Golden Gate Estates, FL negro arrested for mutilating hamster


Senior News Editor since 2011

Sheriff’s office: Golden Gate Estates man arrested for mutilating hamster
Updated: February 2, 2021 10:42 PM EST


Monday, Collier County Sheriff’s Office arrested a Golden Gate Estates man for accusations that he dismembered hamsters.

According to a CCSO Facebook post, Christian Lee Hunter, 21, is accused of severing the head of a hamster he purchased from a pet store and then discarding it in a blood-smeared box.

“Animal cruelty can never be justified,” Collier County Sheriff Kevin Rambosk said in the post. “We are hopeful that we have addressed this situation and can connect this individual with mental health services.”

“They’re dead and in pieces, in a box. I think that’s a big problem,” neighbor Jason Exantus said. “It’s kinda disgusting and absurd.”

The dead hamster was found by a resident in the area. She told deputies that she had found several other boxes over the last year containing “sadistically mutilated” small animals.

“I think that’s crazy,” Exantus said. “I didn’t see him doing that, but I said he’s pretty quiet.”

Exantus lives right across the street from Hunter and was shocked to hear he was accused of the cruel treatment of animals.

“Why would he even want to do that? Was he in his right mind?” Exantus said. “There is little kids here. Some of them could have found that.”

Deputies were able to find Hunter as the suspect because the latest discovery included a receipt from a pet shop in Lee County.

The receipt showed the purchase of the hamster on Jan. 4 for $14.99. Deputies obtained surveillance footage of the purchase and saw a man with a mask and sunglasses but with a tattoo on their right forearm.