hitlery actually has Parkinson's Disease, pretty far gone, all in all


Guest Columnist
Pharmaceutical Exec: Hillary Clinton Has Parkinson’s Disease

"Involuntary movements" and difficulty walking is a form of dyskinesia

Paul Joseph Watson - August 8, 2016 0 Comments

Link: http://www.infowars.com/pharmaceutical-exec-hillary-clinton-has-parkinsons-disease/

[ck site link, above, for vids]

According to pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli, footage of Hillary Clinton exhibiting bizarre behavior is proof that the presidential candidate is suffering from Parkinson’s disease.

Citing his “15 year background in drug discovery and pharmaceuticals,” Shkreli asserts that the videos of Hillary’s strange facial movements and her difficulties with walking are “pretty unmistakable signs of Parkinson’s disease.”

Explaining that a stroke or a concussion wouldn’t explain the symptoms, Shkreli says that Hillary’s walking difficulties are a “cardinal symptom of Parkinson’s disease” and what is known as “freezing gait”. Shkreli adds that he helped develop a drug to treat the problem.

Hillary’s “on-off episodes” are a result of dopamine depletion, according to Shkreli, which is impacting Hillary’s movement.

“We’ve all seen the videos of her kind of making these perplexed facial movements,” says Shkreli, noting that Hillary’s over-reaction to balloons at the DNC was “unusual” because it betrayed an “inability to control her facial movements”.

However, Hillary’s seizure-like behavior in response to reporters asking questions in another clip was even more odd because she “made this involuntary movement for about ten seconds which was truly unusual,” states Shkreli, identifying the condition as a form of Parkinson’s-induced dyskinesia.

“This ia classic symptom….if you showed someone that symptom and said ‘name the disorder’ it’s not a seizure….that is simply involuntary movement, it’s PD-LID, no doubt about it in my mind,” adds Shkreli, concluding that when matched with Hillary’s “freezing gait,” it “explains everything.”

Shkreli emphasizes the fact the he is non-partisan and has given more money to Democrats than Republicans.

Despite his controversial background (Shkreli was once labeled the “most hated man in America” for raising the price of the drug Daraprim by 5556 per cent), his voice adds to the innumerable health experts and doctors who have been asking serious questions about Hillary’s ill health.

We highlighted Hillary’s bizarre behavior and her health problems in a video last week that has since gone viral and received well over a million views.

Suspicions over Hillary’s health have raged in recent days, with the Drudge Report running a series of headlines highlighting her numerous falls and difficulties walking.

In response, media outlets are beginning to characterize questions about Hillary’s health as little more than ‘right-wing conspiracy theories,’ although assertions by leftists that Donald Trump is mentally ill have not received similar treatment.

Other questions continue to swirl, including claims that one of Hillary’ “handlers,” who calmed her during the recent interruption of one of her speeches, carries around a an auto-injector syringe for the administration of the anti-seizure drug Diazepam.

According to Shkreli, the syringe “may be an Apokyn pen, used to treat Parkinson’s,” noting that it was the same color.

“Knowing what we know now, and looking at the above video, it looks like after Hillary seized up like a deer in headlights, the medic tries to calm her down, but was having problems because the Secret Service members on stage were freaking her out,” according to the Ralph Retort.

“The medic must have realized he wasn’t going to calm her down until Secret Service got off stage, so he went up to each of them individually, telling them to go away.”

Twitter users are now calling for Hillary to be given a mental and physical health screening under the hashtag #Hillary’sHealth.

Infowars will continue to report on the controversy as it develops….
CNN Bashes “Conspiratorial” Questions About Hillary’s Health

Omits report about NYPD officer and federal agent who witnessed her walking difficulties

Paul Joseph Watson - August 8, 2016 184 Comments

Link: http://www.infowars.com/cnn-bashes-conspiratorial-questions-about-hillarys-health/

CNN is attempting to dismiss questions about Hillary Clinton’s health by asserting that photos which appear to show her struggling to climb some steps are old and merely show the aftermath of her slipping.

However, the news network conveniently fails to mention the fact that both federal and NYPD sources have blown the whistle on Hillary’s difficulties with balance and walking in the past.

Under the headline ‘Drudge Report misleads readers with Hillary Clinton photo’, CNN’s Brian Stelter writes that news aggregator Matt Drudge is “taking a six-month-old photo out of context,” adding that Drudge was “wrong” to imply that Clinton has a hard time walking

Stelter claims that the images merely show Hillary being aided after a slip and dismisses concerns about Hillary’s health by blaming “conspiratorial corners of the conservative media” for pushing a “fringe issue”.

Stelter fails to explain why it’s unreasonable to ask whether or not someone slipping as they walk up some steps is related to that person having walking difficulties.

In addition, the claims of John Cardillo, a former police officer who provided VIP security detail for the NYPD, are not mentioned.

Cardillo told Breitbart about two different individuals, one a federal agent and another an NYPD officer worked security at a Hillary event in New York City, who both personally witnessed Hillary’s walking difficulties.

“These are two people that aren’t just personal friends. I worked with one and then post law-enforcement worked with another on some related things. So, these aren’t anonymous people. These are good friends. Both of them told me the same thing, that after her speeches, whether she did a talk or a policy speech, she had to sit behind – she would come off the podium backstage – and have to sit and rest before making it back to the car because she was so fatigued, dizzy and disoriented,” said Cardillo.

One of the men told Cardillo that Hillary constantly looked like she was about to faint and that she was “very pale, almost sweaty”.

According to CNN, Hillary is physically fit to serve as president because, “Her personal physician said one year ago that she was physically fit to serve as president.”

That settles it then.

In the meantime, Americans are continuing to demand an impartial mental and physical health screening of Clinton under the hashtag #HillarysHealth.
Expert Analysis of Hillary Clinton’s Physical and Mental Breakdown

August 6, 2016 By Mike Cernovich —540 Comments

Link: http://www.dangerandplay.com/2016/08/06/hillary-clinton-stroke-seizure-coughing-fits/

[ck for vids at site link, above]

Hillary Clinton recently had a breakdown on TV. The media is of course covering this up rather than having an expert medical panel on to discuss her health. Yet what happened to Hillary was obviously a sign of a head injury and stroke.

When a protester appears, Hillary freezes. In psychology you learn that the flight-or-fight response is a myth. A stressful situation trigger a fight, flight, or freeze response.

“Freeze” is what we mean by saying someone has a “deer in the head lights look.” A prey animal freezes when it senses danger it cannot overcome and thus does not risk running away from. By freezing the deer hopes to not be seen.

Hillary Clinton health problems.43 AM

Yet freezing is an instinctual response, as anyone who has driven a car through deer land knows. When you drive, your headlights hit a deer, it stops. Your choice is to keep driving or to swerve away, risking your own life.

Hillary’s health problems are well-known among the Secret Service.

While still FROZEN, Hillary is rescued by a male Secret Service agent, who reassures her, “You’ll be OK.”

Notice how Hillary’s lips are pursed? She has completely frozen, and has lost control of her executive functions/pre-frontal cortex.

Hillary Clinton Stroke.22 AM

He then tells her, “Keep talking.” The agent gave Hillary Gorilla Mindset coaching on the spot, and she was finally able to continue.

As others observe, the Secret Service agent knew exactly what to do. This clearly wasn’t Hillary’s first breakdown.

You can watch the full video here.

Hillary has suffered a brain injury during a fall. She either had a stroke, causing her to fall, or the fall caused her stroke. (Doctors were unsure whether the fall was the cause or effect of the stroke.)

Hillary still suffers seizures. You can see her having a seizure here.

Hillary tries playing off the seizure by acting as if she had a “brain freeze.” As my medical experts explained to me, patients who suffer seizures become experts at playing it off.

Watch the full video of Hillary’s seizures here:

The media is covering up Hillary’s obvious health problems.

Hillary has frequent coughing fits, a side effect of her anti-seizure medication.

Coughin Hillary

Imagine if Trump had so much as a runny nose. CNN would impanel a group of medical experts to analyze his used tissues.

Yet when Hillary has a complete breakdown in public and suffers a seizure when talking to reporters, the press is silent.

Think what you will of Trump. This isn’t about Trump. This is about a media cover-up.

You deserve better media. You deserve journalists who tell both sides of the news and do not give a free pass to one candidate.

My media company is coming soon. Until then, become healthier than Hillary by reading Gorilla Mindset today.
Secret Service Whistleblower: Hillary Has Major Neurological Problems

Source says big announcement from Clinton campaign about her health coming soon

Paul Joseph Watson - August 15, 2016 23 Comments

Link: http://www.infowars.com/secret-service-whistleblower-hillary-has-major-neurological-problems/

A Secret Service source has told Infowars that Hillary Clinton has major neurological health problems and that a big announcement regarding her medical situation is coming soon.

The Secret Service source reached out to Infowars reporter Joe Biggs during the recent Republican National Convention in Cleveland and confirmed the following information;

– Hillary has a very serious neurological degeneration which could be Parkinson’s disease;

– Around half a million dollars has been spent to specially adapt three SUVs in which Hillary travels to provide lowered floors and disabled access to prevent Hillary from tripping.

– Hillary’s staff is so intent on keeping reporters away from Clinton because she is at risk of petit mal seizures that can be triggered by camera flashes;

– Hillary has major problems with balance, difficulties with walking and keeps falling down;

– Hillary’s campaign will be forced into making a big announcement soon regarding her medical condition;

– This information was offered by the source to other media outlets but they refused to run with it.

The revelations correlate with other information provided by federal agents and police officers who have worked security at Hillary events.

John Cardillo, a former officer who provided VIP security details for the New York Police Department (NYPD), said he was told by a federal agent and another NYPD officer who worked security at Hillary events that Hillary had major heath problems and was often dizzy and disoriented.

Questions about Hillary’s health are intensifying following the release of our viral video which asked why Clinton has been behaving strangely in recent weeks and months.

Despite leftist media outlets attempting to portray the entire issue as a baseless “conspiracy theory,” a Rasmussen poll released last week found that 59% of Americans would like to see the Clinton campaign release Hillary’s medical records.

Watch the clip below in which Alex Jones discusses the revelations made by the Secret Service whistleblower.