Grinning Philadelphia nigger charged in jewelry sto robbery

Smilin' Jack

In remote rural (it can't happen here) Danville, PA

De ho still be on the loose, but we got de main mofugga!

"I felt something on the back of my neck and feared it was a gun. I thought my life was over. It was a stun gun that inflicted pain and I went down on the floor."

Dr. Michelle Olson, a surgeon at Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, testified she was picking up a ring she had sized at the store.

"Something cold was burning the side of my face that felt like peppery spray and the male sprayed it again on the other side of my face," Olson said.

(In the good old days, this boon would be blowin in the wind, dangling from a lamppost. Unfortunately, the streetlights today in Danville are antique replicas and straight. More to be lamented is that we are losing our civilization to the trash we report on here. We need a judicial system that permits the use of community self-reliance and extralegal punishment of these thuggish vermin. Once the perps are in custody and from then on, we have to reckon with the JCLU and the usual nigger protective agencies).

All of the victims were White. The perps were a boon and booness and probably a nig getaway driver who took the ho back to Philadelphia.
Phila cityman convicted in Danville robbery

Last year, a negro pair robbed a jewelry store in Danville,PA using pepper spray, taser, and duct tape. The buck was captured at the scene, but the ho got away. Later, the ho was visiting the jailed "suspect" without hindrance or apprehension by the local gendarmes. Eventually, she be caught too!

Now, he be tried an convicted by de raciss. But he have an explanation why he din do it:

Smith, who has been jailed since the robbery, testified that a Caucasian woman committed the robbery. He said the woman entered the shop ahead of him, that he heard women inside scream and that he was grabbed from behind and pepper-sprayed.:D

Smith said he heard a male voice in the shop. He later heard Danville police officer Gerard Zeidler Jr. enter and Smith said he told him: “I don’t know what is going on.â┚¬ :D

Smith said he ran out of the shop to try to appreh
end the Caucasian woman who he says robbed the store. He said he was screaming for help to stop her light-colored car, and that she was wearing a gray suit.:D

He tell why he be in de sto:

He said he was in Danville that day after he, and a Mr. Wallace and his son, got lost traveling from Williamsport, where Smith was working, to Philadelphia. Smith said Wallace stopped his pickup truck on Mill Street so Smith could buy earrings for his daughter.:D

(Wonder why he stole watches--he probably doesn't know how to use one.)