Coonhunt for spook wanted in abduction and sexual assault of teen at Krispy Kreme


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Police searching for suspect wanted in abduction and sexual assault
7:13 a.m. EDT October 20, 2015


RIVERDALE, Ga. -- Tyreek Bowers-Rivera is now considered the second most wanted person in Clayton County. The sheriff's office is saying he abducted a 13-year-old girl at gunpoint and sexually assaulted her after a carjacking.

It all started in a Krispy Kreme parking lost in Riverdale in Clayton County around 9 p.m. last Wednesday. The 13-year-old girl was in the backseat while her mother was in the store.

When mother came back out to her car, she found that a suspect had left with her car – and her daughter – leading family members and police on a race to find her.

911 dispatchers pinged the girl’s cell phone to a location where the suspect allegedly dropped her off in front of a school. But the suspect kept the car.