Feds move to seize 4 mosques, skyscraper


Senior Editor
Feds move to seize 4 mosques, skyscraper

NEW YORK — Federal prosecutors are taking steps to seize four U.S. mosques and a New York City skyscraper owned by a nonprofit Muslim organization. The organization — called the Alavi Foundation — has long been suspected of being under Iranian government control. Prosecutors say the foundation has been helping to illegally funnel money back to the Iranian government.

The government filed a forfeiture action in federal court in New York to seize four mosques in the city and in Maryland, California and Houston. The government also wants to take control of a 36-story office tower on New York's Fifth Avenue.

The filing starts what could be a drawn-out legal process.

The action against the Shiite Muslim mosques is sure to inflame relations between the U.S. government and American Muslims. Many of them are fearful of a backlash after last week's Fort Hood shooting rampage, blamed on a Muslim American soldier.

The mosques and the office tower will remain open while the forfeiture case works its way through court.


Carmichael Mosque Seized By Feds, Has Alleged Ties To Iran

SACRAMENTO - FOX40 News has learned a mosque and Islamic non-profit located in Carmichael is one of four buildings targeted by federal agents.

The mosque, located at 4836 Marconi Avenue, is being seized by federal agents who believe the organization may either receive funding or be in complete control by the government of Iran.

Agents seized four mosques nationwide and one New York skyscraper with alleged ties to Iran.

Generally, law enforcement agents do not seize places of worship or organization with religious ties, citing First Amendment rights to worship freely.