before World War 2, from American racialism since World War 2?

It seems to me that it was somewhere in between 1939 (the start of World War 2) and
1954 (Brown v. Board o
f Education) when something went catastrophically wrong with racialism. It was at this point that racialism caught the disease of Nazism. The Nazis used crude pseudoscientific racialist theories in order to justify their expansionist war and mindless hatred of other Europeans. And the result was the most devastating catastrophic war in history. This is far removed from us today, but keep in mind that when World War 2 was over, Europe was in ruins. Tens of millions of people were dead. Horrific photographs of the Nazi concentration camps began to circulate throughout the world. The Nazis associated racialism with all sorts of ideas that it had not previously been associated with.

Someone was to blame for this. In the aftermath of the war, it was simply self-evident to everyone that Hitler had caused it when he invaded Poland, especially after he later went on to attack so many other nations. Then there were the Nuremburg Trials and the postwar analysis of Nazism began. Somewhere in
this analysis it
was determined that the real cause of the war was racialism. It was Hitler's racialism, it was argued, that had driven him into war. He thought the Germans were a master race. That is why he could justify such brutality towards others.

The Civil Rights Movement, which had been going nowhere for almost a hundred years, took immediate advantage of this. They established a linkage between Nazism and racialism in general. This linkage between Nazism and racialism was a new idea which hitherto few people had ever heard of, the concept known to the world today as 'racism'. This was the magical category under which Nazis and all racialists could be subsumed. Thus all racialists could be tarred with Nazism by being called 'racists'. What began as a linkage created to tar racialism with Nazism evolved over time into a total critique of everything white. This new analytical term was used to bring about sweeping wave of historical revisionism. Soon these revisionists were dis
covering that 'racists' and
'racism' was the cause of all sorts of horrible things in the American past, even though contemporaries at the time had never used such terms. This new term was so successful that all sorts of other terms were soon invented thereafter. Sexism. That's another.

This was the crippling blow. Ever since then racialists have been tarred and feathered as Nazis. That is all anyone has had to do to discredit and malign racialists. At some point, after being called Nazis for so long, many people began to internalize this identity and play that role. Thus they have managed to marginalize themselves too. These people have infected the White Nationalist movement from the get go. That is why you will find Nazi rhetoric all throughout White Nationalist literature these days. I think its sort of like being afflicted with AIDS, only we don't realize that we have it.

When there are more Raelians in this world than White Nationalists something just isn't righ
t. Something isn't working. There is somethin
g seriously wrong with the racialist movement. It has hitherto been unable to acknowledge the true cause of its own decline, Nazism. And if you can't acknowledge that, you can't begin to recover. This is where the charge that 'J*ws control the media' comes in. Its the J*ws that are out to get us. That hasn't gone anywhere. That there is some truth to this charge makes it seem initially plausible. But upon closer investigation, it just doesn't hold up.

For starters, racialism went into decline everywhere in the West. And this is not just in the countries with large Jewish populations like the United States, but countries like Norway, Switzerland, and Iceland too. Prior to the Second World War, large numbers of nonwhite immigrants were not immigrating to these nations. There were sterilization laws, democratically enacted, in Iceland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland. Furthermore, this is just an accusation. Where is the evidenc
e that the J*ws control the media in all these nations? And bet
ter yet, where is the proof linking Jewish control of the media to the decline of racialism? Where is the demonstration that spurious factors (e.g., the legacy of Nazism) have been encountered for.

You won't see this proof. You will just see people point out that today, in the year 2004, prominent J*ws can be found in control of several major media outlets. But that's not good enough. It has to be shown that J*ws controlling the media discredited racialism in between 1939 and 1954 -- in every single country where it went into decline. J*ws in the media cannot account for this. Go back to the 1930s and look at the British and American press, to name just two examples. There was substantial support for the Nazis in the British and American media. Lord Rothermere's Daily Mail in Britain is one example. The Hearst media empire in America is another. This notion that the "J*ws control the media" developed from a subject of
rational inquiry into a total rationalization for every single one of our failu
res. The whole recent charade over at VNN demonstrates this.

There were other important factors contributing to the decline as well. The four most important other factors were probably the natural expansion of capitalism, urbanization, decolonization, and the onset of the Cold War. A strategic, moral, economic, and political consensus against racialism took root in between 1945 and 1954. Its unlikely, however, that this consensus will last indefinitely. Much more work needs to be done in this area.

That's my take of the problem. The first thing we must do is acknowledge that the movement has a problem. After that, we must diagnosis the problem. Then we must come up with an imaginary reconstruction of what a successful alternative racialist society would look like. Once we have set our goal, we should move on to the stage of prescription. I will have much more to say about that very soon.

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