How the Jews Undermine America


A brief history of the Jewish infiltration of American government, media, and finance, and how they are eroding the nation from within.

Jews: Master Exploiters/Criminals Of Spenglerian Western "Decline"
(Apollonian, 29 Sep 12)

Good vid, worthy of consideration.

First on the agenda, however, MUST be the US Federal Reserve Bank ("Fed"--see for expo/ref.) which is LITERALLY a COUNTERFEITING scam which gives the Jews their primary weapon by which they buy, bribe, extort, intimidate and then assassinate if anyone resists too much, everyone, all the politicians and judges, the "Jews-media," all the corp.s, large and small, public ejumacation, and all the "Christian" churches.

Note at least 40% of billionaires are Jews; Jews fund 60-70% of all Democrat campaigns and 35% of republicans (lots for the "libertarians" too, I'm sure).

Perfect example of "big-lie" is that Fed is literally (again) COUNTERFEITING--that's all it is--so damn many stupid gentiles cannot grasp this simple, little idea, poor, stupid scum. "Nawwwwww," they say--"it couldn't be that simple...," the pathetic, brainless fools.

After the Fed, the next greatest weapon Jews have is the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo/ref.) hereticalists, who say Christ was Jew and support terror-state of Israel, intimidating all the rest of the dumb-asses who pretend they're "Christian" too.

And the greatest heresy working for kikes is the "good-evil" fallacy/delusion at root of Pelagianism first explicitly encountered and identified by dear St. Augustine. People are absolutely addicted/obsessed w. pretending they're "good," the poor, stupid puke.

But there is no perfectly "free" human will--we're all necessarily sinners--self-interested by nature, possessing that thing called "will," even though it isn't perfectly "free," as I note.

CONCLUSION: Thus the Jews work upon our sinful human weaknesses, Jews coming to the fore esp. when stupid gentiles have succeeded and achieved "prosperity," the offspring of these successful conquerors then succumbing to HUBRIS/perversion of "moral virtue," Pharisaism, and Pelagianism, Jews ruling now most emphatically, as we see presently, by means of their control over the monetary system, "central-banking," featuring the fraudulent fiat-money, etc., gentile culture in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.