Disparities between black and white test scores



The latest figures reveal that, once again, there is wide gulf between the test scores of whites and racial minorities in Minneapolis's public schools. The Minneapolis school districtnow 73 percent non-whiteboasts significant numbers of blacks, Latinos, American Indians, and Asians. While Latinos, Asians, and American Indians outscored black students in the latest tests, the huge disparities between black and white test scores continue to puzzle black and white egalitarians alike.

(link from NNN reader)
Source: The Occidental Quarterly

Well, you know what the government solution will be: throw more money at the problem. If these people would just stop trying to find excuses for the obvious: they cannot generally compete, and should be in their own schools.

While Latinos, Asians, and American Indians outscored black students in the latest tests, the huge disparities between black and white test scores continue to puzzle black and white egalitarians alike.

Perhaps it's because I'm not an egalitarian, but I'm not puzzled at all.
