Dirty, nasty, vile 100% pure nigger shows kids

Expose Them All


Police: Ice Cream Man Shows Kids Porn; Asks Girls To Kiss

An ice cream truck driver in Mount Clemens, Mich., is accused of showing children nude photos of himself and offering free ice cream to two young girls if they kiss each other, according to a report.

Investigators say Michael Cain, 36, had lewd photos of himself on a camera-phone and showed them on his ice-cream route.


On one occasion, authorities said he offered two female teens free ice cream if they would kiss each other and he could snap their photo.

"He did have a phone and there were some very graphic photos on the individual on the phone himself," Macomb Coun

ty Sheriff Mark Hackel said. "So, we searched the vehicle and found many other different cards that were used to store pictures."

Mary Peters,
a parent in the neighborhood where Cain sold ice cream said the ice cream truck driver was a familiar face in the neighborhood. She was stunned when she saw him get arrested, which happened moments after she and her daughter purchased ice cream from him.

"I definitely thought he was a friendly man," Peters said. "I think it's horrible that a person like that was dealing with kids every day."

Authorities said even though ice cream truck drivers are associated with a wholesome image, you never really know who you're dealing with.

Authorities said Cain has a criminal record and has served prison time.


I can just picture this boon taking pics of his johbson with a cell phone camera. What a typical nigger..... Hang him today please!!


ps. I still want to pass a law that states that ANY crime committed against ANY white by ANY nigger is to be punished with the nigger being hung, no matter how small the offense. This is how drastic the law would need to be to put a stop to TNB and even then it would not stop entirely. Getting rid of the pestilence known as niggers is the ONLY true way to rid ourselves of TNB. I would be in favor of that.
