Hampstead HERESAY, Planting pedo into the yokels minds

Satanism 101

'Satan the accuser'

1. No proof.
2. Proof- The children lied.
3. The father makes (giant) dildo's in the shed. Finally recanting
without media pressure .
4. The mothers MK handler a RUSSIAN millionaire.
(Listen to the kids describe her.
Russians notorious for their street children throwaways and Child porn.)


Previous example:
Those 'Evil mean Germans Nazi's.

Yokels entreated to CHEER newsreels of the Dresden Holocaust,
and deliver in spades.
AND PAY to cover it up- HERESAY- 'Oswiecim' (Auschwitz) GASSING propaganda.

#1 Moneymaker for u.s. 'JC Christian' (Cath+Prot equal shares) churches.
Never met 'Jesus'- but HE existed- HERESAY.

How many are cheering ON 'pizzagate' HERESAY?
Ok monkeys- Lets ask the Fat organ grinder- A. Jones.

'Where attention goes energy flows.

Watch this hoax exposed here.

You don't care if its a lie,
Participating IN serving 'Pedophilia' 'pizza' IDEA= 100% Satanic- IT owns you.

Great displacement of Romes pedo priest fatality
Britain VS 'Your dear Church'

The sick telephone threat followed a five-hour distributed denial of service attack against the popular site earlier this week, the BBCreports. This DDoS attack was accompanied by an email from Serbia on Monday threatening that the assault would be intensified unless Blue Square paid €7,000 into an account. This DDoS attack was successfully thwarted only to be followed by a phone call to the firm's IT director from a man with an "East European accent" threatening to damage Blue Square's brand by distributing child porn material in its name unless money was handed over within 48 hours.


And if I drive out demons by Beelzebub by whom do your people drive them out? So then, they will be your judges.

'One mans daemons are another mans Angle'

1001 AM Chronos