Honour, Loyalty and Duty


Honour, Loyalty and Duty

I Basic Creed
National-Socialism is a racial creed - that is, it is concerned with, and only with, a certain race (the Aryan or 'White' race), and it places race itself ( and the folk communities which compose the race) at the centre of things.

National-Socialism represents the soul or collective psyche of the Aryan - and it expresses, in a practical, realizable way, the Destiny of the Aryan race. National-Socialism affirms certain fundamental and inescapable truths regarding civilization and individuals. It affirms that civilization is a higher form of living - an evolutionary leap out of barbarism - as it affirms that for civilization to be created three things are necessary. These are creativity, heroism in the service of the folk or community, and the pursuit of (or struggle for) excellence. It affirms that for civilization to be maintained and expande
d, the communities of the civilizatio
n must strive to uphold nobility and make nobility an ideal to be aspired to. Nobility is, in effect, a certain personal character - a noble person is someone who adheres to certain standards, or values/ideals: chief among which are honour, loyalty, and devotion to duty. By adhering to these, the person becomes distinguished by their behaviour and/or their exploits. The feature which underlies all these values or ideals is service by the noble individual to others or to a cause - that is, the individual is prepared to place others and/or their ideals before their own self interest.

Furthermore, National-Socialism affirms that of all the races which have evolved on this planet due to the workings of Nature, the Aryan has been shown to be the most creative and the most noble: that is, that the Aryan has been gifted by Nature with an ability to create and maintain civilizations over and above the ability of other races. National-Socialism makes conscious the Destiny o
f the Aryan, as, by its other affirma
tions, it makes conscious those factors which have (mostly instinctively) created and maintained civilizations in the past. This Destiny is fundamentally an awareness of the importance of the Aryan in creating and maintaining civilization, as well as an understanding that it is possible for us to evolve even further, even higher - to create higher, more noble, civilizations and thus create even higher beings: to take our race to the pinnacle of evolution.

Thus, National-Socialism asserts that for this present civilization to be maintained and expanded, and for future, higher, civilizations to be created, the Aryan must be preserved and improved - and that racially-aware Aryan folk-communities must be created dedicated to upholding nobility and pursuing excellence.

National-Socialism makes the individual Aryan aware of these things - that is, it gives the individual an understanding of their own lives in the context of their racial heritage and t
heir future potential. According to National-
Socialism, the individual member of the race is not an isolated being - they belong to their folk, and this belonging means that all individuals have certain duties and responsibilities if they are to fulfil the potential which is latent within them and which is bequeathed to them by their ancestors. These duties and responsibilities are to those things which are beyond them as individuals - to their family, their folk-community, to the race and ultimately to what has made the race itself possible and given it the gifts it possesses (and which thus are given in varying degrees to the individuals of that race). What is beyond the race is Nature itself - those processes or forces which shape evolution, and which our ancestors called 'the gods'.

National-Socialism asserts that the goal for each individual is a noble one - that is, that the purpose of individual existence is not solely to achieve a certain material well-being, 'happiness' or ple
asure; neither is it to strive to obtain a personal 'red
emption' and thus a place in some sort of 'heaven' after death. National-Socialism sees such aims as these as selfish - decadent and uncivilized. The noble goal which National-Socialism gives to the individual is the fulfilment of their latent potential through the pursuit by the individual of excellence for the race itself. That is, the goal is to contribute to evolution in a positive way - to continue what evolution has wrought over millennia. This is achieved by individuals keeping their race pure (and thus producing descendants who are at the same high level of evolution and who can take it even higher) and by striving to live in a noble way according to their own talents and abilities - by striving, for instance, to achieve everlasting glory for themselves by doing heroic, noble deeds and thus aiding their folk-communities and the race itself, and/or working for the benefit of their folk: to improve the folk, aiding others to achieve
their potential by, for instance, properly nurturing and farming
the land, or inventing/discovering things.

This goal makes National-Socialism idealistic - that is, it reflects a desire for something better than, something beyond, selfish hedonism. It reflects the Aryan desire for a civilized way of life. It is a move upward - away from basic instincts, desires and greed. It is profoundly anti-materialistic. And yet it is realistic and in conformity to what exists - it reflects the laws of evolution, of Nature itself, as the many religions based on 'personal salvation' deny those laws and thus negate with their sentimentality and unprovable 'heavens', the potential of individual existence.

National-Socialism seeks to make this idealism real by re-organizing society and by creating folk-communities which uphold National-Socialist principles. In this, National-Socialism is a genuinely revolutionary movement, for it asserts that only by dismantling the old order, which is dedicat
ed to selfish hedonism and/or multi-racial consumer materialism, can a New Order
be built. This revolution involves a complete transformation in present-day ways of living and attitudes - and requires individuals to transform themselves by trading the decadence of the present for nobility and the pursuit of excellence. It requires standards of excellence, of beauty, of nobility to once again be accepted in all things - in everyday life just as much as in things like music, literature, art, architecture and drama. Furthermore, National-Socialism insists that these things - that this transformation of society toward noble idealism - can and will work. That is, National-Socialism affirms that we as Aryans have the ability, the will, the courage - the essential goodness - to make this New Order real: to actually build a better, more noble world for ourselves, our children and future generations. It really is only a question of whether we, in sufficient numbers, want this type of world strongly enough.

ional-Socialism asserts that the present materially-centred order - as manifest i
n all 'Western' societies - is doomed because: (a) ultimately the pursuit of selfish hedonism leads to social dis-integration and chaos; (B) the egalitarian and multi-racial doctrines and policies being pursued by all 'democratic' societies undermine and destroy standards of excellence, nobility, and beauty, and thus lead to decadence; they also undermine, and destroy, personal character and thus leadership, placing dogmatic abstract ideas over and above the practical understanding gained by experience; © the racial inter-mixing that is occurring will assuredly lead to the downfall of the most creative and noble race, the Aryan, and thus the civilization the Aryan has created and maintained.

Before this downfall occurs, the tyranny which is evident
, for example, in the outlawing of certain political opinions and views and in legislation designed to pacify the majority by dis-arming them and making any effective effort by individuals to combat things like criminal violence illegal - this tyran
ny will increase. National-Socialism enables the yearnings of the majority of Aryans for a better, more civilized world, to be made real. The only alternative is a further decline back toward barbarism and, ultimately, the downfall of civilization.

Naturally, the above is not how the majority of Aryans perceive National-Socialism. This is not surprising, given the intensity and virulence of anti National-Socialist propaganda over the past seventy years. Some of the oft-repeated lies about National-Socialism are dealt with in Appendix I.
