Clinton email headache is about to get worse - State Dept DESTROYS 6 Clinton Lies About Her Email


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Re: State Dept. FINDS hitlery VIOLATED law on e-mails

Clinton email headache is about to get worse


The Hill
Julian Hattem
6 hrs ago

A scathing inspector general's report this week was just the first in what is likely to be a series of official actions related to her private server stemming from the FBI, a federal courthouse and Capitol Hill.

Clinton's presidential campaign has failed to quiet the furor over the issue, which has dogged her for more than a year.

In the next few weeks - just as the likely Democratic presidential nominee hopes to pivot towards a general election - it will face its toughest scrutiny yet.

"All of that feeds into this overarching problem of public distrust of her," said Grant Reeher, a political science professor at Syracuse University.

"To put it in slang terms, she's got a pretty deeply held street rep at this point. This fits the street rep," he added.

The State Department's watchdog report was especially damaging, given the official nature of its source. The report claimed that Clinton never sought approval for her "homebrew" email setup, that her use of the system violated the department's record-keeping rules and that it would have been rejected had she brought it up to department officials.

Clinton's allies attempted to paint the office as partisan in the weeks ahead of the report's release, but the effort failed to leave a lasting impact.

For months, Clinton and her team have failed to offer a convincing explanation for the use of the private server, and she has steadfastly refused to apologize.

"I thought it was allowed," she said in an interview on CNN's "The Situation Room" this week, after the watchdog's report became public. "I knew past secretaries of state used personal email.

"It was still a mistake. If I could go back, I'd do it differently," she said.

Clinton and many of her top aides declined to take part in the inspector general's probe. But they won't have that option going forward.

On Friday, Clinton's former chief of staff Cheryl Mills was interviewed behind closed doors as part of a court case launched by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch. In coming weeks, longtime aide Huma Abedin, former IT specialist Bryan Pagliano and other officials are scheduled to answer questions under oath for sessions that could last as long as seven hours.

A federal judge this week preemptively blocked Judicial Watch from releasing videotapes of the upcoming depositions.

But the group this week released the transcript from its first interview, with longtime State Department veteran Lewis Lukens. And it plans to do the same thing following each of the upcoming depositions, providing fodder for weeks to come from some of the closest rings of Clinton's inner circle.

The court has said that Clinton herself may be forced to answer questions under oath, which would dramatically escalate the brouhaha surrounding the case.

At some point in the next month, the House Select Committee on Benghazi is also set to release its long-awaited report about the 2012 terror attack, which has been linked to Clinton.

The committee has pursued Clinton's emails to the extent that they relate to the violence in Libya, and the report is likely to stoke new ire about the matter. However, its two-year investigation has been marred by partisan bickering, and the report will likely be shrugged off by Democrats.

What is potentially profoundly more damaging for Clinton is the looming FBI investigation, exploring the possibility that she or her aides mishandled classified information.

More than 2,000 emails that Clinton gave the State Department from her private server have been classified at some level, and 22 were marked as "top secret" - the highest level of classification - and deemed too dangerous to release publicly even in a highly redacted form. However, none of the emails were marked as classified at the time they were sent, complicating the investigation into whether her setup thwarted any laws.

Abedin, Mills and other Clinton aides have reportedly been interviewed as part of the FBI case. And Clinton herself is due up for questioning at some point.

Legal experts appear skeptical that the Justice Department would hand down a criminal charge against Clinton, due to both the high legal hurdles involved and the intense political scrutiny surrounding the likely presidential nominee.

But that won't end the matter.

Republicans appear primed to cry foul if the FBI closes its investigation without handing down indictments or offering a public explanation. Senior lawmakers have already excoriated the Justice Department for failing to appoint a special prosecutor.

"It's clear that the attorney general, who serves at the pleasure of President Obama, is going to have very little incentive or intention to pursue the appropriate investigation," Sen. John Cornyn (Texas), the No. 2 Senate Republican, said on the chamber floor this week.

Other Senate Republicans, including Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) have launched their own investigations related to Clinton's email. Some of their findings, Grassley said this week, were at odds with those of the State Department's inspector general report.

"I will follow up to get to the bottom of these discrepancies because misrepresenting the facts to Congress is unacceptable," Grassley pledged.

How much the email issue hurts Clinton's electoral hopes remains an open question. Results of the June 7 primary contest in California, the nation's largest state, could offer some clues about whether the email scrutiny hurts her polling.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), her primary opponent, has stubbornly refused to address the issue, memorably declaring in October that people "are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails."

Recent events have disproved that claim.

And as she gears up for a general election, Clinton has to expect that Donald Trump won't be as kind.

Sanders "didn't pick up on the emails, which I think was a big mistake," the presumptive GOP nominee said on "Fox and Friends" last weekend.

"I'm going to pick up bigly."
Re: State Dept. FINDS hitlery VIOLATED law on e-mails

Criminal Hillary: State Department DESTROYS 6 Clinton Lies About Her Email Server


By: Ben Shapiro
May 25, 2016

Hillary Clinton, as we always knew, is a criminal.

The State Department Investigator General released an 83 page report on Hillary Clinton’s email practices as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013 – and ripped her over and over again for corrupt practices and lies.

Here are six of those lies, debunked:

1. Hillary said she set up the private server for convenience, not to shield her communications from public scrutiny. That isn’t true. The report notes:

In November 2010, Secretary Clinton and her Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations discussed the fact that Secretary Clinton’s emails to Department employees were not being received. The Deputy Chief of Staff emailed the Secretary that ‘we should talk about putting you on state email or releasing your email address to the department so you are not going to spam.’ In response, the Secretary wrote, ‘Let’s get separate address or device but I don’t want any risk of the personal being accessible.’”

2. Hillary told the public over and over again that her personal server was secure. That, it turns out, was a lie, as Lachlan Markay points out; the report quotes a "non-Departmental advisor to President Clinton who provided technical support to the Clinton email system, who notified Hillary’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, ‘We were attacked again so I shut [the server] down for a few min.'” The Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations also emailed the other staff and told them not to email “anything sensitive” to Hillary.

3. Hillary stated repeatedly that she had been helpful and transparent in this investigation. Now the IG reports, according to Politico, that Hillary and her top aide, Huma Abedin, “chose not to cooperate with the IG’s investigation.” When the State Department IG asked her representative to turn over missing emails, Hillary’s representative wrote that she had “provided the Department on December 5, 2014, with all federal email records in her custody.” According to the IG, four immediate staff members of Hillary’s refused to answer questions. Those staff, too, failed to comply with the Federal Records Act.

4. Hillary stated that she had turned over all relevant emails. Not so much. According to the IG report:

At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department business before leaving government service and, because she did not do so, she did not comply with the Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act….Secretary Clinton’s production was incomplete.

What kind of emails were missing? Any emails from January 21, 2009 to March 17, 2009 for received emails, and January 21, 2009 to April 12, 2009 for sent messages. The IG noted that emails held by other agencies were missing from Hillary’s document production.

5. Hillary said she used a Blackberry for convenience. But she was explicitly told in March 2009 that Blackberries could not be fully secured, and Secretary Clinton said she “gets it.” She didn’t stop using the Blackberry, however.

6. Hillary said she was cleared by the State Department to use her personal server. This was untrue. The report states:

OIG found no evidence that the Secretary requested or obtained guidance or approval to conduct official business via a personal email account on her private server…DS and IRM did not – and would not – approve her exclusive reliance on a personal email account to conduct Department business, because of the restrictions in the FAM and the security risks in doing so.

Further, Hillary didn’t seek to use “approved, secure methods to transmit [sensitive but unclassified] information.” She didn’t bother to demonstrate to the government that her “private server or mobile device met minimum information security requirements.” In fact, no State Department staff told the OIG that they had approved Hillary’s security system. Hillary didn’t just lie to the public about this. Her staff lied to the State Department directly, too.

There are legal penalties that attach to violating the Federal Records Act. Under 18 USC § 2071(b):

Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.

Legally, as Eugene Volokh explains, Hillary wouldn’t be formally disqualified from running for president. But any normal person who did what Hillary Clinton did here would spend time in jail and face severe fines, at the very least.

Thank goodness Hillary’s a Democrat, so she can violate America’s national security at will and get away with it.